9 research outputs found

    Antagonism between Smad1 and Smad2 signaling determines the site of distal visceral endoderm formation in the mouse embryo

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    The anterior–posterior axis of the mouse embryo is established by formation of distal visceral endoderm (DVE) and its subsequent migration. The precise mechanism of DVE formation has remained unknown, however. Here we show that bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling plays dual roles in DVE formation. BMP signaling is required at an early stage for differentiation of the primitive endoderm into the embryonic visceral endoderm (VE), whereas it inhibits DVE formation, restricting it to the distal region, at a later stage. A Smad2-activating factor such as Activin also contributes to DVE formation by generating a region of VE positive for the Smad2 signal and negative for Smad1 signal. DVE is thus formed at the distal end of the embryo, the only region of VE negative for the Smad1 signal and positive for Smad2 signal. An inverse relation between the level of phosphorylated Smad1 and that of phosphorylated Smad2 in VE suggests an involvement of antagonism between Smad1- and Smad2-mediated signaling

    The Photoperiod-Insensitive Allele Ppd-D1a Promotes Earlier Flowering in Rht12 Dwarf Plants of Bread Wheat

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    The gibberellin-responsive dwarfing gene Rht12 can significantly reduce plant height without changing seedling vigor and substantially increase ear fertility in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum. L). However, Rht12 delays heading date and anthesis date, hindering the use of Rht12 in wheat improvement. To promote early flowering of the Rht12 dwarf plants, the photoperiod-insensitive allele Ppd-D1a was introduced through a cross between Jinmai47 (Ppd-D1a) and Karcagi (Rht12). The results showed that Ppd-D1a can rescue the delaying effect of Rht12 on flowering time and promote earlier flowering by 9.0 days (163.2°Cd) in the Rht12 dwarf plants by shortening the late reproduction phase. Plant height was reduced by Rht12 (43.2%) and Ppd-D1a (10.9%), achieving dwarf plants with higher lodging resistance. Ear fertility, like the grain number per spike, was significantly increased by Rht12 (21.3%), while it was reduced by Ppd-D1a (6.5%). However, thousand kernel weight was significantly reduced by Rht12 (12.9%) but significantly increased by Ppd-D1a (16.9%). Finally, plant yield was increased by 16.4 and 8.2%, and harvest index was increased by 24.9 and 15.4% in the Rht12 dwarf lines and tall lines with Ppd-D1a, respectively. Clearly, there was an additive interaction between Rht12 and Ppd-D1 and the introduction of Ppd-D1a advanced the flowering time and improved the yield traits of Rht12 dwarf plants, suggesting that the combination of Rht12 and Ppd-D1a would be conducive to the successful use of Rht12 in wheat breeding programs

    Genome-Wide Analysis of <i>Snf2</i> Gene Family Reveals Potential Role in Regulation of Spike Development in Barley

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    Sucrose nonfermenting 2 (Snf2) family proteins, as the catalytic core of ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling complexes, play important roles in nuclear processes as diverse as DNA replication, transcriptional regulation, and DNA repair and recombination. The Snf2 gene family has been characterized in several plant species; some of its members regulate flower development in Arabidopsis. However, little is known about the members of the family in barley (Hordeum vulgare). Here, 38 Snf2 genes unevenly distributed among seven chromosomes were identified from the barley (cv. Morex) genome. Phylogenetic analysis categorized them into 18 subfamilies. They contained combinations of 21 domains and consisted of 3 to 34 exons. Evolution analysis revealed that segmental duplication contributed predominantly to the expansion of the family in barley, and the duplicated gene pairs have undergone purifying selection. About eight hundred Snf2 family genes were identified from 20 barley accessions, ranging from 38 to 41 genes in each. Most of these genes were subjected to purification selection during barley domestication. Most were expressed abundantly during spike development. This study provides a comprehensive characterization of barley Snf2 family members, which should help to improve our understanding of their potential regulatory roles in barley spike development

    Wheat Ym2 originated from Aegilops sharonensis and confers resistance to soil-borne Wheat yellow mosaic virus infection to the roots

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    International audienceWheat yellow mosaic virus (WYMV) is a pathogen transmitted into its host’s roots by the soil-borne vector Polymyxa graminis . Ym1 and Ym2 genes protect the host from the significant yield losses caused by the virus, but the mechanistic basis of these resistance genes remains poorly understood. Here, it has been shown that Ym1 and Ym2 act within the root either by hindering the initial movement of WYMV from the vector into the root and/or by suppressing viral multiplication. A mechanical inoculation experiment on the leaf revealed that the presence of Ym1 reduced viral infection incidence, rather than viral titer, while that of Ym2 was ineffective in the leaf. To understand the basis of the root specificity of the Ym2 product, the gene was isolated from bread wheat using a positional cloning approach. The candidate gene encodes a CC-NBS-LRR protein and it correlated allelic variation with respect to its sequence with the host’s disease response. Ym2 (B37500) and its paralog (B35800) are found in the near-relatives, respectively, Aegilops sharonensi s and Aegilops speltoides (a close relative of the donor of bread wheat’s B genome), while both sequences, in a concatenated state, are present in several accessions of the latter species . Structural diversity in Ym2 has been generated via translocation and recombination between the two genes and enhanced by the formation of a chimeric gene resulting from an intralocus recombination event. The analysis has revealed how the Ym2 region has evolved during the polyploidization events leading to the creation of cultivated wheat