332 research outputs found

    Disentangling older adults´ difficulties in person memory neurophysiological studies on face and name processing

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    Complaints about difficulties in person perception and memory are very common among older adults, and the ability to learn and recognize faces and names is known to decline with increasing age. However, it is not clear at present to what degree these deficits result from less efficient processing at early perceptual, representational, or episodic memory-related stages. In this thesis five experiments are presented, which aimed at investigating this issue by analyzing event-related brain potential correlates of person perception and memory. Overall, the results indicate that early perceptual face processing (as reflected in the N170) is relatively less affected by aging than later representational and memory-related stages (as reflected in N250, N400, and episodic old/new effects)

    Wilson pottery: pottery production in the context of enslavement in the South

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    Pre-Civil War Southern pottery was at time produced by slaves. This is true in the case of J. M. Wilson's pottery in Seguin, Texas. By cataloguing and researching materials from a small collection of excavated pottery, the function of various vessels will become evident. In addition, inferences can be made about why slaves chose to make this pottery, even after gaining their freedom due to the Emancipation Proclamation. Materials will be catalogued and analyzed using spreadsheets, then compared and contrasted. Both the similarities and differences between the sherds can reveal important facts about pottery production by enslaved peoples in the Southern United States. Overall, this research will fill a considerable gap in knowledge of pre-Civil War pottery production.B.S. (Bachelor of Science

    A Note from Guest Editors

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    Autistični poremećaj globalni je razvojni poremećaj koji počinje u djetinjstvu, većinom u prve tri godine života,te traje cijeli život zahvaćajući sve psihičke funkcije oboljelog. Kratka povijest autizma, bila je predmet brojnih istraživanja koja su pokrenula čitav niz literature na tu temu. U malo više od pedeset godina pronašli su se možebitni odgovori na pitanje zašto dolazi do te razvojne bolesti, no također su se pokrenuli i mitovi koji još dan danas okupiraju misli brojnih stručnjaka. [1] Za samu dijagnostiku autističnog poremećaja, postoje mnoge ''check liste'' za djecu s poremećajima u ponašanju. Liječenje kao i sve ostalo kod autizma nije specifično, postoje razne metode i pristupi zalječenju i ublažavanju simptoma.Autistic disorder is a global developmental disorder that starts in childhood, in the first three years of life, lasts the whole lifetime, and affects all mental functions of a person. Short history of autism was the subject of many researches. In just over fifty years experts in this field have found some answers about the cause of autism, but there are also myths that follow this disorder. For diagnostics of autism there are many types of ''check lists'' for children with behaviour problems. Treatment of autism is not specific, there are many methods for healing and relieving symptoms

    Preserved fine-tuning of face perception and memory: evidence from the own-race bias in high- and low-performing older adults

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    Previous research suggests specific deficits in face perception and memory in older adults, which could reflect a dedifferentiation in the context of a general broadening of cognitive architecture with advanced age. Such dedifferentiation could manifest in a less specialized face processing system. A promising tool to investigate the fine-tuning of face processing in older age is the own-race bias (ORB), a phenomenon reflecting more accurate memory for own-relative to other-race faces, which is related to an expertise-based specialization of early perceptual stages. To investigate whether poor face memory in older age is accompanied by reduced expertise-based specialization of face processing, we assessed event-related brain potential correlates of the ORB in high- vs. low-performing older adults (mean age = 69 years; N = 24 per group). Intriguingly, both older groups demonstrated an equivalent pattern of a behavioral ORB, and a parallel increase in N170 for other-race faces, reflecting less efficient early perceptual processing for this face category. Group differences only emerged independent of face ethnicity: whereas low-performers exhibited a right-lateralized N170, high-performers showed a more bilateral response. This finding may suggest a compensatory mechanism counteracting age-related decline in face perception enabling more efficient encoding into memory in high performers. Overall, our results demonstrate that even a less efficient face processing system in older adults can exhibit preserved expertise-related specialization toward own-race faces

    Milk Powder as an Ingredient for the Production of Milk Chocolate

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    Čokolada je visokovrijedna namirnica koja osim osnovnih hranjivih sastojaka sadrži i niz bioaktivnih sastojaka, za koje je dokazan pozitivan učinak na ljudsko zdravlje. Zbog velikog izbora različitih čokoladnih proizvoda na tržištu te sve većih zahtjeva potrošača za kvalitetom proizvoda koje konzumiraju, sve se više pažnje posvećuje unaprjeđenju postupka proizvodnje prehrambenih proizvoda, pa tako i čokolade. Pritom je izrazito važno poznavati svojstva svake sirovine u tehnološkom procesu proizvodnje nekog proizvoda kako bi se moglo očuvati ili zaštiti njegove, potencijalno djelotvorne sastojke. Mlijeko u prahu je osnovni sastojak mliječne čokolade (oko 20% ukupne mase) koji određuje senzorski profi l čokolade (okus, tekstura) i utječe na njezina fizikalno-kemijska i reološka svojstva, posebice svojstva tečenja, koja su vrlo bitna prilikom lijevanja čokoladne mase u kalupe, kao i dražiranja čokoladom. Ranije se za proizvodnju čokolade tradicionalno koristilo punomasno mlijeko u prahu sušeno na valjcima, zbog velikog udjela slobodne mliječne masti, no budući da je danas sušenje na valjcima zastarjeli postupak, sve više se pažnje usmjerava na sušenje mlijeka u prahu raspršivanjem. Međutim, za razliku od sušenja na valjcima, sušenjem raspršivanjem nastaje prah malog udjela slobodne mliječne masti, što je poželjno za proizvodnju gotovo svih vrsta prehrambenih proizvoda, osim čokolade. Ovaj rad pruža pregled uporabe različitih vrsta mlijeka u prahu u proizvodnji mliječne čokolade te njihov utjecaj na reološka, fizikalno-kemijska i senzorska svojstva čokolade.Chocolate is a high nutritive value food product, that beside dietary nutrients, provides a wide array of bioactive constituents, which exhibit positive effects on human health. Due to a great number of various chocolate products available on the market and growing consumer demands regarding their quality, there is an increasing interest in improvement of production processes of food products, hence as well chocolate. At the same time, it is crucial knowing the properties of every ingredient in the production of a product, so that the potentially benefi cal compounds could remain preserved. One of the main ingredients of milk chocolate (constituting about 20% of total weight of chocolate) is milk powder, which determines the sensory profi le of milk chocolate (fl avor, texture) and infl uences their physico-chemical and rheological properties, especially flow poperties, that are important for chocolate molding as well as chocolate coating. Traditionally, for the production of milk chocolate, roller dryed whole milk powder was used, due to its high free milk fat content, but since the use of roller drying for the production of milk powder is decreasing, the attention is directed to spray drying for that purpose. However, in comparison to roller drying, spray dryed milk powder contains a low content of milk fat in the resulting product, which is desirable in the production of almost all food products, except chocolate. This paper provides an overview of the application of various types of milk powders in the production of milk chocolate, as well as their impact on the rheological, physico-chemical and sensory characteristics of chocolate

    Demographic assumptions of the overall development of the Town of Lepoglava

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    Predmet istraživanja diplomskog rada temelji se na statističkoj i GIS analizi demografskih indikatora šesnaest naselja Grada Lepoglave. Stanovništvo je temeljni resurs kojim neki prostor raspolaže stoga su pozitivni ili barem stabilni demografski procesi neophodni za bilokakvo planiranje budućeg razvoja prostora. Na temelju dobivenih rezultata dokazana je prisutnost negativnih demografskih procesa temeljenih na prirodnoj depopulaciji, sve većem udjelu starog u ukupnom broju stanovnika te konačno, ukupne depopulacije koja dovodi do destabilizacijskih procesa u prostoru i do pitanja održivosti postojećih sustava na svim razinama. Glavni cilj rada jest s obzirom na demografsku sliku Grada ponuditi određene mjere usmjerene na stabilizaciju negativnih demografskih procesa i samim time optimalnoga ukupnog razvoja prostora.The subject of the thesis research is based on the statistical and GIS Analysis of demographic indicators of sixteen settlements of Lepoglava. Population is the basic resource available to some space, so positive or at least stable demographic processes are necessary for any future planning of space development. Based on the obtained results, the presence of negative demographic processes has been demonstrated, which has been indicated on the natural depopulation, the increasing share of the old population in the total population, and ultimately the total depopulation, which leads to destabilization processes in space and to the question of the sustainability of existing systems at all levels. The main goal of the work is to offer certain measures aimed at the stabilization of negative demographic processes and thus optimum overall development of the space given the demographic image of the Town

    Study of phenolic and volatile composition of white wine during fermentation and a short time of storage

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    The phenolic composition including hydroxybenzoic acids, hydroxycinnamic acids and flavan-3-ols was identified and quantified in all studied samples by using a reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) system coupled with diode array detection. Gallic, protocatechuic, p-coumaric and vanillic acids were the major phenolic substances in grape juice, whereas caffeic acid was the most abundant phenolic acid in the wine after a short time of storage. For more reliable results, the antioxidant activity of grape juice and wine was measured by β-carotene bleaching (BCB) and 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging methods.The content changes of volatile compounds in the grape juice and wine were determined by using headspace solid phase microextraction (HS-SPME) coupled with gas chromatography (GC/FID and GC/MS). Hexanal, (E)-2-hexenal, 2-ethyl-1-hexanol, 1-hexanol, (Z)-neroloxide and linalool were the most representative compounds determined in grape juice, whereas ethyl esters of hexanoic, octanoic, decanoic and dodecanoic acids, hexyl acetate, isoamyl acetate, as well as isobutanol, isoamyl alcohol and 1-hexanol were identified as the main compounds.


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    Cvjetača (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis L.)je dvogodišnja zeljasta biljka iz porodice Cruciferae (Brassicaceae).Proizvodnja povrća iz presadnica je sigurnija, prije dolazi do plodonošenja i berbe, a zbog ujednačenijeg rasporeda biljaka u polju formirani plodovi su krupniji i ujednačeniji Prinosi cvjetače za ranu proljetnu potrošnju mogu biti od 25-30 t/ha, a prinosi jesenskih sorti kreću se od 20-25 t/ha. Cilj istraživanja je ispitati vrstu supstrata kao i volumen na rast i razvoj korijena i nadzemnog dijela biljke-presadnice cvjetače. Pokus je bio postavljen u četiri ponavljanja, gdje su se koristila dva hibrida cvjetače i kontejneri različitog volumena supstrata. Za sjetvu cvjetače koristili su se hibridi Barcelona F1 i Skywalker F1. Od svake je sorte posijano po 40 biljaka u kontejner s 209 sjetvenih mjesta i 40 biljaka u kontejner sa 60 sjetvenih mjesta. Ovim istraživanjem ispitivali su se slijedeći parametri: utjecaj volumena supstrata te hibrida na visinu i masu nadzemnog dijela presadnice te dužinu i masu korijena presadnice cvjetače. Rezultatima pokusa utvrđeno je bolji razvoj presadnica cvjetače uzgajanih u sjetvenom mjestu većeg promjera što je rezultiralo većom masom korijena, masom nadzemnog dijela, visinom nadzemnog dijela te brojem listova kod oba istraživana hibrida.Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. Botrytis L.) is a biennial herbaceous plant of the family Cruciferae (Brassicaceae). Vegetable production of seedlings is more secure, before coming to harvesting, and because of the more balanced arrangement of plants in a field formed fruits are larger and more consistent yields of cauliflower for early spring consumption can be 25-30 t / ha, and yields fall varieties range from 20-25 t / ha. The aim of the research is to examine the types of substrates as well as volume growth and development of roots and above-ground part of the plant-cauliflower seedlings. The experiment was set up with four replications, where they used two hybrid cauliflower and containers of various volumes of substrate. For planting cauliflower were used hybrids Barcelona F1 and Skywalker F1. From each cultivar was sown at 40 plants in a container with 209 seeding of the 40 plants in a container with 60 seeding places. This study examined the following parameters: the impact of volume of substrate and hybrids on the height and weight of the overhead part of seedlings and root length and weight cauliflower seedlings. The results of the experiment showed a better development of seedlings of cauliflower grown in sowing place larger diameter resulting in greater mass of roots, mass above-ground parts, height above ground portions and the number of sheets in both studied hybrids