53 research outputs found

    A Meal Denied

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    The photographs in the series A Meal Denied offer a unique portrait into the lives of individuals currently serving as Texas Death Row inmates. In 2011, due to an extravagant meal request by an inmate, Senator John Whitmire sought to put an end to the last meal requests in Texas. Whitmire stated, It is extremely inappropriate to give a person sentenced to death such a privilege. However, I disagree with Whitmire; every inmate on Death Row should not be denied one of the only choices they will perhaps ever have during their incarceration in prison due to one particular inmates\u27 meal request. In this body of work I engage in a correspondence with Texas Death Row inmates who share with me their last meal request and its significance. I then select those ingredients, prepare each meal, and make a photograph that is sent to the respective inmate. By showing the commonality that we all share with food, I hope to humanize these inmates who most of society has forgotten

    Memory Effects in the Standard Model for Glasses

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    The standard model of glasses is an ensemble of two-level systems interacting with a thermal bath. The general origin of memory effects in this model is a quasi-stationary but non-equilibrium state of a single two-level system, which is realized due to a finite-rate cooling and very slow thermally activated relaxation. We show that single particle memory effects, such as negativity of the specific heat under reheating, vanish for a sufficiently disordered ensemble. In contrast, a disordered ensemble displays a collective memory effect [similar to that described by Kovacs for glassy polymers], where non-equilibrium features of the ensemble are monitored via a macroscopic observable. An experimental realization of the effect can be used to further assess the consistency of the model.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Participación del óxido nítrico en la modificación de la arquitectura radical de plantas de trigo expuestas a deficiencia de fósforo

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    El fósforo (P) es un elemento mineral esencial para el crecimiento y desarrollo de las plantas superiores y su deficiencia afecta marcadamente la productividad de los cultivos. La adición de fertilizantes fosforados es una práctica común basada en el uso de rocas minerales, lo cual impone una fuerte dependencia de un recurso finito con potenciales efectos negativos sobre el ambiente. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es evaluar si el óxido nítrico (NO) afecta las modificaciones en la arquitectura radical desencadenadas como consecuencia de la deficiencia de P en plantas de trigo. Los resultados obtenidos permitieron observar que las plantas restringidas en P asignaron más biomasa a las raíces respecto a las plantas cultivadas con niveles suficientes de P, y mostraron un sistema radical más ramificado. Bajo las condiciones experimentales utilizadas, en los tiempos ensayados hasta el momento, el NO tendió a contrarrestar los efectos de la restricción de P en la arquitectura del sistema radical, lo cual podría estar relacionado con el cambio en la distribución de P entre las raíces y la parte aérea. Resta evaluar si este efecto puede deberse a cambios en la distribución de P disponible que permitan mejorar a tiempos cortos los efectos de la deficiencia de este nutriente.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Quality of Life in Employee with Workaholism

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    Workaholism has been a growing issue among the labour force worldwide. However, there is no consensus between scholars about its definition yet. It might be described as “being overly concerned about work, driven by a strong and uncontrollable desire to work, and spending so much energy and effort on work that it impairs private relationships, personal hobbies/activities, and/or health”. Generally, people with specific personality traits may have an increased chance of developing workaholism. In addition, there are other factors, such as sociocultural characteristics, relationships with colleagues and significant others, and organizational culture might also play an important influence on developing workaholism. It causes many physical and psychological health problems, such as high blood pressure, anxiety, depression, and family and lifestyle dissatisfaction, and a reduction in job satisfaction, presenteeism, and motivation. Putting all of this together, it is clear that workaholism has a negative influence on employees’ quality of life and overall well-being. Therefore, this study aimed at examining a variety of approaches to define “workaholism” in related literature, defining its etiology, related factors, outcomes, prevention, and treatment. The PubMed/Medline database was also used for related studies that were published in English. “Workaholism”, “obsessive–compulsive behavior”, and “quality of health” were used as keywords. It is crucial to take action to prevent people from becoming workaholics. Early diagnoses of workaholism, using predictive factors by occupational healthcare professionals in the workplace, would help decrease its impact on workers’ health, and an effective treatment of workaholism should be applied

    Participación y garantía para componer un sistema

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    El modelo agroalimentario vigente incorpora masivamente el uso de agroquímicos y tecnologías de insumos y capital intensivas, situación que acentúa la concentración económica y las condiciones desfavorables para los agricultores familiares. Se encuentran como principales consecuencias de dicho modelo la exclusión, la pobreza, la migración, etc. (Fernández, 2019). En este escenario general, el posicionamiento del cinturón verde de La Plata, provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina, como la zona de mayor producción de verdura fresca del país, ha tenido que ver, sin dudas, con la rápida y masiva incorporación tecnológica dependiente de altos insumos externos. A pesar de esta difusión y adopción, hace varios años que familias productoras hortícolas promueven el camino hacia otro modo de producir, a través de la incorporación de diversas técnicas y la valoración de la biodiversidad, a las cuales, en esta experiencia, englobaremos como “transición agroecológica”. En el presente relato, buscamos compartir y reflexionar acerca de la construcción en talleres de los conceptos de Participación y Garantía, aplicados a los procesos de producción en transición agroecológica, que se llevaron a cabo con productores familiares de dos organizaciones de base del Cinturón verde del Gran La Plata, durante 2019. Es fundamental destacar la decisión de estas familias de producir de un modo sano, que beneficia tanto a productores como a consumidores, y el acompañamiento que el Estado desde la Universidad realiza en este proceso.The current agro-food model massively incorporates the use of agrochemicals, capital and intensive external input technologies, which leads to economic concentration and unfavorable conditions for family farmers and causes exclusion, poverty and migration, etc. (Fernández, 2019). In this general scenario, the importance of the Green Belt of La Plata, in the Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina, as the area with the highest production of fresh vegetables in the country has undoubtedly been connected to a rapid and widespread technological incorporation that is dependent upon external input. Despite the spread and adoption of the current agro-food model, horticultural producer families have promoted, for several years, the path to another way of producing through the employment of various techniques and the appreciation of biodiversity as part of a process called "agroecological transition". In this report, we seek to share and reflect on the concepts of participation and guarantee, which were constructed in workshops and applied to agroecological transition production processes. Such workshops were organized with family farmers from two Green Belt organizations of La Plata in 2019. It is essential to highlight the decision of these families to produce in a healthy way, which benefits both producers and consumers, while it is also important to stress the role the University performs, on behalf of the State, supporting them in this process.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Participación y Garantía para componer un Sistema

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    The current agro-food model massively incorporates the use of agrochemicals, capital and intensive external input technologies, which leads to economic concentration and unfavorable conditions for family farmers and causes exclusion, poverty and migration, etc. (Fernández, 2019). In this general scenario, the importance of the Green Belt of La Plata, in the Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina, as the area with the highest production of fresh vegetables in the country has undoubtedly been connected to a rapid and widespread technological incorporation that is dependent upon external input. Despite the spread and adoption of the current agro-food model, horticultural producer families have promoted, for several years, the path to another way of producing through the employment of various techniques and the appreciation of biodiversity as part of a process called "agroecological transition". In this report, we seek to share and reflect on the concepts of participation and guarantee, which were constructed in workshops and applied to agroecological transition production processes. Such workshops were organized with family farmers from two Green Belt organizations of La Plata in2019. It is essential to highlight the decision of these families to produce in a healthy way, which benefits both producers and consumers, while it is also important to stress the role the University performs, on behalf of the State, supporting them in this processEl modelo agroalimentario vigente incorpora masivamente el uso de agroquímicos y tecnologías de insumos y capital intensivas, situación que acentúa la concentración económica y las condiciones desfavorables para los agricultores familiares. Se encuentran como principales consecuencias de dicho modelo la exclusión, la pobreza, la migración, etc. (Fernández, 2019). En este escenario general, el posicionamiento del cinturón verde de La Plata, provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina, como la zona de mayor producción de verdura fresca del país, ha tenido que ver, sin dudas, con la rápida y masiva incorporación tecnológica dependiente de altos insumos externos. A pesar de esta difusión y adopción, hace varios años que familias productoras hortícolas promueven el camino hacia otro modo de producir, a través de la incorporación de diversas técnicas y la valoración de la biodiversidad, a las cuales, en esta experiencia, englobaremos como “transición agroecológica”. En el presente relato, buscamos compartir y reflexionar acerca de la construcción en talleres de los conceptos de Participación y Garantía, aplicados a los procesos de producción en transición agroecológica, que se llevaron a cabo con productores familiares de dos organizaciones de base del Cinturón verde del Gran La Plata, durante 2019.  Es fundamental destacar la decisión de estas familias de producir de un modo sano, que beneficia tanto a productores como a consumidores, y el acompañamiento que el Estado desde la Universidad realiza en este proceso

    New monitoring confirms regular breeding of the Mediterranean monk seal in Northern Cyprus

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    The Endangered Mediterranean monk seal Monachus monachus is one of the most threatened marine mammals. Across Cyprus, suitable habitat and presence of monk seals is well documented and, recently, camera-trap surveys in Southern Cyprus found there to be pupping. We present results of the first camera-trap surveys in Northern Cyprus spanning the pupping period. Four adult/subadults and three pups were identified in three of eight caves monitored with camera traps. One site on the north-west of the island supported at least three adult/subadult seals and pupping occurred there in 3 consecutive years. The breeding and resting sites identified require urgent conservation to manage threats of disturbance, coastal development and fisheries bycatch. To determine the size of this population, a long-term survey with greater and more continuous coverage is required

    Calculation of the return on investment in identity and access management system

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    V tej magistrski nalogi pregledamo osnove upravljanja uporabniških pravic in identitet, ter se podrobneje spustimo v izračun donosnosti naložbe v takšne sisteme. Ugotovimo kje in kako pridobiti potrebne podatke in kako jih uporabiti pri izračunih. Opravimo dejanske izračune in primerjamo rezultate, s pomočjo katerih lahko ugotovimo, če se takšen sistem v našem okolju splača in v kolikšnem času se nam investicija povrne. Predstavimo tudi spletno aplikacijo, katera nam avtomatizira približek izračuna z le nekaj potrebnimi osnovnimi podatki.In this master\u27s thesis, we review the basics of managing user rights and identities, and go into more detail in calculating the return on investment in such systems. We find out where and how to get the necessary data and how to use the accumulated data in calculations. We perform actual calculations and compare the results, with the help of which we can determine if such a system is good for our environment and in what time the investment will pay off. We also present a web application that automates the approximation of the calculation with only a few basic data