697 research outputs found

    Insight and search in Katona’s five-square problem

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    Insights are often productive outcomes of human thinking. We provide a cognitive model that explains insight problem solving by the interplay of problem space search and representational change, whereby the problem space is constrained or relaxed based on the problem representation. By introducing different experimental conditions that either constrained the initial search space or helped solvers to initiate a representational change, we investigated the interplay of problem space search and representational change in Katona’s five-square problem. Testing 168 participants, we demonstrated that independent hints relating to the initial search space and to representational change had little effect on solution rates. However, providing both hints caused a significant increase in solution rates. Our results show the interplay between problem space search and representational change in insight problem solving: The initial problem space can be so large that people fail to encounter impasse, but even when representational change is achieved the resulting problem space can still provide a major obstacle to finding the solution

    The dynamics of search, impasse, and representational change provide a coherent explanation of difficulty in the nine-dot problem

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    The nine-dot problem is often used to demonstrate and explain mental impasse, creativity, and out of the box thinking. The present study investigated the interplay of a restricted initial search space, the likelihood of invoking a representational change, and the subsequent constraining of an unrestricted search space. In three experimental conditions, participants worked on different versions of the nine-dot problem that hinted at removing particular sources of difficulty from the standard problem. The hints were incremental such that the first suggested a possible route for a solution attempt; the second additionally indicated the dot at which lines meet on the solution path; and the final condition also provided non-dot locations that appear in the solution path. The results showed that in the experimental conditions, representational change is encountered more quickly and problems are solved more often than for the control group. We propose a cognitive model that focuses on general problem solving heuristics and representational change to explain problem difficulty

    Auswirkungen der Energiewende auf die Energiehandels-, Produkt- und Dienstleistungsstrategie österreichischer Energieversorgungsunternehmen

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    This thesis investigates the impacts of the energy turnaround, the change from non- renewable to renewable primary energy source, on the energy trading-, product- and services strategy of an Austrian energy supply company. Through interviews with experts and decision makers from the energy industry (energy supplier, grid operators, political institutions, universities, consulting companies, the Austrian regulator, and software companies) the data basis for a comprehensive investigation using the Grounded Theory approach was conducted. The Austrian energy characteristic is put in relation to other European countries in order to examine the different energy policy strategies and to present the effects on the pan-European electricity market. The results obtained provide information on the effects of decentralisation, decarbonisation and digitalisation on Austrian energy suppliers as a result of the energy transition. The forthcoming changes have a major impact on the normative, strategic and operational orientations of an energy supplier and also entail changes in the organisation and business processes. The main focus of this study is the future energy trading and generation strategies, new products and services offered within the framework of strategic alliances and the fundamental business orientation, which is intended to ensure the long-term economic survival of an Austrian energy supply company in a new market environment. The current competition advantages and disadvantages of the suppliers are described and the future energy landscape with consideration of many decentralized producers and a comprehensive electric mobility is described. The creation process of subject-related theories within the framework of qualitative research is described in detail. All interviews used for the study have been transcribed and data analyses generated with the software are included in the appendix

    Action perception : seeing the world through a moving body

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    Recent evidence suggests that the acquisition of new motor skills can directly influence later visual perception even when an observer's eyes remain ‘wide shut’ during learning.peer-reviewe

    Chronic Gastric Volvulus

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    Chimpanzee coordination and potential communication in a two-touchscreen turn-taking game

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    Recent years have seen a growing interest in the question of whether and how groups of nonhuman primates coordinate their behaviors for mutual benefit. On the one hand, it has been shown that chimpanzees in the wild and in captivity can solve various coordination problems. On the other hand, evidence of communication in the context of coordination problems is scarce. Here, we investigated how pairs of chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) solved a problem of dynamically coordinating their actions for achieving a joint goal. We presented five pairs of chimpanzees with a turn-taking coordination game, where the task was to send a virtual target from one computer display to another using two touch-screens. During the joint practice of the game some subjects exhibited spontaneous gesturing. To address the question whether these gestures were produced to sustain coordination, we introduced a joint test condition in which we simulated a coordination break-down scenario: subjects appeared either unwilling or unable to return the target to their partner. The frequency of gesturing was significantly higher in these test trials than in the regular trials. Our results suggest that at least in some contexts chimpanzees can exhibit communicative behaviors to sustain coordination in joint action

    Torsion and Inflammation of Meckel's Diverticulum: Rare Cause of Acute Abdominal Pain

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    Meckel's diverticulum is a remnant of the embryologic vitelline duct. It was named after its anatomical and embryological description, in the early 19th century, by Johann Meckel. It is known as a true diverticulum of the small bowel and is typically estimated to be present in 2% of the general population, with only a very small percentage being symptomatic. In this report, we present a 14-year-old boy with complaints of abdominal pain, fever, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. During physical examination we observed peritoneal irritation and raised inflammatory markers. Surgical exploration revealed torsion and inflammation of a large Meckel's diverticulum with a gangrenous area. In order to ensure the removal of etopic tissue, if present, segmental bowel resection with primary anastomosis was performed. Histopathological analysis did not find ectopic tissue. The operative and postoperative courses were uneventful. Meckel's diverticulum is an important differential diagnosis in acute abdominal pain in children.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Crosstalk between C/EBPbeta phosphorylation, arginine methylation, and SWI/SNF/Mediator implies an indexing transcription factor code

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    Cellular signalling cascades regulate the activity of transcription factors that convert extracellular information into gene regulation. C/EBPbeta is a ras/MAPkinase signal-sensitive transcription factor that regulates genes involved in metabolism, proliferation, differentiation, immunity, senescence, and tumourigenesis. The protein arginine methyltransferase 4 PRMT4/CARM1 interacts with C/EBPbeta and dimethylates a conserved arginine residue (R3) in the C/EBPbeta N-terminal transactivation domain, as identified by mass spectrometry of cell-derived C/EBPbeta. Phosphorylation of the C/EBPbeta regulatory domain by ras/MAPkinase signalling abrogates the interaction between C/EBPbeta and PRMT4/CARM1. Differential proteomic screening, protein interaction studies, and mutational analysis revealed that methylation of R3 constraines interaction with SWI/SNF and Mediator complexes. Mutation of the R3 methylation site alters endogenous myeloid gene expression and adipogenic differentiation. Thus, phosphorylation of the transcription factor C/EBPbeta couples ras signalling to arginine methylation and regulates the interaction of C/EBPbeta with epigenetic gene regulatory protein complexes during cell differentiation

    Persistence of Left Superior Vena Cava Associated to Esophageal Atresia: Presentation of 5 Cases

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    Objectivos: A atresia do esófago está associada a uma variedade de malformações congénitas de outros órgãos. A persistência da veia cava superior esquerda e uma das malformações venosas torácicas mais comuns, ocorrendo em 0,3% da população. O objectivo deste estudo é caracterizar a persistência da veia cava superior esquerda nos doentes com atresia do esófago tratados no Hospital Dona Estefânia. Métodos: Estudo retrospectivo dos doentes admitidos por atresia do esófago desde Janeiro 2002 a Dezembro 2013. As seguintes variáveis foram estudadas, considerando, idade gestacional, o peso à nascença, o sexo, tipo de atresia do esófago, ecocardiograma no pré-operatório, malformações associadas, abordagem cirúrgica, eventual ecocardiograma no pós-operatório e angioressonância. Resultados: De um total de 107 doentes, em cinco casos foi diagnosticada persistência da veia cava superior esquerda. Destes, apenas um tinha diagnostico pré-natal. A restante investigação revelou um doente com atresia duodenal e outro com malformação do aparelho urinário, coloboma e malformação bilateral dos pavilhões auriculares. Todos os cinco doentes foram submetidos a toracotomia, esofagoesofagostomia primária após laqueação da fístula traqueo-esofágica e angio-ressonância para caracterizar a malformação vascular. Não houve registo de complicações, quer intra-operatórias quer pós-operatórias. Conclusão: Apesar do estudo pré-operatório, apenas se diagnosticou persistência da veia cava superior esquerda num dos doentes. O diagnóstico é geralmente feito de forma incidental durante a colocação rotineira de catéteres venosos centrais à esquerda. É importante identificar estes doentes e caracterizar o seu padrão de retorno venoso cardíaco, pelo risco de complicações embó1icas paradoxais para o sistema arterial