126 research outputs found
Transaminase Enzyme and Liver Histological Profile of Mice Administered Extract of Pegagan (Centella Asiatica (L.) Urban)
The purpose of this study was to determine whether pegagan caused toxic effects on the liver. This study used completely randomized design with four treatments, ie 125, 200, 275 mg/kg BW and control, each treatment consisting of six replicates. Variables observed were the level of GPT, GOT and histological profile of liver. GPT and GOT levels were analyzed by analysis of single variant of 0.05. Histological picture of the liver include central venous dilation, inflammation, and damage to the structure of liver cells were performed by descriptive evaluation. Pegagan leaf extract did not show significant effect on GPT and GOT level in the liver of mice, whereas the histology results did not reveal any visible damage to liver cells in each dose. Administration of pegagan extract up to dose of 275 mg/kg BW was safe and would not cause damage to the liver cells
Improving students’ writing skill in descriptive text using “the power of two and four” (a classroom action research with eighth grade students of MTs Irsyaduth Thullab Tedunan Wedung Demak in the academic year of 2010/2011)
Indonesian government has decided that English is a compulsory subject that is taught at school. English contains of four skills that must be studied by high school students. They are Listening, Speaking, Speaking, and Writing.
To teach writing for junior high school is not an easy work. It is the task for the teacher to encourage students to learn writing in the language target. He or she should choose the suitable strategy in teaching it. As stated in school-based curriculum, descriptive text is one of genres that is taught in junior high school.
In this final project, the researcher chose the power of two and four to improve students’ writing skill in descriptive text. She wanted to know the implementation of teaching descriptive writing using the power of two and four and the improvement of students’ descriptive writing after being taught using the power of two and four.
In order to achieve the objective of the study, the researcher designed a classroom action research. The population of this study was the eighth year students of MTs. Irsyaduth Thullab and the subject of this study was 23 students. The classroom action research was done in two cycles: cycle I and cycle II. These cycles consist of four stages: planning, acting, observing, and reflecting.
To analyze the data, researcher used descriptive quantitative. Observation data was analyzed descriptively and the test was analyzed quantitatively. The data collections were interview, observation, and test.
In this research, the researcher gave a test of their achievements in each cycle. In the first cycle, the average of the students’ achievement was 67.52 and in the second cycle the students got 77.52.
The result of research shows that the improvement of students’ writing skill in descriptive text with the power of two and four covers parts, qualities, and characteristics of the objects. The score of writing in descriptive text with the power of two and four are higher than before. One of advantages of using the power of two and four is that the students can produce the result of the objects more easily and accurately
Gastro kritik: kajian sastra berwawasan kuliner sebagai wahana pengenalan dan pelestarian kuliner nusantara
Seiring berkembangnya zaman, sastra Indonesia memperlihatkan
perkembangan ke arah kreativitas yang tak terbatas. Sejumlah
sastra kuliner yang muncul dalam satu dasawarsa terakhir menjadi
salah satu fenomena mutakhir sastra Indonesia. Sastra berwawasan
kuliner telah menarik minat para sastrawan dalam memilih diksi
dan membangun struktur cerita dalam bentuk puisi, cerpen, dan
novel baik di media cetak maupun digital
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya perbedaan motivasi dan prestasi belajar kimia peserta didik kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Muntilan setelah mengikuti pembelajaran menggunakan model kooperatif tipe TGT dan resiprokal apabila pengetahuan awal peserta didik dikendalikan secara statistik.
Penelitan ini merupakan jenis penelitian eksperimen dengan desain dua faktor dua sampel satu kovariabel. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh peserta didik SMA Negeri 1 Muntilan berjumlah 257 orang dan terbagi dalam 8 kelas. Sampel terdiri dari 2 kelas yaitu 2 kelas eksperimen. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara purposive sampling. Pengujian hipotesis menggunakan analisis uji t dan analisis kovarian (anakova).
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (a) tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara motivasi belajar kimia peserta didik yang mengikuti pembelajaran menggunakan model kooperatif tipe TGT dan resiprokal, (b) ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara prestasi belajar kimia peserta didik yang mengikuti pembelajaran menggunakan model kooperatif tipe TGT dan resiprokal. Secara umum, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe TGT lebih baik dari pada model pembelajaran resiprokal
OPTIMASI SEPARASI PADA PEMISAHAN GLISEROL HASIL PROSES HIDROLISA MINYAK KELAPA SAWIT (Elaeis guineensis) (Optimization of Glycerol Separation in the Hydrolysis of Palm Oil Process Results)
Glycerol is one of the important chemicals in industry, especially the pharmaceutical industry, foodstuff, cosmetics, explosives, and others. Glycerol can be obtained by careful evaporation, and then purified by distillation at reduced pressure. Glycerol is soluble both in water and insoluble in eter. Glycerol can be useful for us to synthesis of fat in the body. Glycerol can be obtained from several processes, including the process of refining oil and fat, alcoholysis, enzymatic, hydrolysis and saponification of oils and fats.
This experiment aims to determine the best separation process which can be used to obtain glycerol with variations in rotation speed centrifugation. The experimental procedure begins with the process of palm oil hydrolysis using KOH catalyst then glycerol formed is separated using methods sentrifugasii with their speed - respectively 1090, 1375 and 1772 rpm. From the experimental results obtained at the highest glycerol separation process with speed rrpm 1772 as many as 3.5 mL.
Separation using centrifugation method when compared with other methods of separation which is the best method. This is because the results obtained are more separation than others
Analisa ekonomi media manajemen Majalah Aula
Penelitian ini guna mengamati bagaimana proses manajemen yang dilakukan oleh majalah Aula dalam mempertahankan posisinya sebagai majalah religi di era yang semakin banyak bermunculan media-media baru baik cetak elektronik maupun media online. dalam penelitian ini berusaha menampilkan gambaran-gambaran mengenai manajemen yang dikelola oleh majalah Aula, untuk memantaskan sebagai majalah cetak yang bertaraf nasional . membahas masalah manajemen maka tidak akan lepas dari proses produksi, distribusi dan sumber daya yang dimiliki oleh majlah Aula yang nantinya akan menjadi objek dalam penelitian ini dalam penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif, hal ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran-gambaran yang akurat dan aktual mengenai data dari lapangan. objek penelitian ini adalah bagian produksi, pemasaran dan sumber daya yang dimiliki oleh majalah Aula oleh karena itu peneliti menggunakan teori ekonomi media untuk menjadi pisau bedah dalam penelitian ini dari hasil penelitian, majalah Aula mampu mencapai umur ke 40-tahun dengan pembaca yang fanatik dari proses manajemen yang dikelola, baik bagian produksi, ataupun pemasaran dan sumber daya yang dimiliki. majalah Aula mampu mengembangkan sayap sebagai media cetak ditengah maraknya perkembangan media internet hal ini dikarenakan majalah Aula mampu memberikan inovasi-inovasi yang selalu dibutuhkan oleh para pembaca. khususnya pembaca dari kalangan NU, sampai saat ini majalah Aula menempati urut pertama sebagai majalah nasional milik NU
Critical and creative thinking is a high-level thinking skill that needs to be trained to students as a provision to be a successful learner. Creative-critical thinking skills can be trained through text writing. One of the relevant texts for developing students' critical-creative thinking skills is exposition texts. This is because the exposition texts contain the opinions of a person who needs to be criticized for his supporting arguments and necessary creative ideas in solving the problem
Analisis permintaan dan perkiraan kebutuhan konsumsi minyak kelapa di daerah istimewa aceh=Analysis of Demand and Estimation of Consumption Need for
Coconut oil is one of the vegetable fats which is importnat for the daily consumption. At least 13 kg/person/year of coconut oil is needed. For Daerah Istimewa Aceh, in 1987, the amount of coconut oil consumed is only 9.20 Kg/person/year, which means still below the standar requirement. The amount of coconut oil consumed increases up to 5.81%/year from 197710 1987, while supply decreases to 1.93%/year. It means that the supply is not in balance with the increase of the demand Based on this view, the demand and the estimation of consumption need for coconut oil in Daerah Istimewa Aceh is intersted to be studied.
The objectives of the research are to study the factors influencing the demand, the extent of the role of the above factors in determining the demand, and to estimate the consumption need in the future.
Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling Methods was used in this study. The data were transformed into logarithmic forms and then analysed using Ordinary Least Square Methods. The data were Cross Section Data
Result of analysis show that factors influencing the demand of coconut oil were prices of coconut oil, palm oil, fresh fish, total of house-hold income and number ofhouse-hold member. The price elasticity ofcoconut oil demand is -0.9574, it means that the demand is inelastic The cross price elasticities of palm oil and of fresh fish are 0.9611 and -0.4142 respectively. It implies that palm oil is a substitute and fresh fish is a complement for the consumption of coconut oiL The income elasticity of demand is 0,4771, it means that coconut oil is a normal goods and inelastic demand The regression coefficient of the number of the house-hold member with respect to consumption of coconut oil is 0.6461. It is also estimated that the consumption need for coconut oil from 1990 to 1995 in Daerah Istimewa Aceh will increase 3.91% per year.
Based on this results, it is suggested that further efforts to increase coconut oil production should always be made in order to fulfill the increasing of consumption need and to pursue the standar determined by the Goverment:
Key words: demand analysis -- consumption estimation -- coconut oi
Writing involves textual tasks like formulating and structuring ideas into sentences, encompassing idea creation, organization, drafting, and revision. In this context, the utilization of scrapbooks as a teaching aid for writing has yielded positive results, introducing a novel method for writing instruction. This practice not only improves students' recount text abilities but also highlights the versatility of scrapbooks in catering to multiple skills, as revealed by the interview results—spanning both writing and speaking instruction. Embracing scrapbooks in education holds the potential to foster holistic language development and effective communication skills, thereby enriching the learning experience across various linguistic domains. In this research, the researcher used qualitative with case studied approach
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