22 research outputs found

    Preliminary results of variability in mechanical-induced volatile root-emissions of different maize cultivars

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    The current study was conducted to obtain more information on the specificity and variation of the volatile com¬pounds, which are released from the root system of different lines and hybrids of Zea mays plants. European (12 genotypes) and North American (5 genotypes) genetic material was included (15 maize hybrids and 2 maize inbreds). The results of our study have shown that roots of European and American maize genotypes secrete dif¬ferent relative amounts of linalool, a-caryophyllene and b-caryophyllene, which depend on genotype and on the pretreatment of the roots (various mechanical damages)

    The Temperamental Characteristic of Extraversion in Slovenian Preschool Children Who Stutter

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    Different authors agree that stuttering is a multifactorial disorder that manifests itself in verbal, psychological, physiological, physical and social fields and requires corresponding evaluation, diagnosis and treatment (Conture 2001; Logan, Yaruss, 1999; Vanryckeghem, Brutten, 1997; Zebrowski, Kelly, 2002). Contemporary research links the development of stuttering with certain temperamental characteristics, among which extraversion plays an important role. The aim of this study was to investigate one such temperamental characteristic – extraversion – in Slovenian preschool children who stutter and to compare these children with their fluently-speaking peers. Using a parent administered questionnaire (Inventory of Children’s Individual Differences, Zupančič, Kavčič, 2009), extraversion as a temperamental characteristic was assessed in 49 children who stutter and in 75 children who do not stutter. All children were aged between 3 and 6 years. The results demonstrated that preschool children who stutter achieved, on average, a statistically significantly lower score on the dimension of extraversion than preschool children who do not stutter. Accordingly, children who stutter are not as extraverted, active, sociable and open to experience as children who speak fluently

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    Pragmatic abilities of pupils with mild intellectual disabilities

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    Istražuvanjeto gi analizira karakteristikite na pragmatičnite sposobnosti za raskažuvanje prikazni na učenicite so lesna intelektualna poprečenost (LIP), vo odnos na vokabularnite karakteristiki, gramatičkata struktura i suštinskata struktura na prikaznata, imajḱi gi predvid nivnata vozrast i pol. Primerokot se sostoi od 60 učenici so LIP, na vozrast od 7 do 9 godini, koi posetuvaat specijalno učilište. Pragmatičnite sposobnosti na deteto se ocenuvaat so Testot na raskažuvanje prikazna. Rezultatite od istražuvanjeto otkrivaat značaen napredok vo vokabularot na postarata grupa, kade što napredokot vo gramatičkata i suštinskata struktura beše pomalku značitelen. Pri sporedbata na dostignuvanjata na učenicite so LIP spored vokabularot, gramatičkata i suštinskata struktura na prikaznata, ne se utvrdeni razliki vo polot. Sporedbata na pragmatičnite sposobnosti na pomladi i postari grupi učenici so LIP so normite za nivni vrsnici so tipičen razvoj, pokažuva mala devijacija na pomladata grupa. Rezultatite od istražuvanjeto gi otkrivaat karakteristikite na pragmatičnite sposobnosti na učenici so LIP i možat da im pomognat terapevti za govor, nastavnici, nastavnici vo posebno obrazovanie i sovetnici pri razgleduvanjeto na profilite na individuite koi se zemeni kako osnova za dizajniranje programi za intervencija. So implementiranjeto na takvata programa go ohrabruvame razvojot na pragmatičnite sposobnosti na učenicite, na toj način vlijaeme vrz nivnite akademski dostignuvanja, komunikaciska kompetentnost i socijalni veštini.The research analyses characteristics of pragmatic abilities of storytelling of pupils with mild intellectual disabilities (MID), in the light of vocabulary characteristics, grammar structure and substantive structure of a story, considering their age and gender. The sample consists of 60 pupils with MID, aged 7 to 9, who attend special school. Child’s pragmatic abilities are assessed with The Storytelling Test. The research results reveal considerable progress of the older group in vocabulary, whereas the progress in grammatical and substantive structure was less substantial. When comparing achievements of pupils with MID according to the vocabulary, grammatical and substantive story structure, no gender differences are determined. A comparison of pragmatic abilities of younger and older groups of pupils with MID with the norms for peers with typical development shows minor deviation of the younger group. The research results reveal characteristics of pragmatic abilities of pupils with MID and can provide insights to speech therapists, teachers, special education teachers and counsellors when considering profiles of individuals that are taken as a basis for designing intervention programs. By implementing such program, we would encourage development of pragmatic abilities of pupils, thus affecting their academic achievements, communication competency and social skills