361 research outputs found

    Quantum Equivalence of Massive Antisymmetric Tensor Field Models in Curved Space

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    We study the effective actions for massive rank-2 and rank-3 antisymmetric tensor field models in curved space-time. These models are classically equivalent to massive vector field and massive scalar field with minimal coupling to gravity respectively. We prove that effective action for massive rank-2 antisymmetric tensor field is exactly equal to one for massive vector field and effective action for massive rank-3 antisymmetric tensor field is exactly equal to one for massive scalar field. Prove is based on an identity for mass-dependent zeta-functions associated with Laplacians acting on pp-forms.Comment: 8 pages, REVTeX fil

    Application of multivariate statistical analysis for delineation of prospective geochemical anomalies in Providenskaya Area (Chukotka, Russia)

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    The secondary geochemical field structure was modelled on the basis of the lithogeochemical dispersion trains of the Providenskaya Area of the Chukotka Peninsula. The factor and cluster analysis were applied to interpret the nature of geochemical anomalies. It was proved that a range of anomalies were prospective for gold-silver, polymetallic, tin, and tungsten deposit allocation

    Multimedia technologies in vocational education

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    Modern higher professional education is aimed at the formation of a highly qualified competent specialist. In the conditions of the competence approach, there is an active introduction in the educational process of multimedia technologies. This is one of the most rapidly developing areas of information technology. Therefore, the training of students should be carried out with the use of various information and communication tools, ensuring the improvement of the quality of education. The purpose of the article is to present the experience of training students of pedagogical University using multimedia technologies. The analysis of the impact of these technologies on the motivation and training of students when studying discipline "technology of training teachers of the past" (media technologies have been embedded in the discipline content). For the study, we measured the motivation of students. We compared the indicators of motivation diagnostics in 2017 (before the introduction of multimedia technologies) and 2018 (after the introduction of technologies). We compared the motives of creative realization (MTR) and professional motives (PM). According to the control event on the discipline "Technologies of teaching teachers of the past", we found that the percentage of "excellent" in 2018 has increased significantly, the percentage of unsatisfactory ratings have decreased. The obtained data allowed detecting positive changes after the introduction of multimedia technologies into the educational process. The motivation of students to study the discipline has increased, their preparedness has increased, and the quality of education has increased. The high efficiency of multimedia technologies was determined, so their implementation in the training of students of pedagogical University will continue

    The willingness of teachers to use modern educational technologies in educational process

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    Among the most significant trends in the development of vocational education, introduction and use of educational technologies can be distinguished. Since the main goal of higher schools is to prepare a competent competitive specialist, they search for the most suitable methods that contribute to rapid achievement of results. The use of technologies by educational institutions is explained by their advantage over other methods of developing professional competence. Due to implementation of a certain algorithm of actions, they allow you to achieve guaranteed results in a timely manner. The purpose of the article is to form future teachers ' the level of competency development, reflecting students’ willingness to adapt, adjust and use educational technologies in professional teaching activities. To do this, we checked the level of motivation of future teachers, the level of knowledge of the theoretical foundations of educational technologies, their design and implementation in professional and pedagogical activities, and the level of formation of the ability to reflect. The development of competencies reflecting the student’s readiness to adapt, adjust and use educational technologies in professional pedagogical activity was carried out in a certain logical sequence, so that the student possessed versatile knowledge about educational technologies, was capable of their systematic creative application and his reflective activity was associated with self-actualization and striving for the implementation of constructive professional activities. The development process was carried out in the course of students solving research and design problems. Research activity was carried out by students in the study of the course “Pedagogical technologies”, fundamental for future teachers of vocational training. The implementation of the projects was carried out during the development of the course "Project Activities of a Professional Education Teacher"

    The soft and the hard pomerons in hadron elastic scattering at small t

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    We consider simple-pole descriptions of soft elastic scattering for pp, pbar p, pi+ p, pi- p, K+ p and K- p. We work at t and s small enough for rescatterings to be neglected, and allow for the presence of a hard pomeron. After building and discussing an exhaustive dataset, we show that simple poles provide an excellent description of the data in the region - 0.5 GeV^2 < t < -0.1 GeV^2, 6 GeV<sqrt(s)< 63 GeV. We show that new form factors have to be used, and get information on the trajectories of the soft and hard pomerons.Comment: 27 pages, 9 figures, LaTeX. A few typos fixed, and references correcte

    Organization of project activities in the system of advanced training of teachers

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    Project activity occupies an important place in the system of professional development. Focused on a rapidly changing environment, it provides the widest opportunities for innovative development of the field of additional education. The implementation of project activities allows you to form important for students of courses, leading decisions in the context of global educational competition and high uncertainty of the educational environment. The purpose of the article is to study the experience of organizing project activities in the system of professional development of teachers. Project activity is a joint educational creative activity of course participants that has a common goal and agreed methods to achieve it. The article reveals the experience of project activities of students in the framework of the course "Management in education". In the process of implementing project activities, the project competence of students is formed. Project activity occupies an important place in the system of professional development. Its implementation allows you to radically change the entire learning process, make it active, creative and independent.

    Structural and magnetic properties of the (001) and (111) surfaces of the half-metal NiMnSb

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    Using the full potential linearised augmented planewave method we study the electronic and magnetic properties of the (001) and (111) surfaces of the half-metallic Heusler alloy NiMnSb from first-principles. We take into account all possible surface terminations including relaxations of these surfaces. Special attention is paid to the spin-polarization at the Fermi level which governs the spin-injection from such a metal into a semiconductor. In general, these surfaces lose the half-metallic character of the bulk NiMnSb, but for the (111) surfaces this loss is more pronounced. Although structural optimization does not change these features qualitatively, specifically for the (111) surfaces relaxations can compensate much of the spin-polarization at the Fermi surface that has been lost upon formation of the surface.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figure


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    Short straight multicapillary columns (MCC) allow for fast gas chromatographic separation. However, their limited efficiency makes it difficult to use them for the analysis of multicomponent mixtures. Therefore, it is important to preliminarily evaluate the possibility of separation of target substances, based on the available information about their characteristics, in particular, by retention indices (RI). The paper provides an example of the choice of MCC and chromatographic conditions for the separation of explosives in stationary phases OV-5 and SE-54. To find the correspondence of the retention indices of the target substances with their retention factors k on the studied MCCs, the retention times of C10−C19 n-alkanes were experimentally determined at different column temperatures. Then the dependences of the calculated lnk on the quantity of carbon atoms m in n-alkanes CmH2m+2  were plotted and approximated by linear functions ln k = a + bm and their coefficients a and b were found for each temperature. From where, it was easy to calculate the retention factors of the target substances by their RI, assuming that RI = m·100, as well as to estimate the MCC efficiency required to separate neighboring peaks to obtain the desired level of separation. Based on the obtained equations, the explosives retention factors for MCCs at different temperatures were calculated and their required efficiency for separating adjacent peaks was estimated. The retention factors experimentally determined for some explosives on the MCCs at 140 °C turned out to be quite close to the theoretically calculated ones. In the future, the similar approach can be used to predict the possibility of gas chromatographic separation of mixtures of dangerous substances such as narcotic drugs.Key words: fast gas chromatography, multicapillary column, chromatographic column selection, retention indices, explosivesDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2022.26.1.003A.P. Efimenko1, I.I. Naumenko2, E.V.Kirillova3, A.A. Shorokhov31Multichrom ltd., Arbusova str. 4a,  b. 1, Novosibirsk, 630117,Russian Federation2Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, pr. Akademika Koptyga 3, Novosibirsk, 630090,Russian Federation 3«SPO «Analitpribor», Babushkina str. 3, Smolensk, 214031, Russian FederationКороткие прямые поликапиллярные колонки (ПКК) позволяют проводить быстрые газохроматографические разделения, однако их ограниченная эффективность требует тщательного подбора ПКК при анализе многокомпонентных смесей. Поэтому при решении конкретной аналитической задачи актуально предварительно оценить возможность разделения целевых веществ, опираться на доступные сведения об их характеристиках, в частности, на индексы удерживания (RI). В настоящей работе приведен пример подбора ПКК и условий хроматографирования для разделения смесей взрывчатых веществ (ВВ) на неподвижных фазах (НФ) OV-5 и SE-54, выбранных нами из-за того, что известные индексы удерживания ВВ в основном определены на НФ подобного состава. Для нахождения соответствия индексов удерживания целевых веществ с их фактором удерживания k на исследуемых ПКК экспериментально были определены времена удерживания н-алканов С10 – С19 при различных температурах колонок, после чего построены зависимости рассчитанных ln k от числа атомов углерода m в н-алканах CmH2m+2 и аппроксимацией линейной функцией ln k = a + bm для каждой температуры найдены коэффициенты аппроксимации a и b. Откуда легко можно было вычислить факторы удерживания целевых веществ по их RI, считая, что RI = m·100, а также оценить эффективность ПКК, достаточную для разделения соседних пиков целевых веществ с необходимой степенью разделения. На основании полученных уравнений рассчитаны факторы удерживания ВВ для ПКК при разных температурах и оценена необходимая эффективность для разделения соседних пиков. Экспериментально определенные для некоторых ВВ факторы удерживания на ПКК с исследуемыми НФ при 140 оС оказались достаточно близки к теоретически рассчитанным. В дальнейшем подобный подход может быть использован для прогноза возможности газохроматографического разделения смесей опасных веществ или соединений, обращение с которыми имеет законодательные ограничения.Ключевые слова: экспрессная газовая хроматография, поликапиллярные колонки, подбор хроматографических колонок, индексы удерживания, взрывчатые веществаDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2022.26.1.00