493 research outputs found

    Spin-orbit coupling in a Quantum Dot at high magnetic field

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    We describe the simultaneous effects of the spin-orbit (SO) perturbation and a magnetic field BB on a disk shaped quantum dot (QD). {As it is known the} combination of electrostatic forces among the NN electrons confined in the QD and the Pauli principle can induce a spin polarization when BB (applied in the direction orthogonal to the QD) is above a threshold value. In the presence of an electric field parallel to BB, coupled to the spin S S by a Rashba term, we demonstrate that a symmetry breaking takes place: we can observe it by analyzing the splitting of the levels belonging to an unperturbed multiplet. We also discuss the competitive effects of the magnetic field, the SO perturbation and the electron electron interaction, in order to define the hierarchy of the states belonging to a multiplet. We demonstrate how this hierarchy depends on the QD's size. We show the spin texture due to the combined effects of the Rashba effect and the interaction responsible for the polarization.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, PACS: 73.21.La,71.15.Mb,75.75.+

    Impeller Repair Techniques For Centrifugal Compressors.

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    LecturePg. 91-106Successfully repairing centrifugal compressor impellers requires careful consideration and planning. The selection of techniques for inspection, material, and welding procedures are determined by numerous factors. Original design and manufacturing techniques, the nature of a failure, and environmental or process concerns all play a role. The relevant issues are addressed that may assist the user's maintenance personnel in formulating an overall strategy to extend the service life of their impellers through the selection of adequate repair procedures

    Strongly correlated quantum dots in weak confinement potentials and magnetic fields

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    We explore a strongly correlated quantum dot in the presence of a weak confinement potential and a weak magnetic field. Our exact diagonalization studies show that the groundstate property of such a quantum dot is rather sensitive to the magnetic field and the strength of the confinement potential. We have determined rich phase diagrams of these quantum dots. Some experimental consequences of the obtained phase diagrams are discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figures, new and updated figure

    New exact solution of Dirac-Coulomb equation with exact boundary condition

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    It usually writes the boundary condition of the wave equation in the Coulomb field as a rough form without considering the size of the atomic nucleus. The rough expression brings on that the solutions of the Klein-Gordon equation and the Dirac equation with the Coulomb potential are divergent at the origin of the coordinates, also the virtual energies, when the nuclear charges number Z > 137, meaning the original solutions do not satisfy the conditions for determining solution. Any divergences of the wave functions also imply that the probability density of the meson or the electron would rapidly increase when they are closing to the atomic nucleus. What it predicts is not a truth that the atom in ground state would rapidly collapse to the neutron-like. We consider that the atomic nucleus has definite radius and write the exact boundary condition for the hydrogen and hydrogen-like atom, then newly solve the radial Dirac-Coulomb equation and obtain a new exact solution without any mathematical and physical difficulties. Unexpectedly, the K value constructed by Dirac is naturally written in the barrier width or the equivalent radius of the atomic nucleus in solving the Dirac equation with the exact boundary condition, and it is independent of the quantum energy. Without any divergent wave function and the virtual energies, we obtain a new formula of the energy levels that is different from the Dirac formula of the energy levels in the Coulomb field.Comment: 12 pages,no figure

    Composite Fermion Description of Correlated Electrons in Quantum Dots: Low Zeeman Energy Limit

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    We study the applicability of composite fermion theory to electrons in two-dimensional parabolically-confined quantum dots in a strong perpendicular magnetic field in the limit of low Zeeman energy. The non-interacting composite fermion spectrum correctly specifies the primary features of this system. Additional features are relatively small, indicating that the residual interaction between the composite fermions is weak. \footnote{Published in Phys. Rev. B {\bf 52}, 2798 (1995).}Comment: 15 pages, 7 postscript figure

    Sensory Measurements: Coordination and Standardization

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    Do sensory measurements deserve the label of “measurement”? We argue that they do. They fit with an epistemological view of measurement held in current philosophy of science, and they face the same kinds of epistemological challenges as physical measurements do: the problem of coordination and the problem of standardization. These problems are addressed through the process of “epistemic iteration,” for all measurements. We also argue for distinguishing the problem of standardization from the problem of coordination. To exemplify our claims, we draw on olfactory performance tests, especially studies linking olfactory decline to neurodegenerative disorders

    On the verge of Umdeutung in Minnesota: Van Vleck and the correspondence principle (Part One)

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    In October 1924, the Physical Review, a relatively minor journal at the time, published a remarkable two-part paper by John H. Van Vleck, working in virtual isolation at the University of Minnesota. Van Vleck combined advanced techniques of classical mechanics with Bohr's correspondence principle and Einstein's quantum theory of radiation to find quantum analogues of classical expressions for the emission, absorption, and dispersion of radiation. For modern readers Van Vleck's paper is much easier to follow than the famous paper by Kramers and Heisenberg on dispersion theory, which covers similar terrain and is widely credited to have led directly to Heisenberg's "Umdeutung" paper. This makes Van Vleck's paper extremely valuable for the reconstruction of the genesis of matrix mechanics. It also makes it tempting to ask why Van Vleck did not take the next step and develop matrix mechanics himself.Comment: 82 page

    The Red Sea, Coastal Landscapes, and Hominin Dispersals

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    This chapter provides a critical assessment of environment, landscape and resources in the Red Sea region over the past five million years in relation to archaeological evidence of hominin settlement, and of current hypotheses about the role of the region as a pathway or obstacle to population dispersals between Africa and Asia and the possible significance of coastal colonization. The discussion assesses the impact of factors such as topography and the distribution of resources on land and on the seacoast, taking account of geographical variation and changes in geology, sea levels and palaeoclimate. The merits of northern and southern routes of movement at either end of the Red Sea are compared. All the evidence indicates that there has been no land connection at the southern end since the beginning of the Pliocene period, but that short sea crossings would have been possible at lowest sea-level stands with little or no technical aids. More important than the possibilities of crossing the southern channel is the nature of the resources available in the adjacent coastal zones. There were many climatic episodes wetter than today, and during these periods water draining from the Arabian escarpment provided productive conditions for large mammals and human populations in coastal regions and eastwards into the desert. During drier episodes the coastal region would have provided important refugia both in upland areas and on the emerged shelves exposed by lowered sea level, especially in the southern sector and on both sides of the Red Sea. Marine resources may have offered an added advantage in coastal areas, but evidence for their exploitation is very limited, and their role has been over-exaggerated in hypotheses of coastal colonization

    Floral abundance and resource quality influence pollinator choice

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    1. Pollinator declines caused by forage habitat loss threaten insect pollination services. Pollinating insects depend on adequate floral resources, and their ability to track these resources. Variability of these resources and the effect on insect foraging choice is poorly understood. 2. We record patterns of visitation to six wildflower species and test the hypotheses that: pollinators preferentially visit the most rewarding flowers; nectar diurnal variations affect foraging preferences; pollinators respond most strongly to nectar rewards. 3. Nectar volume and sugar concentration were negatively correlated within plant species over time of day where greater concentration and lower volume was evident in the afternoon, but this did not correspond to pollinator visitation. Both floral abundance and nectar quality (total sugar per inflorescence) positively affect insect visitation. For some foragers, the positive effects of high quality rewards were only evident when floral abundance was high (>50 inflorescences per patch), perhaps reflecting the low probability of pollinators detecting scarce rewards. Pollen quality (total protein per inflorescence) was negatively related to visitation of Apis mellifera and Bombus pascuorum. 4. Fewer pollinators visiting flowers of higher pollen quality could reflect plant allocation trade-offs or the presence of secondary metabolites in pollen, meaning pollen foraging is likely affected by factors other than protein concentration. Nectar rather than pollen appeared to be the main driver of floral choice by insects in this system. 5. Conservation schemes for bees in farmland or gardens might benefit from ensuring that rewarding plant species are present at high density and/or are aggregated in space
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