7,180 research outputs found

    Preparing multi-partite entanglement of photons and matter qubits

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    We show how to make event-ready multi-partite entanglement between qubits which may be encoded on photons or matter systems. Entangled states of matter systems, which can also act as single photon sources, can be generated using the entangling operation presented in quant-ph/0408040. We show how to entangle such sources with photon qubits, which may be encoded in the dual rail, polarization or time-bin degrees of freedom. We subsequently demonstrate how projective measurements of the matter qubits can be used to create entangled states of the photons alone. The state of the matter qubits is inherited by the generated photons. Since the entangling operation can be used to generate cluster states of matter qubits for quantum computing, our procedure enables us to create any (entangled) photonic quantum state that can be written as the outcome of a quantum computer.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures; to appear in Journal of Optics

    Valuing information from mesoscale forecasts

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    The development of meso-gamma scale numerical weather prediction (NWP) models requires a substantial investment in research, development and computational resources. Traditional objective verification of deterministic model output fails to demonstrate the added value of high-resolution forecasts made by such models. It is generally accepted from subjective verification that these models nevertheless have a predictive potential for small-scale weather phenomena and extreme weather events. This has prompted an extensive body of research into new verification techniques and scores aimed at developing mesoscale performance measures that objectively demonstrate the return on investment in meso-gamma NWP. In this article it is argued that the evaluation of the information in mesoscale forecasts should be essentially connected to the method that is used to extract this information from the direct model output (DMO). This could be an evaluation by a forecaster, but, given the probabilistic nature of small-scale weather, is more likely a form of statistical post-processing. Using model output statistics (MOS) and traditional verification scores, the potential of this approach is demonstrated both on an educational abstraction and a real world example. The MOS approach for this article incorporates concepts from fuzzy verification. This MOS approach objectively weighs different forecast quality measures and as such it is an essential extension of fuzzy methods

    The influence of forward-scattered light in transmission measurements of (exo)planetary atmospheres

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    [Abridged] The transmission of light through a planetary atmosphere can be studied as a function of altitude and wavelength using stellar or solar occultations, giving often unique constraints on the atmospheric composition. For exoplanets, a transit yields a limb-integrated, wavelength-dependent transmission spectrum of an atmosphere. When scattering haze and/or cloud particles are present in the planetary atmosphere, the amount of transmitted flux not only depends on the total optical thickness of the slant light path that is probed, but also on the amount of forward-scattering by the scattering particles. Here, we present results of calculations with a three-dimensional Monte Carlo code that simulates the transmitted flux during occultations or transits. For isotropically scattering particles, like gas molecules, the transmitted flux appears to be well-described by the total atmospheric optical thickness. Strongly forward-scattering particles, however, such as commonly found in atmospheres of Solar System planets, can increase the transmitted flux significantly. For exoplanets, such added flux can decrease the apparent radius of the planet by several scale heights, which is comparable to predicted and measured features in exoplanet transit spectra. We performed detailed calculations for Titan's atmosphere between 2.0 and 2.8 micron and show that haze and gas abundances will be underestimated by about 8% if forward-scattering is ignored in the retrievals. At shorter wavelengths, errors in the gas and haze abundances and in the spectral slope of the haze particles can be several tens of percent, also for other Solar System planetary atmospheres. We also find that the contribution of forward-scattering can be fairly well described by modelling the atmosphere as a plane-parallel slab.Comment: Icarus, accepted for publicatio

    Chemiluminescent measurement of atmospheric acid

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    The design and construction of a gas phase acid sensitive analyzer are reported. These studies showed that the chemical system was a practical analytical method. A complete instrument was developed and prepared for field testing. A Titan 3-C rocket was scheduled for launching on February 11, 1974. Through preparations made by NASA Langley the instrument was set up to monitor the acid concentration in the rocket exhaust. Due to adverse wind conditions no acid was detected. This entire trip is described in detail

    Information gap for classical and quantum communication in a Schwarzschild spacetime

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    Communication between a free-falling observer and an observer hovering above the Schwarzschild horizon of a black hole suffers from Unruh-Hawking noise, which degrades communication channels. Ignoring time dilation, which affects all channels equally, we show that for bosonic communication using single and dual rail encoding the classical channel capacity reaches a finite value and the quantum coherent information tends to zero. We conclude that classical correlations still exist at infinite acceleration, whereas the quantum coherence is fully removed.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Transmission of pillar-based photonic crystal waveguides in InP technology

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    Waveguides based on line defects in pillar photonic crystals have been fabricated in InP/InGaAsP/InP technology. Transmission measurements of different line defects are reported. The results can be explained by comparison with two-dimensional band diagram simulations. The losses increase substantially at mode crossings and in the slow light regime. The agreement with the band diagrams implies a good control on the dimensions of the fabricated features, which is an important step in the actual application of these devices in photonic integrated circuit

    Heat transfer in a recirculation zone at steady-state and oscillating conditions - the back facing step test case

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    Steady state and transient heat transfer is a very important aspect of any combustion process. To properly simulate gas to wall heat transfer in a turbulent flow, an accurate prediction of the flow and the thermal boundary layer is required. A typical gas turbine combustion chamber flow presents similarities with the academic backward facing step case, especially in the near wall regions where the heat transfer phenomena take place. For this reason, due to its simple geometry and the availability of well documented experiments, the backward facing step with wall heat transfer represents an interesting validation case. Results of steady-state and transient calculations with the use of various turbulence models are compared here with available experimental data

    Long-term wine consumption is related to cardiovascular mortality and life expectancy independently of moderate alcohol intake: the Zutphen Study

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    Background: Light to moderate alcohol intake lowers the risk of cardiovascular mortality, but whether this protective effect can be attributed to a specific type of beverage remains unclear. Moreover, little is known about the effects of long-term alcohol intake on life expectancy. Methods: The impact of long-term alcohol intake and types of alcoholic beverages consumed on cardiovascular mortality and life expectancy at age 50 was investigated in the Zutphen Study, a cohort of 1373 men born between 1900 and 1920 and examined repeatedly between 1960 and 2000. Hazard ratios (HRs) for total alcohol intake and alcohol from wine, beer and spirits were obtained from time-dependent Cox regression models. Life expectancy at age 50 was calculated from areas under survival curves. Results: Long-term light alcohol intake, that is =20 g per day, compared with no alcohol, was strongly and inversely associated with cerebrovascular (HR 0.43, 95% CI 0.26 to 0.70), total cardiovascular (HR 0.70, 95% CI 0.55 to 0.89) and all-cause mortality (HR 0.75, 95% CI 0.63 to 0.91). Independent of total alcohol intake, long-term wine consumption of, on average, less than half a glass per day was strongly and inversely associated with coronary heart disease (HR 0.61, 95% CI 0.41 to 0.89), total cardiovascular (HR 0.68, 95% CI 0.53 to 0.86) and all-cause mortality (HR 0.73, 95% CI 0.62 to 0.87). These results could not be explained by differences in socioeconomic status. Life expectancy was about 5 years longer in men who consumed wine compared with those who did not use alcoholic beverages. Conclusion: Long-term light alcohol intake lowered cardiovascular and all-cause mortality risk and increased life expectancy. Light wine consumption was associated with 5 years longer life expectancy; however, more studies are needed to verify this resul

    The Development of a High School Faculty Handbook

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    The purpose of th is project was to develop a faculty handbook that would aid school administrators in the day-to-day communication and management needs of Sunnyside Christian High School. The handbook produced as a result of this project is being utilized at Sunnyside Christian High School, Sunnyside, Washington. An effective faculty handbook can be a valuable tool for a school

    Balance of Power in Host-Virus Arms Races

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