160 research outputs found

    Salivary or Serum Cortisol: Possible Implications for Alcohol Research

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    The aim of this study was to clarify the effect of alcohol on cortisol prior to a meal by contrasting the effect of consuming a small-moderate amount of white wine on salivary cortisol and serum cortisol when sampled simultaneously, with salivary cortisol when sampled alone in fasted individuals. A total of 16 males aged 19-22 years participated in the investigation. The experimental procedure required all participants to fast for six hours and then ingest 40g alcohol in the form of white wine over a 135-min period. Participants were separated into two groups (serum+saliva, saliva only). In the saliva (only) trial (n=8) the level of blood alcohol and salivary cortisol was assessed upon arrival (0-min) and then again at 45-min, 90-min and 135-min.Similarly, in the serum+saliva trial (n=8) the level of blood alcohol, serum cortisol and salivary cortisol was assessed at regular intervals across the 135-min alcohol consumption period but serum cortisol and salivary cortisol was sampled simultaneously. The results showed that when white wine is consumed prior to food the level of: serum cortisol is significantly increased immediately; salivary cortisol is not significantly altered when measured during blood sampling; salivary cortisol is significantly decreased when measured in the absence of blood sampling. It was concluded that when assessing the effects of alcohol on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis care should be taken to ensure that the experimental methodology does not inadvertently influence the final results. Cortisol is rapidly released in response to stress and the stress of the blood sampling procedure is a significant factor that if not controlled for could potentially obscure the true effects of alcohol on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis

    Design of safety switch for shaping machine

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá návrhem mechanické části bezpečnostního spínače pro tvářecí stroje. Zaměřuje se na průzkum dostupných bezpečnostních spínačů vhodných pro tvářecí stroje. Popisuje konstrukci a funkci vybraného bezpečnostního spínače a analyzuje požadavky harmonizovaných bezpečnostních norem. V závěru práce je navržena konstrukce bezpečnostního spínače.The thesis deals with design of safety switch for shaping machines. It searches for available safety switches suitable for shaping machines. The research describes construction and function of safety switch and analyses requirements for harmonized safety standards. At the end of the thesis is presented design for construction of safety switch.

    Design of centrifugal casting machine

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá návrhem stroje pro odstředivé lití. V práci je obsaženo rozdělení a popsání metody odstředivého odlévání s přehledem dostupných strojů. Je proveden návrh parametrů odstředivého licího stroje. Práce obsahuje technicko-ekonomické posouzení projekčních návrhů hlavních skupin stroje. Jsou provedeny konstrukční výpočty a samotný návrh stroje. Je provedeno posouzení bezpečnosti navržené varianty stroje. Práce dále zahrnuje 3D model stroje a výkresovou dokumentaci.This master’s thesis is focused on design of centrifugal casting machine. Thesis includes the sorting and description method of centrifugal casting with overview of available machines. Proposal of parameters of centrifugal casting machine is done. Thesis includes technical-economic review of projection proposal for main parts of the machine. Design parameters are calculated and plan of machine is done. Safety assessment of proposed of machine variant is done. 3D model and drawings are included in thesis.

    Role chromation remoledačné ATPázy SMARCA5 v krvetvorbě vývoji červených krvinek

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    Jaderný protein Smarca5 (Snf2h) je jeden z nejvíce konzervovaných chromatin remodelačních faktorů a molekulárních motorů u savců. ATPáza Smarca5 (a ostatní příbuzní zástupci proteinové nadrodiny SWI/SNF2) společně se svými vazebnými partnery vytváří několika podjednotkové remodelační komplexy, jež posouvají, odstraňují nebo přináší histonové oktamery na DNA za účelem regulace trankripce, replikace, oprav poškození DNA a jiných nepostradatelných buněčných funkcí. Ve své disertační práci se zabývám studiem myšího modelu delece genu Smarca5 na počátku definitivní krvetvorby. Jedinci s delecí genu Smarca5 v hematopoetické kmenové buňce (aktivní promotor Vav1) umírají během pozdního vývoje in utero v důsledku závažné anémie. Ve fetálních játrech těchto experimentálních zvířat jsme pozorovali akumulaci krvetvorných kmenových a progenitorových buněk (HSPCs) a inhibici jejich dozrávání do erythroidní a myeloidní buněčné řady. Popsané poruchy vývoje byly doprovázeny dysplastickými změnami na úrovni proerytroblastů a poruchami buněčného cyklu na přechodu z G2 do M fáze u bazofilních erytroblastů. Dále jsme pozorovali, že nedostatečná funkce Smarca5 zvyšuje hladinu tumor supresorového proteinu p53 v erythroidních progenitorech, aktivaci jeho transkripčních cílů a k postranslačním modifikacím, jež jsou...The Imitation Switch (ISWI) nuclear ATPase Smarca5 (Snf2h) is one of the most conserved chromatin remodeling factors. It exists in a variety of oligosubunit complexes that move DNA with respect to the histone octamer to generate regularly spaced nucleosomal arrays. Smarca5 interacts with different accessory proteins and represents a molecular motor for DNA replication, repair and transcription. We deleted Smarca5 at the onset of definitive hematopoiesis (Vav1-iCre) and observed that animals die during late fetal development due to anemia. Hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) accumulated but their maturation towards erythroid and myeloid lineages was inhibited. Proerythroblasts were dysplastic while basophilic erythroblasts were blocked in G2/M and depleted. Smarca5 deficiency led to increased p53 levels, its activation at two residues, one associated with DNA damage (S-18) second with CBP/p300 (K376Ac), and finally activation of the p53 targets. We also deleted Smarca5 in committed erythroid cells (Epor-iCre) and observed that animals were anemic postnatally. Furthermore, 4- OHT-mediated deletion of Smarca5 in the ex vivo cultures confirmed its requirement for erythroid cell proliferation. Thus, Smarca5 plays indispensable roles during early hematopoiesis and erythropoiesis.BIOCEV, First Faculty of Medicine, Charles UniversityBIOCEV, 1. LF UKFirst Faculty of Medicine1. lékařská fakult

    BSS Plus compared to the vitreous of non-diabetics and diabetics

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    Letter to the EditorAbstract not availableJan Kokavec, Saban Horo, Weng Onn Chan, San H Min, Mei H Tan, John Grigg, Jagjit S Gilhotra, Henry S Newland, Shane R Durkin and Robert J Casso

    Binge Drinking Effects on EEG in Young Adult Humans

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    Young adult (N = 96) university students who varied in their binge drinking history were assessed by electroencephalography (EEG) recording during passive viewing. Groups consisted of male and female non-binge drinkers (>1 to 5/4 drinks/ounces in under two hours), low-binge drinkers (5/4–7/6 drinks/ounces in under two hours), and high-binge drinkers (≥ 10 drinks/ounces in under two hours), who had been drinking alcohol at their respective levels for an average of 3 years. The non- and low-binge drinkers exhibited less spectral power than the high-binge drinkers in the delta (0–4 Hz) and fast-beta (20–35 Hz) bands. Binge drinking appears to be associated with a specific pattern of brain electrical activity in young adults that may reflect the future development of alcoholism

    Millimeter spatial resolution in vivo sodium MRI of the human eye at 7 T using a dedicated radiofrequency transceiver array

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    Purpose: The aim of this study was to achieve millimeter spatial resolution sodium in vivo MRI of the human eye at 7 T using a dedicated six-channel transceiver array. We present a detailed description of the radiofrequency coil design, along with electromagnetic field and specific absorption ratio simulations, data validation, and in vivo application. Methods: Electromagnetic field and specific absorption ratio simulations were performed. Transmit field uniformity was optimized by using a multi-objective genetic algorithm. Transmit field mapping was conducted using a phase-sensitive method. An in vivo feasibility study was carried out with 3-dimensional density-adapted projection reconstruction imaging technique. Results: Measured transmit field distribution agrees well with the one obtained from simulations. The specific absorption ratio simulations confirm that the radiofrequency coil is safe for clinical use. Our radiofrequency coil is light and conforms to an average human head. High spatial resolution (nominal 1.4 and 1.0 mm isotropic) sodium in vivo images of the human eye were acquired within scan times suitable for clinical applications (∼ 10 min). Conclusions: Three most important eye compartments in the context of sodium physiology were clearly delineated in all of the images: the vitreous humor, the aqueous humor, and the lens. Our results provide encouragement for further clinical studies. The implications for research into eye diseases including ocular melanoma, cataract, and glaucoma are discussed