155 research outputs found

    Mid-Infrared Optical Frequency Combs based on Difference Frequency Generation for Molecular Spectroscopy

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    Mid-infrared femtosecond optical frequency combs were produced by difference frequency generation of the spectral components of a near-infrared comb in a 3-mm-long MgO:PPLN crystal. We observe strong pump depletion and 9.3 dB parametric gain in the 1.5 \mu m signal, which yields powers above 500 mW (3 \mu W/mode) in the idler with spectra covering 2.8 \mu m to 3.5 \mu m. Potential for broadband, high-resolution molecular spectroscopy is demonstrated by absorption spectra and interferograms obtained by heterodyning two combs.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    A human antibody against Zika virus crosslinks the E protein to prevent infection

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    The recent Zika virus (ZIKV) epidemic has been linked to unusual and severe clinical manifestations including microcephaly in fetuses of infected pregnant women and Guillian-Barré syndrome in adults. Neutralizing antibodies present a possible therapeutic approach to prevent and control ZIKV infection. Here we present a 6.2 Å resolution three-dimensional cryo-electron microscopy (cryoEM) structure of an infectious ZIKV (strain H/PF/2013, French Polynesia) in complex with the Fab fragment of a highly therapeutic and neutralizing human monoclonal antibody, ZIKV-117. The antibody had been shown to prevent fetal infection and demise in mice. The structure shows that ZIKV-117 Fabs cross-link the monomers within the surface E glycoprotein dimers as well as between neighbouring dimers, thus preventing the reorganization of E protein monomers into fusogenic trimers in the acidic environment of endosomes

    Stabilisation of Na,K-ATPase structure by the cardiotonic steroid ouabain

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    Cardiotonic steroids such as ouabain bind with high affinity to the membrane-bound cation-transporting P-type Na,K-ATPase, leading to complete inhibition of the enzyme. Using synchrotron radiation circular dichroism we show that the enzyme-ouabain complex is less susceptible to thermal denaturation (unfolding) than the ouabain-free enzyme, and this protection is observed with Na,K-ATPase purified from pig kidney as well as from shark rectal glands. It is also shown that detergent-solubilised preparations of Na,K-ATPase are stabilised by ouabain, which could account for the successful crystallisation of Na,K-ATPase in the ouabain-bound form. The secondary structure is not significantly affected by the binding of ouabain. Ouabain appears however, to induce a reorganization of the tertiary structure towards a more compact protein structure which is less prone to unfolding; recent crystal structures of the two enzymes are consistent with this interpretation. These circular dichroism spectroscopic studies in solution therefore provide complementary information to that provided by crystallography

    Spt4/5 stimulates transcription elongation through the RNA polymerase clamp coiled-coil motif

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    Spt5 is the only known RNA polymerase-associated factor that is conserved in all three domains of life. We have solved the structure of the Methanococcus jannaschii Spt4/5 complex by X-ray crystallography, and characterized its function and interaction with the archaeal RNAP in a wholly recombinant in vitro transcription system. Archaeal Spt4 and Spt5 form a stable complex that associates with RNAP independently of the DNA–RNA scaffold of the elongation complex. The association of Spt4/5 with RNAP results in a stimulation of transcription processivity, both in the absence and the presence of the non-template strand. A domain deletion analysis reveals the molecular anatomy of Spt4/5—the Spt5 Nus-G N-terminal (NGN) domain is the effector domain of the complex that both mediates the interaction with RNAP and is essential for its elongation activity. Using a mutagenesis approach, we have identified a hydrophobic pocket on the Spt5 NGN domain as binding site for RNAP, and reciprocally the RNAP clamp coiled-coil motif as binding site for Spt4/5

    The ionosphere of Saturn as observed by the Cassini Radio Science System

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    Fifty‐nine ionsopheric radio occultation observations of the vertical electron density profile in the Saturn ionosphere have been made since the Cassini spacecraft was inserted in orbit around Saturn in 2004. Significant orbit to orbit variations were observed, but the general trend noted in earlier orbits, namely, increasing electron densities with increasing latitude was reconfirmed and bolstered with this extended data base. This trend is likely to be due to some combination of increasing ionization rates and decreasing water influx with latitude. Key Points Density properties of the ionosphere diminish with decreasing latitude This diminution starts over the main rings and is maximum inside the D ring This confirms transport of water from the tingsPeer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/108640/1/grl52007.pd

    The Rapidly Flaring Afterglow of the Very Bright and Energetic GRB 070125

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    We report on multiwavelength observations, ranging from X-ray to radio wave bands, of the IPN-localized gamma-ray burst GRB 070125. Spectroscopic observations reveal the presence of absorption lines due to O i,Si ii,and C iv, implying a likely redshift of z ¼1:547. The well-sampled light curves, in particular from 0.5 to 4 days after the burst, suggest a jet break at 3.7 days, corresponding to a jet opening angle of 7.0,andimplyinganintrinsicGRBenergyinthe1Y10,000keVbandofaroundE¼(6:3Y6:9);1051ergs(basedontheuencesmeasuredbythegammaraydetectorsoftheIPN).GRB070125isamongthebrightestafterglowsobservedtodate.TheSEDimpliesahostextinctionofAV3˘c0:9mag.Tworebrighteningepisodesareobserved,onewithexcellenttimecoverage,showinganincreaseinuxof567.0, and implying an intrinsic GRB energy in the 1Y10,000 keV band of around E ¼(6:3Y6:9) ; 1051 ergs (based on the fluences measured by the gamma-ray de-tectorsof the IPN).GRB070125 is among the brightest afterglows observed to date.The SEDimplies ahostextinction of AV \u3c 0:9 mag. Two rebrightening episodes are observed, one with excellent time coverage, showing an increase in fluxof 56% in 8000 s.The evolution of the afterglow light curve is achromatic at all times.Late-time observationsof the afterglow do not show evidence for emission from an underlying host galaxy or supernova. Any host galaxy would be subluminous, consistent with current GRB host galaxy samples. Evidence for strong Mg ii absorption features is not found, which is perhaps surprising in view of the relatively high redshift of this burst and the high likelihood for such features along GRB-selected lines of sight

    Optical and Near Infrared Observations of the Afterglow of GRB 980329 from 15 Hours to 10 Days

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    We report I-band observations of the GRB 980329 field made on March 29 with the 1.34-m Tautenberg Schmidt telescope, R-, J- and K-band observations made on April 1 with the APO 3.5-m telescope, R- and I-band observations made on April 3 with the Mayall 4-m telescope at KPNO, and J- and K-band observations made between April 6 - 8 with the Keck-I 10-m telescope. We show that these and other reported measurements are consistent with a power-law fading of the optical/near infrared source that is coincident with the variable radio source VLA J0702+3850. This firmly establishes that this source is the afterglow of GRB 980329.Comment: Accepted to The Astrophysical Journal, 18 pages, LaTe

    Immunization of Mice With Vibrio cholerae Outer-Membrane Vesicles Protects Against Hyperinfectious Challenge and Blocks Transmission

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    Background. Vibrio cholerae excreted by cholera patients is “hyperinfectious” (HI), which can be modeled by passage through infant mice. Immunization of adult female mice with V. cholerae outer-membrane vesicles (OMVs) passively protects suckling mice from challenge. Although V. cholerae is unable to colonize protected pups, the bacteria survive passage and have the potential to be transmitted to susceptible individuals. Here, we investigated the impact of OMV immunization and the HI state on V. cholerae transmission