88 research outputs found

    Casting a wide net: use of diverse model organisms to advance toxicology

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    © The Author(s), 2020. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Hahn, M. E., & Sadler, K. C. Casting a wide net: use of diverse model organisms to advance toxicology. Disease Models & Mechanisms, 13, (2020): dmm.043844, doi: 10.1242/dmm.043844.Toxicology – the study of how chemicals interact with biological systems – has clear relevance to human health and disease. Persistent exposure to natural and synthetic chemicals is an unavoidable part of living on our planet; yet, we understand very little about the effects of exposure to the vast majority of chemicals. While epidemiological studies can provide strong statistical inference linking chemical exposure to disease, research in model systems is essential to elucidate the mechanisms of action and to predict outcomes. Most research in toxicology utilizes a handful of mammalian models that represent a few distinct branches of the evolutionary tree. This narrow focus constrains the understanding of chemical-induced disease processes and systems that have evolved in response to exposures. We advocate for casting a wider net in environmental toxicology research to utilize diverse model systems, including zebrafish, and perform more mechanistic studies of cellular responses to chemical exposures to shift the perception of toxicology as an applied science to that of a basic science. This more-inclusive perspective will enrich the field and should remain central to research on chemical-induced disease.K.C.S. acknowledges support from the National Institutes of Health (NIH)(5R01AA018886). M.E.H. acknowledges support from the National Institute ofEnvironmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) through the Boston University SuperfundResearch Program (P42ES007381) and the Woods Hole Center for Oceans andHuman Health (NIEHS grant P01ES028938 and National Science Foundation grantOCE-1840381)

    Stress management: How the unfolded protein response impacts fatty liver disease

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    SummaryInduction of the unfolded protein response (UPR) is recognized as central to fatty liver disease (FLD) pathophysiology. This pathway may be a potential therapeutic target for FLD, as well as other diseases. However, fundamental questions as to how UPR contributes to FLD remain unanswered. Conflicting data suggest that this pathway can both protect against and augment this disease. Here, we review the relationship between protein secretion, endoplasmic reticulum function (ER), and UPR activation. The UPR serves to maintain secretory pathway homeostasis by enhancing the protein folding environment in the ER, and we review data investigating the role for individual UPR players in fatty liver (steatosis). We explore a novel concept in the field that all cases of UPR activation do not equal “ER stress”. Rather, different types of UPRs that can either protect against or cause FLD are discussed. Refining our current understanding of this complex pathway is particularly important, as drugs that affect the protein folding environment in the ER and affect UPR activation are being successful in clinical trials for FLD

    ‘Chinuch Mashlim’—Losses and Displacements at the Contact Zone between English and Hebrew: Transcending Monolingual Boundaries

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    This conceptual article investigates the losses and displacements taking place at the contact zone between English and Hebrew. The study focuses on one Hebrew term ‘chinuch mashlim’ [complementary education in Hebrew] and its relationships with its equivalent English term ‘informal education’. By applying a theoretic–linguistic analysis process, the study traces the socio-historical-political meanings of ‘chinuch mashlim’ and relates this theoretical construct to its English counterpart, ‘informal education’. Examination of the relationships between the two terms at their contact zone reveals a strong English dominancy which creates a barrier for researchers in the field to use their full linguistic repertoire. The analysis reveals that the monolingual ‘informal education’ research does not create permeable boundaries that allow valuable knowledge to transcend from Hebrew to English

    Characterizing Victorian universities’ informal stem education programs

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    Background and context In recent years there has been a growing concern that the goal of “science education for all” is not being met. Increasingly, education systems are failing to attract students to science, to the extent that schools are often blamed for deterring students from pursuing secondary and tertiary science education (EU, 2004, 2007; OECD, 2006; Osborne & Dillon, 2008; Royal Society, 2010; DEST, 2003; Tytler, 2007). While students seem disinterested in school science education, a developing avenue of research directs attention to the role of informal science education in particular to the untapped potential of university outreach programs in filling the gap (Eastwell & Renie, 2002; EU, 2005a, b; 2010). To date, most research regarding university outreach programs has been limited to investigating specific programs. There is a critical lack of data regarding the scope, goals, forms of management, modes of administering and, impacts of university Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) outreach programs. The present research aims to develop a data-base of university STEM outreach programs, which can then be used to characterize the programs, evaluate impacts and establish best practices. RESEARCH QUESTIONS This study addresses the following two issues, namely, determining the characteristics of STEM outreach programs administered by the nine universities in the state of Victoria, Australia, and how the outreach programs are positioned within the universities’ businesses in regard to policies and management practices. METHODS Data were collected from scientists and program coordinators in the nine universities in the State of Victoria. A total of 3688 online questionnaires were distributed. The data included 190 questionnaire respondents and 17 interviewees. The data were analysed qualitatively and quantitatively. FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The nine Victorian universities apply predominantly an intra-curriculum model, designed to support the school curriculum. The majority of the programs are one-off exposures, developed for preparing students in years 11-12 for the Victorian Certificate of Education [VCE]. Most of the universities do not have a policy that specifically directs the implementation of science education outreach programs. The programs are conceptualized by university management as a marketing enterprise with an aim of increasing student recruitment. Typically, there is no central organization or coordination, resulting in sporadic programs, over reliant on ‘soft’ money, with frequent changes in the management schemes. The majority of the programs are initiated by motivated staff, based on their areas of interest, so the programs typically cease when the initiator leaves the university. The study’s recommendations include moving beyond the existing model of intra-curricular support; integrating outreach STEM programs into the universities’ core businesses; and, abandoning the marketing approach in favour of ethical and community service approaches aimed at enhancing citizens’ scientific literacy

    Many Ribosomal Protein Genes Are Cancer Genes in Zebrafish

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    We have generated several hundred lines of zebrafish (Danio rerio), each heterozygous for a recessive embryonic lethal mutation. Since many tumor suppressor genes are recessive lethals, we screened our colony for lines that display early mortality and/or gross evidence of tumors. We identified 12 lines with elevated cancer incidence. Fish from these lines develop malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors, and in some cases also other tumor types, with moderate to very high frequencies. Surprisingly, 11 of the 12 lines were each heterozygous for a mutation in a different ribosomal protein (RP) gene, while one line was heterozygous for a mutation in a zebrafish paralog of the human and mouse tumor suppressor gene, neurofibromatosis type 2. Our findings suggest that many RP genes may act as haploinsufficient tumor suppressors in fish. Many RP genes might also be cancer genes in humans, where their role in tumorigenesis could easily have escaped detection up to now

    Urbanisation generates multiple trait syndromes for terrestrial animal taxa worldwide

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    Cities can host significant biological diversity. Yet, urbanisation leads to the loss of habitats, species, and functional groups. Understanding how multiple taxa respond to urbanisation globally is essential to promote and conserve biodiversity in cities. Using a dataset encompassing six terrestrial faunal taxa (amphibians, bats, bees, birds, carabid beetles and reptiles) across 379 cities on 6 continents, we show that urbanisation produces taxon-specific changes in trait composition, with traits related to reproductive strategy showing the strongest response. Our findings suggest that urbanisation results in four trait syndromes (mobile generalists, site specialists, central place foragers, and mobile specialists), with resources associated with reproduction and diet likely driving patterns in traits associated with mobility and body size. Functional diversity measures showed varied responses, leading to shifts in trait space likely driven by critical resource distribution and abundance, and taxon-specific trait syndromes. Maximising opportunities to support taxa with different urban trait syndromes should be pivotal in conservation and management programmes within and among cities. This will reduce the likelihood of biotic homogenisation and helps ensure that urban environments have the capacity to respond to future challenges. These actions are critical to reframe the role of cities in global biodiversity loss.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Work fragmentation - How much is too much?

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    Modern workers are increasingly able to access work anywhere, anytime, through an array of technologies. At the same time, employee expectations are changing as they juggle the costs of 24/7 accessibility with the benefits of making better use of time. In this report we present new insights from a survey of 608 Australian employees and their perceptions of work fragmentation, productivity and health. The paper also suggests a variety of implications and strategies for managers to help their workers achieve the optimum balance between improved productivity and overload