20 research outputs found

    A metagenome for lacustrine Cladophora (Cladophorales) reveals remarkable diversity of eukaryotic epibionts and genes relevant to materials cycling

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    Periphyton dominated by the cellulose-rich filamentous green alga Cladophora forms conspicuous growths along rocky marine and freshwater shorelines worldwide, providing habitat for diverse epibionts. Bacterial epibionts have been inferred to display diverse functions of biogeochemical significance: N-fixation and other redox reactions, phosphorus accumulation, and organic degradation. Here, we report taxonomic diversity of eukaryotic and prokaryotic epibionts and diversity of genes associated with materials cycling in a Cladophora metagenome sampled from Lake Mendota, Dane Co., WI, USA, during the growing season of 2012. A total of 1,060 distinct 16S, 173 18S, and 351 28S rRNA operational taxonomic units, from which >220 genera or species of bacteria (~60), protists (~80), fungi (6), and microscopic metazoa (~80), were distinguished with the use of reference databases. We inferred the presence of several algal taxa generally associated with marine systems and detected Jaoa, a freshwater periphytic ulvophyte previously thought endemic to China. We identified six distinct nifH gene sequences marking nitrogen fixation, >25 bacterial and eukaryotic cellulases relevant to sedimentary C-cycling and technological applications, and genes encoding enzymes in aerobic and anaerobic pathways for vitamin B12 biosynthesis. These results emphasize the importance of Cladophora in providing habitat for microscopic metazoa, fungi, protists, and bacteria that are often inconspicuous, yet play important roles in ecosystem biogeochemistry

    Peat Moss–Like Vegetative Remains from Ordovician Carbonates

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    Premise of research. Climatically favorable conditions correspond with fossil evidence for dramatic Ordovician marine biodiversification, but coeval terrestrial biodiversity is less well understood. Although diverse Middle and Late Ordovician microfossils are interpreted as reproductive remains of early bryophyte-like land plants (consistent with molecular data indicating pre-Ordovician embryophyte origin), the vegetative structure of Ordovician plants remains mysterious, as do relationships to modern groups. Because distinctive fungal microfossils indicating land plant presence were previously reported from Ordovician carbonate deposits in Wisconsin, we examined another nearby outcrop for additional evidence of terrestrial biodiversification. Methodology. Replicate collections were made from well-understood 455–454 Ma Platteville Formation carbonates of relatively low porosity and hydraulic conductivity. We employed measures to avoid contamination, and organic remains extracted by acid maceration were characterized by light and scanning electron microscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. Pivotal results. Multicellular organic fragments displayed distinctive cellular features shared with modern vegetative peat mosses but differed from modern materials, e.g., fossil presence of mineral coatings, absence of epibionts. Biometric features of mosslike microfossils isolated from carbonates collected and macerated 12 yr apart by separate investigators did not differ. Putative peat moss remains occurred with foraminifera similar in frequency and thermal maturity to types previously described from the same formation. No diatoms, pollen, or other indicators of post-Ordovician environments were observed. Conclusions. The peat moss–like fragments described here are the oldest-known vegetative remains of land plants and the oldest fossils having distinctive features linking them to a modern plant group. These findings are consistent with peat moss recalcitrance properties that foster fossilization and molecular evidence that the peat moss lineage is 460–607 Ma of age. The new findings suggest that moss-dominated peatlands—recognized for globally significant roles in modern terrestrial biodiversity and C and N cycling—were present hundreds of millions of years earlier than previously thought

    The Entomopathogenic Bacterial Endosymbionts Xenorhabdus and Photorhabdus: Convergent Lifestyles from Divergent Genomes

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    Members of the genus Xenorhabdus are entomopathogenic bacteria that associate with nematodes. The nematode-bacteria pair infects and kills insects, with both partners contributing to insect pathogenesis and the bacteria providing nutrition to the nematode from available insect-derived nutrients. The nematode provides the bacteria with protection from predators, access to nutrients, and a mechanism of dispersal. Members of the bacterial genus Photorhabdus also associate with nematodes to kill insects, and both genera of bacteria provide similar services to their different nematode hosts through unique physiological and metabolic mechanisms. We posited that these differences would be reflected in their respective genomes. To test this, we sequenced to completion the genomes of Xenorhabdus nematophila ATCC 19061 and Xenorhabdus bovienii SS-2004. As expected, both Xenorhabdus genomes encode many anti-insecticidal compounds, commensurate with their entomopathogenic lifestyle. Despite the similarities in lifestyle between Xenorhabdus and Photorhabdus bacteria, a comparative analysis of the Xenorhabdus, Photorhabdus luminescens, and P. asymbiotica genomes suggests genomic divergence. These findings indicate that evolutionary changes shaped by symbiotic interactions can follow different routes to achieve similar end points

    The antimicrobial potential of Streptomyces from insect microbiomes

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    Antimicrobial resistance is a global health crisis and few novel antimicrobials have been discovered in recent decades. Natural products, particularly from Streptomyces, are the source of most antimicrobials, yet discovery campaigns focusing on Streptomyces from the soil largely rediscover known compounds. Investigation of understudied and symbiotic sources has seen some success, yet no studies have systematically explored microbiomes for antimicrobials. Here we assess the distinct evolutionary lineages of Streptomyces from insect microbiomes as a source of new antimicrobials through large-scale isolations, bioactivity assays, genomics, metabolomics, and in vivo infection models. Insect-associated Streptomyces inhibit antimicrobial-resistant pathogens more than soil Streptomyces. Genomics and metabolomics reveal their diverse biosynthetic capabilities. Further, we describe cyphomycin, a new molecule active against multidrug resistant fungal pathogens. The evolutionary trajectories of Streptomyces from the insect microbiome influence their biosynthetic potential and ability to inhibit resistant pathogens, supporting the promise of this source in augmenting future antimicrobial discovery.National Institutes of Health/[NIH U19 Al109673]/NIH/Estados UnidosNational Institutes of Health/[NIH U19 TW009872]/NIH/Estados UnidosUniversidad de Costa Rica/[801-B0-538]/UCR/Costa RicaUniversidad de Costa Rica/[810-B3-185]/UCR/Costa RicaThe São Paulo Research Foundation/[#2013/50954-0]/FAPESP/BrasilThe São Paulo Research Foundation/[#2014/14095-6]/FAPESP/BrasilNational Research Service Award/[T32 GM008505]/NIDCD/Estados UnidosNational Science Foundation/[MCB-0702025]/NSF/Estados UnidosUCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias Básicas::Centro de Investigación en Estructuras Microscópicas (CIEMIC