24 research outputs found


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    Ubikvitinacija je glavni put selektivne razgradnje proteina u eukariotskim stanicama. Regulira širok raspon staničnih procesa, uključujući endocitozu, popravak DNA, degradaciju proteina, stanični ciklus i sl. Ključnu ulogu u tom posttranslacijskom mehanizmu imaju proteini ubikvitin (Ub) i proteasom, uz enzime E1, E2 i E3. Ubikvitin je poput biljega koji obilježava proteine određene za uništenje, a proteasom je sam egzekutor. Ukoliko dođe do poremećaja u radu ubikvitin-proteasom sustava (UPS) stanica je u nemogućnosti normalno funkcionirati te se javljaju bolesti. Tumori, autoimunost, neurodegenerativne bolesti, samo su neke od mogućih posljedica u radu UPS-a. Isto tako, različite vrste patogena imaju sposobnost manipulacije domaćinskim ubikvitinacijskim sustavom, što im omogućuje proliferaciju, stoga je važno razumjeti sam molekularni mehanizam kako bismo razvili nove antibakterijske i antitumorske strategije.Ubiquitination is the main mechanism of selective protein degradation in eukaryotic cells. It regulates a wide range of cellular processes, including endocytosis, DNA repair, protein degradation, cell cycle and similar. Main role in this posttranslation mechanism have proteins ubiquitin (Ub) and proteasome, with enzymes E1, E2 and E3. Ubiquitin marks proteins for degradation, while proteasom is the main executor. If a failure in ubiquitin-proteasom system (UPS) occurs, cell doesn't function normally and diseases may show. Tumors, autoimmunity, neurodegenerative diseases are just some of the possible outcomes. Also, various pathogens have ability to manipulate host ubiquitination system, allowing them to proliferate. Hence, it is important to understand molecular mechanism of ubiquitination, so new antibacterial and antitumor strategies can be develope

    Impact of Tourism Destination Strategy on Its Competitiveness

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    The aim of this paper is to explore how destination strategy – marketing, employees, policy of planning and destination development, management of service quality and management of environmental protection - affects competitiveness of rural tourism destinations in Vojvodina (Serbia) and Hungary. Tourism experts in Vojvodina (136) and Hungary (138) were asked to evaluate the current condition of all 24 attributes which affect the competitiveness of rural tourism destinations. Likert scale of five marks was used in order to determine the effect of the strategies on the competitiveness of Vojvodina/Hungary as a rural tourism destination. Authors concluded that a large number of tourist resources and attractions are irreplaceable, and the purpose of formulating and implementing strategies must be to ensure that the use of resource ensure their long-term sustainability. Such a development strategies are processes or activities that correspond to the tourist attractions and resources of destinations, and on the other hand, are aligned with the external environment. Destination competitiveness can be increased by using a strategy of constant innovation and continuous change. In order to be competitive, destination should offer flexible, segmented and customized products. The main methods of developing flexibility for the competitiveness of tourist destinations rely on the organization, management, marketing, distribution and other forms of interactions and relationships between tourism suppliers. This work is licensed under a&nbsp;Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p

    Financing as a key factor of the strategy of sustainable rural tourism development in the Republic of Serbia

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    The important reason for the lack of rural tourism development, in most rural areas in Serbia, is undefined strategic development directions and the lack of financial investment. The aim of this paper is to highlight the need for the adoption of the strategy for sustainable development of rural tourism in the actual transition period in the Republic of Serbia, with clearly defined development priorities and modalities of financing for all segments of rural tourism offer. The adoption of this strategy is necessary in the Republic of Serbia, in the actual transition period, in order to develop rural areas, to reduce regional differences in economic development, and in order to stop actual depopulation process of rural areas. Defining innovative and additional sources of funding is necessary, because the existing are limited and insufficient. The paper used a method of analysis and synthesis, descriptive, and comparative method

    Evaluation of tourist attractiveness and museum management in Sombor and Apatin (Serbia)

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    In the area of Sombor and Apatin there are a number of cultural institutions. The paper will cover the Museum of silk damask in Bezdan, Tobacco Museum in Telečka and the Ethnological Exhibition in Kupusina. The aim of this paper is to assess the market attractiveness, the sensitivity of cultural property, the state of repair, the existence of cultural property management plan, regular monitoring and maintenance, potential for ongoing investment, the possibility of a negative impact of a large number of visitors to the physical condition of cultural resources and the possibility of modifications as part of the product development


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    Measuring competitiveness has become one of the key factors for ensuring successful and sustainable tourism development, especially destination's current level of development and its growth and vitality. The main goal of this study was to analyze the applicability of the Ritchie and Crouch competitiveness model in order to assess tourism advantages and disadvantages of Vojvodina Province (Northern Serbia) as a rural tourism destination. Exactly 216 tourism stakeholders on the supply side that have the knowledge and/or experience relevant to this topic were interviewed. The results show that stakeholders believe that Vojvodina is not a competitive rural tourism destination, but some destination's advantages were identified, and they can be used for improving Vojvodina's position on rural tourism market. The research has shown that the key resources and the attractions of rural areas of Vojvodina are rated better than the macro and industry-related factors. In order that Vojvodina stands out in the competitive market, destination marketing is crucial and should be more closely focused on new products and market development. .

    Fostering entrepreneurship at high schools: A case of rural areas in Vojvodina (Serbia)

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    An early entrepreneurial education has a positive influence on decisions of young people to engage in entrepreneurial activities. Long term unemployment among young people is a characteristic of Republic of Serbia. The youth unemployment can be decreased by directing and encouraging young people to start their own businesses, but shaping the entrepreneurial aspirations should take primacy. These aspirations must be founded on knowledge, skills, social involvement and networking. Educational system should be adjusted to follow economic and market shifts. In this paper, research was conducted in four high schools in rural municipalities of Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. The pupils were given a questioner regarding their entrepreneurial aspirations. Based on the collected data, measures for altering and complementing curriculums in high schools can be designed. Early entrepreneurial education is helping young population to build their careers on realistic grounds and compatible with ongoing global trends

    Effect of acute neonatal hypoxia on the brainstem catecholamine levels in young rats

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    Fetalna hipoksija je stanje koje karakterizira smanjena koncentracija kisika važnog za normalnu fiziološku funkciju tkiva te normalan razvoj fetusa. Posljedice smanjene koncentracije kisika očituju se kroz razne neurološke poremećaje kao što su motoričke smetnje, autonomna disfunkcija, epilepsija, poremećaj pamćenja i pažnje. S obzirom na ulogu katekolamina u regulaciji adaptivnih ponašanja svojstvenih svim sisavcima, dopaminergički i noradrenergički neuronski krugovi mogli bi predstavljati mehanizam kojim hipoksija utječe na spomenute neurološke poremećaje. Cilj ovog rada jest analizirati utjecaj neonatalne izloženosti štakora kratkotrajnoj akutnoj hipoksiji na koncentraciju katekolamina u moždanom deblu u adolescentnoj dobi. Koncentracija katekolamina je određena pomoću komercijalnog kompleta enzimskog imunotesta na čvrstoj fazi (engl. Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay, ELISA). Životinje iz hipoksične skupine imale su značajno povišenu koncentraciju dopamina u moždanom deblu, dok se koncentracija noradrenalina nije promijenila u odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da neonatalna izloženost blagoj prolaznoj hipoksiji dugoročno narušava homeostazu dopamina.Fetal hypoxia is a condition characterized by a reduced concentration of oxygen essential for normal physiological tissue function and normal fetal development. The consequences of the decreased oxygen supply are manifested through various neurological disorders such as motor disorders, autonomic dysfunction, epilepsy, memory, and attention disorders. Knowing the role of catecholamines in the inherited adaptive behavioural regulations of all mammals, dopaminergic and noradrenergic neuronal pathways could represent the mechanism by which hypoxia affects the aforementioned neurological disorders. This study aimed to analyze the effect of neonatal exposure to short-term acute hypoxia on the brainstem catecholamine levels in young rats. Catecholamine concentration has been determined using a commercial Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay, ELISA kit. Animals in the hypoxic group had significantly increased concentrations of the brainstem dopamine, while the concentration of norepinephrine did not change compared to the control group. The results of the research show that neonatal exposure to mild transient hypoxia leads to a long-lasting disruption of dopamine homeostasis

    Rural tourism in Vojvodina and sustainable development

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    Vojvodina sa prirodnim i društvenim bogatstvom ima sve predispozicije da se nađe na listi regiona sa razvijenim ruralnim turizmom. U Vojvodini postoje sela, salaši, etno-kuće, manifestacije koji mogu da pruže upravo jedan autentičan doživljaj. Ipak, ruralni turistički proizvod Vojvodine još uvek nije na odgovarajući način pozicioniran na tržištu. Da bi se što bolje iskoristile prednosti i šanse ruralnog turizma Vojvodine, a prevazišli nedostaci i ograničenja potrebno je preduzeti niz mera. Ono što je ključno, a treba što pre uraditi da bi se podigao kvalitet usluga u ruralnom turizmu Vojvodine je: podići nivo kvaliteta smeštajnih objekata, edukovati stanovništvo, u cilju kvalitetnijeg pružanja usluga, uraditi kategorizaciju smeštajnih kapaciteta u ruralnom turizmu Vojvodine, odrediti i primenjivati kriterijume za standardizaciju i kvalitet usluga u ruralnom turizmu Vojvodine, vršiti intenzivniji promotivni nastup na domaćem i međunarodnom tržištu. Potrebno je naglasiti da, u ostvarivanju razvoja ruralnog turizma Vojvodine, u skladu sa realnim mogućnostima, treba računati na određene prepreke i poteškoće. Da bi uspela u ideji što boljeg turističkog pozicioniranja na inostranom tržištu, Vojvodina mora primenjivati već opisan model razvoja koji će joj obezbediti konkurentsku prednost u poređenju sa sličnim destinacijama. Neosporno je da Vojvodina raspolaže velikim potencijalom u ruralnom turizmu koji čini značajnu komponentu kompleksnog razvoja turizma Srbije. Ipak je ovaj razvoj prvenstveno zavistan od bogatstva turističke ponude i njenog načina prezentiranja u najširem smislu.Vojvodina with its natural and social resources qualifies for a position within the developed rural tourism regions. There are villages, farmhouses (salas), ethno houses and events in Vojvodina that could offer authentic experience. However, rural tourism product in Vojvodina has not been holding an appropriate position at the market. Certain measures have to be taken in order to exploit the advantages and potentials and at the same time overcome disadvantages and restrictions of rural tourism in Vojvodina. The essential activities for improving service quality in rural tourism of Vojvodina are: to improve the quality of accommodation facilities, to educate population with the aim of achieving higher service quality, to categorize accommodation capacities in rural tourism in Vojvodina, to establish and apply criteria for standardization and service quality in rural tourism in Vojvodina, to intensify promotion at domestic and international market It is necessary to highlight that the development of rural tourism in Vojvodina, which complies with reasonable possibilities, would approach certain obstacles and face difficulties. In order to achieve the best possible position at the international market, Vojvodina needs to apply the model of development that would ensure competitive advantage regarding similar destinations. Indisputably, Vojvodina has a high potential in rural tourism that makes a fundamental component in the complex development of tourism in Serbia. However, the development is primarily dependent upon the tourism offer variety and the presentation in its widest sense.[z]eng 541 ## [a]Rural tourism in Vojvodina and sustainable developmen

    Effect of acute neonatal hypoxia on the brainstem catecholamine levels in young rats

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    Fetalna hipoksija je stanje koje karakterizira smanjena koncentracija kisika važnog za normalnu fiziološku funkciju tkiva te normalan razvoj fetusa. Posljedice smanjene koncentracije kisika očituju se kroz razne neurološke poremećaje kao što su motoričke smetnje, autonomna disfunkcija, epilepsija, poremećaj pamćenja i pažnje. S obzirom na ulogu katekolamina u regulaciji adaptivnih ponašanja svojstvenih svim sisavcima, dopaminergički i noradrenergički neuronski krugovi mogli bi predstavljati mehanizam kojim hipoksija utječe na spomenute neurološke poremećaje. Cilj ovog rada jest analizirati utjecaj neonatalne izloženosti štakora kratkotrajnoj akutnoj hipoksiji na koncentraciju katekolamina u moždanom deblu u adolescentnoj dobi. Koncentracija katekolamina je određena pomoću komercijalnog kompleta enzimskog imunotesta na čvrstoj fazi (engl. Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay, ELISA). Životinje iz hipoksične skupine imale su značajno povišenu koncentraciju dopamina u moždanom deblu, dok se koncentracija noradrenalina nije promijenila u odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da neonatalna izloženost blagoj prolaznoj hipoksiji dugoročno narušava homeostazu dopamina.Fetal hypoxia is a condition characterized by a reduced concentration of oxygen essential for normal physiological tissue function and normal fetal development. The consequences of the decreased oxygen supply are manifested through various neurological disorders such as motor disorders, autonomic dysfunction, epilepsy, memory, and attention disorders. Knowing the role of catecholamines in the inherited adaptive behavioural regulations of all mammals, dopaminergic and noradrenergic neuronal pathways could represent the mechanism by which hypoxia affects the aforementioned neurological disorders. This study aimed to analyze the effect of neonatal exposure to short-term acute hypoxia on the brainstem catecholamine levels in young rats. Catecholamine concentration has been determined using a commercial Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay, ELISA kit. Animals in the hypoxic group had significantly increased concentrations of the brainstem dopamine, while the concentration of norepinephrine did not change compared to the control group. The results of the research show that neonatal exposure to mild transient hypoxia leads to a long-lasting disruption of dopamine homeostasis