
Ubikvitinacija je glavni put selektivne razgradnje proteina u eukariotskim stanicama. Regulira širok raspon staničnih procesa, uključujući endocitozu, popravak DNA, degradaciju proteina, stanični ciklus i sl. Ključnu ulogu u tom posttranslacijskom mehanizmu imaju proteini ubikvitin (Ub) i proteasom, uz enzime E1, E2 i E3. Ubikvitin je poput biljega koji obilježava proteine određene za uništenje, a proteasom je sam egzekutor. Ukoliko dođe do poremećaja u radu ubikvitin-proteasom sustava (UPS) stanica je u nemogućnosti normalno funkcionirati te se javljaju bolesti. Tumori, autoimunost, neurodegenerativne bolesti, samo su neke od mogućih posljedica u radu UPS-a. Isto tako, različite vrste patogena imaju sposobnost manipulacije domaćinskim ubikvitinacijskim sustavom, što im omogućuje proliferaciju, stoga je važno razumjeti sam molekularni mehanizam kako bismo razvili nove antibakterijske i antitumorske strategije.Ubiquitination is the main mechanism of selective protein degradation in eukaryotic cells. It regulates a wide range of cellular processes, including endocytosis, DNA repair, protein degradation, cell cycle and similar. Main role in this posttranslation mechanism have proteins ubiquitin (Ub) and proteasome, with enzymes E1, E2 and E3. Ubiquitin marks proteins for degradation, while proteasom is the main executor. If a failure in ubiquitin-proteasom system (UPS) occurs, cell doesn't function normally and diseases may show. Tumors, autoimmunity, neurodegenerative diseases are just some of the possible outcomes. Also, various pathogens have ability to manipulate host ubiquitination system, allowing them to proliferate. Hence, it is important to understand molecular mechanism of ubiquitination, so new antibacterial and antitumor strategies can be develope

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