232 research outputs found

    The 106Cd(α, α)106Cd elastic scattering in a wide energy range for γ process studies

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    Date of Acceptance: 15/04/2015Alpha elastic scattering angular distributions of the 106Cd(α, α)106Cd reaction were measured at three energies around the Coulomb barrier to provide a sensitive test for the α + nucleus optical potential parameter sets. Furthermore, the new high precision angular distributions, together with the data available from the literature were used to study the energy dependence of the locally optimized α + nucleus optical potential in a wide energy region ranging from ELab=27.0MeV down to 16.1 MeV.The potentials under study are a basic prerequisite for the prediction of α-induced reaction cross sections and thus, for the calculation of stellar reaction rates used for the astrophysical γ process. Therefore, statistical model predictions using as input the optical potentials discussed in the present work are compared to the available 106Cd + alpha cross section data.Peer reviewe

    Alpha induced reaction cross section measurements on 162Er for the astrophysical γ process

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    Funding Details: NSF, National Science Foundation. ©2014 Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/). Funded by SCOAP3The cross sections of the Er162(α,γ)Yb166 and Er162(α,n)Yb165 reactions have been measured for the first time. The radiative alpha capture reaction cross section was measured from Ec.m.=16.09MeV down to Ec.m.=11.21MeV, close to the astrophysically relevant region (which lies between 7.8 and 11.48 MeV at 3 GK stellar temperature). The Er162(α,n)Yb165 reaction was studied above the reaction threshold between Ec.m.=12.19 and 16.09MeV. The fact that the Er162(α,γ)Yb166 cross sections were measured below the (α,n) threshold at first time in this mass region opens the opportunity to study directly the α-widths required for the determination of astrophysical reaction rates. The data clearly show that compound nucleus formation in this reaction proceeds differently than previously predicted. © 2014 Elsevier B.V.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Precise half-life measurement of the 10 h isomer in 154Tb

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    The precise knowledge of the half-life of the reaction product is of crucial importance for a nuclear reaction cross section measurement carried out with the activation technique. The cross section of the 151Eu(alpha,n)154Tb reaction has been measured recently using the activation method, however, the half-life of the 10 h isomer in 154Tb has a relatively high uncertainty and ambiguous values can be found in the literature. Therefore, the precise half-life of the isomeric state has been measured and found to be 9.994 h +- 0.039 h. With careful analysis of the systematic errors, the uncertainty of this half-life value has been significantly reduced.Comment: Accepted for publication in Nuclear Physics

    Cross section of α-induced reactions on iridium isotopes obtained from thick target yield measurement for the astrophysical γ process

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    © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B. V. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted reuse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.The stellar reaction rates of radiative α-capture reactions on heavy isotopes are of crucial importance for the γ process network calculations. These rates are usually derived from statistical model calculations, which need to be validated, but the experimental database is very scarce. This paper presents the results of α-induced reaction cross section measurements on iridium isotopes carried out at first close to the astrophysically relevant energy region. Thick target yields of 191Ir(α,γ)195Au, 191Ir(α,n)194Au, 193Ir(α,n)196mAu, 193Ir(α,n)196Au reactions have been measured with the activation technique between Eα=13.4 MeV and 17 MeV. For the first time the thick target yield was determined with X-ray counting. This led to a previously unprecedented sensitivity. From the measured thick target yields, reaction cross sections are derived and compared with statistical model calculations. The recently suggested energy-dependent modification of the α + nucleus optical potential gives a good description of the experimental data.Peer reviewe

    Cd110,116(α,α)Cd110,116 elastic scattering and systematic investigation of elastic α scattering cross sections along the Z=48 isotopic and N=62 isotonic chains

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    The elastic scattering cross sections for the reactions Cd110,116(α,α)Cd110,116 at energies above and below the Coulomb barrier are presented to provide a sensitive test for the α-nucleus optical potential parameter sets. Additional constraints for the optical potential are taken from the analysis of elastic scattering excitation functions at backward angles which are available in literature. Moreover, the variation of the elastic α scattering cross sections along the Z=48 isotopic and N=62 isotonic chain is investigated by the study of the ratios of the Cd106,110,116(α,α)Cd106,110,116 scattering cross sections at E cm15.6and18.8 MeV and the ratio of the Cd110(α,α)Cd110 and Sn112(α,α)Sn112 reaction cross sections at Ecm18.8 MeV, respectively. These ratios are sensitive probes for the α-nucleus optical potential parametrizations. The potentials under study are a basic prerequisite for the prediction of α-induced reaction cross sections (e.g., for the calculation of stellar reaction rates in the astrophysical p or γ process). © 2011 American Physical Society.This work was supported by the EUROGENESIS research program, by the Hungarian Office of the National Scientific Research Fund (OTKA), Grants No. NN83261 and No. K068801, by the European Research Council, Grant No. 203175, and by the Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics (NSF Grant No. PHY0822648). G.G.K. and D.G. acknowledge the support of the Spanish Interministerial Commission of Science and Technology, under Project No. FPA2005-02379, and the Ministry of Education and Science (MEC) Consolider, Project No. CSD2007-00042. G.G. acknowledges support from the Bolyai grant. D.G. acknowledges support from the Spanish Ministry of Science Juan de la Cierva grant. This work was also supported by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK), Grants No. 108T508 (TBAG1001) and No. 109T585 (under the EUROGENESIS research program). Fruitful discussions with M. Avrigeanu are gratefully acknowledged.Peer Reviewe

    Measurement of sub threshold resonance contributions to fusion reactions: the case of the 13C(α, n)16O astrophysical neutron source

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    The 13C(α, n)16O reaction is the neutron source for the main component of the s-process. It is is active inside the helium-burning shell of asymptotic giant branch stars, at temperatures ≲ 108 K. In this temperature region, corresponding to an energy interval of 140 − 230 keV, the 13C(α, n)16O cross section is dominated by the −3 keV sub-threshold resonance due to the 6.356 MeV level in 17O. Direct measurements could not establish its contribution owing to the Coulomb barrier between interacting nuclei, strongly reducing the cross section at astrophysical energies. Similarly, indirect measurements and extrapolations yielded inconsistent results, calling for further investigations. The Trojan Horse Method was applied to the 13C(6Li, n16O)d quasi-free reaction to access the low as well as the negative energy region of the 13C(α, n)16O reaction. By using the generalized R-matrix approach, the asymptotic normalization coefficient (C̃17O(1/2+)α13C)2 of the 6.356 MeV level was deduced. For the first time, the Trojan Horse Method and the asymptotic normalization coefficient were used in synergy. Our indirect approach lead to (C̃17O(1/2+)α13C)2 = 7.7−1.5+1.6 fm−1, slightly larger than the values in the literature, determining a 13C(α, n)16O reaction rate slightly larger than the one in the literature at temperatures lower than 108 K, with enhanced accuracy

    Microscopic calculation of proton capture reactions in mass 60-80 region and its astrophysical implications

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    Microscopic optical potentials obtained by folding the DDM3Y interaction with the densities from Relativistic Mean Field approach have been utilized to evaluate S-factors of low-energy (p,γ)(p,\gamma) reactions in mass 60-80 region and to compare with experiments. The Lagrangian density FSU Gold has been employed. Astrophysical rates for important proton capture reactions have been calculated to study the behaviour of rapid proton nucleosynthesis for waiting point nuclei with mass less than A=80

    Indirect Study of the 16O+16O Fusion Reaction Toward Stellar Energies by the Trojan Horse Method

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    The 16 O+ 16 O fusion reaction is important in terms of the explosive oxygen burning process during late evolution stage of massive stars as well as understanding of the mechanism of low-energy heavy-ion fusion reactions. We aim to determine the excitation function for the most major exit channels, α + 28 Si and p + 31 P, toward stellar energies indirectly by the Trojan Horse Method via the 16 O( 20 Ne , α 28 Si) α and 16 O( 20 Ne , p 31 P) α three-body reactions. We report preliminary results involving reaction identification, and determination of the momentum distribution of α - 16 O intercluster motion in the projectile 20 Ne nucleus

    Measurement of the 13C(α, n)16O reaction at astrophysical energies using the Trojan Horse Method. Focus on the -3 keV sub-threshold resonance

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    Most of the nuclei in the mass range 90 ≲ A ≲ 208 are produced through the so-called s-process, namely through a series of neutron capture reactions on seed nuclei followed by β-decays. The 13C(α, n)16O reaction is the neutron source for the main component of the s-process. It is active inside the helium-burning shell of asymptotic giant branch stars, at temperatures ≲ 108 K, corresponding to an energy interval of 140 − 230 keV. In this region, the astrophysical S(E)-factor is dominated by the −3 keV sub-threshold resonance due to the 6.356 MeV level in 17O. Direct measurements could not soundly establish its contribution owing to the cross section suppression at astrophysical energies determined by the Coulomb barrier between interacting nuclei. Indirect measurements and extrapolations yielded inconsistent results, calling for further investigations. The Trojan Horse Method turns out to be very suited for the study of the 13C(α, n)16O reaction as it allows us to access the low as well as the negative energy re- gion, in particular in the case of resonance reactions. We have applied the Trojan HorseMethod to the 13C(6Li, n16O)d quasi-free reaction. By using the modified R-matrix approach, the asymptotic normalization coefficient (C˜α13 C17O(1/2+))2(C~α13C17O(1/2+))2{\left( {\tilde C_{{\alpha ^{13}}{\rm{C}}}^{17{\rm{O(1/}}{{\rm{2}}^{\rm{ + }}}{\rm{)}}}} \right)^2} of the 6.356 MeV level has been deduced as well as the n-partial width, allowing to attain an unprecedented accuracy for the 13C(α, n)16O astrophysical factor. A preliminary analysis of a partial data set has lead to (C˜α13C17O(1/2+))2 = 6.7−0.6+0.9 fm−1,(C~α13C17O(1/2+))2=6.70.6+0.9fm1,{\left( {\tilde C_{{\alpha ^{13}}{\rm{C}}}^{17{\rm{O(1/}}{{\rm{2}}^{\rm{ + }}}{\rm{)}}}} \right)^2}\, = \,6.7_{ - 0.6}^{ + 0.9}\,{\rm{f}}{{\rm{m}}^{ - 1}}, slightly larger than the values in the literature, determining a 13C(α, n)16O reaction rate in agreement with the most results in the literature at ∼ 108 K, with enhanced accuracy thanks to this innovative approach