9 research outputs found

    Application and integration of BIM and ERP systems in civil engineering

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    Neprestani razvoj Building Information Modeling (BIM) sustava, koji omogućuju stvaranje baze podataka pojedinog projekta, te Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) sustava, koji omogućuju upravljanje bazama podataka svih projekata u kojima poduzeće posluje, pridonose njihovoj Å”irokoj primjeni. Kontrola izvedbe projekta često se obavlja na temelju procijenjenih podataka iz projektne dokumentacije koji nisu jednaki naručenim, ugrađenim te naplaćenim količinama. Dakle, podaci unutar projekta neće biti ažurni niti točni ako se ne povežu s računovodstvenim podacima unutar poduzeća. Problem je prepoznat i u praksi te se razvijaju modeli integracije sustava BIM i ERP koji su u ovom radu analizirani i uspoređeni. Rezultati pokazuju da su trenutni modeli integracije vezani za specifične sustave te da se BIM tehnologija ne primjenjuje u punom obliku. Buduće će istraživanje stoga obuhvatiti određivanje varijabli projekta i poduzeća koje utječu na modeliranje standardnog protoka informacija među sustavima.Continuous development of Building Information Modeling (BIM) systems, which enable the creation of a single project database, and Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) systems, which enable database management of all companyā€™s projects, contribute to their wide application. Project execution control is often based on estimated project documentation data which are not the same as the ordered, built and charged quantities. Hence, the data within the project will not be accurate if they do not correlate with the company's accounting data. The problem has also been recognized in practice why integration models of BIM and ERP systems have been developed which are analysed and compared in this paper. The results show that current integration models have been related to specific systems and that BIM technology has not been fully applied. Future research will, therefore, include the determination of project and company variables that influence the standard flow information modelling between systems


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    Building Information Modelling (BIM) is the current trend of the Architectural, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry today. For its successful adaptation, education and standardization are one of the key success factors. In education, BIM provides development of studentsā€™ critical way of thinking and enables them to understand the complexity of the construction industry. As there is no accurate information about BIM education at Croatian universities, the aim of this paper was its implementation at the University J. J. Strossmayer of Osijek and the University of Zagreb. We have found that the current schemes enabled students to understand the BIM concept and how BIM changes and fosters the work processes in construction projects. However, we have also identified the deficient knowledge in coordination, interoperability and clash detection. Therefore, the future work involves extension on collaboration tools and covering the above mentioned, missing knowledge areas.Building Information Modeling (BIM) predstavlja trend u danaÅ”njoj arhitekturi, graditeljstvu i ostalim inženjerskim strukama. Pravilna edukacija i standardizacija predstavljaju ključne faktore prilagodbe na BIM. Primjenom BIM-a u edukaciji, studentima se omogućuje razvoj kritičkog načina razmiÅ”ljanja i mogućnost zapažanja i razumijevanja kompleksnosti građevinske industrije. Kako ne postoje precizne informacije o BIM edukaciji na hrvatskim sveučiliÅ”tima, cilj ovog rada je implementacija iste na SveučiliÅ”tu J. J. Strossmayer u Osijeku te SveučiliÅ”tu u Zagrebu. Zaključili smo da trenutna edukacija studentima omogućava razumijevanje BIM koncepta i načina na koji BIM mijenja proces rada u građevinskim projektima. Radom je također uočeno da u edukaciji nedostaju znanja o koordinaciji, interoperabilnosti i kontroli sudara. Stoga, budući rad uključuje Å”irenje edukacije na ostale kolaborativne alate kako bi se obuhvatila spomenuta područja znanja koja trenutno nedostaju u edukaciji

    Developing a methodology for preparation and execution phase of construction project

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    At the beginning of 2014 European Commission adopted a resolution encouraging 28th member state to apply Building Information Modeling (BIM) in procuring construction projects. As a direct response, many governments of the most developed states within the EU, introduced a short-term goals to make all major projects designed with BIM till the end of 2016. BIM is the most advanced concept in building design modeling that combines professions such as architecture, civil engineering and others. It is widely used around the world; however, in Croatia and in Eastern Europe it is still not as popular as in the most developed countries of the world. In order to improve this described situation we developed a methodology that proved to be applicable in technology and construction management. The same methodology has been validated through the usage in education of the Civil Engineering students. The methodology includes the following steps and software: creating 3D model and quantity list using Autodesk Revit or Nemetschek Allplan software, making cost estimations and time plan using Gala software and finally 5D simulation that includes cost breakdown using Navisworks software. Through the work we had proved that with applying BIM methodology in construction projects, the participants in the preparation and execution phase can achieve higher productivity and quality of work, collaborate with other participants through interactive work, identify problems in the early phases and achieve higher profits. Furthermore, it has been proved that with the application of BIM methodologies, construction engineers better understand the process of preparing, monitoring and controlling of construction. Although this methodology is validated the future studies should include other BIM tools and investigate their compatibility, involve other resources in the construction simulation and expand BIM education other related technical colleges

    Analysis of the use of BIM in Croatian construction industry

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    KoriÅ”tenje BIM-a u Hrvatskoj nije dovoljno istraženo, pa je cilj ovog istraživanja saznati kakvo je stanje u vezi s primjenom BIM-a u Republici Hrvatskoj. Rezultati pokazuju da: 20 do 25 % poduzeća primjenjuje BIM, 25 % projektanata koristi BIM programe, a među ostalim sudionicima projekta primjena je zabrinjavajuće mala. Hrvatska joÅ” uvijek nije preÅ”la osnovnu razinu 0 kod primjene BIM-a, iako se naziru pozitivni trendovi prema razini 1. Ovim radom zazivamo na njegovu Å”to skoriju standardizaciju i prilagodbu zakonskih norma.The use of BIM in Croatia has not as yet been sufficiently investigated and, in that respect, this research aims to find out what is the current situation with BIM application in the Republic of Croatia. The results show that 20 to 25 percent of companies use BIM, 25 percent of designers use BIM software, while the use of BIM by other participants in the project is disturbingly low. Croatia has still not passed the basic zero level of BIM use, although positive trends of movement toward level one can be discerned. The authors call for urgent standardisation of BIM and appropriate adjustment of regulatory framework

    Tragači and KnjiÅ”ki frikovi blogs ā€“ library services for children and young adults on the Web 2.0

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    Informatičko-tehnoloÅ”ki napredak osuvremenjuje knjižnične usluge, Å”to omogućuje kontakt s korisnicima na daljinu. Prednosti novih tehnologija osobito su primjenjive u radu s mladim korisnicima koji se svakodnevno služe internetom. Pojavom novih internetskih aplikacija čitateljski klub, jedan od oblika rada s djecom i mladima s ciljem poticanja čitanja, koristi se njihovim mogućnostima te čini iskorak u virtualni prostor. Koristeći se pomagalima weba 2.0 (kao Å”to su blog, Facebook, Google Docs), narodne knjižnice Bjelovara, Rijeke, Vinkovaca i Zadra pokreću blogove za djecu i mlade koji postaju online čitateljski klubovi uvijek otvoreni korisnicima svih knjižnica hrvatskoga govornog područja te rado posjećeno mjesto mladih čitatelja.Information and technological revolution modernizes library services and enables remote communication with patrons. The advantages of new technologies are particularly applicable in working with young patrons who use the Internet daily. Being one of the well known forms of encouraging reading among children and teenagers, book clubs now also use the possibilities of new Internet applications in order to step out into the virtual space. By applying the Web 2.0 tools (blog, Facebook, Google Docs) public libraries from Bjelovar, Rijeka, Vinkovci and Zadar managed to set up blogs for children and young adults functioning as online book clubs always open to patrons of all Croatian libraries and becoming a popular website for young readers

    Water for all : Proceedings of the 7th international scientific and professional conference Water for all

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    The 7th International Scientific and Professional Conference Water for all is organized to honour the World Water Day by the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, European Hygienic Engineering & Design Group (EHEDG), Danube Parks, Croatian Food Agency, Croatian Water, Faculty of Food Technology Osijek, Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek, Faculty of Civil Engineering Osijek, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Department of Biology, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Department of Chemistry, Nature Park ā€œKopački ritā€, Osijek- Baranja County, Public Health Institute of the Osijek- Baranja County and ā€žVodovod-Osijekā€œ -water supply company in Osijek. The topic of World Water Day 2017 was "Wastewater" emphasizing the importance and influence of wastewater treatments on global environment. The international scientific and professional conference Water for all is a gathering of scientists and experts in the field of water management, including chemists, biologists, civil and agriculture engineers, with a goal to remind people about the significance of fresh water and to promote an interdisciplinary approach and sustainability for fresh water resource management. The Conference has been held since 2011. About 300 scientists and engineers submitted 95 abstracts to the 7th International Scientific and Professional Conference Water for all, out of which 33 was presented orally and 62 as posters. 47 full papers were accepted by the Scientific Committee. 38 full papers became the part of the this Proceedings while 9 papers were accepted for publication in Croatian Journal of Food Science and Technology and Electronic Journal of the Faculty of Civil Engineering Osijek - e-GFOS

    Nursing care for children with rare and very rare diseases

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    Rijetke i vrlo rijetke bolesti, skupina su bolesti koje su međusobno veoma različite. Sagleda li se srž problema bolesti, može se zaključiti da ih povezuju brojne negativne karakteristike, a neke od njih su te Å”to je velika većina bolesti bez odobrenog liječenja te je sama dijagnostika bolesti dugotrajna i mukotrpna za pacijente. Prema dostupnoj literaturi do danas je opisano između 6000 i 8000 rijetkih bolesti, a smatra se da se svake godine opiÅ”e 250 do 280 novih bolesti koje uvelike utječu na kvalitetu života 6 do 8% globalne populacije. Rijetkost ovih bolesti pojedinačno stvara značajne izazove oboljelim pacijentima, njihovim obiteljima, te za kliničare koji pokuÅ”avaju postaviti točnu dijagnozu i primijeniti najbolju moguću skrb za oboljele. U suvremenom svijetu nedostaje terapija za veliku većinu ovih bolesti, a kad postoji, ona je često vrlo skupa zbog znanstvenih i proizvodnih izazova i malog potencijalnog tržiÅ”ta za takve proizvode. Zbog tih razloga nerijetko se događa da je sama skrb za pacijenta usmjerena prevenciji komplikacija, a ne liječenju bolesti. Medicinske sestre i tehničari nedvojbeno imaju važnu ulogu u skrbi za takve pacijente. Osnovni pristup u sestrinskoj skrbi u pedijatriji temelji se na ideji: ā€žgledaj-sluÅ”aj-osjećajā€œ. Bitna je uloga medicinske sestre i u načinu kojim prilazi roditeljima, kao i djetetu. Ona mora biti susretljiva kako bi se stekla uzajamno povjerenje, Å”to je veoma važno za daljnju obradu djeteta tijekom hospitalizacije. Svakom djetetu se pristupa individualno i interdisciplinarno. Zbog velikog broja anomalija i simptoma koji su zajednički većem broju rijetkih i vrlo rijetkih bolesti, zajedničke su i sestrinske dijagnoze, sestrinske intervencije i cilj. Bitno je naglasiti da je zdravstvena njega djeteta s rijetkom ili vrlo rijetkom bolesti specifično područje rada medicinske sestre i sveobuhvatan proces, gdje je važno da je medicinska sestra educirana i da posjeduje mnoge vjeÅ”tine koje će osigurati provedbu cjelovite sestrinske skrbi. Svake godine posljednjeg dana veljače obilježava se Međunarodni dan rijetkih bolesti. Veljača je odabrana upravo zbog toga Å”to predstavlja mjesec s "rijetkim" brojem dana, budući je prvi Međunarodni dan rijetkih bolesti bio obilježen 29. veljače 2008. godine, a poznato je da taj "rijetki" datum zapada svake četiri godine

    Tragači and KnjiÅ”ki frikovi blogs ā€“ library services for children and young adults on the Web 2.0

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    Informatičko-tehnoloÅ”ki napredak osuvremenjuje knjižnične usluge, Å”to omogućuje kontakt s korisnicima na daljinu. Prednosti novih tehnologija osobito su primjenjive u radu s mladim korisnicima koji se svakodnevno služe internetom. Pojavom novih internetskih aplikacija čitateljski klub, jedan od oblika rada s djecom i mladima s ciljem poticanja čitanja, koristi se njihovim mogućnostima te čini iskorak u virtualni prostor. Koristeći se pomagalima weba 2.0 (kao Å”to su blog, Facebook, Google Docs), narodne knjižnice Bjelovara, Rijeke, Vinkovaca i Zadra pokreću blogove za djecu i mlade koji postaju online čitateljski klubovi uvijek otvoreni korisnicima svih knjižnica hrvatskoga govornog područja te rado posjećeno mjesto mladih čitatelja.Information and technological revolution modernizes library services and enables remote communication with patrons. The advantages of new technologies are particularly applicable in working with young patrons who use the Internet daily. Being one of the well known forms of encouraging reading among children and teenagers, book clubs now also use the possibilities of new Internet applications in order to step out into the virtual space. By applying the Web 2.0 tools (blog, Facebook, Google Docs) public libraries from Bjelovar, Rijeka, Vinkovci and Zadar managed to set up blogs for children and young adults functioning as online book clubs always open to patrons of all Croatian libraries and becoming a popular website for young readers