1,681 research outputs found

    Ideengeschichtliche Entwicklung des pädagogischen Kompetenzkonzepts

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    Im Folgenden wird die historische Entwicklung des Kompetenzbegriffs der Pädagogik nachgezeichnet und seine ideengeschichtlichen Wurzeln ergründet. Sodann wird der Verbindung des Kompetenzbegriffs mit Theorien der Handlungsregulation nachgegangen und aufgezeigt, wie das Handlungskompetenzkonzept in die bildungspolitischen Ziele für berufsbildende Schulen integriert wurde. Es scheint, als ob kompetenzorientierte Ansätze gerade dann in der pädagogischen Diskussion vertreten werden, wenn das gesellschaftlichökonomische System einem grundlegenden Wandlungsprozess unterworfen ist. Einige Anhaltspunkte zu dieser Vermutung sollen daher parallel dargestellt werden. (DIPF/ Orig

    Nasal Spray Can Save Lives: Engaging Emergency Department Nurses in the Provision of Naloxone Nasal Spray to High Risk Patients

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    The opioid overdose epidemic continues to escalate in the United States. Some of the morbidity and mortality associated with opioid overdose can be prevented with the timely administration of naloxone, an opioid reversal agent. The literature emphasized that the emergency department (ED) venue and registered nurses are well positioned to screen and identify high risk individuals whether they present as a result of an overdose or for other medical reasons. The literature also pointed to the importance of providing naloxone to high risk individuals and those who would be most likely to be at the scene of an overdose. This is critical because most overdoses occur at home. Additionally, negative attitudes and stigmatization towards individuals with substance use disorders (SUD) can result in provision of suboptimal patient care for this population. The literature demonstrated that education can improve knowledge gaps and negative attitudes towards patients with SUD. The purpose of this evidence-based practice improvement project (EBPI) was to address the knowledge gaps and attitudes of Emergency Department Registered Nurses (EDRNs) about the scope of the opioid overdose epidemic, SUDs as a disease, pathways from prescription opioids to heroin, treatment, recovery, harm reduction education, and nasal naloxone spray. The goal of the EBPI was to use evidence to increase the EDRNs’ knowledge and improve attitudes to facilitate delivery of evidence-based care

    Impacts of a Natural Disturbance on Coral Reefs in the Florida Keys and Subsequent Recovery Potential of the Sea Urchin Diadema antillarum

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    Ecosystem resilience is a measure of an ecosystem’s capacity to resist abrupt change and recover following a disturbance. While stochastic disturbances can contribute to normal ecosystem functioning, mounting natural and anthropogenic stressors are simultaneously intensifying the severity of disturbances and reducing the capacity for ecosystem recovery. Here, I examine the impacts of hurricane disturbance on a coral reef ecosystem and the potential for post-storm population recovery of a keystone herbivore, the sea urchin Diadema antillarum. Grazing pressure exerted by dense populations of D. antillarum is critical to coral reef ecosystem health by preventing (or reversing) an ecological regime shift from coral- to macroalgal-dominated reefs following disturbance. Hurricane Irma, a Category 4 Hurricane, made landfall in the Florida Keys in September 2017. The effects of the storm on D. antillarum and the surrounding coral reef community were evaluated at 10 sites in the middle and upper Florida Keys. Following Hurricane Irma, D. antillarum densities declined by 80% and the coral reef community was significantly altered. To assess the potential for local D. antillarum recovery, larval influx and subsequent increases in adults were measured using artificial settlement plates and transect surveys, respectively. Larval influx did not yield a measurable increase in adults over the period of the study, indicating limits to post-storm population recovery. The reestablishment of D. antillarum populations seems unlikely without extensive management efforts. Enhancing herbivory on coral reefs will be essential to building ecosystem resilience in the face of an increasingly severe disturbance regime


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    Measures of Health Related quality of life in an imperfect world: a comment on Dowie

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    Professor Dowie has written an interesting and thought provoking paper on a long lasting debate in the literature on measuring health related quality of life. The debate between generic and condition specific measures (CSMs) has not progressed a great deal with time and he is right to question a purely psychometric approach that currently tends to focuses on effect sizes. He has also presented an interesting challenge to the compromise solution suggested by a number of psychometricians to adopt both types of measure

    Towards a Representative Bureaucracy: Promoting Linguistic Representation and Diversity in the Swiss and Canadian Federal Public Services

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    Drawing on the concept of representative bureaucracy, this article examines how two multilingual states - Canada and Switzerland - deal with issues related to the participation of different linguistic communities in the federal public service. Following a political mobilization of the linguistic cleavage, strategies to promote multilingualism in the public service have been adopted in both countries. The Canadian strategy focuses on equal treatment of Anglophones and Francophones in the public service. In Switzerland, adequate representation of the linguistic communities is the primary goal. These differences are explained by the characteristics of the linguistic regimes in each of the two countries as well as by the peculiarities of consociational democracy in Switzerland. In both countries, the linguistic origins of public administration staff, overall, mirrors the proportions of the linguistic communities in the wider society. Within administrative units, however, linguistic diversity is hampered by the logics of language rationalization, where minorities are under pressure to communicate in the language of the majorit

    Vers une bureaucratie représentative. La promotion de la représentation et de la diversité linguistiques dans l'administration fédérale en Suisse et au Canada

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    Résumé. Sous l'angle du concept de bureaucratie représentative, le présent article compare la gestion des enjeux liés à la participation des différentes communautés linguistiques dans l'administration publique de deux États multilingues : le Canada et la Suisse. À la suite de la mobilisation politique autour du clivage linguistique, des stratégies de promotion du plurilinguisme ont été adoptées dans les deux pays. La stratégie canadienne mise sur l'égalité de traitement des fonctionnaires anglophones et francophones. La Suisse poursuit quant à elle l'objectif de la représentation des différentes communautés linguistiques dans la fonction publique. Ces différences de fond s'expliquent, entre autres, par la nature du régime linguistique en place et par le contexte de démocratie consociationnelle en Suisse. La participation proportionnelle des communautés linguistiques au sein de l'administration fédérale est globalement atteinte dans les deux pays. Cependant, au niveau du fonctionnement interne, une logique de rationalité linguistique exerce une pression sur les groupes minoritaires pour qu'ils adoptent la langue majoritaire. Abstract. Drawing on the concept of representative bureaucracy, this article examines how two multi-lingual states—Canada and Switzerland—deal with issues related to the participation of different linguistic communities in the federal public service. Following a political mobilisation of the linguistic cleavage, strategies to promote multilingualism in the public service have been adopted in both countries. The Canadian strategy focuses on equal treatment of Anglophones and Francophones in the public service. In Switzerland, adequate representation of the linguistic communities is the primary goal. These differences are explained by the characteristics of the linguistic regimes in each of the two countries, as well as by the peculiarities of consociational democracy in Switzerland. In both countries, the linguistic origins of public administration staff, overall, mirrors the proportions of the linguistic communities in the wider society. Within administrative units, however, linguistic diversity is hampered by the logics of language rationality, where minorities are under pressure to communicate in the language of the majorit

    Extending the Golay Equation for Coupling a Gas Chromatograph to a Drift Tube IMS

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    When it comes to analyzing complex mixtures with highly sensitive ion mobility spectrometers (IMS), a pre-separation of these mixtures is often required due to chemical cross sensitivities and limitations in IMS resolving power. In most cases, gas chromatographic (GC) pre-separation is used. In contrast to typical GC detectors, such as flame ionization detectors or photo ionization detectors, an IMS can add significant dead volume to the system due to its ionization chamber. This dead volume causes memory effects and peak broadening affecting the performance of the chromatographic pre-separation. Therefore, a new but simple model has been developed to estimate the effect of additional detector dead volume and to obtain the optimal operating parameters. This model considers both geometric parameters, such as column length and column diameter, and operating parameters, such as flow rate and temperature of the gas chromatograph and IMS. In addition, the effects induced by the compressibility of the mobile phase were taken into account. In comparison to the commonly used Golay equation our model predicts increased plate heights at low and medium linear velocities. Our model has been experimentally verified using an ultra-high sensitive IMS detector in combination with capillary columns of different lengths and diameters. A UV lamp has been used for ionization due to its good linearity. The columns have been held in isotherm conditions and, additionally, they have been operated with purified air as mobile phase. For each capillary under investigation, a series of measurements with different linear drift velocities has been performed. From these experimental data, the vast difference in plate heights at low linear velocities compared to the expected values from the Golay equation can be confirmed. Despite the simplicity of our model, the predictions are in good accordance with the measurements. Thus, the GC-IMS operating parameters can be easily optimized with respect to maximum gas chromatic pre-separation

    Semantical Equivalence of the Control Flow Graph and the Program Dependence Graph

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    The program dependence graph (PDG) represents data and control dependence between statements in a program. This paper presents an operational semantics of program dependence graphs. Since PDGs exclude artificial order of statements that resides in sequential programs, executions of PDGs are not unique. However, we identified a class of PDGs that have unique final states of executions, called deterministic PDGs. We prove that the operational semantics of control flow graphs is equivalent to that of deterministic PDGs. The class of deterministic PDGs properly include PDGs obtained from well-structured programs. Thus, our operational semantics of PDGs is more general than that of PDGs for well-structured programs, which are already established in literature.Comment: 30 page
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