274 research outputs found

    Família i vida urbana

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    Qualsevol elecció metodològica depèn del problema i de la qüestió especifica de la investigació. L'estudi de la vida quotidiana, però, en molts casos necessita una aproximació des de baix -una comprensió de les vides i els sistemes de valors dels éssers humans-. L'article vol debatre el paper de l'entrevista qualitativa en la investigació, la teoria de la ciència implicada i els problemes relacionats amb les anàlisis socials. El cas estudiat sobre la vida quotidiana realitzat a Copenhagen serà utilitzat en aquest article com un exemple.Cualquier elección metodológica depende del problema y la cuestión especifica de la investigación. Pero el estudio de la vida cotidiana en muchos casos necesita de una aproximación desde abajo -una comprensión de las vidas y los sistema de valores de los seres humanos-. El articulo quiere debatir el papel de la entrevista cualitativa en la investigación, la teoria de la ciencia implicada y los problemas relacionados con los análisis sociales. El caso estudiado sobre la vida cotidiana realizado en Copenhagen será utilizado en este articulo como un ejemplo.Tout choix méthodologique dépend des problemes specifiques de la recherche et des questions que l'on se pose. L'étude de la vie quotidienne nécessite souvent une aproximation d'en bas -une compréhension de la vie et des systemes de valeurs des être humains. L'article veut débatre le rôle de l'entrevue qualitative dans la recherche, la théorie de la science qui y est impliquée et les problèmes relatifs a l'analyse sociale. Une étude de cas sur la vie quotidienne réalisée Copenhague sera utilisée comme exemple dans cet article.Any methodological election obviously depends on the research problem and specific question addressed. However, studying everyday life in most cases requires an approach from below -an understanding of the lives and the value system of each community of human beings-. The paper discusses the role of qualitative research interviewing, the theory of science involved, and the problems related to social analysis. A case study on everyday life carried out in Copenhagen is used as an example

    Urban Space and everyday life::A Personal Theoretical Trajectory Within Nordic Social and Cultural Geography

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    Reef fish demographics on Louisiana artificial reefs : the effects of reef size on biomass distribution and foraging dynamics

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    Understanding the role that habitat plays in the life history of reef-associated fishes is particularly significant given the dramatic increase in the number of artificial reefs deployed in coastal ecosystems over the past 50 years. In the Gulf of Mexico, the oil and gas industry has added a significant amount of structure to the Louisiana continental shelf, creating the largest de facto artificial reef deployment area in the world. Noting their usefulness as fish habitat, the Louisiana Artificial Reef Program was established to convert decommissioned platforms into artificial reefs. However, very little quantitative information exists on how these habitats affect the associated fish assemblage. The two objectives of this study were to examine high-resolution spatial and temporal distribution around two standing and two toppled platforms, and to examine the trophic ecology of common reef-associated fishes, such as red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus). Spatial distribution of fish biomass was examined using a multifrequency hydroacoustic approach to examine the extent of the area of influence around the two habitats and to examine diel changes in distribution. Standing platforms supported roughly two times higher biomass than toppled platforms, particularly in the upper water column at close ranges to the structures. Diel periodicity was evident, with higher biomass in the upper water column during the night and higher biomass in the lower water column during daylight hours. Diel periodicity was dependent on habitat and distance from the reef, breaking down at close range to standing platforms, likely a result of the light field emitted by working platforms. Trophic ecology was assessed with a combination of gut content and stable isotope analyses to examine both prey and sources of basal resources to the reef habitats. Results indicate that red snapper are opportunistic feeders, and that artificial reef structures do not provide a unique set of prey items, indicating that prey and basal resources are consistently sourced from the surrounding water column and soft bottom sediments. Additionally, no evidence of an area of prey depletion (feeding halo) was found around the two habitats, further indicating that prey is derived opportunistically from areas surrounding the reef structures

    The effect of an inshore artificial reef on the community structure and feeding ecology of estuarine fishes in Barataria Bay, Louisiana

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    Recently we have begun to understand the importance of inshore hard-bottom substrate, including oyster reefs, to estuarine fish communities in the Gulf of Mexico, especially in the context of identifying Essential Fish Habitat (EFH). However, problems such as habitat loss, disease, overharvest, and failure to replace shell have severely decreased the amount of high-relief oyster reef habitat available to finfish. The purpose of this project was to establish an artificial high-relief mimic-oyster reef in Barataria Bay, Louisiana, and monitor its use by economically and ecologically important finfish, including spotted seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus) and Atlantic croaker (Micropogonias undulatus). The finfish and invertebrate communities over the artificial reef site were compared to a mud bottom reference site, using two different gear types to sample the entire water column. I also examined site-specific trophic linkages by enumerating gut contents and performing stable isotope analyses of spotted seatrout, Atlantic croaker and bay anchovy (Anchoa mitchilli). There was no overall difference in the community structure between sites, though there was a seasonal difference in the numbers of individuals found at both sites. Species richness also varied by season, with highest number of species present in summer months. Results of the gut-content analysis showed that diets of spotted seatrout do not differ significantly between sites. Spotted seatrout consumed mostly fish and anchovies by number, and penaeid shrimp by weight. Stable isotope analysis indicated that while there were no overall differences in mean stable isotope values, the dietary breadth of spotted seatrout was greater over the artificial reef. In contrast, results indicated that there were significant differences in the diets Atlantic croaker between sites. Atlantic croaker diets consisted of mud crabs (Xanthidae) and other, unidentifiable crabs over the reef, and bivalves and fish over the reference site. Stable isotope analysis of Atlantic croaker indicates that overall dietary breadth was similar between sites, though 15N values were significantly higher over the artificial reef. Results of the stable isotope analysis for bay anchovy indicate that there was a greater dietary breath over the artificial reef

    "I feel Danish but...":a case study on national identity formation and ambivalence

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    Non-western minorities in Europe, one can argue, are experiencing particularly vulnerable processes of subjectification and identification. They are often caught between double processes of inclusion/exclusion, integration/segregation or identification/estrangement. This article explores some of the complex and ambiguous processes of identification within this group, in connection with development of the spatial identity of Danishness. It starts with a short theoretical pinning down of the figure of "the stranger'' working as a basis for the empirical analysis. Organised in three sections, each interpreting a specific narrative of identification, the analysis subsequently explores processes and problems of identity formation within a minority group increasingly designated as "strangers'' within the Danish nation state. The article concludes on the different ways in which uncertainty and ambivalence infiltrate the identity formation

    Spatio-temporal distribution of euphausiids: an important component to understanding ecosystem processes in the Gulf of Alaska and eastern Bering Sea

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    Abstract Euphausiids (principally Thysanoessa spp.) are found in high abundance in both the eastern Bering Sea (EBS) and the Gulf of Alaska (GOA). They are an important part of these cold-water coastal and pelagic ecosystems as a key prey item for many species, including marine mammals, seabirds, and fish, forming an ecological link between primary production and higher trophic levels. Acoustic-trawl (AT) survey methods provide a means of monitoring euphausiid abundance and distribution over a large spatial scale. Four years of AT and bottom-trawl survey data (2003, 2005, 2011, and 2013) were available from consistently sampled areas around Kodiak Island, including Shelikof Strait, Barnabas Trough, and Chiniak Trough. We identified euphausiid backscatter using relative frequency response and targeted trawling, and created an annual index of abundance for euphausiids. This index has broad application, including use in the stock assessments for GOA walleye pollock (Gadus chalcogrammus) and other species, as an ecosystem indicator, and to inform ecological research. We then used generalized additive models (GAMs) to examine the relationship between relative euphausiid abundance and potential predictors, including pollock abundance, temperature, bottom depth, and primary production. Model results were compared with an updated GAM of euphausiid abundance from the EBS to determine if the factors driving abundance and distribution were consistent between both systems. Temperature was not a strong predictor of euphausiid abundance in the GOA as in the EBS; warmer temperatures and lack of seasonal ice cover in the GOA may be a key difference between these ecosystems. Pollock abundance was significant in both the GOA and the EBS models, but was not a strongly negative predictor of euphausiid abundance in either system, a result not consistent with top-down control of euphausiid abundance

    Om komplekse og flertydige begreber

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    Rumlig praksis – Konstitution af rum mellem materialitet og repræsentation

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    The purpose of the paper is to outline a conception of space which is basicallysocial and based in an ontology of practice. After a short introduction that groundthe paper in the contemporary discussion of a ‘spatial turn’ and in the related discussion within human geography, the purpose is pursued in two steps. First, thesocial ontology of practice is shortly outlined, and it is discussed how a conceptionof space starting from that will be. The French philosopher Henri Lefebvre providesa substantive part of the inspiration for that. The second step is to specifyoperations in work in this space, developed under the notions of embodied spacesand narrative spaces. The paper ends by discussing the relationship between space,time and mobilit

    Everyday Hospitality and Politics

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    The article explores everyday hospitality and politics through inclusive forms of integration initiatives in everyday life and urban communities in Denmark and Norway. It investigates how local initiatives and creative social strategies by local actors can empower and include refugees and immigrants in local communities. This article is based on participant observations of urban communities in Denmark and Norway working to welcome refugees and create new cross-cultural meeting places. We argue that people mobilize and take action when faced with emergency, and that the many welcome initiatives organized around theatre, food, dance and music can rework difference. The cases relate to the discussion of hospitality, the production of meaningful meeting places in a local context and the embodied encounters promoted by these activities. This article discusses everyday hospitality and politics in light of the transition in the Nordic welfare states, which has made the debate around inclusion of refugees and immigrants in local communities and the welfare state centre
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