105 research outputs found


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    Experiments on the toxicity of the insecticide cypermethrin, a synthetic pyrethroid,to nile tilapia (Oreoehromia niloticue) were conducted, using static and continuous flowsystems

    Aquatic toxicology of selected rice insecticides,with special reference to their effects on fish culture in West Java, Indonesia

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    Insecticides are widely used in SE Asian countries to control insect pests in rice, mainly stemborers (Chilo suppresallis) and brown plant hoppers (Nilaparvata lugens). The use of highly toxic insecticide compounds, however, is known to cause serious problem for fish culture in wet rice fields in many of these countries, particularly in Indonesia where this practice assumes a tremendous "house hold economic" importance, as well as being an essential part of the nation's inland aqua-culture production system. The laboratory and field experiments described were carried out to establish whether the application of five selected rice insecticides (fenobucarb, isoprocarb, buprofezin, diazinon and alphamethrin) would influence the growth and production of common carp fingerlings (Cyprinus carpio LINN.) raised in wet rice fields. Laboratory static toxicity tests revealed that the carbamate insecticides (fenobucarb and isoprocarb) were the least toxic insecticide compounds. The 96 hour Median Lethal Concentration (i.e the concentration that killed 50% of the test fish in 96 hours exposure period, under specified conditions) of these insecticides were 5.8mgl-1 and 5.3mgl-1, respectively. The synthetic pyrethroid insecticide alphamethrin was the most toxic insecticide with 96h-LC50 of 0.037mg1-1, while the organophosphate diazinon and the thiadiazin buprofezin showed intermediate toxicity to common carp (96h-LC50 = 2.3mgl-1 and 1.5mgl-1, respectively). A series of five field experiments were consecutively conducted, using 24 specially constructed rice field plots to accomodate the culture of common carp fingerlings for a period of 21 days. A single application of three dose regime, i.e 1/2X, 1 X and 2X of the recommended dose rate for insect control was given as treatment in each experiment. The survival of fish in all experiments were not significantly influenced by the insecticide treatment (P > 0.05). The growth rate and the production of fish biomass in rice fields treated with isoprocarb, buprofezin, diazinon and alphamethrin, were also found to be comparable with those in the untreated control plot (P > 0.05). In the rice fields treated with the highest dose rate of fenobucarb (1500gha-1 ,Al), the growth and production of fish were significantly lower than those in the untreated control rice fields (P < 0.05). Observations on the rice field biota revealed no definite pattern in the temporal changes of the population of zooplankton and macroinvertebrates both in the insecticide treated plots as well as in the untreated control plots. The minimum effects of the insecticide treatment to fish and rice field biota observed in the experiment were presumably due to several factors, mainly because a significant amount of the compounds were adsorbs by the rice field soil and aquatic vegetations and not onto the water, causing less toxicity, followed by the rapid flushing of the chemicals from the rice field system. The composition of the diet of common carp fingerlings in the rice field was found to be similar with those reported in the natural ponds, consisting mainly of aquatic insects (and their larvae), crustaceans, benthic macroinvertebrates and plant detritus. Based on the results of the present experiments, of the five insecticide compounds tested, diazinon and fenobucarb appeared to produce greater risk to fish when used in rice-fish farming. The use of agrochemicals in rice-fish farming should be carefully managed and controlled, using selected low toxic and non-persistent insecticides based on the result of laboratory and field toxicity tests

    Photobook Design of Ancient Temples in Magelang Regency

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    Indonesia is a country with vast cultural diversity as well as high historical value, due to many historical sites found in various regions including Magelang Regency, Central Java. Beside the largest temple called Borobudur, there are also several others scattered on all places of Magelang. These temples are not yet exposed to the world, namely Lumbung, Asu, Pendem, Gunung Sari, Gunung Wukir, Losari, and any other temples. These temples become the cultural heritage with its own beauty and high historical values with different functions and objectives from each other. The existence of these temples need to be preserved because of its use for science, education, religion and any other aspects. Government Tourism Office have already made an effort in the publication through websites, brochures, and magazines. After analyzing the publication, there are shortcomings in the delivery of the publication through the media. Therefore, to provide historical information and documentation of the temples in Magelang as historical evidence there is a need for putting more effort. The survey was done by the author through questionnaire and interview, the author concludes to use photobook as media to convey the information about these temples and to use photos to document these temples. Keywords Photobook, Ancient Temples, Magelang Regenc

    Wayang Kulit Cirebon: Warisan Diplomasi Seni Budaya Nusantara

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    The wayang kulit (shadow puppet) theatre is a traditional art form that has thrived in Southeast Asia for a long time. In Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand, apart from local stories, wayang kulit presents Indian epics, such as the Ramayana and Mahabharata, as a medium for Hindu-Buddhist teachings. When Islam spread in this region, the Javanese and Malay wayang kulit still kept developing, even when it was being repurposed for Islamic preaching. In its development in the Islamic era, the Javanese wayang kulit incorporated the role and influence of Sufi scholars and local rulers. The visual form, composition, and creation of the wayang kulit puppets along with the prose and musical arrangements were directly inspired by the Wali Sanga (Nine Apostles) and the following Javanese kings themselves. This paperng Kulit of Cirebonural Diplomacy of Nusantara ion in the pasteration, presents the historic wayang kulit of Cirebon and discusses its unique visual features, which reflect acculturation between ethnicities (Javanese, Chinese) as well as beliefs (local animism, Hindu-Buddhism, Islam). The historic wayang kulit of Cirebon proved that a peaceful, cross-cultural and religious diplomacy took place through the medium of art since the early stages of deployment of Islam in Java. This traditional art is a legacy for current and future younger generations, not only because of the aesthetical aspect, but also as a cross-cultural diplomacy strategy and philosophy that must be acknowledged, understood, and practiced. In accordance with the meaning of the word, 'wayang' (reflection) reflects a successful diplomacy of the past that can potentially be applied in the present, hoping harmonic relationships can emerge from cultural diversity in the midst of rapid globalization

    Offshore Tertiary Sedimentary Basins in Indonesia

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    Ringkasan. Cekungan-cekungan sedimen berumur Tersier yang kaya akan minyak dan gas bumi terutama terdapat di bagian barat Indonesia. Cekungan-cekungan ini dahulunya disebut sebagai "ideogeosynclines", dan terdapat sekeliling tepi suatu masa daratan pre-Tersier yang diperkirakan dan dinamakan "Sunda Shelf". Dewasa ini daerah tersebut ditutup oleh laut-laut Epikontinental yang dangkal (Laut Jawa, Laut China Selatan). Bahagian luarnya cekungan-cekungan ini dibatasi oleh busur kepulauan volkanik dalam. Penyelidikan-penyelidikan seismic lautan yang sangat luas, yang dilakukan baru-baru ini dan disusul oleh pengeboran telah membuktikan adanya penerusan dari beberapa cekungan ini kelepas pantai (antara lain Sumatra Utara, Jawa Barat, Jawa Timur dan Kalimantan Timur). Lebih penting lagi penyelidikan tersebut telah membuka tabir bahwa paparan Sunda yang semula diperkirakan bertindak sebagai sumber-sumber sedimen selama "Tersier" dalam kenyataannya terdiri dari banyak cekungan-cekungan sedimen dan peninggian-peninggian yang memisahkannya, dan hanya daerah antara Bangka, Belitung, serta kepulauan Natuna-Anambas adalah daratan Sunda yang sebenarnya. Peninggian-peninggian ini bertindak sebagai sumber dari berbagai lapisan sedimen dan beberapa diantaranya diwakili oleh pulau-pulai pre-Tersier antara lain Bangka, Belitung dan Karimun Jawa. Pematahan bongkah dari batuan dasar ternyata bertanggung jawab atas perkembangan cekungan-cekungan ini, dan juga mengendalikan pengendapan maupun tektonik dari lapisan Tersier yang menutupinya. Selanjutnya explorasi lepas-pantai juga telah membuktikan adanya lapisan-lapisan sedimen tersier di antara Busur Kepulauan Volkanik dalam (misalkan Sumatra) dan busur Non-volkanik luar (pulau Nias dan lain-lain). Sampai saat ini belum terdapat cukup data-data untuk membahasa cekungan sedimen lepas-pantai di Indonesia Timur. Penyelidikan-penyelidikan geofisika laut dan pengeboran masih dalam kemajuan dewasa ini. Lokasi-lokasi pengeboran lepas-pantai masih sangat banyak yang direncakan untuk tahun-tahun yang akan datang. Sehingga masih terlalu pagi untuk membahas implikasi-implikasi geologi yang luas. Abstract. Prolific Tertiary sedimentary basins are mainly located in Western Indonesia. They have previously been described as "ideo-geo-synclines", and are situated around the periphery of a supposed pre-Tertiary land-mass the "Sunda Shelf", now largely covered by shallow epicontinental seas, (Java Sea, South China Sea). Outward they are bordered by the Inner Volcanic island arc. Recent extensive marine seismic investigations and subsequent drilling have confirmed the extension of some of these basins offshore (e.g. North Sumatra, West Java, East Java and East Kalimantan). More important, however, these surveys have revealed that the "Sun Shelf" which supposedly served as source of sediments during the Tertiary, actually consist of numerous sedimentary basins and intervening uplifts, leaving the area between Bangka-Billiton and Natuna-Anambas Islands as the Sunda-land proper. These uplifts served as source of sediments and some are represented by pre-Tertiary islands, e.g. Bangka, Billiton and Karimun Jawa. Basement block-faulting is apparently responsible for the development of these basins, and controlled depositions as well as tectonics of the Tertiary cover. Further offshore exploration has also confirmed the presence of Tertiary sediments between the Inner Volcanic islands (c.q. Sumatra) and the outer non-volcanie arc (c.q. Nias). There is no sufficient data to date to describe offshore sedimentary basins is eastern Indonesia. Marine geophysical surveys and drilling are still in progress at present. Numerous offshore drilling locations are scheduled for several years, so that it is still too preliminary to discuss the broad geological implications.

    Perancangan Buku “Jejak Kaki Semar” (The Book Design of “Jejak Kaki Semar”)

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    AbstractThe Book Design of “Jejak Kaki Semar”.This paper aimed to discuss the design of a book (book design) as a medium for introducing puppet to the younger generation. This book is entitled Jejak Kaki Semar. This book tells about Semar and its philosophical meaning. It was designed as a medium of information, education, and entertainment. In order to attract the younger generation, this book is given an attractive illustration and sold at a low price.AbstrakTulisan ini membahas tentang perancangan sebuah buku sebagai media memperkenalkan wayang kepada generasi muda. Jadi tulisan ini membahas tentang desain buku dan makna filosofi tokoh Semar. Buku ini diberi judul Jejak Kaki Semar. Buku tentang tokoh Semar dan makna filosofinya ini dirancang sebagai satu media informasi, edukasi dan hiburan. Untuk menarik minat generasi muda, buku ini diberi ilustrasi yang menarik dan dijual dengan harga murah


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    Salah satu upaya untuk mencegah pencemaran pestisida pada sumber daya dan lingkungan perikanan air tawar ialah dengan penggunaan bahan aktif pestisida secara selektif, yakni yang tidak berdaya racun tinggi pada ikan dan hewan akuatik lainnya

    Kajian Warna & Ilustrasi Primary Display Panel Kemasan menggunakan Metode Kuesioner dan Eye-Tracking

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    Abstrak. Produk pangan industri rumah tangga (P-IRT) kalah bersaing di rak pajang karena kemasannya kurang eye-catching. Beberapa faktor di antaranya warnanya kurang mencolok serta ilustrasi/ foto kurang menarik. Penelitian yang akan dilakukan ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi kombinasi warna dan ilustrasi/ foto pada Primary Display Panel (PDP) kemasan yang menarik perhatian konsumen. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Kombinasi faktor warna dan gambar (ilustrasi/ foto) akan diuji dengan metode Eye-tracking dan kuesioner yang diolah menggunakan metode ANOVA. Penelitian terdiri dari tiga tahap: pertama pengumpulan data I, kedua pengolahan data dan analisis I; dan tahap terakhir uji kesamaan dan penarikan kesimpulan. Studi ini mengungkap bahwa preferensi yang didapat dari kuesioner berbeda hasilnya dengan pengamatan eye tracking. Dengan kata lain, tidak selalu apa yang disukai konsumen sama dengan apa yang diamati konsumen. Penelitian ini diharap dapat membantu produsen pangan industri rumah tangga dalam mempertimbangkan desain kemasan agar lebih menarik perhatian dan menumbuhkan minat pembeli dengan melakukan eksperimen eye tracking.Kata kunci: Eye-tracking, ilustrasi, kemasan, kuesioner, PDP, warnaAbstract. Home industry food products are unable to compete on display shelves because the packaging is less eye-catching. Some factors include the color is not flashy and the illustration/ photo is less attractive. The research that will be conducted aims to identify color combinations and illustrations/ photos in the Primary Display Panel (PDP) packaging that attracts consumers' attention. This study uses a quantitative approach. The combination of color factors and images (illustrations / photos) will be tested with the Eye-tracking method and a questionnaire processed using the ANOVA method. The study consisted of three stages: first data collection I, both data processing and analysis I; and the final stage of equality testing and conclusion drawing. From the study, it was revealed that the preferences obtained from the questionnaire differed in results with eye tracking observations. In other words, it is not always what consumers like as what consumers observe. This research is expected to help home industry food producers in considering packaging design to attract more attention and foster buyer interest by conducting eye tracking experiments.Keywords: Colour, eye-tracking, illustration, packaging, PDP, questionnair
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