Evaluation of chemical status of Kopački rit surface water bodies through analysis of selected heavy metals through one-year period


Močvarni ekosustavi predstavljaju najproduktivnije ekosustave na Zemlji. Zbog izmjene suhe i vlažne faze osiguravaju raznolikost ekoloških uvjeta na istom staništu te podržavaju veliku bioraznolikost flore i faune. Dinamika plavljenja Kopačkog rita posljedica je njegovog geografskog smještaja na području ušća Drave u Dunav. Kemijsko stanje površinske vode utvrđuje se na temelju prosječne (PGK) i maksimalne godišnje koncentracije (MGK). Teški metali ubrajaju se u grupu najopasnijih anorganskih onečišćujućih tvari zbog bionerazgradivosti, bioakumulacije i zbog ugradnje u hranidbene mreže. Otopljeni u vodi nalaze se u ionskom obliku i ne mogu se biološki razgraditi, ali se mogu bioakumulirati. U sklopu projekta Naturavita na području Kopačkog rita provedeno je uzorkovanje i analiza žive, nikla, kadmija i olova te njihovih spojeva na 19 postaja kroz jednogodišnji period od 12 ciklusa. Prema rezultatima, za sve mjerne postaje izmjerene prosječne (PGK) i maksimalne godišnje koncentracije (MGK) ne prelaze SKVO iz Uredbe o standardu kakvoće vode (NN 96/2019) te je na svim postajama postignuto dobro kemijsko stanje.Wetlands are the most productive ecosystems on Earth. Due to the undergoing wet – dry cycles, they ensure the diversity of ecological conditions and support high biodiversity. The dynamics of the Kopački rit floodplain water regime is a consequence of its geographical location in the area of the Drava – Danube confluence. The chemical status of surface water is based on the annual average concentrations (AAC) of the substances and on the maximum annual concentration (MAC). Heavy metals are among the most dangerous inorganic pollutants due to biodegradability, bioaccumulation, toxicity and due to incorporation into food chains. Dissolved in water, they are in ionic form and non-biodegradable and tend to accumulate in living things in the process of bioaccumulation. As part of the Naturavita project in the Nature Park Kopački rit, sampling and analysis of mercury, nickel, cadmium, lead and their compounds were carried out at 19 locations through one-year period of 12 field survey cycles. According to the obtained results, at all sampling locations, the measured average (AAC) and maximum annual concentrations (MAC) do not exceed allowable concentration according to Regulation on water quality standard (OG 96/2019). Good chemical status has been achieved at all sampling locations

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