7 research outputs found
On the Interplay between Consumer Dispositions and Perceived Brand Globalness: Alternative Theoretical Perspectives and Empirical Assessment
Although prior research is congested with constructs intended to capture consumers’ dispositions toward globalization and global/local products, their effects appear to replicate with difficulty, and little is known about the underlying theoretical mechanisms. This investigation revisits the relationship between prominent consumer dispositions (consumer ethnocentrism, cosmopolitanism, global/local identity, globalization attitude) and perceived brand globalness as determinants of consumer responses to global brands. Drawing on selective perception and social identity theories, the authors consider several theory-based model specifications that reflect alternative mechanisms through which key consumer dispositions relate to brand globalness and affect important brand-related outcomes. By employing a flexible model that simultaneously accounts for moderating, mediating, conditional, and direct effects, we empirically test these rival model specifications. A meta-analysis of 264 effect sizes obtained from 13 studies with 23 unique data sets and a total sample of 1,410 consumers raises concerns regarding the (potentially overstated) utility of consumer dispositions for explaining consumer responses to global brands. It also reveals a need for further conceptual contemplation of their function in international consumer research and managerial practice
Consumer brand identification
Odnos med porabniki in blagovnimi znamkami je pomembno raziskovalno področje v trženju. Ugotovitev, da porabniki z blagovnimi znamkami tkemo odnose, podobne medčloveškim, je spremenila tok raziskovanja v trženju, ki se od takrat usmerja tudi v proučevanje odnosov med porabniki in blagovnimi znamkami. Na osnovi porabnikove potrebe po edinstvenosti in modela stereotipov iz socialne psihologije ugotavljamo, kako porabnikova potreba po edinstvenosti in njegovi stereotipi o tipičnih uporabnikih blagovne znamke vplivajo na njegovo identifikacijo z blagovno znamko. Ugotovitve raziskave, ki v središče postavlja porabnikove najljubše blagovne znamke, kažejo, da je za identifikacijo porabnika z blagovno znamko z vidika edinstvenosti pomembna drugačnost blagovne znamke, z vidika stereotipov pa kompetentnost tipičnih uporabnikov blagovne znamke. Na podlagi raziskave predstavljamo smernice za skrbnike blagovnih znamk, ki želijo s porabniki stkati močne vezi na podlagi identifikacije
Do brand warmth and brand competence add value to consumers?
Contributing to the literature on brand stereotyping, we draw on the Stereotype Content Model to investigate whether the content of the brand stereotype (in terms of warmth and competence) impacts consumers\u27 perceptions of functional, emotional and social value. In doing so, we explicitly account for the brand\u27s level of perceived globalness (PBG) and localness (PBL) as known influences on both stereotype content and value perceptions. Across two studies, we find that brand warmth consistently and positively impacts functional and emotional value, whereas brand competence enhances functional value. The impact of the stereotyping dimensions on value is subsequently reflected in increased purchase intentions and higher brand ownership. Surprisingly, none of the latter outcomes is affected by social value. Our findings corroborate previous research showing that PBG and PBL are important drivers of brand stereotype content, but also reveal that brand warmth has a stronger impact on behavioral outcomes than brand competence
Povezanost družbenih omrežij, motivacije za vadbo, zaupanja in ponovnega nakupa v industriji fitnesa
Our goal in this study was to examine the structural relationships between social media fun, social media informativeness, exercise motivation, trust, and repurchase intention. Participants, all of whom were members of fitness center, completed surveys to assess these relationships. Results showed that both social media fun and social media informativeness had a positive impact on trust, but not on repurchase intention. Social media fun has a significantly positive influence on exercise motivation, but we could not confirm this for social media informativeness. Moreover, our results show that only social media fun has a positive influence on exercise motivation. We could not confirm the influence of motivation on trust. Finally, we confirmed that trust predicts repurchase intention for fitness center members.Naš cilj v tej raziskavi je bil preučiti strukturne odnose med zabavnostjo družbenih medijev, informativnostjo družbenih medijev, motivacijo za vadbo, zaupanjem in namero ponovnega nakupa. Udeleženci, ki so bili vsi člani fitnes centrov, so izpolnili ankete za oceno teh odnosov. Rezultati so pokazali, da ima tako zabavnost družbenih medijev kot tudi informativnost družbenih medijev pozitiven vpliv na zaupanje, vendar ne na namero ponovnega nakupa. Zabavnost družbenih medijev pozitivno vpliva na motivacijo za vadbo, medtem ko tega nismo mogli potrditi za informativnost družbenih medijev. Poleg tega naši rezultati kažejo, da ima le zabavnost družbenih medijev pozitiven vpliv na motivacijo za vadbo. Vpliva motivacije na zaupanje nismo mogli potrditi. Nazadnje smo potrdili, da zaupanje napoveduje namero ponovnega nakupa med člani fitnes centrov
The bond between country and brand stereotypes
Purpose: Drawing on the stereotype content model (SCM), the authors investigate the stereotype content transfer (in terms of warmth and competence) from country to brand and the simultaneous impact of these two stereotypes on consumer responses toward brands.
Design/methodology/approach: The authors test a structural equation model conceptualizing brand stereotypes as full mediators between country stereotypes and consumer outcomes. In addition, in a moderated mediation analysis, the authors investigate the role of brand typicality and utilitarianism/hedonism in potentially moderating the country to brand stereotype content transfer.
Findings: Country warmth and competence, respectively, impact brand warmth and competence, thus confirming the hypothesized stereotype content transfer. This transfer is found to be robust and not contingent on brands\u27 perceived typicality of their country of origin. However, brands\u27 utilitarian nature amplifies the positive impact of country competence on brand competence. Finally, brand stereotypes fully mediate the impact of country stereotypes on consumers\u27 brand attitudes and behavioral intentions.
Originality/value: The authors provide the first empirical attempt that (1) explicitly differentiates between consumers\u27 stereotypical perceptions of countries and stereotypical perceptions of brands from these countries, (2) empirically examines the transfer of stereotypical dimensions of different targets (i.e. country to brand), (3) explores boundary conditions for such transfer and (4) simultaneously considers the impact of both kinds of stereotypes on managerially relevant consumer outcomes