237 research outputs found

    Dealing with rural-urban economic welfare challenges in the Nordic countries – a theory-based overview

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    Predictive equations for spirometric reference values in a healthy adult suburban population in Tanzania

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    This study was conducted in Kinondoni district, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, with the objectives to generate prediction equations for forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1), forced expiratory volume in 6 seconds (FEV6), FEV1/FEV6 ratio and peak expiratory flow (PEF) from a non-symptomatic sample of the population, and to compare these equations to published reference values. The study included adults aged ≥ 15 years who were recruited by use of community based, multistage cluster random sampling. Participants performed spirometry and answered questionnaires regarding respiratory symptoms and socioeconomic conditions. Anthropometric data were collected. Selection of subjects for generation of reference values followed American Thoracic Society (ATS) recommendations. Data were analyzed using multiple regression techniques. Fifty two men and 98 women were selected to the reference value group. FEV1, FEV6, FEV1/FEV6 and PEF were regressed against age, height and weight.. For men a curvilinear model was chosen when predicting FEV1, FEV6 and PEF, and a linear model predicted FEV1/FEV6. For women a linear model was used in the regression equations. The reference values generated from our study were lower than in several previously published studies. Our study suggests that assessment of respiratory function should be based on reference values generated from the same population as those being assessed

    Mesoscopic structure of dry-pressed clay samples from small-angle X-ray scattering measurements . In : Proceedings of the XIIIth International Conference on Small-Angle Scattering

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    Weakly hydrated samples of platelet-shaped nano-particles obtained by dry-pressing suspensions of the synthetic Na fluorohectorite clay are studied. The particles consist of stacks of several tens of 1 nm-thick nanosilicate platelets. They form a compound of quasi-two-dimensional particles whose average director is aligned with the direction of the uniaxial stress applied at dehydration. Small-angle X-ray scattering images from these samples are either isotropic or anisotropic, depending on the sample orientation with respect to the X-ray beam. From anisotropic images, changes in the scattering objects' orientation distribution probability (ODP) function are investigated as the temperature is lowered, thus triggering swelling of the individual particles by water intercalation. This is done, on the one hand, by inferring the width of the ODP function from the eccentricity of quasi-elliptic iso-intensity cuts of the small-angle scattering images, and, on the other hand, by obtaining the ODP function from azimuthal profiles of the images. The decays of the scattering intensity as a function of momentum transfer along the two principal directions of the images exhibit power law behaviors. A crossover scale between two power law regimes is observed on the profiles recorded along the horizontal axis; it corresponds to the typical pore size along the direction of the initially applied load. These results are compared with a previous study of similar systems

    Anodal transcranial direct current stimulation increases corticospinal excitability, while performance is unchanged

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    Anodal transcranial direct current stimulation (a-tDCS) has been shown to improve bicycle time to fatigue (TTF) tasks at 70–80% of VO(2max) and downregulate rate of perceived exertion (RPE). This study aimed to investigate the effect of a-tDCS on a RPE-clamp test, a 250-kJ time trial (TT) and motor evoked potentials (MEP). Twenty participants volunteered for three trials; control, sham stimulation and a-tDCS. Transcranial magnetic stimulation was used to determine the corticospinal excitability for 12 participants pre and post sham stimulation and a-tDCS. The a-tDCS protocol consisted of 13 minutes of stimulation (2 mA) with the anode placed above the Cz. The RPE-clamp test consisted of 5 minutes ergometer bicycling at an RPE of 13 on the Borg scale, and the TT consisted of a 250 kJ (∼10 km) long bicycle ergometer test. During each test, power output, heart rate and oxygen consumption was measured, while RPE was evaluated. MEPs increased significantly by 36% (±36%) post a-tDCS, with 8.8% (±31%) post sham stimulation (p = 0.037). No significant changes were found for any parameter at the RPE-clamp or TT. The lack of improvement may be due to RPE being more controlled by afferent feedback during TT tests than during TTF tests. Based on the results of the present study, it is concluded that a-tDCS applied over Cz, does not enhance self-paced cycling performance

    Evaluation of pre-harvest desiccation strategies in red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) and white clover (Trifolium repens L.) seed crops

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    Desiccation with diquat about one week before seed harvest has been common practise in Norwegian clover seed production. However, after withdrawal of diquat in 2020, clover seed growers no longer have desiccators available. In 2019 and 2020, six field trials in red clover and two field trials in white clover were carried out to evaluate alternative chemical products at different rates and at two different spraying dates, either early at 50% mature seed heads and / or late at 65% mature seed heads. Products included, either for one or two years, was Spotlight Plus (carfentrazonethyl), Beloukha (pelargonic acid), Glypper (glyphosate), Gozai (Pyraflufen-ethyl), Harmonix LeafActive (acetic acid), Harmonix FoliaPlus (pelargonic acid), Flurostar (fluroxypyr) and Saltex (sodium chloride) and liquid urea-based fertilizers. In addition, swathing was examined as an alternative in two red clover trials in 2020. While none of the tested chemicals were superior to diquat, the most promising alternatives were Harmonix FoliaPlus and Harmonix LeafActive in red clover or Harmonix FoliaPlus in white clover. Although usually less effective than these products, Beloukha also had an acceptable desiccation effect, especially when sprayed early and late. Swathing before harvest, using finger bar cutters, was an effective drying method under favourable weather conditions.publishedVersio

    Glycaemic and insulinemic response to dietary carbohydrates in horses

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    BACKGROUND: Dietary sugar and starch affect plasma glucose and insulin concentrations. Little information is available about the effect of dietary fibre on plasma glucose and insulin concentration. It is hypothesized that different dietary fibre compositions will alter post-prandial glycaemic- and insulinemic index of test meals. The objective was to measure postprandial glucose and insulin concentrations in horses fed meals of different fibre compositions. METHODS: Blood was drawn via jugular vein puncture and the glycaemic and insulinemic index were calculated. RESULTS: The meal effect on glycaemic and insulinemic response followed the expected pattern, where plasma concentrations increased after feeding and declined after peak concentration. Glycaemic index was 100 (H), 102 (OB), 102 (BB) and 106 (M) and did not differ significantly between meals. Insulinemic index was 100 (H), 140 (OB), 121 (BB) and 125 (M) and did not differ significantly between meals. CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, meals containing different fibre compositions did not affect the glycaemic- and insulinemic index in horses

    Lister – Europas «grønne batteri» - Trusler og muligheter for regionen

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    Dette posisjonsnotatet er utarbeidet av Agderforskning i et nært samarbeid med Listerrådet. Posisjonsdokumentet beskriver de trusler og muligheter som åpner seg for Listerregionen i forbindelse med den store energiutbyggingen som er planlagt i regionen. Listerregionen vil kunne få en rolle som et nasjonalt og internasjonalt energiknutepunkt. Det er særlig planene om kraftutveksling mellom Norge og Europa og utbygging av pumpekraft i regionen som gjør dette aktuelt. Dette åpner mulig-hetene for en utvikling av energiforsyningen i Europa som kan være av stor betydning for den globale klimautviklingen. En omfattende kraftutveksling med Europa reiser behov for en rekke energipolitiske avklaringer. Listerrådet bør etablere et samarbeid med andre regioner der det ligger til rette for kraftutveksling om påvirkning av de nasjonale rammebetingelsene for dette: - Konsekvensene av kraftutveksling for utviklingen av kraftprisene i det norske markedet. - Fordelingen av gevinster ved kraftutvekslingen mellom de bransjeaktører som investerer økonomisk kapital og de regioner som inves-terer sin naturkapital. - Fordeling av bransjens gevinster mellom kabelselskaper og produksjonsselskaper (eier av lagerkapasitet og eiere av pumpekraftverk). - Mulighetene til å isolere kostnadene ved utbygging av kabelkapasiteten mot Europa fra kostnadene ved utbyggingen og forsterkingen av sentralnettet i Norge. Det vil være viktig å sørge for så gode konsekvensutredninger at naturinn-grepene reduseres så stor grad som mulig. Det vil også være behov for å kartlegge de naturverdier som avstås, som et ledd i vurderingen av hvilken andel av den samlede verdiskapningen som bør tilfalle regionen. Det vil være konsesjonssøkers ansvar å sørge for en god dokumentasjon av naturinngrepene.Lister – Europas «grønne batteri» - Trusler og muligheter for regionenpublishedVersio