11 research outputs found

    Water for all : Proceedings of the 7th international scientific and professional conference Water for all

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    The 7th International Scientific and Professional Conference Water for all is organized to honour the World Water Day by the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, European Hygienic Engineering & Design Group (EHEDG), Danube Parks, Croatian Food Agency, Croatian Water, Faculty of Food Technology Osijek, Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek, Faculty of Civil Engineering Osijek, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Department of Biology, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Department of Chemistry, Nature Park ā€œKopački ritā€, Osijek- Baranja County, Public Health Institute of the Osijek- Baranja County and ā€žVodovod-Osijekā€œ -water supply company in Osijek. The topic of World Water Day 2017 was "Wastewater" emphasizing the importance and influence of wastewater treatments on global environment. The international scientific and professional conference Water for all is a gathering of scientists and experts in the field of water management, including chemists, biologists, civil and agriculture engineers, with a goal to remind people about the significance of fresh water and to promote an interdisciplinary approach and sustainability for fresh water resource management. The Conference has been held since 2011. About 300 scientists and engineers submitted 95 abstracts to the 7th International Scientific and Professional Conference Water for all, out of which 33 was presented orally and 62 as posters. 47 full papers were accepted by the Scientific Committee. 38 full papers became the part of the this Proceedings while 9 papers were accepted for publication in Croatian Journal of Food Science and Technology and Electronic Journal of the Faculty of Civil Engineering Osijek - e-GFOS

    Determination thermodynamic behaviour at sorption of arsenic on different granulation of clinoptilolite

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    Arsen je dobro poznat metaloid koji uzrokuje ozbiljne probleme u vodi za piće budući da je iznimno otrovan. Prisutnost arsena u podzemnim vodama je posljedica otapanja minerala u zemljinoj kori ili ispiranja spojeva arsena rastapanjem metalnih ruda, poljoprivrednih pesticida ili sredstava za zaÅ”titu Å”uma. PoviÅ”ene koncentracije arsena u vodi utvrđene su i u bunarskim vodama Istočne Hrvatske. Za uklanjanje arsena iz vode za piće primjenjuju se različite metode koje se baziraju na različitim fizikalno kemijskim postupcima. Budući da se jednostavno uklanja kruti sorbens iz vodenog medija nakon obrade, sorpcija se uglavnom smatra da je najbolja odgovarajuća metoda. Procesi sorpcije pomoću prirodnih zeolita vrlo su poželjni, jer oni zahtijevaju blage uvjete djelovanja i nisu toksični. Cilj ovog rada bio je odrediti učinak uklanjanja arsena ovisno o promjeni mase adsorbensa , temperaturi i pH vrijednosti na dvije vrste modificiranog prirodnog zeolita. Prirodni zeoliti sa klinoptilolitom kao glavnom mineralnom komponentom, koji su koriÅ”teni u ovom radu, potječu iz ležiÅ”ta Donje Jesenje, Hrvatska i Vranjska Banja, Srbija.Arsenic is a well-known metalloid, which causes serious health problems. The presence of arsenic in groundwater is due to the dissolution of minerals in the earthā€™s crust or the leaching of arsenic compounds from smelting of metal ores, agricultural pesticides or wood preservatives. Appearance of high arsenic concentrations is usual for the groundwaters in eastern Croatia. Few technologies based on different physical-chemical procedures have been developed for arsenic removal from drinking water, and sorption is one of generally considered suitable methods for contaminated waters. The sorption processes by natural zeolite are very attractive, since they require mild operating conditions and are non-toxic. The aim of this work was determination arsenic removal efficiency depending on change of mass adsorbent, temperature, and pH values of two species natural modified zeolite. Natural zeolite samples with clinoptilolite used this work obtained from two deposits, Donje Jesenje, Croatia and Zlatokop deposit in Vranjska Banja, Serbia


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    U ovom radu ću objasnit Å”to je to industrijalizacija, kako je ona nastala, kako utječe na gospodarski razvoj Hrvatske, koje su faze industrijalizacije u Hrvatskoj te kako kreirati uspjeÅ”nu hrvatsku industrijsku politiku. Industrijalizacija se pokazala kao jedna od najvažnijih pretpostavki za gospodarski razvoj svake zemlje i vrlo je bitan faktor u zapoÅ”ljavanju jer pruža puno radnih mjesta u industriji. Nadalje, objasnit ću Å”to je to globalizacija te kako je globalizacija pomogla spojiti svijet i otvorit bolju komunikaciju i slobodnije kretanje robe i kapitala među zemljama, ali također ću objasnit kako je globalizacija loÅ”e utjecala na neke slabije razvijene zemlje i kako je u konačnici neke bogate zemlje učinila bogatijima, a siromaÅ”ne siromaÅ”nijima.In this paper I will explain what is industrialization, how it came about, how it affects Croatian economic development, what are the industrialization phases in Croatia, and how to create a successful Croatian industrial policy. Industrialization has proved to be one of the most important preconditions for the economic development of each country and is a very important factor in employment because it provides a lot of jobs in the industry. Furthermore, I will explain what globalization is and how globalization has helped unite the world and opens up better communication and the free movement of goods and capital between countries, but I will also explain how globalization has had a bad impact on some of the weaker developed countries and how is ultimately making a rich country even richer, and the poor country even poorest

    Determination thermodynamic behaviour at sorption of arsenic on different granulation of clinoptilolite

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    Arsen je dobro poznat metaloid koji uzrokuje ozbiljne probleme u vodi za piće budući da je iznimno otrovan. Prisutnost arsena u podzemnim vodama je posljedica otapanja minerala u zemljinoj kori ili ispiranja spojeva arsena rastapanjem metalnih ruda, poljoprivrednih pesticida ili sredstava za zaÅ”titu Å”uma. PoviÅ”ene koncentracije arsena u vodi utvrđene su i u bunarskim vodama Istočne Hrvatske. Za uklanjanje arsena iz vode za piće primjenjuju se različite metode koje se baziraju na različitim fizikalno kemijskim postupcima. Budući da se jednostavno uklanja kruti sorbens iz vodenog medija nakon obrade, sorpcija se uglavnom smatra da je najbolja odgovarajuća metoda. Procesi sorpcije pomoću prirodnih zeolita vrlo su poželjni, jer oni zahtijevaju blage uvjete djelovanja i nisu toksični. Cilj ovog rada bio je odrediti učinak uklanjanja arsena ovisno o promjeni mase adsorbensa , temperaturi i pH vrijednosti na dvije vrste modificiranog prirodnog zeolita. Prirodni zeoliti sa klinoptilolitom kao glavnom mineralnom komponentom, koji su koriÅ”teni u ovom radu, potječu iz ležiÅ”ta Donje Jesenje, Hrvatska i Vranjska Banja, Srbija.Arsenic is a well-known metalloid, which causes serious health problems. The presence of arsenic in groundwater is due to the dissolution of minerals in the earthā€™s crust or the leaching of arsenic compounds from smelting of metal ores, agricultural pesticides or wood preservatives. Appearance of high arsenic concentrations is usual for the groundwaters in eastern Croatia. Few technologies based on different physical-chemical procedures have been developed for arsenic removal from drinking water, and sorption is one of generally considered suitable methods for contaminated waters. The sorption processes by natural zeolite are very attractive, since they require mild operating conditions and are non-toxic. The aim of this work was determination arsenic removal efficiency depending on change of mass adsorbent, temperature, and pH values of two species natural modified zeolite. Natural zeolite samples with clinoptilolite used this work obtained from two deposits, Donje Jesenje, Croatia and Zlatokop deposit in Vranjska Banja, Serbia

    Diagnostic significance of immunoglobulin G avidity in symptomatic and asymptomatic West Nile virus infection

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    INTRODUCTION: West Nile virus (WNV) immunoglobulin M (IgM) antibodies have been shown to persist for up to 500 days in certain patients. To evaluate the usefulness of immunoglobulin G (IgG) avidity assessment in the diagnosis of WNV infection, we analyzed 54 WNV IgM- and/or IgG-positive serum samples from 39 patients with neuroinvasive disease and 15 asymptomatic cases tested during a seroprevalence investigation. ----- METHODS: Serological tests (WNV IgM/IgG antibody detection, IgG avidity) were performed using commercially available enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. ----- RESULTS: WNV IgM antibodies were detected in 47 (87%) samples. Acute/recent WNV infection was confirmed based on low/borderline avidity index (AI) in 44 IgM-positive samples (93.6%). In three IgM-positive samples (6.4%), high IgG AIs were detected, thus indicating persisting IgM antibodies from previous infections. All IgM-negative samples showed high AIs. Patients with WNV neuroinvasive disease tested within 30 days showed low AIs. In six patients tested 34-50 days after disease onset, AI was borderline (42%-60%), suggesting earlier WNV IgG maturation. Samples with the highest IgM values were associated with the lowest AIs (Spearman's rho coefficient -0.767, p < 0.001). ----- CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate that IgG avidity differentiates current/recent WNV infection from persistent IgM seropositivity from the previous WNV transmission season both in patients with WNV neuroinvasive disease and in asymptomatic persons. A strong negative correlation between IgM antibody levels and AI indicates that in cases with very high IgM levels, determination of IgG avidity may not be necessary. As many patients showed rapid avidity maturation, low IgG avidity is indicative of WNV infection within the previous month

    Evaluation of chemical status of Kopački rit surface water bodies through analysis of selected heavy metals through one-year period

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    Močvarni ekosustavi predstavljaju najproduktivnije ekosustave na Zemlji. Zbog izmjene suhe i vlažne faze osiguravaju raznolikost ekoloÅ”kih uvjeta na istom staniÅ”tu te podržavaju veliku bioraznolikost flore i faune. Dinamika plavljenja Kopačkog rita posljedica je njegovog geografskog smjeÅ”taja na području uŔća Drave u Dunav. Kemijsko stanje povrÅ”inske vode utvrđuje se na temelju prosječne (PGK) i maksimalne godiÅ”nje koncentracije (MGK). TeÅ”ki metali ubrajaju se u grupu najopasnijih anorganskih onečiŔćujućih tvari zbog bionerazgradivosti, bioakumulacije i zbog ugradnje u hranidbene mreže. Otopljeni u vodi nalaze se u ionskom obliku i ne mogu se bioloÅ”ki razgraditi, ali se mogu bioakumulirati. U sklopu projekta Naturavita na području Kopačkog rita provedeno je uzorkovanje i analiza žive, nikla, kadmija i olova te njihovih spojeva na 19 postaja kroz jednogodiÅ”nji period od 12 ciklusa. Prema rezultatima, za sve mjerne postaje izmjerene prosječne (PGK) i maksimalne godiÅ”nje koncentracije (MGK) ne prelaze SKVO iz Uredbe o standardu kakvoće vode (NN 96/2019) te je na svim postajama postignuto dobro kemijsko stanje.Wetlands are the most productive ecosystems on Earth. Due to the undergoing wet ā€“ dry cycles, they ensure the diversity of ecological conditions and support high biodiversity. The dynamics of the Kopački rit floodplain water regime is a consequence of its geographical location in the area of the Drava ā€“ Danube confluence. The chemical status of surface water is based on the annual average concentrations (AAC) of the substances and on the maximum annual concentration (MAC). Heavy metals are among the most dangerous inorganic pollutants due to biodegradability, bioaccumulation, toxicity and due to incorporation into food chains. Dissolved in water, they are in ionic form and non-biodegradable and tend to accumulate in living things in the process of bioaccumulation. As part of the Naturavita project in the Nature Park Kopački rit, sampling and analysis of mercury, nickel, cadmium, lead and their compounds were carried out at 19 locations through one-year period of 12 field survey cycles. According to the obtained results, at all sampling locations, the measured average (AAC) and maximum annual concentrations (MAC) do not exceed allowable concentration according to Regulation on water quality standard (OG 96/2019). Good chemical status has been achieved at all sampling locations

    Medical nutrition therapy guidelines for diabetes in adults

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    Pravilna prehrana iznimno je važna u prevenciji Å”ećerne bolesti i regulaciji glikemije. Å ećerna bolest ubraja se u kategoriju bolesti koje se uspjeÅ”no mogu prevenirati, dobro liječiti te im se može spriječiti ili odgoditi razvoj kroničnih komplikacija. Edukacija o pravilnoj prehrani treba biti individualno prilagođena, pri čemu treba obratiti pozornost na dob bolesnika, način života, socioekonomski status, tjelesnu aktivnost i komplikacije vezane uz Å”ećernu bolest. Kod Å”ećerne bolesti promjena životnih navika, Å”to uključuje pravilnu prehranu, redovitu tjelesnu aktivnost i regulaciju tjelesne mase, može uvelike pridonijeti regulaciji glikemije, a u tipu 2 u nekim slučajevima može dovesti i do njene remisije. Smjernice su rezultat suradnje zdravstvenih stručnjaka koji sudjeluju u liječenju i edukaciji osoba koje boluju od Å”ećerne bolesti. Utemeljene su na dokazima, prema metodologiji GRADE (engl. grading of recommendations, assessment, development and evaluation) koja uz snagu dokaza opisuje i razinu preporuke. Temeljni zaključci ovih smjernica odnose se na procjenu nutritivnih potreba te primjenu medicinske nutritivne terapije, individualno prilagođene osobama sa Å”ećernom boleŔću kao i onima koji imaju i neke od vezanih komorbiditeta.Adequate nutrition is extremely important in diabetes prevention and regulation of glycemia. Diabetes counts into the category of diseases that can be successfully prevented and treated with possible delay of chronic complications development. Nutrition education should be individually tailored, by paying attention to the patientā€™s age, lifestyle, socio-economic status, physical activity and complications related to diabetes. Change in lifestyle habits, which includes proper diet, regular physical activity and weight management, can greatly contribute to the regulation of glycemia and in some cases of type 2 diabetes can lead to its remission. The guidelines were made as a result of collaboration of health professionals who participate in the treatment and education of individuals with diabetes. They are evidence-based, according to the GRADE methodology (Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluation), which describes the level of recommendation in addition to the strength of the evidence. The fundamental conclusions refer to the assessment of nutritional needs and the implementation of medical nutrition therapy, individually adapted to individuals with diabetes and those with related comorbidities