167 research outputs found

    New finds of anguines (Squamata, Anguidae) from the Early Miocene of Northwest Bohemia (Czech Republic)

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    New material on anguines is described from two Lower Miocene localities in Northwest Bohemia in the Czech Republic: Merkur (MN 3) and Dolnice (MN 4). Although the material is disarticulated, it was possible to assign several elements to one species based on similar ornamentation of the skull roof bones and similar morphology of the teeth. Two new species, Ophisaurus holeci nov. sp. and Pseudopus rugosus nov. sp. are described. Pseudopus rugosus becomes the second species of the genus Pseudopus described from the Merkur locality. In addition to the new Ophisaurus species above, the species O. spinari is described on the basis of the parietal and Ophisaurus sp. 1 and Ophisaurus sp. 2 on the basis of the frontal bones. A further five anguines, designated Anguine morphotypes 1 to 6, are described on the basis of the marginal teeth bearing elements (premaxilla, maxilla and dentary) and on the pterygoid, the angular bone and elements forming the posterior portion of the lower jaw. The described specimens present a relevant contribution to our knowledge of the diversity of anguines in the Early Neogene of Europe

    Squirrel: Web Framework in Swift

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    Cieľom tejto práce je vytvoriť framework v jazyku Swift, ktorý umožňuje tvorbu webových aplikácií a je jednoducho použiteľný, pracuje s databázou MongoDB, ponúka vlastný šablónovací systém, minimalizuje potrebu programovania typu kľúč-hodnota a využíva výhody jazyku Swift verzie 4. Zvolený problém som vyriešil pomocou implementácie vlastného serveru, nad ktorým pracuje mnou vytvorený framework. V riešení bolo použité generické programovanie a protokol Codable, ktorý umožňuje jednoduchú serializáciu dát. Vytvorené riešenie poskytuje jednoduché prostredie pre tvorbu webových aplikácií fungujúce na všetkých Swiftom podporovaných Linuxových distribúciách. Prínosom tejto práce je zjednodušenie vývoja webových aplikácií Swift vývojárom v jazyku Swift.The goal of this thesis is to create a Swift framework that allows to create web applications and is easy to use, works with the MongoDB database, offers custom templates, minimizes the need for key-value programming, and uses Swift 4. I have solved the problem by implementing server application, which is working with my framework. I used generic programming and Codable protocol, which allows simple data serialization. The created solution provides an environment for creating web applications for all Swift-supported Linux distributions. The benefit of this work is to simplify the development of web applications for Swift developers.

    Framework for Data Synchronization in the Context of Apple User Applications

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    Cieľom tejto práce je navrhnúť a implementovať knižnicu pre zaistenie synchronizácie dát medzi viacerými klientskými zariadeniami v kontexte ekosystému jednej aplikácie podporujúcej operačný systém iOS, iPadOS alebo MacOS. Práca sa zameriava na jednoduchú integráciu knižnice do existujúcich aplikácií využívajúcich databázový systém Realm a na jednoduché prepojenie používateľského rozhrania so synchronizačným procesom. Zvolený problém som vyriešil navrhnutím synchronizačného protokolu primárne využívajúceho synchronizáciu založenú na logoch pre distribúciu zmien medzi klientom a serverom, implementovaním knižnice pre monitorovanie zmien v klientskej databáze a ich distribúcie na server a implementovaním serverovej knižnice pre integrovanie prijatých zmien a pre ich rozdistribuovanie pomocou notifikácií. Vytvorené riešenie poskytuje jednoduchý spôsob ako implementovať synchronizáciu dát medzi viacerými zariadeniami s využitím vlastného databázového serveru a s možnosťou definovania prístupu k novým zmenám počas synchronizácie objektov prezentovaných pomocou používateľského rozhrania. Vytvorenú knižnicu je možné rýchlo a jednoducho integrovať, a tým efektívne zrýchliť vývojový proces aplikácie.The goal of this thesis is to design and implement a library for data synchronization between multiple client's devices in the context of the ecosystem of a single application targeting the iOS, iPadOS or MacOS operating system. The work focuses on the simple integration of the library into existing applications using the Realm database system and on the simple way to connect the user interface with the synchronization process. I solved the chosen problem by designing a synchronization protocol primarily based on log synchronization to distribute changes between the client and the server, implementing a library to monitor changes in the client's database and distribute them to the server, and implementing a server library to integrate received changes and distribute them with help of notifications. The solution provides an easy way to implement data synchronization between multiple devices using custom database server and with the ability to define how to handle new changes of objects presented in the user interface during the synchronization. Created library can be quickly and easily integrated and thus effectively speed up the application development process.

    Distributed iOS System for Internet Marketing

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    Cieľom práce je navrhnúť a implementovať distribuovaný systém, ktorý bude zastrešovať prácu s internetovými dotazníkmi. Práca má za úlohu vytvoriť systém zložený z mobilnej aplikácie pre zariadenia s operačným systémom iOS a serverovej aplikácie. Úlohou mobilnej aplikácie je sprostredkúvať prácu s dotazníkmi. Serverová aplikácia sa postará o ukladanie a správu dát v databáze. Práca sa zameriava aj na vytvorenie motivačného systému, pre zlepšenie pravdepodobnosti vyplnenia dotazníkov.       V práci som vytvoril mobilnú aplikáciu pre zariadenia s iOS operačným systémom, ktorého verzia nie je staršia ako iOS 14. Ďalej som vytvoril serverovú aplikáciu, spravujúcu PostgreSQL databázu. V práci riešim aj motiváciu používateľov k vyplňovaniu dotazníkov, a to pomocou systému odmien. Používateľ dostáva za každý vyplnený dotazník určitú čiastku vnútoroaplikačnej meny. Menu si potom používatelia môžu vymeniť za zľavové kupóny.      Riešenie práce poskytuje používateľom mobilnú aplikáciu, v ktorej môžu efektívne vypĺňať dotazníky, získavať odmeny a vymieňať si ich za zľavové kupóny. Používateľom je umožnené vytvárať dotazníky a získavať z nich výsledky. Pre motivovanie ostatných používateľov je možné pridávať zľavové kupóny.The goal of this thesis is to design and implement distributed system, which covers work with internet surveys. The result of this thesis is a system consisting of mobile application for devices with iOS operating system and server application. Mobile application is created to mediate surveys operations. Server application maintains data in database. Thesis also focuses on creating the motivational system, to improve response rate.        In this thesis I created mobile application for devices with iOS operating system, which version is not older than iOS 14. I have created server application maintainig PostgreSQL database. In the thesis I am solving user motivation for filling surveys with a reward system. For each filled survey every user is rewarded by some amount of inner application currency. This currency can be exchanged for discount coupons.      Solution of this thesis brings mobile application to users, where they can efectively fill up surveys, get rewards and buy coupons. Users also can create surveys and are able to receive survey results. It is possible to add new coupons to motivate other users.

    Limb reduction in squamate reptiles correlates with the reduction of the chondrocranium: A case study on serpentiform anguids

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    Abstract Background In vertebrates, the skull evolves from a complex network of dermal bones and cartilage?the latter forming the pharyngeal apparatus and the chondrocranium. Squamates are particularly important in this regard as they maintain at least part of the chondrocranium throughout their whole ontogeny until adulthood. Anguid lizards represent a unique group of squamates, which contains limbed and limbless forms and show conspicuous variation of the adult skull. Results Based on several emboadryonic stages of the limbless lizards Pseudopus apodus and Anguis fragilis, and by comparing with other squamates, we identified and interpreted major differences in chondrocranial anatomy. Among others, the most important differences are in the orbitotemporal region. P. apodus shows a strikingly similar development of this region to other squamates. Unexpectedly, however, A. fragilis differs considerably in the composition of the orbitotemporal region. In addition, A. fragilis retains a paedomorphic state of the nasal region. Conclusions Taxonomic comparisons indicate that even closely related species with reduced limbs show significant differences in chondrocranial anatomy. The Pearson correlation coefficient suggests strong correlation between chondrocranial reduction and limb reduction. We pose the hypothesis that limb reduction could be associated with the reduction in chondrocrania by means of genetic mechanisms

    First record of fossil anguines (Squamata; Anguidae) from the Oligocene and Miocene of Turkey

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    Fossil anguine lizard specimens from several Turkish localities are described in this paper. The material comes from ten different localities, spanning a large geographic area consisting of both parts of the European Turkey and Anatolia, and ranging in age from the Oligocene to the Late Miocene. In certain cases, the generic determination was possible and, accordingly, members of Ophisaurus and Anguis were identified and described in detail. The specimens of Anguis, found in different, Middle and Late Miocene localities from Anatolia, represent two of only a few fossil occurrences of this taxon. Moreover, the material reported herein represents the oldest occurrences of anguine lizards, not only from Turkey, but from southeastern Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean basin as a whole. These rare records provide important information about the dispersal routes of anguines from Europe to Asia and significantly enhance our understanding of their biogeography

    Intersections of normally contained fitting classes

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    A theorem of Blessenohl and Gaschütz is generalized to show that the intersection of a family of Fitting classes, each of which is normal in some Fischer class y, is normal in y

    Braincase and Inner Ear Anatomy of the Late Carboniferous Tetrapod Limnoscelis dynatis (Diadectomorpha) Revealed by High-Resolution X-ray Microcomputed Tomography

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    The braincase anatomy of the Pennsylvanian diadectomorph Limnoscelis dynatis is described in detail, based upon high-resolution X-ray microcomputed tomography. Both supraoccipitals and most of the prootics and opisthotics are preserved. The known portions of the left prootic, opisthotic, and supraoccipital enclose complete sections of the endosseous labyrinth, including the anterior, posterior, and lateral semicircular canals, the vestibule, the cochlear recess, and the canal for the endolymphatic duct. The fossa subarcuata is visible anteromedial to the anterior semicircular canal. The presumed endolymphatic fossae occur in the dorsal wall of the posteromedial portion of the supraoccipital. Both the fossa subarcuata and the fossa endolymphatica lie in the cerebellar portion of the cranial cavity. In order to investigate the phylogenetic position of L. dynatis we used a recently published data matrix, including characters of the braincase, and subjected it to maximum parsimony analyses under a variety of character weighting schemes and to a Bayesian analysis. Limnoscelis dynatis emerges as sister taxon to L. paludis, and both species form the sister group to remaining diadectomorphs. Synapsids and diadectomorphs are resolved as sister clades in ∼90% of all the most parsimonious trees from the unweighted analysis, in the single trees from both the reweighted and the implied weights analyses, as well in the Bayesian tree

    A review of Coelostegus prothales Carroll and Baird, 1972 from the Upper Carboniferous of the Czech Republic and the interrelationships of basal eureptiles

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    We redescribe the holotype and only known specimen of the early eureptile Coelostegus prothales from the Upper Carboniferous of the Czech Republic using photogrammetric CT scanning and a virtual 3D rendition of its skull bones. New information is available on several skull and lower jaw bones, including the postorbital, supratemporal, tabular, postparietal, angular, and prearticular. The new data also permit the correct identification of previously undetected or misidentified elements (e.g., supratemporal; quadratojugal; angular). We provide an amended diagnosis of Coelostegus and a new reconstruction of the skull in dorsal and lateral views. To- evaluate the affinities of Coelostegus, we code this taxon in two recently published taxon-character matrices. Parsimony and Bayesian analyses do not permit firm conclusions on the phylogenetic position of Coelostegus or, indeed, the status and extrinsic relationships of protorothyridid amniotes. Coelostegus emerges either as the sister taxon to the recently redefined Diapsida (Araeoscelidia; Varanopidae; Parareptilia; Neodiapsida), as one of the most basal protorothyridids, or as a derived stem-group amniote in various parsimony-based analyses, or as the basalmost protorothyridid in one Bayesian analysis, with protorothyridids forming a paraphyletic array relative to Diapsida. We review the cranial similarities and differences between Coelostegus and other protorothyridid genera and discuss the implications that various phylogenetic results have for our understanding of early amniote relationships