14 research outputs found

    Impact of #PsychTwitter in promoting global psychiatry: A hashtag analysis study

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    Introduction: Multiple studies have shown how valuable Twitter hashtags can be for promoting content related to different themes in the online community. This arena has grown into a rich data source for public health observation and understanding key trends in healthcare on a global scale. In the field of mental health in particular, it would be of benefit to understand and report the key stakeholders' (individual mental health professionals, academic organizations and their countries) trends and patterns of psychiatric knowledge and information dissemination using #PsychTwitter. Objective(s): In this study, we aim to evaluate the achieved outreach of psychiatry-related tweets using the hashtag #PsychTwitter. Method(s): We utilized the Symplur Signals research analytics tool to characterize tweets containing #PsychTwitter from the 20th of August, 2019, to the 20th of August, 2022. Result(s): The #PsychTwitter movement resulted in 125,297 tweets that were shared by 40,058 Twitter users and generated a total of 492,565,230 impressions (views). The three largest identified groups of contributors were Doctors (13.8 of all tweets), Org. Advocacy (6.2 of all tweets), and Researcher/Academic (4 of all tweets) stakeholders. The top influential accounts consisted of 55 psychiatrists and 16 institutional or organizational accounts. The top 5 countries from where most of the tweets containing #PsychTwitter were shared include the United States (54.3 of all users), the United Kingdom (10.4 of all users), Canada (4.9 of all users), India (2 of all users), and Australia (1.8 of all users). Conclusion(s): This is the first of its kind study featuring the influence and usage of #PsychTwitter and covering its global impact in the field of psychiatry using the Twitter platform. Our results indicate that Twitter represents a broadly used platform for mental health-related discussions

    Impacts of biomedical hashtag-based Twitter campaign: #DHPSP utilization for promotion of open innovation in digital health, patient safety, and personalized medicine

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    The open innovation hub Digital Health and Patient Safety Platform (DHPSP) was recently established with the purpose to invigorate collaborative scientific research and the development of new digital products and personalized solutions aiming to improve human health and patient safety. In this study, we evaluated the effectiveness of a Twitter-based campaign centered on using the hashtag #DHPSP to promote the visibility of the DHPSP initiative. Thus, tweets containing #DHPSP were monitored for five weeks for the period 20.10.2020–24.11.2020 and were analyzed with Symplur Signals (social media analytics tool). In the study period, a total of 11,005 tweets containing #DHPSP were posted by 3020 Twitter users, generating 151,984,378 impressions. Analysis of the healthcare stakeholder-identity of the Twitter users who used #DHPSP revealed that the most of participating user accounts belonged to individuals or doctors, with the top three user locations being the United States (501 users), the United Kingdom (155 users), and India (121 users). Analysis of co-occurring hashtags and the full text of the posted tweets further revealed that the major themes of attention in the #DHPSP Twitter-community were related to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), medicine and health, digital health technologies, and science communication in general. Overall, these results indicate that the #DHPSP initiative achieved high visibility and engaged a large body of Twitter users interested in the DHPSP focus area. Moreover, the conducted campaign resulted in an increase of DHPSP member enrollments and website visitors, and new scientific collaborations were formed. Thus, Twitter campaigns centered on a dedicated hashtag prove to be a highly efficient tool for visibility-promotion, which could be successfully utilized by healthcare-related open innovation platforms or initiatives

    Erstversorgung von FrĂŒhgeborenen an der Grenze der LebensfĂ€higkeit : Gemeinsame Leitlinie der Arbeitsgruppe Neonatologie und pĂ€diatrische Intensivmedizin der Österreichischen Gesellschaft fĂŒr Kinder- und Jugendheilkunde (ÖGKJ), der Arbeitsgruppe Ethik in der Kinder- und Jugendheilkunde der ÖGKJ sowie des Instituts fĂŒr Ethik und Recht in der Medizin der UniversitĂ€t Wi

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    Die immensen Fortschritte der neonatologischen Intensivmedizin in den letzten Jahrzehnten haben ein Überleben von extrem unreifen FrĂŒhgeborenen ermöglicht. Dieser Erfolg ist mitunter mit einer betrĂ€chtlichen LangzeitmorbiditĂ€t fĂŒr ehemalige FrĂŒhgeborene verbunden, was potenziell schweres Leid fĂŒr das Kind und seine Familie mit sich bringen kann. Der vorliegende Beitrag stellt eine Aktualisierung der 2005 publizierten nationalen Leitlinie fĂŒr Österreich zur Vorgangsweise bei extrem unreifen FrĂŒhgeborenen an der Grenze der LebensfĂ€higkeit dar. Er soll einen Leitfaden bieten, anhand dessen im individuellen Fall eine verantwortungsbewusste Entscheidungsfindung ermöglicht wird. Es werden rechtliche, ethische und medizinische Aspekte diskutiert sowie eine individuelle Empfehlung fĂŒr das postnatale Management von extrem unreifen FrĂŒhgeborenen der Schwangerschaftswochen 22+0 24+6 ausgesprochen.The enormous progress in neonatal intensive care during the last decades has enabled the survival of extremely premature infants. This success is at times associated with considerable long-term morbidity of these patients, potentially causing significant suffering and distress for the child and the family. The current manuscript presents an update of the Austrian national guidelines for the management of extremely premature infants at the limits of viability published in 2005. Rather than being strict guidelines, this manuscript is intended to provide caregivers with consensus practice recommendations to facilitate responsible decision-making in individual cases at the border of viability. Ethical, medical and legal aspects are discussed and an individual recommendation for the postnatal management of extremely premature infants born at 22+0 24+6 weeks gestational age is given.(VLID)350209

    Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde / Update: Erstversorgung von FrĂŒhgeborenen an der Grenze der LebensfĂ€higkeit : Aktualisierte gemeinsame Leitlinie der Arbeitsgruppe Neonatologie und pĂ€diatrische Intensivmedizin der Österreichischen Gesellschaft fĂŒr Kinder- und Jugendheilkunde (ÖGKJ), der Arbeitsgruppe Ethik in der Kinder- und Jugendheilkunde der ÖGKJ sowie des Instituts fĂŒr Ethik und Recht in der Medizin der

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    Die immensen Fortschritte der neonatologischen Intensivmedizin in den letzten Jahrzehnten haben ein Überleben von extrem unreifen FrĂŒhgeborenen ermöglicht. Dieser Erfolg ist mitunter mit einer betrĂ€chtlichen LangzeitmorbiditĂ€t fĂŒr ehemalige FrĂŒhgeborene verbunden, was potenziell schweres Leid fĂŒr das Kind und seine Familie mit sich bringen kann. Der vorliegende Beitrag stellt eine Aktualisierung der 2005 publizierten nationalen Leitlinie fĂŒr Österreich zur Vorgangsweise bei extrem unreifen FrĂŒhgeborenen an der Grenze der LebensfĂ€higkeit dar. Er soll einen Leitfaden bieten, anhand dessen im individuellen Fall eine verantwortungsbewusste Entscheidungsfindung ermöglicht wird. Es werden rechtliche, ethische und medizinische Aspekte diskutiert sowie eine individuelle Empfehlung fĂŒr das postnatale Management von extrem unreifen FrĂŒhgeborenen der Schwangerschaftswochen 22+0 24+6 ausgesprochen.The enormous progress in neonatal intensive care during the last decades has enabled the survival of extremely premature infants. This success is at times associated with considerable long-term morbidity of these patients, potentially causing significant suffering and distress for the child and the family. The current manuscript presents an update of the Austrian national guidelines for the management of extremely premature infants at the limits of viability published in 2005. Rather than being strict guidelines, this manuscript is intended to provide caregivers with consensus practice recommendations to facilitate responsible decision-making in individual cases at the border of viability. Ethical, medical and legal aspects are discussed and an individual recommendation for the postnatal management of extremely premature infants born at 22+0 24+6 weeks gestational age is given.(VLID)365518

    People's Willingness to Vaccinate Against COVID-19 Despite Their Safety Concerns: Twitter Poll Analysis

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    Background: On January 30, 2020, the World Health Organization's Emergency Committee declared the rapid, worldwide spread of COVID-19 a global health emergency. Since then, tireless efforts have been made to mitigate the spread of the disease and its impact, and these efforts have mostly relied on nonpharmaceutical interventions. By December 2020, the safety and efficacy of the first COVID-19 vaccines were demonstrated. The large social media platform Twitter has been used by medical researchers for the analysis of important public health topics, such as the public's perception on antibiotic use and misuse and human papillomavirus vaccination. The analysis of Twitter-generated data can be further facilitated by using Twitter's built-in, anonymous polling tool to gain insight into public health issues and obtain rapid feedback on an international scale. During the fast-paced course of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Twitter polling system has provided a viable method for gaining rapid, large-scale, international public health insights on highly relevant and timely SARS-CoV-2-related topics.Objective: The purpose of this study was to understand the public's perception on the safety and acceptance of COVID-19 vaccines in real time by using Twitter polls.Methods: We developed 2 Twitter polls to explore the public's views on available COVID-19 vaccines. The surveys were pinned to the Digital Health and Patient Safety Platform Twitter timeline for 1 week in mid-February 2021, and Twitter users and influencers were asked to participate in and retweet the polls to reach the largest possible audience.Results: The adequacy of COVID-19 vaccine safety (ie, the safety of currently available vaccines; poll 1) was agreed upon by 1579 out of 3439 (45.9%) Twitter users. In contrast, almost as many Twitter users (1434/3439, 41.7%) were unsure about the safety of COVID-19 vaccines. Only 5.2% (179/3439) of Twitter users rated the available COVID-19 vaccines as generally unsafe. Poll 2, which addressed the question of whether users would undergo vaccination, was answered affirmatively by 82.8% (2862/3457) of Twitter users, and only 8% (277/3457) categorically rejected vaccination at the time of polling.Conclusions: In contrast to the perceived high level of uncertainty about the safety of the available COVID-19 vaccines, we observed an elevated willingness to undergo vaccination among our study sample. Since people's perceptions and views are strongly influenced by social media, the snapshots provided by these media platforms represent a static image of a moving target. Thus, the results of this study need to be followed up by long-term surveys to maintain their validity. This is especially relevant due to the circumstances of the fast-paced pandemic and the need to not miss sudden rises in the incidence of vaccine hesitancy, which may have detrimental effects on the pandemic's course

    Protecting prisoners’ autonomy with advance directives : ethical dilemmas and policy issues

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    Over the last decade, several European countries and the Council of Europe itself have strongly supported the use of advance directives as a means of protecting patients’ autonomy, and adopted specific norms to regulate this matter. However, it remains unclear under which conditions those regulations should apply to people who are placed in correctional settings. The issue is becoming more significant due to the increasing numbers of inmates of old age or at risk of suffering from mental disorders, all of whom might benefit from using advance directives. At the same time, the closed nature of prisons and the disparate power relationships that characterise them mean that great caution must be exercised to prevent care being withdrawn or withheld from inmates who actually want to receive it. This paper explores the issue of prisoners’ advance directives in the European context, starting with the position enshrined in international and European law that prisoners retain all their human rights, except the right to liberty, and are therefore entitled to self-determination regarding health care decisions

    Twitter-based crowdsourcing: What kind of measures can help to end the COVID-19 pandemic faster?

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    BACKGROUND: Crowdsourcing is a low-cost, adaptable, and innovative method to collect ideas from numerous contributors with diverse backgrounds. Crowdsourcing from social media like Twitter can be used for generating ideas in a noticeably brief time based on contributions from globally distributed users. The world has been challenged by the COVID-19 pandemic in the last several years. Measures to combat the pandemic continue to evolve worldwide, and ideas and opinions on optimal counteraction strategies are of high interest. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to validate the use of Twitter as a crowdsourcing platform in order to gain an understanding of public opinion on what measures can help to end the COVID-19 pandemic faster. METHODS: This cross-sectional study was conducted during the period from December 22, 2021, to February 4, 2022. Tweets were posted by accounts operated by the authors, asking “How to faster end the COVID-19 pandemic?” and encouraging the viewers to comment on measures that they perceive would be effective to achieve this goal. The ideas from the users' comments were collected and categorized into two major themes – personal and institutional measures. In the final stage of the campaign, a Twitter poll was conducted to get additional comments and to estimate which of the two groups of measures were perceived to be important amongst Twitter users. RESULTS: The crowdsourcing campaign generated seventeen suggested measures categorized into two major themes (personal and institutional) that received a total of 1,727 endorsements (supporting comments, retweets, and likes). The poll received a total of 325 votes with 58% of votes underscoring the importance of both personal and institutional measures, 20% favoring personal measures, 11% favoring institutional measures, and 11% of the votes given just out of curiosity to see the vote results. CONCLUSIONS: Twitter was utilized successfully for crowdsourcing ideas on strategies how to end the COVID-19 pandemic faster. The results indicate that the Twitter community highly values the significance of both personal responsibility and institutional measures to counteract the pandemic. This study validates the use of Twitter as a primary tool that could be used for crowdsourcing ideas with healthcare significance