68 research outputs found


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    U radu je teorijski obrađeno društveno odgovorno poslovanje u Studentskom centru Split te kako se isto odražava na zadovoljstvo zaposlenika, zatim je u empirijskom dijelu rada anketiranjem ispitano zadovoljstvo zaposlenika u Studentskom centru Split. Društvena odgovornost je koncept prema kojem poduzeća integriraju brigu za okoliš i društvo. Začeci društvene odgovornosti vežu se za velike kompanije kao nov način poslovanja u kojem se pokazuje briga za okoliš i svoje zaposlenike. Trend društveno odgovornog poslovanja nastavlja se jer tvrtke posljednje vrijeme ulažu brojne napore ne bi li se koncept društvene odgovornosti prihvatio budući da se društveno odgovorno poslovanje smatra važnim sredstvom za ostvarivanje ciljeva poduzeća. Cilj ovoga rada je bio istražiti društvenu odgovornost u Studentskom centru Split te kako se odražava na zadovoljstvo zaposlenika. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju zadovoljstvo zaposlenika centra, a uvidom u internu dokumentaciju može se vidjeti kako se društvena odgovornost dobro provodi u Studentskom centru.The subject of the thesis is socially responsible business at the Split Student Center. The paper deals with socially responsible business and is reflected in the employee's satisfaction. Social responsibility is the concept by which companies integrate care for the environment and society. Corporate social responsibility links to big companies as a new way of doing business that shows concern for the environment and its employees. The trend of socially responsible business continues because companies have recently made a lot of efforts to accept the concept of social responsibility since socially responsible business is considered an important means of achieving company goals. The aim of this paper was to explore social responsibility at the Split Student Center and to reflect the employee's satisfaction. The results of the research show that the employees of the center are satisfied and that, in view of the internal documentation, they see social responsibility well implemented at the Student Center

    Rozalice as a Miniature form of Oral Literature

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    Rozanje je glazbeni izričaj karakterističan za područje Karlovačkog Pokuplja. Poseban je način pjevanja koji je uvršten na Listu nematerijalne kulturne baštine Republike Hrvatske. Rozalice su usmeni književni tekstovi koji se izvode načinom rozanja. Drugim riječima, rozalice su glavno sredstvo prenošenja određenih poruka recipijentima tijekom rozanja. Tekstove rozalica tijekom povijesti osmišljavali su pojedinci za vrijeme fizičkog rada, svadbenih svečanosti, prela i sličnih događanja. Dio su usmene književnosti kojima se u obliku deseteračkih distiha prenose običaji i vrednote jedne zajednice. Rozalica je minijaturni oblik koji je satkan od mnoštvo tema i motiva. Navedena lirska minijatura vrlo je slična poslovicama. Prema prikupljenoj, djelomičnoj građi ZAKUD-a, ponudila sam moguću klasifikaciju rozalica prema Kekezovu modelu klasifikacije poslovica. Rozalice su na taj način klasificirane prema ljubavnom, religijskom, sociološkom, etnološkom te glazbenom semantičkom polju

    Poduzetnički projekt na primjeru male pivovare

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    Poduzetnik je osoba koja, preuzimajući rizik, organizira i vodi poduzetnički pothvat sa ciljem ostvarenja profita. Otvaranje male pivovare je najkraći put do posjedovanja vlastitog pivarskog biznisa koji omogućava eksperimentiranje s različitim vrstama piva. Za to je neophodno imati poslovni plan kojim će se prikupiti potrebna investicijska sredstva, razviti strategija, preteći konkurencija i unaprijediti poslovanje. Rastući trend craft pivarstva u Hrvatskoj otvara priliku i Pivovari Ninkasi da se probije na tržište. Pivovara Ninkasi je mala nezavisna pivovara na području grada Karlovca a nalazi se u vlasništvu inženjerke pivarstva Ivane Kolić. Od zaposlenika su još potrebna i dva majstora pivara te jedan pomoćni radnik. Pivo će se variti u malim uvarcima od 500 l. Proizvodit će se dvije glavne linije proizvoda: piva Ninkasi Blond Ale i Ninkasi Porter. Proizvodi će se prodavati u kegovima od 25 i 50 l i distribuirati u lokalne barove. Cijena proizvoda će se temeljiti na troškovima proizvodnje i distribucije, konkurenciji i potražnji. Strategija marketinga će predstavljati kombinaciju televizijskih i radio oglasa, internet marketinga, direktnog marketinga, odnosa s javnošću i promocije na lokalnim događanjima. Sveukupna vrijednost projekta je 1.062.770,00 kn od čega stalna sredstva potrebuju ulaganja od 944.000,00 kn a obrtna sredstva 118.770,00 kn. Projekt će se financirati iz vlastitih i vanjskih izvora, odnosno bankarskog kredita u iznosu od 700.000,00 kn. Iz petogodišnjeg plana projekta, vidljivo je da će u prvih pet godina poslovanja Pivovara ostvariti ukupne prihode od 9.289.211,68 kn od čega 765.648,45 kn čiste dobiti, a ocjene učinkovitosti projekta potvrđuju njegovu isplativost.An entrepreneur is a person who organizes and manages a business undertaking, assuming the risk for the sake of profit. Starting a small brewery is the shortest way to owning your own brewing business that gives the opportunity to experiment with different types of beer. A business plan is highly necessary to gather investment assets, develope strategy, surpass competitors and grow your business. The current growing beer crafting trend in Croatia presents an opportunity for Ninkasi Brewery to penetrate the market. Ninkasi Brewery is a small brewery located in Karlovac that is solely owned by an engineer of brewing Ivana Kolić. Personels will consist of two brewmasters and one labourer. The beer will be crafted in small 500 l batches. Initial plan is to produce two main lines of products: Ninkasi Blond Ale and Ninkasi Porter. These products will be sold in 25 and 50 l kegs and distributed to local bars. The pricing of products will be based on cost, competition and demand. The marketing strategy will be a combination of TV and radio advertising, Internet marketing, direct marketing, public relations and promotion at local events. The overall value of the project is 1.062.770,00 kn of which fixed assets require the investment of 944.000,00 kn and current assets 118.770,00 kn. The project will be financed from its own sources, as well as external sources of bank loan in the amount of 700.000,00 kn. The five-year project plan shows that in the first five years the Brewery will achieve a total income of 9.289.211,68 kn of which 765.648,45 kn net profit. The evaluation of effectiveness of the project confirmed its profitability

    Association study of the variants and transcription levels of genes of the leptin signaling pathway (LEP, LEPR and PGC1A), antioxidant protection (SOD2) and inflammation (TNF-α) with the onset risk and clinical course of multiple sclerosis

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    Hormon i adipocitokin leptin (LEP) moţe učestvovati u patogenezi multiple skleroze (MS) delovanjem na produkciju potentnog proinflamatornog citokina, TNF-α, aktivnost transkripcionog koaktivatora PGC1A i produkciju ključnog enzima antioksidativne zaštite, SOD2. Predmet studije je genetičko-epidemiološka analiza asocijacije varijanti LEP rs7799039, LEPR rs1137101 i PGC1A rs8192678 i nivoa transkripcije gena LEP signalnog puta (LEP, LEPR i PGC1A), antioksidativne zaštite (SOD2) i inflamacije (TNF-α) sa nastankom i kliničkim tokom (relapsno-remitentna, RR i sekundarno progresivna, SP) MS. Genotipizacija varijanti i određivanje relativnih nivoa ciljnih iRNK u perifernim mononuklearnim leukocitima urađeni su metodom kvantitativne lančane reakcije polimeraze (qPCR) uz primenu TaqMan® eseja. Analizom tri ispitivane varijante u multiploj logističkoj regresiji, po dominantnom modelu nasleđivanja, utvrđen je povišen rizik za nastanak MS kod nosilaca ređeg alela, A, varijante u PGC1A. Kod muškaraca sa MS, ustanovljena je asocijacija ređeg alela, G, varijante u LEPR sa značajno povišenim vrednostima kliničkog parametra MSSS, u odnosu na muškarce sa genotipom AA, što sugeriše na potencijalni polno-zavisni uticaj varijante na teţinu bolesti. Nivo LEP iRNK je značajno povišen, a nivoi LEPR i PGC1A iRNK značajno sniţeni kod pacijenata sa RR MS, u odnosu na kontrole, što ukazuje na povezanost promena transkripcije ovih gena sa nastankom RR MS. Utvrđenom porastu nivoa LEP iRNK kod pacijenata moţe doprineti ređi alel, A, varijante u LEP. Aktivnost gena moţe biti povezana sa teţinom bolesti, pošto je pokazano da LEPR iRNK i MSSS pozitivno korelišu. Rezultati studije ukazuju da varijante i promene nivoa iRNK gena LEP, LEPR i PGC1A mogu da utiču na nastanak i teţinu kliničke slike MS.Hormone and adipocytokine leptin (LEP) may participate in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis (MS) by affecting the production of a potent proinflammatory cytokine, TNF-α, activity of transcription coactivator PGC1A and production of a key antioxidant enzyme, SOD2. The objective of the study was genetic epidemiological analysis of association of LEP rs7799039, LEPR rs1137101 and PGC1A rs8192678 variants and transcription levels of genes of LEP signaling pathway (LEP, LEPR and PGC1A), antioxidant protection (SOD2) and inflammation (TNF-α), with the onset risk and clinical course (relapsing-remitting, RR and secondary progressive, SP) of MS. Genotyping of variants and determination of relative levels of target mRNAs in peripheral mononuclear leukocytes were performed by quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) using TaqMan® assays. Multiple logistic regression of three examined variants, by dominant model of inheritance, revealed an increased risk of MS in carriers of minor, A, allele of PGC1A variant. In men with MS, LEPR minor, G, allele was associated with higher values of the clinical parameter MSSS, compared to men with genotype AA, suggesting a potential sex-dependent effect of LEPR variant on disease severity. LEP mRNA was increased, while LEPR and PGC1A mRNA levels were decreased in patients with RR MS, compared to controls, indicating the association of transcription changes of these genes with the development of RR MS. LEP minor, A, allele may contribute to the determined increase in LEP mRNA levels in patients. Gene activity may be linked with disease severity, as LEPR mRNA and MSSS were shown to correlate. The results indicate that variants and changes in transcription levels of LEP, LEPR and PGC1A genes may affect the onset and severity of MS. Key words: multiple sclerosis, gene, variant, transcription, LEP, LEPR, PGC1A, SOD2, TNF-

    Melasma – Updated Treatments

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    Melasma is a common, acquired facial skin disorder, mostly involving sun-exposed areas like cheeks, forehead and upper lip. Melasma occurs in both sexes, although almost 90 percent of the affected are women. It is more common in darker skin types (Fitzpatrick skin types IV to VI) especially Hispanics/Latinos, Asians and African-Americans. The onset of the melasma is at puberty or later, with exception of darker skin types, who tend to develop this problem in the first decade of life. The etiology is still unknown, although there are a number of triggering factors related to the onset of melasma. The most important are sun-exposure and genetic factors in both sexes, while hormonal activity has more important role in females. In addition, stress and some cosmetic products and drugs containing phototoxic agents can cause outbreaks of this condition. Melasma should be treated using monotherapies or combination of therapy, mainly fixed triple or dual combinations containing hydroquinone, tretinoin, corticosteroids or azelaic acid. Modified Kligman’s formula is also very effective. Above mentioned therapy regimens in combination with UVA and UVB blocking sunscreens are mostly effective in epidermal melasma. Discontinuation of the use of birth control pills, scented cosmetic products, and phototoxic drugs coupled with UV protection are also benefitial in clearing of melasma. Alternative treatment including chemical peels and glicolic acid, seem to have the best result as a second line treatment after bleaching creams. Laser treatments show limited efficacy and should rarely be used in the treatment of melasma. Combining topical agents like hydroquinone, tretinoin and a corticosteroid in addition to sun avoidance, regular use of sunscreen throughout the year and patient education is the best treatment in this difficult to treat condition

    Goal orientation, self-handicapping and self-efficacy of highschool students

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    Cilj je ovog istraživanja bio ispitati postoji li razlika između dviju vrsta orijentacije na izvedbu, tj. orijentacije na izvedbu i orijentacije na izbjegavanje izvedbe, te utvrditi jesu li i na koji način orijentacija na izvedbu i orijentacija na učenje povezani sa samoefikasnošću kao pozitivnim obrazovnim ishodom, samohendikepiranjem kao negativnim obrazovnim ishodom, te školskim uspjehom. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 400 učenika triju srednjih škola iz Zadra: gimnazije, Medicinske i Pomorske škole. Iz Skale uzoraka adaptivnog u_enja (PALS, Midgley i sur., 2000) korištena je revidirana verzija Skale učeničkih ciljnih orijentacija i dvije podljestvice iz Skale ponašanja, vjerovanja i stavova povezanih sa školom i to Akademska samoefikasnost i Akademsko samohendikepiranje. Faktorska analiza skale pokazala je da se ne mogu razlikovati dvije vrste orijentacije na izvedbu. Orijentacija na znanje i orijentacija na izvedbu u blagoj su korelaciji kod učenika u sve tri škole. Orijentacija na znanje povezana je sa samoefikasnošću u sve tri škole, a sa školskim uspjehom na uzorcima gimnazijalaca i učenika Medicinske škole. Orijentacija na izvedbu također je povezana sa samoefikasnošću na sva tri uzorka, ali je na uzorcima gimnazijalaca i Pomorske škole povezana i sa samohendikepiranjem. Kod gimnazijalaca sve su varijable bile značajno povezane sa školskim uspjehom, a kao značajani samostalni prediktori školskog uspjeha izdvojili su se orijentacija na znanje i samoefikasnost.The aim of this study was to examine whether there is a difference between two aspects of performance goal orientation – a performance approach and a performance avoidance orientation. The aim was also to examine the relationship of performance and learning goal orientations with self-efficacy, self-handicapping and school achievement. The participants were 400 students from three high schools in Zadar: the gymnasium and the medical and maritime high schools. Revised versions of the Personal Achievement Goal Orientation Scale, Academic Self-efficacy Scale and Academic Self-handicapping Scale from Patterns of adaptive learning scales (PALS, Midgley et al., 2000) were applied. Factor analysis showed that there is no difference between two aspects of performance goal orientation. Learning and performance goal orientations were related in all three samples. Learning goal orientation was related to self-efficacy in all three schools and with school achievement in the medical and maritime high-schools. Also performance goal orientation was related to self-efficacy in all three schools, but it was also related to self-handicapping in the gymnasium and maritime high school. All variables were related to school achievement for the gymnasium students and learning goal-orientation and self-efficacy were found to be significant predictors of school achievement

    Melasma – Updated Treatments

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    Melasma is a common, acquired facial skin disorder, mostly involving sun-exposed areas like cheeks, forehead and upper lip. Melasma occurs in both sexes, although almost 90 percent of the affected are women. It is more common in darker skin types (Fitzpatrick skin types IV to VI) especially Hispanics/Latinos, Asians and African-Americans. The onset of the melasma is at puberty or later, with exception of darker skin types, who tend to develop this problem in the first decade of life. The etiology is still unknown, although there are a number of triggering factors related to the onset of melasma. The most important are sun-exposure and genetic factors in both sexes, while hormonal activity has more important role in females. In addition, stress and some cosmetic products and drugs containing phototoxic agents can cause outbreaks of this condition. Melasma should be treated using monotherapies or combination of therapy, mainly fixed triple or dual combinations containing hydroquinone, tretinoin, corticosteroids or azelaic acid. Modified Kligman’s formula is also very effective. Above mentioned therapy regimens in combination with UVA and UVB blocking sunscreens are mostly effective in epidermal melasma. Discontinuation of the use of birth control pills, scented cosmetic products, and phototoxic drugs coupled with UV protection are also benefitial in clearing of melasma. Alternative treatment including chemical peels and glicolic acid, seem to have the best result as a second line treatment after bleaching creams. Laser treatments show limited efficacy and should rarely be used in the treatment of melasma. Combining topical agents like hydroquinone, tretinoin and a corticosteroid in addition to sun avoidance, regular use of sunscreen throughout the year and patient education is the best treatment in this difficult to treat condition

    Projekt „Tragovi prošlosti vidljivi u sadašnjosti”, Ekonomska škola Mije Mirkovića Rijeka

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    Fever-induced seizures: where are we today?

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    Febrilne konvulzije su najčešći konvulzivni poremećaj. Obično predstavljaju samolimitirajući poremećaj bez dugoročnih posljedica. Međutim, mogu predstavljati početak epilepsije stoga je rastući broj epilepsijskih sindroma povezanih sa febrilnim konvulzijama. Ovi sindromi prezentiraju se od samoograničavajućih i medikamentima kontroliranih entiteta do teških epileptičkih encefalopatija. Razumijevanje spektra poremećaja povezanih s febrilnim konvulzijama doprinosi dijagnozi koja zauzvrat nudi informacije o terapijskoj paradigmi, prognozi i genetičkom savjetovanju.Febrile seizures are the most common seizure disorder. Usually represent only limiting disorder with no long-term consequences. However, it can represents the beginning of epilepsy, in therefore a growing number of epileptic syndromes associated with febrile seizures. These syndromes are presented by self-limiting and medication controlled entities to severe epileptic encephalopathy. Understanding spectrum disorders associated with febrile seizures contributes diagnosis, which in turn provides information on the therapeutic paradigm, prognosis and genetic counseling