123 research outputs found

    Machine Learning Approaches to Predict Recurrence of Aggressive Tumors

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    Cancer recurrence is the major cause of cancer mortality. Despite tremendous research efforts, there is a dearth of biomarkers that reliably predict risk of cancer recurrence. Currently available biomarkers and tools in the clinic have limited usefulness to accurately identify patients with a higher risk of recurrence. Consequently, cancer patients suffer either from under- or over- treatment. Recent advances in machine learning and image analysis have facilitated development of techniques that translate digital images of tumors into rich source of new data. Leveraging these computational advances, my work addresses the unmet need to find risk-predictive biomarkers for Triple Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC), Ductal Carcinoma in-situ (DCIS), and Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors (PanNETs). I have developed unique, clinically facile, models that determine the risk of recurrence, either local, invasive, or metastatic in these tumors. All models employ hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stained digitized images of patient tumor samples as the primary source of data. The TNBC (n=322) models identified unique signatures from a panel of 133 protein biomarkers, relevant to breast cancer, to predict site of metastasis (brain, lung, liver, or bone) for TNBC patients. Even our least significant model (bone metastasis) offered superior prognostic value than clinopathological variables (Hazard Ratio [HR] of 5.123 vs. 1.397 p\u3c0.05). A second model predicted 10-year recurrence risk, in women with DCIS treated with breast conserving surgery, by identifying prognostically relevant features of tumor architecture from digitized H&E slides (n=344), using a novel two-step classification approach. In the validation cohort, our DCIS model provided a significantly higher HR (6.39) versus any clinopathological marker (p\u3c0.05). The third model is a deep-learning based, multi-label (annotation followed by metastasis association), whole slide image analysis pipeline (n=90) that identified a PanNET high risk group with over an 8x higher risk of metastasis (versus the low risk group p\u3c0.05), regardless of cofounding clinical variables. These machine-learning based models may guide treatment decisions and demonstrate proof-of-principle that computational pathology has tremendous clinical utility

    Slightly anharmonic systems in quantum optics

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    We consider an arbitrary atomic system (n-level atom or many such atoms) interacting with a strong resonant quantum field. The approximate evolution operator for a quantum field case can be produced from the atomic evolution operator in an external classical field by a 'quantization prescription', passing the operator arguments to Wigner D-functions. Many important phenomena arising from the quantum nature of the field can be described by such a way

    Flux and Seasonality of Dissolved Organic Matter From the Northern Dvina (Severnaya Dvina) River, Russia

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    Pan‐Arctic riverine dissolved organic carbon (DOC) fluxes represent a major transfer of carbon from land‐to‐ocean, and past scaling estimates have been predominantly derived from the six major Arctic rivers. However, smaller watersheds are constrained to northern high‐latitude regions and, particularly with respect to the Eurasian Arctic, have received little attention. In this study, we evaluated the concentration of DOC and composition of dissolved organic matter (DOM) via optical parameters, biomarkers (lignin phenols), and ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometry in the Northern Dvina River (a midsized high‐latitude constrained river). Elevated DOC, lignin concentrations, and aromatic DOM indicators were observed throughout the year in comparison to the major Arctic rivers with seasonality exhibiting a clear spring freshet and also some years a secondary pulse in the autumn concurrent with the onset of freezing. Chromophoric DOM absorbance at a350 was strongly correlated to DOC and lignin across the hydrograph; however, the relationships did not fit previous models derived from the six major Arctic rivers. Updated DOC and lignin fluxes were derived for the pan‐Arctic watershed by scaling from the Northern Dvina resulting in increased DOC and lignin fluxes (50 Tg yr−1 and 216 Gg yr−1, respectively) compared to past estimates. This leads to a reduction in the residence time for terrestrial carbon in the Arctic Ocean (0.5 to 1.8 years). These findings suggest that constrained northern high‐latitude rivers are underrepresented in models of fluxes based from the six largest Arctic rivers with important ramifications for the export and fate of terrestrial carbon in the Arctic Ocean

    Microwave Spin-Pumping from an Antiferromagnet FeBO3

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    Recently, canted antiferromagnets offer great potential for fundamental research and applications due to their unique properties. The presence of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction leads to the existence of a weak ferromagnetic moment at room temperature. We study both theoretically and experimentally microwave spin pumping by the quasi-ferromagnetic mode from a canted easy plane antiferromagnet with weak ferromagnetism FeBO3. The conversion of a microwave signal into the constant voltage is realized using the inverse spin Hall effect in an iron borate/heavy metal heterostructure. We use an additional bias magnetic field to selectively tune the resonance frequency of such a microwave detector over a wide range up to 43.5 GHz with potential sensitivity near 2.5 microV/W. We confirm the pure spin current nature by changing polarity of the detected via inverse spin Hall effect voltage by switching the direction of the bias magnetic field. We believe that our results will be useful for the development of highly tunable, portable and sensitive microwave antiferromagnet-based functional devices.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, 3 pages supplementary informatio

    Search for Extreme Energy Cosmic Rays with the TUS orbital telescope and comparison with ESAF

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    The Tracking Ultraviolet Setup (TUS) detector was launched on April 28, 2016 as a part of the scientific payload of the Lomonosov satellite. TUS is a pathfinder mission for future space-based observation of Extreme-Energy Cosmic Rays (EECRs, E > 5x1019 eV) with experiments such as K-EUSO. TUS data offer the opportunity to develop strategies in the analysis and reconstruction of the events which will be essential for future space-based missions. During its operation, TUS has detected about 80 thousand events which have been subject to an offline analysis to select among them those that satisfy basic temporal and spatial criteria of EECRs. A few events passed this first screening. In order to perform a deeper analysis of such candidates, a dedicated version of ESAF (EUSO Simulation and Analysis Framework) code as well as a detailed modelling of TUS optics and detector are being developed


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    TiO2 coatings have high adhesion to the surface. Any surface applied with TiO2 is easy to position for irradiation with light, in contrast to powders that need to be somehow placed and fixed on the surface. It has been proved that practically any organic compounds can be oxidized (mineralized) on the TiO2 surface. In practice, any photocatalytic air purifier includes a porous carrier with TiO2 deposited, which is irradiated with ultraviolet rays and through which the air is blown. Photocatalysis is suitable for household use, as it can occur at room temperature. For example, the thermocatalytic way of destroying harmful substances requires preheating of air to temperatures above 200 ° C. Photocatalysis destroys substances that penetrate even through activated carbon-based filters. Peculiarities of for mation of oxide coatings by plasma-electrolytic oxidation of titanium alloys are considered. Therefore, it is proposed to equip the design of collective defense systems on armored vehicles and stationary objects with the additional installation in a filter-sink of a network with a deposited layer of catalytic material that will neutralize various types of hazardous chemicals by photocatalytic purification of air by titanium oxides.Покрытие TiO2 обладает высокой адгезией к поверхности. Любую поверхность с нанесением TiO2 легко позиционировать для облучения светом, в отличие от порошков, которые надо еще как-то разместить и зафиксировать на поверхности. Доказано, что на поверхности ТiO2 могут быть окислены (минерализованы) практически любые органические соединения. На практике любой фотокаталитический очиститель воздуха включает в себя пористый носитель с нанесенным ТiO2, который облучается ультрафиолетовыми лучами и через который продувается воздух. Фотокатализ пригоден для бытового использования, так как может происходить при комнатной температуре. Например, термокаталитический способ разрушения вредных веществ требует предварительного нагрева воздуха до температуры свыше 200 ° С. Фотокатализ разрушает вещества, которые проникают даже через фильтры на основе активированного угля. Рассмотрены особенности формирования оксидных покрытий плазменно-электролитическим оксидированием сплавов титана. Предложено дооборудовать конструкцию систем коллективной защиты на бронетехнике и стационарных объектов дополнительным установлением в фильтр-поглотитель сетки с нанесенным слоем каталитического материала, который будет нейтрализовать различные виды опасных химических веществ за счет фотокаталитической очистки воздуха.Покриття TiO2 мають високу адгезію до поверхні. Будь-яку поверхню з нанесенням TiO2 легко позиціонувати для опромінення світлом, на відміну від порошків, які треба ще якось розмістити і зафіксувати на поверхні. Доведено, що на поверхні ТiO2 можуть бути окиснені (мінералізовані) практично будь-які органічні сполуки. На практиці будь-який фотокаталітичний очищувач повітря включає в себе пористий носій з нанесеним ТiO2, який опромінюється ультрафіолетовими променями і через який продувається повітря. Фотокаталіз придатний для побутового використання, оскільки може відбуватися при кімнатній температурі. Наприклад, термокаталітичний спосіб руйнування шкідливих речовин вимагає попереднього нагрівання повітря до температури понад 200°С. Фотокаталіз руйнує речовини, які проникають навіть через фільтри на основі активованого вугілля. Розглянуті особливості формування оксидних покривів плазмово-електролітичним оксидуванням сплавів титану. Запропоновано дообладнати конструкцію систем колективного захисту на бронетехніці та стаціонарних об'єктів додатковим встановленням у фільтр-поглинач мережки з нанесеним шаром каталітичного матеріалу, що буде нейтралізувати різні види небезпечних хімічних речовин за рахунок фотокаталітичного очищення повітря

    Feed additive for fishdiet with antioxidant and immunostimulating effect

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    The increase in the production of aquaculture products confirms the relevance of the development of feed production in order to provide the industry with high-quality compound feeds and feed additives that meet modern requirements and biological needs of cultivated fish. Therefore, the development of aquaculture requires special attention to the feeding process and the use of full-fledged and environmentally safe feeds for all types of aquacultures. Antioxidants of natural origin are increasingly used in feed production. In the course of the work, the positive properties of antioxidant complexes containing the bioflavonoid dihydroquercetin in combination with vitamin E were studied when enriching the diet of a tilapia hybrid (Oreochromis mossambicus × Oreochromis niloticus). As a result of the research, it was found that the inclusion of dihydroquercetin in the composition of production feeds significantly improved productivity indicators and the main criteria for the formation of muscle mass in fish. The use of bioflavonoid dihydroquercetin allowed to increase productivity by 30.0%. The positive effect of the feed additive on morphological and biochemical parameters of blood was noted, which indicates an increase in natural resistance. The study of feed quality indicators confirmed the inhibition of oxidation processes in feed with the addition of dihydroquercetin. During the period of storage of feed in the experimental batch of feed, the level of peroxide number decreased by 3 times, and the acid number decreased by 28.4%. Taking into account the positive properties of bioflavonoid, it is recommended to further study the effectiveness of this biologically active additive in order to introduce it more widely into the practice of feed production

    Faunistic and taxonomic additions to the oribatid mites (Acari, Oribatida) of Cuba

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    The present study is based on oribatid mite materials collected from leaf litter in two forest locations in Cuba. A list of 64 species, belonging to 47 genera and 31 families, is presented. Of these, one genus and two species are recorded for the first time from the Neotropical region; 17 species, one subgenus, six genera, and two families are recorded for the first time from Cuba. Two new species of the superfamily Oripodoidea—Lagenobates fossatus Ermilov and Kontschán n. sp. (Haplozetidae) and Muliercula curvilineata Ermilov and Kontschán n. sp. (Scheloribatidae)—are described