8,892 research outputs found

    Experiential Learning Theory as a Guide for Experiential Educators in Higher Education

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    Core concepts of Experiential Learning Theory—the learning cycle, learning style, and learning space—have been widely used by experiential educators in higher education for nearly half a century. We examine the latest thinking about these three concepts and highlight some exemplary applications from the many disciplinary applications of experiential learning in higher education

    Validation Through Simulations of a Cn2 Profiler for the ESO/VLT Adaptive Optics Facility

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    The Adaptive Optics Facility (AOF) project envisages transforming one of the VLT units into an adaptive telescope and providing its ESO (European Southern Observatory) second generation instruments with turbulence corrected wavefronts. For MUSE and HAWK-I this correction will be achieved through the GALACSI and GRAAL AO modules working in conjunction with a 1170 actuators Deformable Secondary Mirror (DSM) and the new Laser Guide Star Facility (4LGSF). Multiple wavefront sensors will enable GLAO and LTAO capabilities, whose performance can greatly benefit from a knowledge about the stratification of the turbulence in the atmosphere. This work, totally based on end-to-end simulations, describes the validation tests conducted on a Cn2 profiler adapted for the AOF specifications. Because an absolute profile calibration is strongly dependent on a reliable knowledge of turbulence parameters r0 and L0, the tests presented here refer only to normalized output profiles. Uncertainties in the input parameters inherent to the code are tested as well as the profiler response to different turbulence distributions. It adopts a correction for the unseen turbulence, critical for the GRAAL mode, and highlights the effects of masking out parts of the corrected wavefront on the results. Simulations of data with typical turbulence profiles from Paranal were input to the profiler, showing that it is possible to identify reliably the input features for all the AOF modes.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in the MNRAS Accepted 2015 January 22. Received 2015 January 21; in original form 2014 December

    Cosmological Lower Bound on Dark Matter Masses from the Soft Gamma-ray Background

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    Motivated by a recent detection of 511 keV photons from the center of our Galaxy, we calculate the spectrum of the soft gamma-ray background of the redshifted 511 keV photons from cosmological halos. Annihilation of dark matter particles into electron-positron pairs makes a substantial contribution to the gamma-ray background. Mass of such dark matter particles must be <~ 100 MeV so that resulting electron-positron pairs are on-relativistic. On the other hand, we show that in order for the annihilation not to exceed the observed background, the dark matter mass needs to be >~ 20 MeV. We include the contribution from the active galactic nuclei and supernovae. The halo substructures may increase the lower bound to >~ 60 MeV.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures; accepted for publication in PRD, Rapid Communicatio

    Quark-Lepton Symmetry In Five Dimensions

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    We construct a complete five dimensional Quark-Lepton symmetric model, with all fields propagating in the bulk. The extra dimension forms an S1/Z2×Z2S^1/Z_2\times Z_2' orbifold with the zero mode fermions corresponding to standard model quarks localised at one fixed point. Zero modes corresponding to left(right)-chiral leptons are localised at (near) the other fixed point. This localisation pattern is motivated by the symmetries of the model. Shifting the right-handed neutrinos and charged leptons slightly from the fixed point provides a new mechanism for understanding the absence of relations of the type me=mum_e=m_u or me=mdm_e=m_d in Quark-Lepton symmetric models. Flavour changing neutral currents resulting from Kaluza Klein gluon exchange, which typically arise in the quark sector of split fermion models, are suppressed due to the localisation of quarks at one point. The separation of quarks and leptons in the compact extra dimension also acts to suppress the proton decay rate. This permits the extra dimension to be much larger than that obtained in a previous construct, with the bound 1/R301/R\gtrsim30 TeV obtained.Comment: 12 pages, references added to match published versio

    Relic density of neutralino dark matter in the MSSM with CP violation

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    We calculate the relic density of dark matter in the MSSM with CP violation. We analyse various scenarios of neutralino annihilation: the cases of a bino, bino-wino and bino-Higgsino LSP, annihilation through Higgs, as well as sfermion coannihilation scenarios. Large phase effects are found, on the one hand due to shifts in the masses, on the other hand due to modifications of the couplings. Taking special care to disentangle the effects in masses and couplings, we demonstrate that the presence of CP phases can have a significant influence on the neutralino relic abundance. Typical variations in \Omega h^2 solely from modifications in the couplings are O(10%-100%), but can reach an order of magnitude in some cases.Comment: 36 pages, 21 figures (low resolution). A version with high-resolution figures can be downloaded from http://cern.ch/kraml/papers/omc

    Harrison-Z'eldovich primordial spectrum is consistent with observations

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    Inflation predicts primordial scalar perturbations with a nearly scale-invariant spectrum and a spectral index approximately unity (the Harrison--Zel'dovich (HZ) spectrum). The first important step for inflationary cosmology is to check the consistency of the HZ primordial spectrum with current observations. Recent analyses have claimed that a HZ primordial spectrum is excluded at more than 99% c.l.. Here we show that the HZ spectrum is only marginally disfavored if one considers a more general reionization scenario. Data from the Planck mission will settle the issue.Comment: 4 Pages, 2 Figure

    Light Lepton Number Violating Sneutrinos and the Baryon Number of the Universe

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    Recent results of neutrino oscillation experiments point to a nonvanishing neutrino mass. Neutrino mass models favour Majorana-type neutrinos. In such circumstances it is natural that the supersymmetric counterpart of the neutrino, the sneutrino, bears also lepton number violating properties. On the other hand, the fact that the universe exhibits an asymmetry in the baryon and antibaryon numbers poses constraints on the extent of lepton number violation in the light sneutrino sector if the electroweak phase transition is second or weak first order. From the requirement that the Baryon Asymmetry of the Universe should not be washed out by sneutrino induced lepton number violating interactions and sphalerons below the critical temperature of the electroweak phase transition we find that the mass splitting of the light sneutrino mass states is compatible with the sneutrino Cold Dark Matter hypothesis only for heavy gauginos and opposite sign gaugino mass parameters.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Evolution of the Order Parameter after Bubble Collisions

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    If a first-order phase transition is terminated by collisions of new-phase bubbles, there will exist a period of nonequilibrium between the time bubbles collide and the time thermal equilibrium is established. We study the behavior of the order parameter during this phase. We find that large nonthermal fluctuations at this stage tend to restore symmetry, i.e., the order parameter is smaller than its eventual thermal equilibrium value. We comment on possible consequences for electroweak baryogenesis.Comment: 11 page LaTeX file with two figures, fig1.ps and fig2.p

    Universe Reheating after Inflation

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    We study the problem of scalar particle production after inflation by a rapidly oscillating inflaton field. We use the framework of the chaotic inflation scenario with quartic and quadratic inflaton potentials. Particular attention is paid to parametric resonance phenomena which take place in the presence of the quickly oscillating inflaton field. We have found that in the region of applicability of perturbation theory the effects of parametric resonance are crucial, and estimates based on first order Born approximation often underestimate the particle production. In the case of the quartic inflaton potential V(φ)=λφ4V(\varphi) = \lambda \varphi^4, the particle production process is very efficient even for small values of coupling constants. The reheating temperature of the universe in this case is [λlog(1/λ)]1\left[\lambda\, \log\, (1/\lambda) \right]^{- 1} times larger than the corresponding estimates based on first order Born approximation. In the case of the quadratic inflaton potential the reheating process depends crucially on the type of coupling between the inflaton and the other scalar field and on the magnitudes of the coupling constants. If the inflaton coupling to fermions and its linear (in inflaton field) coupling to scalar fields are suppressed, then, as previously discussed by Kofman, Linde and Starobinsky (see e.g. Ref. 13), the inflaton field will eventually decouple from the rest of the matter, and the residual inflaton oscillations may provide the (cold) dark matter of the universe. In the case of the quadratic inflaton potential we obtain the lowest and the highest possible bounds on the effective energy density of the inflaton field when it freezes out.Comment: 40 pages, Preprint BROWN-HET-957 (revised version, some mistakes corrected), uses phyzz

    Nanosecond electric pulses penetrate the nucleus and enhance speckle formation

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    Nanosecond electric pulses generate nanopores in the interior membranes of cells and modulate cellular functions. Here, we used confocal microscopy and flow cytometry to observe Smith antigen antibody (Y12) binding to nuclear speckles, known as small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles (snRNPs) or intrachromatin granule clusters (IGCs), in Jurkat cells following one or five 10 ns, 150 kV/cm pulses. Using confocal microscopy and flow cytometry, we observed changes in nuclear speckle labeling that suggested a disruption of pre-messenger RNA splicing mechanisms. Pulse exposure increased the nuclear speckled substructures by 2.5-fold above basal levels while the propidium iodide (PI) uptake in pulsed cells was unchanged. The resulting nuclear speckle changes were also cell cycle dependent. These findings suggest that 10 ns pulses directly influenced nuclear processes, such as the changes in the nuclear RNA–protein complexes