34 research outputs found

    Traveling Wave Magnetic Particle Imaging for determining the iron-distribution in rock: Traveling Wave Magnetic Particle Imaging for determining the iron-distribution in rock

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    Determining the composition of solid materials is of high interest in areas such as material research or quality assurance. There are several modalities at disposal with which various parameters of the material can be observed, but of those only magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computer tomography (CT) offer anon-destructive determination of material distribution in 3D. A novel non-destructive imaging method is Magnetic Particle Imaging (MPI), which uses dynamic magnetic fields for a direct determination of the distribution of magnetic materials in 3D. With this approach, it is possible to determine and differentiate magnetic and non-magnetic behaviour. In this paper, the first proof-of-principle measurements of magnetic properties in solid environments are presented using a home-built traveling wave magnetic particle imaging scanner

    Possible Worlds Truth Table Task

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    In this paper, a novel experimental task is developed for testing the highly influential, but experimentally underexplored, possible worlds account of conditionals (Stalnaker, 1968; Lewis, 1973). In Experiment 1, this new task is used to test both indicative and subjunctive conditionals. For indicative conditionals, five competing truth tables are compared, including the previously untested, multi-dimensional possible worlds semantics of Bradley (2012). In Experiment 2, these results are replicated and it is shown that they cannot be accounted for by an alternative hypothesis proposed by our reviewers. In Experiment 3, individual variation in truth assignments of indicative conditionals is investigated via Bayesian mixture models that classify participants as following one of several competing models. As a novelty of this study, it is found that a possible worlds semantics of Lewis and Stalnaker is capable of accounting for participants’ aggregate truth value assignments in this task. Applied to indicative conditionals, we show across three experiments, that the theory both captures participants’ truth values at the aggregate level (Experiments 1 and 2) and that it makes up the largest subgroup in the analysis of individual variation in our experimental paradigm (Experiment 3)

    Cancellation, negation, and rejection

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    In this paper, new evidence is presented for the assumption that the reason-relation reading of indicative conditionals ('if A, then C') reflects a conventional implicature. In four experiments, it is investigated whether relevance effects found for the probability assessment of indicative conditionals (Skovgaard-Olsen, Singmann, and Klauer, 2016a) can be classified as being produced by a) a conversational implicature, b) a (probabilistic) presupposition failure, or c) a conventional implicature. After considering several alternative hypotheses and the accumulating evidence from other studies as well, we conclude that the evidence is most consistent with the Relevance Effect being the outcome of a conventional implicature. This finding indicates that the reason-relation reading is part of the semantic content of indicative conditionals, albeit not part of their primary truth-conditional content

    VAG/AVO Revision – Evolution oder Revolution? - Tagungsband 2022

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    Reflektieren die am 18. MĂ€rz 2022 verabschiedete Vorlage zur Teilrevision des Versicherungsaufsichtsgesetzes (VAG) sowie der am 17. Mai 2022 publizierte Entwurf zur Teilrevision der Aufsichtsverordnung (AVO) eine graduelle Entwicklung oder einen tief(er)greifenden Umbruch? Eine Evolution oder eine Revolution? Lassen sich derartige PhĂ€nomene und Schattierungen dazwischen in der vorliegenden Revision des VAG und der AVO identifizieren? Antworten auf diese Fragestellungen zu finden, war Gegenstand einer Tagung des Europa Instituts an der UniversitĂ€t ZĂŒrich am 25. August 2022. Verschiedene Mitwirkende haben in Teilbereichen nach Antworten gesucht. Um die so gewonnenen Erkenntnisse einer weiteren Leserschaft zugĂ€nglich zu machen, liegen nun auf den VortrĂ€gen beruhende Artikel und Berichte ĂŒber die beiden Diskussionsrunden im vorliegenden Tagungsband vor

    MUNDUS project : MUltimodal neuroprosthesis for daily upper limb support

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    Background: MUNDUS is an assistive framework for recovering direct interaction capability of severely motor impaired people based on arm reaching and hand functions. It aims at achieving personalization, modularity and maximization of the user’s direct involvement in assistive systems. To this, MUNDUS exploits any residual control of the end-user and can be adapted to the level of severity or to the progression of the disease allowing the user to voluntarily interact with the environment. MUNDUS target pathologies are high-level spinal cord injury (SCI) and neurodegenerative and genetic neuromuscular diseases, such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Friedreich ataxia, and multiple sclerosis (MS). The system can be alternatively driven by residual voluntary muscular activation, head/eye motion, and brain signals. MUNDUS modularly combines an antigravity lightweight and non-cumbersome exoskeleton, closed-loop controlled Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation for arm and hand motion, and potentially a motorized hand orthosis, for grasping interactive objects. Methods: The definition of the requirements and of the interaction tasks were designed by a focus group with experts and a questionnaire with 36 potential end-users. Five end-users (3 SCI and 2 MS) tested the system in the configuration suitable to their specific level of impairment. They performed two exemplary tasks: reaching different points in the working volume and drinking. Three experts evaluated over a 3-level score (from 0, unsuccessful, to 2, completely functional) the execution of each assisted sub-action. Results: The functionality of all modules has been successfully demonstrated. User’s intention was detected with a 100% success. Averaging all subjects and tasks, the minimum evaluation score obtained was 1.13 ± 0.99 for the release of the handle during the drinking task, whilst all the other sub-actions achieved a mean value above 1.6. All users, but one, subjectively perceived the usefulness of the assistance and could easily control the system. Donning time ranged from 6 to 65 minutes, scaled on the configuration complexity. Conclusions: The MUNDUS platform provides functional assistance to daily life activities; the modules integration depends on the user’s need, the functionality of the system have been demonstrated for all the possible configurations, and preliminary assessment of usability and acceptance is promising

    The Quality of Response Time Data Inference: A Blinded, Collaborative Assessment of the Validity of Cognitive Models

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    Most data analyses rely on models. To complement statistical models, psychologists have developed cognitive models, which translate observed variables into psychologically interesting constructs. Response time models, in particular, assume that response time and accuracy are the observed expression of latent variables including 1) ease of processing, 2) response caution, 3) response bias, and 4) non-decision time. Inferences about these psychological factors, hinge upon the validity of the models’ parameters. Here, we use a blinded, collaborative approach to assess the validity of such model-based inferences. Seventeen teams of researchers analyzed the same 14 data sets. In each of these two-condition data sets, we manipulated properties of participants’ behavior in a two-alternative forced choice task. The contributing teams were blind to the manipulations, and had to infer what aspect of behavior was changed using their method of choice. The contributors chose to employ a variety of models, estimation methods, and inference procedures. Our results show that, although conclusions were similar across different methods, these "modeler’s degrees of freedom" did affect their inferences. Interestingly, many of the simpler approaches yielded as robust and accurate inferences as the more complex methods. We recommend that, in general, cognitive models become a typical analysis tool for response time data. In particular, we argue that the simpler models and procedures are sufficient for standard experimental designs. We finish by outlining situations in which more complicated models and methods may be necessary, and discuss potential pitfalls when interpreting the output from response time models

    Fully Integrated Traveling-Wave-MPI-MRI-Hybrid Scanner

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    Magnetic Particle Imaging (MPI) ist ein neuartiges tomographisches Bildgebungsverfahren, welches in der Lage ist, dreidimensional die Verteilung von superparamagnetischen Nanopartikeln zu detektieren. Aufgrund des direkten Nachweises des Tracers ist MPI ein sehr schnelles und sensitives Verfahren [12] und benötigt fĂŒr eine Einordnung des Tracers (z.B. im Gewebe) eine weitere bildgebende ModalitĂ€t wie die Magnetresonanztomographie (MRI) oder die Computertomographie. Die strukturelle Einordnung wird hĂ€ufig mit dem Fusion-Imaging-Verfahren durchgefĂŒhrt, bei dem die Proben separat in den GerĂ€ten vermessen und die DatensĂ€tze retrospektiv korreliert werden [75][76]. In einem ersten Experiment wurde bereits ein Traveling-Wave-MPI-Scanner (TWMPI) [17] mit einem Niederfeld-MRI-Scanner kombiniert und die ersten Hybridmessung durchgefĂŒhrt [15]. Der technische Aufwand, zwei separate GerĂ€te aufzubauen sowie die Tatsache, dass ein MRI-GerĂ€t bei 30mT sehr lange benötigt, diente als Motivation fĂŒr ein integriertes TWMPIMRI- Hybridsystem, bei dem das dynamische lineare Gradientenarray (dLGA) eines TWMPI-Scanners intrinsisch das B0-Feld fĂŒr ein MRI-GerĂ€t erzeugen sollte. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, die Grundlagen fĂŒr einen integrierten TWMPI-MRIHybridscanner zu schaffen. Die Geometrie des dLGAs sollte dabei nicht verĂ€ndert werden, damit TWMPI-Messungen weiterhin ohne EinschrĂ€nkungen möglich sind. Zusammenfassend werden hier noch mal die wichtigsten Schritte und Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit aufgezeigt. Zu Beginn dieser Arbeit wurde mittels Magnetfeldsimulationen nach einer geeigneten Stromverteilung gesucht, um allein mit dem dLGA ein ausreichend homogenes Magnetfeld erzeugen zu können. Die Ergebnisse der Simulationen zeigten, dass bereits zwei unterschiedliche Ströme in 14 der 20 Einzelspulen des dLGAs genĂŒgten, um ein Field of View (FOV) mit der GrĂ¶ĂŸe 36mm x 12mm mit ausreichender HomogenitĂ€t zu erreichen. Die HomogenitĂ€t innerhalb des FOVs betrug dabei 3000 ppm. FĂŒr die angestrebte FeldstĂ€rke von 235mT waren StromstĂ€rken von 129A und 124A nötig. Die hohen Ströme des dLGAs erforderten die Entwicklung eines dafĂŒr angepassten VerstĂ€rkers. Das ursprĂŒngliche Konzept, welches auf einem linear angesteuerten Leistungstransistors aufbaute, wurde in zahlreichen Schritten so weit verbessert, dass die nötigen StromstĂ€rken stabil an- und ausgeschaltet werden konnten. Mithilfe eines Ganzkörper-MRIs konnte erstmals das B0-Feld des dLGAs, welches durch den selbstgebauten VerstĂ€rker erzeugt wurde, gemessen und mit der Simulation verglichen werden. Zwischen den beiden VerlĂ€ufen zeigte sich eine qualitativ gute Übereinstimmung. Das Finden des NMR-Signals stellte wegen des selbstgebauten VerstĂ€rkers eine Herausforderung dar, da zu diesem Zeitpunkt die nötige PrĂ€zision noch nicht erreicht wurde und der wichtigste Parameter, die MagnetfeldstĂ€rke im dLGA, nicht gemessen werden konnte. Dagegen konnte die LĂ€nge der Pulse fĂŒr die Spin-Echo- Sequenz sehr gut gemessen werden, jedoch war der optimale Wert noch nicht bekannt. Durch iterative Messungen wurden die richtigen Einstellungen gefunden, die nach Änderungen an der Hardware jeweils angepasst wurden. Die Performanz des VerstĂ€rkers konnte anhand wiederholter Messungen des NMRSignals genauer untersucht werden. Es zeigte sich, dass die PrĂ€zision weiter verbessert werden musste, um reproduzierbare Ergebnisse zu erhalten. Mithilfe des NMR-Signals konnten auch das B0-Feld ausgemessen werden. Es zeigte eine gute Übereinstimmung zur Simulation. Mithilfe von vier Segmentspulen des dLGAs war es möglich einen linearen Gradienten entlang der z-Achse zu erzeugen. Ein Gradient wurde zusĂ€tzlich zum B0-Feld geschaltet und ebenfalls ausgemessen. Auch dieser Verlauf zeigte eine gute Übereinstimmung zur Simulation. Mithilfe des Gradienten wurde erfolgreich die Frequenzkodierung und die Phasenkodierung implementiert, durch die bei beiden Messungen zwei Proben anhand des Ortes unterschieden werden konnten. Damit war die Entwicklung des MRIScanners abgeschlossen. Der Aufbau des TWMPI-Scanners benötigte neben dem Bau des dLGAs die Anfertigung von Sattelspulen. FĂŒr die MPI-Messungen konnte der fehlende Teil der Sendekette sowie die gesamte Empfangskette von einer frĂŒheren Version benutzt werden. Auch fĂŒr das MPI wurde die FunktionalitĂ€t mithilfe einer Punktprobe und eines Phantoms ĂŒberprĂŒft, allerdings hier in zwei Dimensionen. Die Erweiterung zu einem Hybridscanner erforderte weitere Modifikationen gegenĂŒber einem reinen TWMPI- bzw. MRI-Scanner. Es musste ein Weg gefunden werden, die Beschaltung des dLGAs fĂŒr die jeweilige ModalitĂ€t zĂŒgig anzupassen. DafĂŒr wurde ein Steckbrett gebaut, das es erlaubt, die Verkabelung des dLGAs in kurzer Zeit zu Ă€ndern. Außerdem mussten innerhalb des dLGAs die Sattelspulen und die Empfangsspule des TWMPIs sowie die Empfangsspule des MRIs untergebracht werden. Ein modulares System erlaubte die gleichzeitige Anordnung aller Komponenten innerhalb des dLGAs. Das messbare FOV des MRIs ist der HomogenitĂ€t des B0-Feldes angepasst, das FOV des TWMPI ist ausgedehnter. Zum Ende dieser Arbeit wurde erfolgreich eine Hybridmessung durchgefĂŒhrt. Das Phantom bestand aus je zwei Kugeln gefĂŒllt mit Öl und mit einem MPI-Tracer (Resovist). Mit TWMPI war die rĂ€umliche Abbildung der Resovistkugeln möglich, wĂ€hrend mit MRI die der Ölkugeln möglich war. Diese in situ Messung zeigte die erfolgreiche Umsetzung des Konzeptes fĂŒr den TWMPI-MRI-Hybridscanner. Zusammenfassend wurden in dieser Arbeit die Grundlagen fĂŒr einen TWMPIMRI- Hybridscanner gelegt. Die grĂ¶ĂŸte Schwierigkeit bestand darin, ein ausreichend homogenes B0-Feld fĂŒr das MRI zu erzeugen, mit dem man ein gutes NMRSignal aufnehmen konnte. Mit einer einfachen Stromverteilung, bestehend aus zwei unterschiedlichen Strömen, konnte ein ausreichend homogenes B0-Feld erzeugt werden. Durch komplexere Stromverteilungen lĂ€sst sich die HomogenitĂ€t noch verbessern und somit das FOV vergrĂ¶ĂŸern. Die MRI-Bildgebung wurde in dieser Arbeit fĂŒr eine Dimension implementiert und soll in fortfĂŒhrenden Arbeiten auf 2D und 3D ausgedehnt werden. Letztendlich soll anhand eines MRI-Bildes die Partikelverteilung des MPI-Tracers in Lebewesen deren Anatomie zugeordnet werden. In [76][77][78] sind die ersten prĂ€klinischen Anwendungen mit dem TWMPI-Scanner durchgefĂŒhrt worden. Diese Anwendungen erlangen eine höhere Aussagekraft durch die zusĂ€tzlichen Informationen eines TWMPI-MRI-Hybridscanners. In weiteren Arbeiten sollte zusĂ€tzlich die GrĂ¶ĂŸe des FOVs fĂŒr das MRI erweitert werden. Außerdem macht es Sinn, einen elektronischen Schalter zum Umschalten des dLGAs zwischen MRI und MPI zu realisieren. Die nĂ€chste Version des Hybridscanners könnte beispielsweise ein komplett neu gestaltetes dLGA enthalten, in dem jede Segmentspule in radialer Richtung einmal geteilt wird und dadurch in eine innere und eine Ă€ußere Spule zerlegt wird. FĂŒr das MRI werden die beiden Spulenteile gegen geschaltet, um ein homogenes Feld in radialer Richtung zu erhalten. FĂŒr das TWMPI werden die Spulenteile gleichgeschaltet, um einen möglichst starken Feldgradienten zu erreichen. In dieser Arbeit wurde fĂŒr die nĂ€chste Version eines TWMPI-MRI-Hybridscanners viel Wissen generiert, das Ă€ußerst hilfreich fĂŒr das neue Design sein wird. Anhand der Vermessung des B0-Feldes hat sich gezeigt, dass die simulierten Magnetfelder gut mit den gemessenen Magnetfeldern ĂŒbereinstimmen. Außerdem wurde viel gelernt ĂŒber die Kombination von TWMPI mit MRI.Magnetic Particle Imaging (MPI) is a novel tomographic imaging technique, which can detect the distribution of superparamagnetic iron oxides in three dimensions. MPI is a fast and sensitive technique due to its immediate tracer detection [12] but needs another imaging modality like magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computed tomography for tracer classification (e.g. to tissue). The classification is often done with the fusion imaging technology where the sample is measured in different systems and the data are correlated afterwards [75][76]. In a first experiment a traveling-wave-MPI-scanner (TWMPI) [17] was combined with a low-field-MRIscanner and first hybrid measurements were acquired [15]. The motivation for an integrated TWMPI-MRI-hybrid system, in which the dynamic linear gradient array (dLGA) generates the main magnetic field B0 intrinsically, was such that an MRI-system at 30mT needs a long time for data acquisition as well as the higher technical effort for assembling two separate systems. The aim of this work was to establish the basic principles of an integrated TWMPIMRI- hybrid scanner. The geometry of the dLGA should not be altered in this process so that TWMPI-measurements are still possible without limitations. All important steps and measurements of this work are presented here in summary. At the beginning of this work it was necessary to find a suitable current configuration by the use of magnetic field simulations. The aim was to generate a magnetic field that is homogenous enough for NMR measurements only with the dLGA coils. The results of the simulations showed that only two different currents in 14 of the 20 dLGA coils are necessary to obtain a field of view (FOV) with a sufficiently homogeneity of 3000ppm and a size of 36mm x 12 mm. For the target field strength of 235mT currents of 129A and 124A are required. The high currents in the dLGA made it necessary to develop a custom amplifier. The original concept, which is based on a linear controlled power transistor, was improved in numerous steps so that the high currents could be turned on and off in a stable way. The magnetic field B0 of the dLGA, which was generated by the custom amplifier, could firstly be measured with the aid of a full-body MRI. Its comparison to the simulation showed a qualitative good agreement. A challenge was to find the NMR-signal because of the custom amplifier which did not have the necessary precision at this particular time and also the most important parameter, the magnetic field strength inside the dLGA, could not be measured. In contrast the length of the pulses for the spin-echo-sequence could be measured accurately, but the ideal value was not known. Iterative measurements were used to find the right adjustments, which had to be adapted after each change in the hardware. The amplifier performance could be analyzed more in detail by repeated measurements of the NMR-signal. They indicated that the precision had to be improved further to achieve reproducible results. The B0-field could be measured by means of the NMR-signal. It showed good agreement to the simulation. By means of four segment coils of the dLGA it was possible to create a linear gradient along the z-axis. as well as the gradient along the z-axis By means of the gradient frequency encoding and phase encoding were successfully implemented. Two samples could be differentiated by its location for both encoding methods. That completes the development of the MRI-scanner. The design of the TWMPI-scanner required the construction of the saddle coils besides the production of the dLGA. The missing parts of the transmit chain and the whole receive chain could be used from an earlier version for MPI-measurements. The functionality of the MPI was tested with a point sample and a phantom, but this time in two dimensions. The extension to a hybrid scanner required additional modifications compared to a pure TWMPI- or MRI-scanner. An efficient way had to be found to change the connections of the dLGA for the particular modality. A pinboard was built which made a rapid change of the connections of the dLGA possible. Furthermore the saddle coils and the receive coil of the TWMPI-system as well as the receive coil of the MRI had to be placed inside the dLGA. This problem was solved with a modular system which made it possible to simultaneously place all components inside the dLGA. The measurable FOV of the MRI is adapted to the homogeneity of the B0-field, the FOV of the TWMPI is larger. At the end of this work a hybrid measurement was successfully performed. The phantom consisted of two spheres filled with oil and another two spheres filled with an MPI-tracer (Resovist). With TWMPI the spatial resolution of the Resovist spheres was possible, while with MRI it was possible for the oil spheres. This in situ measurement showed the successful implementation of the TWMPI-MRIhybrid scanner concept. In summary the basic principles for a TWMPI-MRI-hybrid scanner were established in this work. The highest obstacle was the generation of a homogenous magnetic field B0 for MRI, which lead to a good NMR-signal. A simple current configuration, consisting of two different currents, generated a sufficient homogenous magnetic field. With more complex current configurations a more homogenous field and thereby a larger FOV is possible. MRI-imaging was implemented in this work in one dimension and should be extended to 2D and 3D in further projects. Eventually an MRI-image should be used to display a relation between particle distribution of the MPI-tracer in living creatures and their anatomy. The first preclinical applications were implemented with the TWMPI-scanner [76][77][78]. These applications would reach a higher information value with the use of a TWMPI-MRI-hybrid scanner. The size of the FOV for the MRI should be extended in further projects. Furthermore it is reasonable to realize an electric switch for changing the connections of the dLGA between MRI and MPI. The next version of the hybrid scanner could contain for example a completely newly designed dLGA in which every segment coil is divided radially. The segment coils would consist of an inner and an outer part. For MRI-measurements both magnetic fields work against each other to create a radially homogenous magnetic field. For TWMPI both magnetic fields work together to create a high magnetic field gradient. For the next version of a TWMPI-MRI-hybrid scanner a lot of know-how was created which will be helpful for the new design. By means of the B0 measurements it was shown that the simulated magnetic fields fit well to the measured ones. Furthermore plenty was learned for the combination of TWMPI and MRI

    What Will Happen To The Teen Drivers Of Today? A Triage Of Research And Intervention Issues

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    The purpose of this panel session is to reflect on and debate the advances and challenges associated with driving as a teen. Traffic crashes are the leading cause of death in the U.S. and worldwide in this age group. What research has contributed to our understanding of this state of affairs and what research and interventions are still needed? A group of internationally known researchers will present research on the contributions of driving behavior (e.g. secondary task engagement) and driving conditions (e.g. teenage passengers) on teen crash risk and the potential for interventions, such as education, training, and graduated drivers licensing (GDL) to reduce this risk. The breadth and depth of the panelists\u27 knowledge will be tested by audience questions and directed by the provocateur as a range of additional possible contributions and countermeasures are considered and prioritized