56 research outputs found

    Association between susceptible genotypes to periodontitis and clinical outcomes of periodontal regenerative therapy: a systematic review

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    Background: The aim of this review is to systematically investigate the effect of a susceptible genotype to periodontitis with the clinical outcomes of periodontal regeneration. Material and Methods: Based on a focused question, an electronic search identified 155 unique citations. Three journals (Journal of Periodontology, Journal of Clinical Periodontology and Journal of Periodontal Research), references of relevant studies and review articles were hand-searched. Two independent reviewers implementing eligibility inclusion criteria selected the studies. Results: Of the 155, four studies fulfilled the inclusion criteria. All studies were published between 2000 and 2004 and the samples’ size was 40 to 86 patients. Polymorphisms of Interleukin-1 (IL-1) gene were included in all. Three out of four studies failed to identify an association between susceptible genotypes to periodontitis and clinical outcomes of periodontal regeneration, while one found an association. The heterogeneity and small number of studies included prevented the conduct of a meta-analysis. No studies were identified evaluating the effect of other genotypes and as a result only IL-1 genotype studies were included. Conclusions: Within the limits of the present review, no direct conclusion for the effect of a susceptible IL-1 genotype status to the clinical outcome after periodontal regeneration could be drawn. The need of more qualitative studies to explore a possible association emerge

    Expression of gingival crevicular fluid markers during early and late healing of intrabony defects after surgical treatment: a systematic review

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    Background: Surgical treatments such as guided tissue regeneration (GTR) and access flap surgery are widely employed for the treatment of intrabony defects. However, little is known regarding the postoperative expression of gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) markers. Objective: The aim of this systematic review was to compare the expression of GCF markers following treatment of periodontal intrabony defects with guided tissue regeneration or access surgery. The association of the markers’ expression with the clinical outcome was also assessed. Methods: An electronic literature search was conducted in MEDLINE, EMBASE, OpenGrey, LILACS and Cochrane Library up to December 2018 complemented by a manual search. Human, prospective clinical studies were identified. The changes from baseline up to 30 days (early healing) and 3 months (late healing) were assessed. Results: A total of 164 publications were identified and reviewed for eligibility. Of these, 10 publications fulfilled the inclusion criteria. The included studies evaluated 15 different GCF markers with a follow-up time between 21 and 360 days postoperatively. PDGF, VEGF and TIMP-1 changes were often investigated in the included studies; however, contrasting results were reported. Two studies agreed that both GTR and OFD lead to similar OPG level changes. TGF-β1 is increased early postoperatively, irrespective of the surgical technique employed. Conclusión: There is limited evidence available on the expression of GCF markers after surgical interventions of intrabony periodontal defects. However, OPG and TGF-β1 tend to increase early post-operatively, irrespective of the surgical technique employed, irrespective of the surgical technique employed. Clinical relevance: More well-designed, powered studies with sampling periods reflecting the regenerative process are needed, and future research should focus on employing standardised protocols for collecting, storing and analysing GCF markersS

    Moral Competence, Personality, and Demographic Characteristics: A Comparative Study

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    The development of moral competence is affected by both internal and external factors and has been researched by many scientists. The present study investigated a) whether the five factors of personality, gender and geographical area would affect ones’ moral competence, b) whether the personality factors Openness to Experience, Conscientiousness and Agreeableness would be correlated positively with moral competence in everyday life, whereas Extraversion and Neuroticism would be correlated negatively with morality, c) if there will be differences in students’ moral competence exhibited in everyday life and that expressed in PE/sports framework and d) whether type of school, factors of personality, as well as moral competence exhibited in sports-framework would all be significant factors for the interpretation of a student’s moral competence. The sample consisted of 331 junior high students (7th and 8th graders) (Mage = 12.47, SD = 0.740), who were given the Moral Competence Test Greek Version (Mouratidou et al. 2003), the Moral Judgment Test in Physical Education(Mouratidou et al. 2008), and the Inventory of Child Individual Differences (Besevegkis & Pavlopoulos 1998). The results indicated that of the five-factor personality model only Conscientiousness can affect moral reasoning ability in everyday life and that the type of school can account for less than 5% of variance when predicting moral competence in high school students


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    The purpose of the present study is to evaluate the adoption of Mediterranean diet in adolescents with intellectual disabilities. The sample of the study consisted of 24 adolescents (8 boys and 16 girls) with intellectual disabilities who were studying at a secondary education school, with an average age of 17.63+2.018 years. For data collection, the Mediterranean Diet Quality Index for Children and Adolescents (KIDMED) by Serra-Majem et al. (2004) was used. KIDMED is supported by specific principles sustaining traditional healthy Mediterranean dietary patterns. KIDMED is based on a 16-item food consumption log questionnaire that can be answered either self-administered or in interview. As for the pupils with intellectual disabilities, the answers were recorded in an individual interview. For the statistical analysis the Statistical Package for Social Sciences ver. 23.0 for windows was used. Data processing showed that over the 1/3 of adolescents with intellectual disabilities (37.5%) has a very low diet quality, while the proportion of adolescents following an optimal Mediterranean diet was zero. In addition, the diet of the adolescents with intellectual disabilities in a very large proportion (62.5%) needs improvement for the adaptation of the consumption / intake to Mediterranean patterns. The results show that adolescents with intellectual disabilities do not follow the Mediterranean diet. Therefore, priority should be given to the application and implementation of health educational programs on diet in general, and more specifically on the benefits of Mediterranean diet to adolescents with intellectual disabilities, in order to adopt the Mediterranean diet patterns aiming on the beneficial effects, both directly and long-term in their adult life.  Article visualizations

    Mosquitoes cloak their legs to resist insecticides

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    Malaria incidence has halved since the year 2000, with 80% of the reduction attributable to the use of insecticides. However, insecticide resistance is now widespread, is rapidly increasing in spectrum and intensity across Africa, and may be contributing to the increase of malaria incidence in 2018. The role of detoxification enzymes and target site mutations has been documented in the major malaria vector Anopheles gambiae; however, the emergence of striking resistant phenotypes suggests the occurrence of additional mechanisms. By comparing legs, the most relevant insect tissue for insecticide uptake, we show that resistant mosquitoes largely remodel their leg cuticles via enhanced deposition of cuticular proteins and chitin, corroborating a leg-thickening phenotype. Moreover, we show that resistant female mosquitoes seal their leg cuticles with higher total and different relative amounts of cuticular hydrocarbons, compared with susceptible ones. The structural and functional alterations in Anopheles female mosquito legs are associated with a reduced uptake of insecticides, substantially contributing to the resistance phenotype.Fil: Balabanidou, Vasileia. Institute of Molecular Biology And Biotechnology. Foundation For Research And Technology; GreciaFil: Kefi, Mary. University of Crete; Grecia. Institute Of Molecular Biology And Biotechnology, Foundation For Research And Technology; GreciaFil: Aivaliotis, Michalis. Institute Of Molecular Biology And Biotechnology, Foundation For Research And Technology; Grecia. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki; GreciaFil: Koidou, Venetia. Institute Of Molecular Biology And Biotechnology, Foundation For Research And Technology; Grecia. University of Crete; GreciaFil: Girotti, Juan Roberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de La Plata "Prof. Dr. Rodolfo R. Brenner". Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de La Plata "Prof. Dr. Rodolfo R. Brenner"; ArgentinaFil: Mijailovsky, Sergio Javier. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de La Plata "Prof. Dr. Rodolfo R. Brenner". Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de La Plata "Prof. Dr. Rodolfo R. Brenner"; ArgentinaFil: Patricia Juárez, M.. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de La Plata "Prof. Dr. Rodolfo R. Brenner". Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de La Plata "Prof. Dr. Rodolfo R. Brenner"; ArgentinaFil: Papadogiorgaki, Eva. University of Crete; GreciaFil: Chalepakis, George. University of Crete; GreciaFil: Kampouraki, Anastasia. Institute Of Molecular Biology And Biotechnology, Foundation For Research And Technology; Grecia. Agricultural University of Athens; GreciaFil: Nikolaou, Christoforos. Institute Of Molecular Biology And Biotechnology, Foundation For Research And Technology; Grecia. University of Crete; GreciaFil: Ranson, Hilary. Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine; Reino UnidoFil: Vontas, John. Institute Of Molecular Biology And Biotechnology, Foundation For Research And Technology; Grecia. Agricultural University of Athens; Greci

    Eating disorders and body image disturbances in top-level male and female athletes

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    The current study has been designed to investigate the relationships between eating disorders and body image disturbances in top-level male and female athletes. For this purpose, two matched groups of individuals, on sex, age and educational level (N=53 per group), voluntarily participated in the study. Group A consisted of 14 male and 53 female top-level athletes with eating disorders, ranging in age from 16 to 20 years (mean 17.88 years, s.d.=1.29). Group B consisted of 14 males and 53 females, ranging in age from 16 to 20 years (mean 17.81 years, s.d. =1.35). Subjects of the group 2 have never ever been systematically engaged in physical activity, and they did not suffer from eating disorders. The DSM-IV, the EAT, the BMI, a Stereometric Test of Body Image, and 4 factors of the PSDQ (namely, body fat, self-esteem, self-concept and physical appearance) were used to collect the necessary data. It was found that the mean performance scores of group A were significantly different to those of group B on: a) eating behaviour (t=25.83, p<.001, group B < A), b) ratio of body weight and height (t=23.24, p<.001, group A < B), c) body image perception (t=14.43, p<.001, group B < A), and d) physical-self description [(body fat t=22.13, p<.001, group B < A), (self-esteem t=23.76, p<.001, group B < A), (self-concept t=29.75, p<.001, group B < A) and (physical appearance t=9.76, p<.001, group B < A)]. Results also indicated that: a) the DSM-IV, the EAT and the BMI may predict body image perception of groups A and B, as it was assessed through the Stereometric Test of Body Image, and b) the subjects can be accurately classified in groups A and B by using the EAT, the BMI, the Stereometric Test of Body Image, and the PSDQ (the factors body fat, self-esteem, self-concept and physical appearance) as criterion tests. Results are compared with recent theoretical and experimental data on eating disorders and body image disturbances, and important conclusions are drawn with respect to coping strategies in physical education and sport.Η εργασία αυτή σχεδιάστηκε για τη μελέτη των σχέσεων ανάμεσα στις διαταραχές πρόσληψης τροφής και τις διαταραχές της εικόνας σώματος σε αθλητές/τριες υψηλού αγωνιστικού επιπέδου. Στην εργασία έλαβαν μέρος εθελοντικά δύο ομάδες των 53 ατόμων η καθεμιά, εξισωμένες μεταξύ τους ως προς το φύλο, τη χρονική τους ηλικία και το εκπαιδευτικό επίπεδο. Στην ομάδα A ανήκαν 14 αθλητές και 39 αθλήτριες, υψηλού αγωνιστικού επιπέδου με διαταραχές πρόσληψης τροφής, χρονικής ηλικίας 16 έως 20 ετών (μ.ο. ηλικίας=17.88 έτη, τ.α.=1,29). Στην ομάδα Β ανήκαν 14 άνδρες και 39 γυναίκες χρονικής ηλικίας 16 έως 20 ετών (μ.ο ηλικίας=17,81, τ.α.=1,35), που δεν έλαβαν μέρος ποτέ συστηματικά σε κάποια φυσική δραστηριότητα και δεν έπασχαν από διαταραχές πρόσληψης τροφής. Για τη συλλογή των δεδομένων χρησιμοποιήθηκαν τα ακόλουθα μέσα: Το "DSM-IV, το "EAT", το "ΒΜΙ", η "Στερεομετρική Δοκιμασία της Εικόνας Σώματος" ("ΣΔΕΣ") και οι παράγοντες "Σωματικό Λίπος", "Αυτοεκτίμηση", "Αυτοσυναίσθημα" και "Σωματική Εμφάνιση" του "PSDQ". Βρέθηκε ότι τα άτομα της ομάδα Α, σε σχέση με εκείνα της ομάδας Β του δείγματος, διαφέρουν σημαντικά μεταξύ τους ως προς: α) τη διατροφική τους συμπεριφορά (t=25.83, p<.001, Ομάδα Β<Α), β) την αναλογία του σωματικού βάρους σε σχέση με το ύψος τους (t=23.24, p<.001, Ομάδα Α<Β), γ) την αντίληψη της εικόνας σώματος (t=14.43, p<001, Ομάδα Β<Α) και δ) την αντίληψη του σωματικού εαυτού [("Σωματικό Λίπος" t=22.13, p<.001, Ομάδα Β<Α), ("Αυτοεκτίμηση" t=23.76, p<.001, Ομάδα Β<Α), ("Αυτοσυναίσθημα" t=29.75, p<.001, Ομάδα Β<Α), ("Σωματική Εμφάνιση" t=9.76, p<.001, Ομάδα Β<Α)]. Βρέθηκε επίσης ότι: α) από τις δοκιμασίες "DSM-IV", "ΕΑΤ" και "ΒΜΙ" είναι δυνατόν να προβλεφτεί η αντίληψη της εικόνας σώματος των ατόμων των Ομάδων A και Β του δείγματος, που μετράται με την "ΣΔΕΣ" και β) με κριτήριο την αξιολόγηση στο "EAT", "ΒΜΙ", "ΣΔΕΣ" και "PSDQ" (παράγοντες "Σωματικό Λίπος", "Αυτοεκτίμηση", "Αυτοσυναίσθημα" και "Σωματική Εμφάνιση") μπορούν να καταταγούν τα άτομα του δείγματος στις Ομάδες A και Β με μεγάλη πιστότητα. Τα αποτελέσματα της εργασίας αυτής συγκρίνονται με τα πρόσφατα θεωρητικά και ερευνητικά δεδομένα των διαταραχών πρόσληψης τροφής και των διαταραχών της εικόνας σώματος και εξάγονται χρήσιμα συμπεράσματα για την αντιμετώπιση του φαινομένου αυτού στη φυσική αγωγή και τον αθλητισμό