18 research outputs found

    The image of the world in journalistic photography (the comparetive analysis of international photography exhibitions Interpressfoto and World Press Photo)

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    Thesis The image of the world in journalistic photography (the comparative analysis of international photography exhibitions Interpressphoto and World Press Photo) deals with the comparison of both exhibitions before the fall of the Iron Curtain. World Press Photo was designed for photographers of the West, Interpressphoto for photographers of the East. The work focuses on the ideological aspects of both exhibitions and ask the question whether an image - that West (World Press Photo) and East (Interpressphoto) wanted to present - is suspended by ideological establishment, what level of manipulation both of exhibitions show and whether this manipulation in both cases is comparable to or significantly different. The work also focuses on comparing important aspects of the winning photos of both exhibitions: selected places from which the photos were brought, the level of drama, accessibility (how is the photographer of the country easy / difficult to get into the country) and importance (how much the photographers focus on countries that have a large size, wealth and military power). At the beginning, it is hypothesized that the level of ideology was comparable in both countries. This hypothesis is then verified using coding tables.Bakalářská práce "Obraz světa v novinářské fotografii (komparativní analýza světových výstav novinářské fotografie Interpressphoto a World Press Photo)" se zabývá porovnáním ročníků obou výstav před pádem železné opony. Výstava World Press Photo byla určena pro fotografy Západu, Interpressphoto pak pro fotografy východního bloku. Práce se zaměřuje především na ideologické aspekty obou výstav a pokládá si otázku, zdali byl obraz, který o sobě chtěl Západ (World Press Photo) a Východ (Interpressphoto) vyvolat, podmíněný ideologickým zřízením, jakou míru manipulace obě výstavy vyvolávaly a zdali byla tato manipulace v obou případech srovnatelná, či se výrazně lišila. Práce se dále zaměřuje na porovnávání aspektů vítězných fotografií obou výstav, jako jsou vybraná místa, z nichž jsou fotografie přinášeny, míra dramatičnosti, přístupnosti (nakolik je pro fotografa z dané země snadné/obtížné se do dané země dostat) a důležitosti (nakolik se fotoreportéři zaměřují na země, které disponují velkou rozlohou, bohatstvím a armádními silami). Na začátku práce je vyslovena hypotéza, že míra ideologičnosti byla v obou zemích porovnatelná. Tato hypotéza je pak s pomocí kódovacích tabulek ověřována.Katedra žurnalistikyDepartment of JournalismFaculty of Social SciencesFakulta sociálních vě


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    IMMUNOFLUORESCENCE ANALYSIS OF PROAPOPTOTIC SIGNALING MOLECULES IN HUMAN MELANOMA CELLS AFTER PHOTODYNAMIC TREATMENT. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is connected with oxidative damage of biomolecules causing significant impairment of essential cellular functions that lead to cell death. It is the reason, why photodynamic therapy has also found its application in treatment of different oncological, cardiovascular, skin and eye diseases. The cell death after PDT is mediated by an apoptotic and/or necrotic process including activation of various biomolecules. In the presented study we have used immunofluorescence method to detect caspase 3 and 9, poly ADP-ribose polymerase (PARP) in their active forms, and release of the cytochrome c as the proapoptotic protein after photodynamic treatment of human melanoma cells


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    Photodynamic therapy (PDT) belongs in perspective modalities of cancer treatment. It is based on the tumour-selective accumulation of a photosensitizer followed by irradiation with light of a specific wavelength. PDT is widely developed nowadays due to its high specificity and selectivity along with absence of the unadvisable side-effects. Sonodynamic therapy (SDT) exploits ultrasound to induce cytotoxic effect of sensitizer. In our study we tested the possibility of combination of this therapies and icrease of efficiency. Our results suggest that irradiation in combination with application of therapeutic ultrasound increases production of reactive oxygen species and reduces viability of tumour MCF7 cells, compared to irradiation of ZnTPPS4 only, especially in the case of higher therapeutic doses. In the future, the combination of PDT and SDT can bring a new treatment modality for malignant and also nonmalignant diseases

    Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Kinanthropology

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    Proceedings of the 12th Conference of Sport and Quality of Life 2019 gatheres submissions of participants of the conference. Every submission is the result of positive evaluation by reviewers from the corresponding field. Conference is divided into sections – Analysis of human movement; Sport training, nutrition and regeneration; Sport and social sciences; Active ageing and sarcopenia; Strength and conditioning training; section for PhD students

    Genetic transformation of embryogenic cultures of Norway spruce (\kur{Picea abies})

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    The aim of this study was to develop a transformation procedure for embryonic cultures of Norway spruce (Picea abies) using particle bombardment. Selection of the transgenic tissue was based on the antibiotic resistance conferring by the nptII gene, in combination with the antibiotic kanamycin. Expression of the gus gene was confirmed by histochemical analysis

    Vietnameses in kindergartens of Pilsen

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    V této práci jsem se zaměřila na vietnamské děti v plzeňských mateřských školách. Cílem teoretické části této práce je přiblížit Vietnam, ze kterého děti či jejich rodiče přišli, přiblížit fakta o této zemi, o Vietnamcích, o jejich jazyku, rodině a kultuře, o jejich příchodu do ČR a jejich působení zde. Cílem praktické části této práce je určit počet vietnamských dětí v plzeňských mateřských školách, popsat jejich chování v kolektivu ostatních dětí, jejich začlenění do kolektivu a úroveň jejich znalostí češtiny, uvést jak se na tuto problematiku dívá učitel a jak bývalý žák.Katedra pedagogikyObhájenoI specialised in Vietnameses children who visite Pilsener kindergartens. The main topic of the theoretical part of this work is to introduce Vietnam which the children or their parents came from, facts of this country, Vietnameses, their language, family and culture, their arrival to Czech Republic, their lives in Czech Republic. The main topic of the practical part of this work is to found out the number of Vietnameses children in all of the kindergarten in Pilsen, to write about their behaviour in the group of other children, their integration, their level of Czech language, to found out what a teacher and an ex-student think of this problem

    Female heroines in Jessica Hausner's feature films

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    Téma bakalářské práce zní: Ženské hrdinky v celovečerních filmech Jessicy Hausner. Jessica Hausner (1972) je rakouská režisérka a scenáristka. Na svém kontě má čtyři celovečerní snímky - Lovely Rita (2001), Hotel (2004), Lurdy (2009) a Šílená láska (2014). V práci se snažím analyzovat, zda jsou hrdinky aktivní či pasivní - zda o svém směřování sami rozhodují, nebo zda se nechávají vést ostatními. Pokouším se pojmenovat způsoby, kterými je této aktivity (či pasivity) dosahováno

    Female heroines in Jessica Hausner's feature films

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    The topic of my bachelor thesis is: The female heroines in Jessica Hausner's feature films. Jessica Hausner (1972) is the Austrian film director and screenwriter. She has made four feature films - Lovely Rita (2001), Hotel (2004), Lourdes (2009) and Amour fou (2014). I try to analyze whether there are active or passive heroines, whether they decide by themselves or let others to decide for them. I try to identify ways which create this activity (or passivity)

    The image of the world in journalistic photography (the comparetive analysis of international photography exhibitions Interpressfoto and World Press Photo)

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    Thesis The image of the world in journalistic photography (the comparative analysis of international photography exhibitions Interpressphoto and World Press Photo) deals with the comparison of both exhibitions before the fall of the Iron Curtain. World Press Photo was designed for photographers of the West, Interpressphoto for photographers of the East. The work focuses on the ideological aspects of both exhibitions and ask the question whether an image - that West (World Press Photo) and East (Interpressphoto) wanted to present - is suspended by ideological establishment, what level of manipulation both of exhibitions show and whether this manipulation in both cases is comparable to or significantly different. The work also focuses on comparing important aspects of the winning photos of both exhibitions: selected places from which the photos were brought, the level of drama, accessibility (how is the photographer of the country easy / difficult to get into the country) and importance (how much the photographers focus on countries that have a large size, wealth and military power). At the beginning, it is hypothesized that the level of ideology was comparable in both countries. This hypothesis is then verified using coding tables

    Prevention of Surgical Site Infection During Perioperative Patient Care

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    Diplomová práce obsahuje přehled literatury k problematice infekce v místě chirurgického výkonu a preventivním opatřením na podkladě vyhledaných odborných publikací a časopiseckých článků českých i zahraničních autorů. Cílem výzkumného šetření bylo zjistit, jak je v perioperačním období zajišťována prevence vzniku infekce v místě chirurgického výkonu. Metodou volby pro sběr dat bylo zúčastněné pozorování na operačních sálech gynekologických pracovišť.The diploma thesis contains an overview of literature findings on Surgical Site Infection and its prevention based on vocational literature and journal articles of local and foreign authors. The aim of the research was to find out how the prevention of infection at the site of surgery is ensured in the perioperative period. The method of choice for data collection was participatory observation in the gynecological operating rooms.Fakulta zdravotnických studiíDoplňující otázky pro obhajobu závěrečné práce: 1. Stručně charakterizujte pracoviště, na kterých bylo realizováno pozorování (z hlediska počtu s.c., operací, počtu operačních dnů, velikosti pracoviště, ?). Jaké jsou rozdíly mezi pracovišti? 2. Celkové výsledky byly lepší u sálů pro císařský řez. Proč se domníváte, že tomu tak je? Obhajoba diplomové práce s prezentací výborná minus.Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo