228 research outputs found

    Ratsutamisteraapia efekt insuldi järgselt tasakaalu ja kõnnikvaliteeedi parandamisele

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    Performance of Momentum and Contrarian Strategies in Commodity Markets

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    Momentum and contrarian anomalies have been detected in financial markets by multiple previous studies such as De Bondt & Thaler (1985) and Jegadeesh & Titman (1993). The effects of short-term continuation and long-term reversal have proven to be one of the strongest market anomalies and are shown to exist in different geographical areas and across various asset classes (Fuertes & Miffre: 2007; Assness, Moskowitz & Pedersen: 2013). The purpose of this thesis is to examine whether short-term continuation and long- term continuation exist in the commodity markets and do the strategies examined have a potential in portfolio diversification and inflation hedging. This thesis examines 16 short-term momentum and 9 long-term contrarian strategies in commodity markets. The data used in this thesis covers a time period of January 2000 to December 2018. The purpose is to examine if the strategies examined, are able to produce excess returns in various ranking and holding periods and are they sensitive to these factors. The profitability of the strategies is also tested by using a multifactor model which tests whether the returns of the strategies are compensations for the risk. The correlations between the returns of the strategies and asset classes such as bonds, equities and commodities is also examined. Furthermore, this thesis examines the possible inflation hedging properties of the strategies by examining the correlations between the strategy returns and inflation. The results obtained in this thesis suggest that the contrarian strategies in commodity markets are not able to produce excess returns. However, 12 out of the 16 momentum strategies are able to generate positive and significant returns with an average of 6.63% annually. Furthermore, the returns cannot be considered as compensation for the risk. In addition, the momentum strategies in commodity markets do have benefits in portfolio diversification due to the low correlation with other traditional asset classes. However, the results for the inflation hedging benefits are controversial and do not suggest that the strategies work in inflation hedging

    Design and information considerations for holographic television

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    Thesis (M.S.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Architecture, 1988.Title as it appeared in MIT Graduate list, June, 1988: Information and design considerations for holographic television.Includes bibliographical references.Supported by the USWEST Advanced Technology, Inc.by Joel S. Kollin.M.S

    The White Plague Returns: Law and the New Tuberculosis

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    Tuberculosis (TB) rates in the United States have increased dramatically over the past decade. The most disturbing aspect of the disease\u27s resurgence is the rising prevalence of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB), which is frequently fatal and is far more difficult to treat than conventional TB. To combat the spread of the disease, state legislatures throughout the country are rewriting outdated tuberculosis control laws. Many public health officials have suggested that in order to control MDR-TB effectively, modem TB statutes must grant the state the ability to detain even non-infectious patients who may develop MDR-TB in the future. This Comment examines the science and treatment of the new tuberculosis and argues that the detention of non-infectious TB patients will satisfy substantive due process concerns only if such detention is based upon overt acts of past dangerous behavior and if the state has attempted to employ less restrictive alternatives to treat the patient prior to detention

    Marine shoreline armor in King County, 2005-2015

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    Puget Sound marine shorelines provide Pacific salmon habitat for migration, juvenile rearing, feeding, and refuge. These shorelines are also used as the primary spawning habitat for Pacific sand lance and surf smelt, two forage fish species consumed by many higher level predators including Chinook salmon. Marine nearshore degradation from armoring (bulkheads, sea walls, etc.) and concurrent vegetation loss have detrimental impacts on the survival of salmon. Since the listing of wild Puget Sound Chinook salmon as threatened under the Endangered Species Act in 1999, local efforts have been made in the Puget Sound to improve salmon habitats and recover populations. The 2005 Salmon Habitat Plan adopted by jurisdictions within the Green/Duwamish River and Central Puget Sound Watershed in Western Washington has a primary goal to reduce the amount of shoreline armoring and intertidal fill. To evaluate the progress of the plan’s implementation, we examined two questions: What was the extent of intertidal fill associated with shoreline armoring when the Salmon Habitat Plan was initiated in 2005, and how has the shoreline changed in the ten years since the plan was adopted? Shorelines were mapped using aerial imagery. The extent and area of intertidal fill changes were compared between 2005 and 2015. Results showed a gain of 54,031 ft2 of intertidal habitat since 2005 from restoration efforts. However, there was also a loss of approximately 26,460 ft2 of intertidal habitat. There was no net loss of intertidal habitat with a net gain of 27,571 ft2, representing 51% of the full potential gains that could have been achieved with zero fill. The majority of intertidal area losses were attributed to expansions of existing armored shorelines associated with repairs and rebuilds. This analysis method of quantifying shoreline conditions is a useful tool that provides critical information for tracking and developing adaptive management plans

    User perceptions of privacy risks regarding location-based services

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    Location-based Services (LBS) are widespread nowadays and with the rise of smartphones and other mobile-devices they are expected to be used in ever more applications by ever more users. There are clear opportunities this technology provides, nevertheless there are always privacy concerns when it comes to the identification of an individual’s location. This paper provides an overview of user privacy risks regarding LBS. Based on a privacy taxonomy, it shows the gaps that exist in the literature, which could be of interest in further research to gain an even better understanding of privacy concerns of users and as a result their willingness to use LBS

    Kaikille avoin liikuntaleiri – sähköisen oppaan kehittäminen järjestäjille ja ohjaajille

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    Opinnäytetyömme tarkoituksena oli suunnitella ja järjestää kaikille avoin liikuntaleiri sekä kehittää sähköinen opas liikuntaleirin järjestäjille ja ohjaajille. Toimeksiantajanamme oli Kajaanin Ammattikorkeakoulussa toimiva liikunta-alan oppimisympäristö Myötätuuli. Myötätuulen tavoitteena olivat liikuntaleiritoiminnan kehittäminen, leiritarjonnan monipuolistaminen sekä taloudellisen hyödyn saaminen. Tavoitteenamme oli oppia soveltamaan liikuntamuotoja yksilön tarpeiden mukaisesti, tuntea erityistä tukea tarvitsevien lasten liikunnassa huomioon otettavat tekijät ja oppia toimimaan asiantuntijana liikunta-alan organisaatiossa. Opinnäytetyömme on tuotteistamisprosessi. Järjestimme kesällä 2015 kaikille avoimen liikuntaleirin 6-10 – vuotiaille lapsille. Teoreettisen tiedon, käytännön kokemusten ja leirillä kerätyn palautteen pohjalta kehitimme sähköisen oppaan. Viimeistelyvaiheessa teimme oppaaseen korjauksia asiantuntijapalautteen perusteella. Opas sisältää tietoa liikuntaleirin järjestämisestä, markkinoinnista ja soveltavan liikunnan ohjaamisesta. Opas on suunnattu liikuntaleirijärjestäjille ja erityistä tukea tarvitsevien lasten liikuntaa ohjaaville. Tavoitteenamme oli tehdä oppaasta selkeä ja käy-tännöllinen. Selkeää ja käytännöllistä opasta on helppo lukea, se perustuu aitoihin kokemuksiin ja kohtaa toimeksiantajan tarpeet. Lisätäksemme oppaan luotettavuutta, toteutimme alkukartoituksen kahdessa peruskoulussa neljälle eri pienluokalle. Tarkoituksena oli selvittää erityistä tukea tarvitsevien lasten mieluisimmat leirisisällöt. Alkukartoituksen perusteella mieluisimmat sisällöt olivat musiikkiliikunta, luontoliikunta, palloilu, vesiliikunta ja temppuilu. Soveltaessaan liikuntaa erityistä tukea tarvitseville lapsille ohjaajan tulee huomioida lasten yksilölliset tarpeet ja valita lasten vahvuuksia tukevat liikuntasisällöt. Ohjaajan tulee myös huolehtia esteettömyydestä, inkluusiosta sekä valita lapsien tarpeisiin ja taitoihin sopivia välineitä sekä kiinnittää huomiota erityisesti sosioemotionaalisiin tavoitteisiin. Jatkokehitysaiheina opinnäytetyöllemme voisivat olla soveltavan liikunnan sisältöjen suunnittelu, tai erityistä tukea tarvitsevien lasten vanhemmille suunnattu opas, joka antaisi ideoita erityistä tukea tarvitsevien lasten liikuntaan. The purpose of this thesis was to organize an all accessible sports camp and develop an electronic guidebook for camp organizers and instructors. The commissioner was Myötätuuli, a School of Sports learning environment at Kajaani University of Applied Sciences. The commissioner’s objectives were to develop sports camp activities, to diversify camp services and to increase the profitability of the services provided. The authors’ objectives were to learn to adapt physical activities to meet individual clients’ needs, to know the factors which have to be con-sidered when organizing sports activities for children with special needs, and to learn to work as experts in a sports organization. This thesis was functional. In summer 2015 an all accessible sports camp was organized for 6-10-year-old children. The purpose was to plan and develop an electronic guidebook for future camp organizers and instructors based on field-specific knowledge, experiences and received feedback about the camp. Some adjustments based on expert feedback were made in the guidebook in the finishing phase. The electronic guidebook includes practical information about organizing and marketing a sports camp, and instructing adapted physical activities. The guidebook is directed for organizers and instructors of sports camps for children with special needs. The guidebook is explicit and practical, easy to read and based on real experiences; therefore it meets the commissioner’s needs. To increase of the reliability of the guidebook, a research to establish the most popular sports camp activities among children with special needs was conducted in two elementary schools. The results showed that the most popular activities were musical exercise, nature adventures, ball sports, water sports and gymnastics. These activities became the themes of this sports camp. In order to adapt physical activities, a sports instructor needs to take every child’s personal needs into account. The instructor should choose activities that support children’s strengths, take care of accessibility, inclusion and proper equipment and take especially the socioemotional objectives into account. Planning more specific contents for adapted physical activities or developing a guidebook for parents with children who need adapted physical activities could be topics that future research could focus on

    Snoqualmie Valley agricultural production district riparian restoration and Ag partnership building: EMDS pilot project

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    This project occurred at the tail end of a broader King County engagement effort in the Snoqualmie River Valley between farming, fish, and flood risk reduction interests that recognized large scale riparian restoration could have a broad effect on the amount of land being used for agriculture. King County worked with the US Forest Service, the King Conservation District and local farmers to develop an Ecosystem Management Decision Support (EMDS) model to transparently and quantitatively evaluate the value of 10 miles of the Snoqualmie River for riparian restoration and agricultural land value. This approach allowed the county to focus its easement acquisition efforts in areas with the highest riparian value. However, the agricultural component did not work as planned and a qualitative approach was used to define areas of low agricultural land value. The county is currently working to acquire a limited number of easements