118 research outputs found


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    The article deals with some aspects of the criteria definition for evaluating of future firefighters education process management in higher educational institutions of SES of Ukraine. The complex of proposed criteria allows to determine such basic features of education management in higher educational institutions of SES of Ukraine: the structure of the system is under heavy development, which is mainly empirical; criteria for assessing the effectiveness of individual components of the system have not been developed; the skills level of substructures’ individual members is not defined; system (education) is the object of control; the subject of management is in the same time an object of higher administrative substructure management, this provides the existence of universal management practices applicable to all parts of the management chain.У статті розкриваються деякі аспекти визначення критеріїв оцінки системи управління процесом виховання майбутніх фахівців пожежної безпеки в умовах підготовки у вищих навчальних закладах Державної служби України з надзвичайних ситуацій.Застосування комплексу запропонованих критеріїв дозволяє визначити такі основні особливості системи управління вихованням у вищих навчальних закладах Державної служби України з надзвичайних ситуацій: структура системи знаходиться в процесі інтенсивного становлення, що має, в основному, емпіричний характер; критерії оцінки ефективності окремих ланок системи не розроблені; рівень управлінських умінь окремих представників підструктур системи не визначений; об'єктом управління є система (виховання); суб'єкт управління є об'єктом управління стосовно вищої управлінської підструктури, що обумовлює існування універсальних методів управління, застосовних до всіх ланок управлінського ланцюга

    The content and essence of the anti-corruption strategy as a tool to combat corruption in Ukraine

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    The purpose of the article is to analyze the content and essence of the anti-corruption strategy as a tool for countering corruption crime in Ukraine. Research results. It шs established that anti-corruption strategy should include a number of basic measures to counter crime in the field of anti-corruption activities. In addition, the position that the preparation and authorization of the corresponding document is carried out on the basis of quantitative and qualitative indicators, which should be collected in advance, according to defined criteria and taking into account a certain period of time, is substantiated. Practical implementation. According to the authors, considerable attention should be paid to the practical method of determining the main priorities in the anti-corruption policy of Ukraine and the use of strategic planning as the main tool. Value/originality. It is argued that strategic planning in the state anti-corruption policy and the specific form of its manifestation – adoption of the State anti-corruption strategies – has a significant positive effect on the provision of human and citizen rights and freedoms, effectively and efficiently contributes to the functioning of all public authorities and the development of democracy and the rule of law in Ukraine

    Information and analytical support for the State defense order in Ukraine

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    The purpose of the article is to reveal the essence of the information and analytical support for the State defense order in Ukraine. Research results. Theoretical approaches to defining the essence of the concepts of information and analytical activity and information and analytical support are considered, their role and purpose are revealed. Practical meaning. The author’s definition of the term «information and analytical support of the state defense order in Ukraine» is proposed as a complex of organizational and legal systematic measures aimed at the collection, processing, analysis and generalization of information materials in order to ensure effective planning, coordination, monitoring and control of the execution of State defense orders, which includes the use of modern information technologies, analytical methods and expert assessments, promoting effective management within the defense sector of the state. Value/originality. It is proven that the role of the investigated institution is to protect territorial integrity and sovereignty, ensure informed decision-making, planning and coordination, monitoring and control, development of internal and external potentials, ensuring information security, development of the information base, ensuring effective communication, supporting scientific research, innovation and technological development

    The concept of soft law the role and legal technologies of influence on the legislation of states

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    The study aims to establish the role of "soft law" as a tool of legal technology, its importance for the formation of the legal system within the regulation of various types of legal relations. The current pace of development of society requires a rapid response from the authorities to certain situations. Sometimes the settlement of certain legal relations by customary law is insufficient, as the range of such legal relations cannot be covered by national or international acts. In this case, it is advisable to follow the prescriptions of "soft law", which contain general ideas and principles that determine the main vectors of the settlement of legal relations. Besides, "soft law" serves the purpose of harmonization of the legal framework of different states, which results in the creation of related mechanisms of interaction. In the context of the desire for global cohesion, in particular, European integration, the definition of the impact and role of "soft law" on rule-making processes becomes especially important. The result of this work is to identify the importance of acts of "soft law" for the settlement of various legal relations at both national and international levels; the role of such acts in the implemented European integration policy; features of legal technologies within the application of "soft law" acts

    Legal security of investors in the process of financing housing construction in Ukraine and some European countries

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    The purpose of the article is to find mechanisms that would guarantee the protection of investors’ rights in the process of housing construction. Methodology. In the process of conducting the research, the following methods were used: theoretical generalization, grouping method, methods of dynamic, statistical and comparative analysis, comparative method, method of structural and logical analysis, calculation and analytical method. Research results. The works of scientists who studied the problem of risks associated with investing in construction were analyzed. A comparative study of investor security in France and Germany was conducted. The legislation of Ukraine on this issue was examined. Practical implementation. It was determined that in order to prevent the misuse of funds in housing construction in foreign countries, there is a mechanism for attracting funds by opening escrow accounts and transferring funds from them to the developer. Value/originality. It was proven that the use of escrow accounts in house-building can become an effective mechanism for protecting the rights of investors in Ukraine

    Framework of national security actors of Ukraine in the context of European integration

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    The aim of the article is to identify the system of actors for ensuring Ukraine’s national security in the context of European integration. The subject matter is entities providing national security. Methodology. The methodological base for the Article is the combination of tools and approaches of scientific knowledge, in particular: dialectical, examination, systematic, systemic, structured and operational, historic law, relative, comprehensive. Research results. It is determined that “system” is a certain aggregate, which consists of a certain multitude of elements between which a relationship exists to achieve the objectives. Practical meaning. It is established that the framework of actors implementing national security of Ukraine in the context of European integration is a complex symbiotic and interdependent legal entity, an element of the system of its provision and a component of the corresponding administrative and legal sheme, which is objectified by the totality of state authorities and individual non-state subjects, which implement measures provided for by legislation to create in Ukraine. Value/originality. It is proven that ensuring national security with regard to the European integration in the institutional aspect has two dimensions: on the one hand management and implementation, and on the other – promotion


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    The interest in the European Union work permit quotas arises largely as a result of globalization and digitalization, while the European Union member states produce more labor services than materials, followed by deviations in labor policies. The main aim of the article is to analyze the work permit policies implemented by the EU and its member states to manage the legal employment of migrant workers, focusing on the existing programs during the last two years. The subject of the study is the outcome of work permit legislation and quotas for third country economic relations with the European Union. The methodology of the research includes the method of descriptive and explanatory study of legal issues of EU work permit quotas, followed by statistical analysis with legal review of the data on the subject. The study is based on the analysis of documents (founding acts, directives, regulations, decrees, etc.) of the EU countries and is focused on the research of the scope of their domestic decisions. As a result, the paper raises and analyzes many important issues of the European Union's work permit quota regulations in times of socio-economic imbalance. The first section of the paper provides an analysis of the legal background of labor migration policy at the EU level. The second section deals with the political and legal work permit measures (quotas) defined by the member states to secure their national economy. The second section is dedicated to the statistical survey of the EU work permit policy in the context of the employment of migrant workers of Ukrainian origin. The hypothesis of the paper is that labor migration is a social phenomenon with a long historical background, while the work permit quota is an annual governmental mechanism established in relevant normative acts of the states. Practical implications are as follows: the conclusions and methodological approaches to legal work permit model, obtained as a result of the study, is considered a tool for national security management of multiplicative risk factors, and is applicable to condense misleading in labor policies of EU member states and in third countries. The value/originality of the paper is revealed by the use of behavioral and economic analysis (in the context of humanitarian crisis in Ukraine). The paper modifies the current situation on execution of regulatory acts within the framework of EU work permit quotas as currently improving measures


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    The war in Ukraine has created an unprecedented global humanitarian crisis, with the highest number of refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) in the world, civil infrastructure in ruins, uncontrolled food and water supplies in deserted regions, etc. The war has also led to a radical change in national security governance in Ukraine. The main purpose of the article is to analyse current legal and economic issues of national security governance in Ukraine at war. The subject of the study is the importance of national security governance in defining national values and interests and in assessing damage in Ukraine. The methodology of the research includes the method of descriptive and explanatory study of legal issues of national security governance in Ukraine. The study is based on an analysis of legal documents and academic articles. For the purposes of the paper, the analysis of the literature on the subject and the method of document research were used. Originally, the regulations regulating the legal issues of national security governance in Ukraine were included in the Law of Ukraine "On National Security". The paper modifies the current situation regarding the normative provisions that should be updated. The hypothesis of the paper is that the concept of objective values is constantly evolving and that there is no unified approach to its definition. The practical implications are as follows: the number of refugees from Ukraine is still growing, so Ukraine should pursue its national interests in the receiving countries in order to protect universal values. As a result, during martial law Ukraine civil society set up objective values within its national interests, locking up counter-terrorism and human trafficking. The value/originality of the paper is that it expands the knowledge about the interconnection of objective values and national interests of the state with a special focus on Ukraine at war