288 research outputs found

    Gyrus Higher Learning Management System

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    Our project was to develop a prototype learning management system for use of higher education for our sponsor, Gyrus Systems. This consisted of creating a MySQL relational database to store user and class information, to design and code a user interface that emphasized user experience, and to implement functionalities for each user role. Early in the design phase we outlined which features were must haves, in order to demonstrate an adequate prototype, and had this list approved by our sponsor. They were then divided into two roles. The role of ā€œstudentā€ has the ability to submit assignments, get information from their instructor, and receive and review grades for submitted assignments. The role of ā€œprofessorā€ has the ability to post assignments, receive and grade student submissions, send their students information about the class, and post materials for the students to review. The application is hosted on a shared web server and the work was done through a cPanel Portal. The UI is constructed with a custom bootstrap and our functional code is in jQuery. Transactions between our front-end and the MySQL database are handled in PHP. Our final product is a functional web-application that accommodates the must haves outlined in our original design. The main pages are the page for class information, the page for viewing grades, the page for viewing announcements, and the dashboard containing quick information. The pages are designed for the fulfillment of the different rolesā€™ unique needs.https://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/capstone/1168/thumbnail.jp

    Re-Imagining Andragogy for Innovative and Inclusive Leadership Training for Minority Women in Higher Education

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    The purpose of this case study undertaken in 2021 was to explore the different ways educators in higher education might implement innovative andragogical practices for inclusive leadership training for minority women. There is need for minority women to develop abilities to make personal adjustments as well as receive support from external structures if they are to benefit from leadership training programs and to be successful leaders (Flower, 2021). The potential for innovation to shift towards a more engaged form of teaching and learning is very important in the 21st Century especially for the inclusion of minority women in leadership in higher education. Trainers of minority women for leadership must reflect on their praxis and learn how to implement innovative and responsive andragogical practices that engage and empower minority women in higher education. This case study attempted to answer a critical question: How might educators in higher education implement innovative andragogical practices for inclusive leadership training for minority women? This study was anchored on transformative leadership theory which aims at building socially just systems in a volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous world (Shields, 2018). Protagonists of transformative leadership theory urge educators to proactively initiate conversations and implement praxis that remove barriers that impede groups of learners, such as minority women, from thriving to their full potential. Researchers conducted online focus group discussions with eight minority women as tools to collect data for this study. More data was collected from participantsā€™ personal stories. Focus group conversations and participantsā€™ stories were recorded on Zoom. The data collected was analysed through the constant comparison of conversations and stories to distil common themes. Six common themes emerged as perceived game changers in the implementation of effective andragogical practices for the training of minority women for leadership in higher education. The six themes include (a) positive self-worth, (b) effective mentorship and role modelling, (c) networks of supportive partner allies, (d) female models and styles of leadership, (e) mindset change, and (f) male positive perception of women as leaders

    Political environment, employee tenure security and firm performance in middle-income economies

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    Purpose ā€“ The study investigates the effect of political instability and employee tenure security on the performance of firms in middle-income economies (MIEs) after controlling for the influence of corruption, international quality certification, external auditor services and firm age. It examines whether ownership and sector effects matter in the explored relationships. Design/methodology/approach ā€“ The study adopts the generalized method of moments estimator and collects firm-level cross-sectional data from 77 MIEs. Findings ā€“ The evidence shows that political uncertainty, employee tenure security and firm age negatively impact firm performance. Also, external quality assurance mainly improves firm performance. Additionally, foreign-owned firms benefit from corruption more than their domestic counterparts. Moreover, there are ownership and sector effects in the firm performance drivers. Practical implications ā€“ The findings suggest the need for MIE firm managers to implement policies and programs to improve permanent employees' efficiency, commitment and honesty. Policy makers and political actors must work toward a stable political environment in MIEs. The policy must also focus on at least minimizing corruption. Originality/value ā€“ The study shows the contributions of employee tenure security, political instability and corruption to the performance of MIE firms. It documents sector and ownership effects in the factors influencing firm performance

    A simple method for directional transcriptome sequencing using Illumina technology.

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    High-throughput sequencing of cDNA has been used to study eukaryotic transcription on a genome-wide scale to single base pair resolution. In order to compensate for the high ribonuclease activity in bacterial cells, we have devised an equivalent technique optimized for studying complete prokaryotic transcriptomes that minimizes the manipulation of the RNA sample. This new approach uses Illumina technology to sequence single-stranded (ss) cDNA, generating information on both the direction and level of transcription throughout the genome. The protocol, and associated data analysis programs, are freely available from http://www.sanger.ac.uk/Projects/Pathogens/Transcriptome/. We have successfully applied this method to the bacterial pathogens Salmonella bongori and Streptococcus pneumoniae and the yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. This method enables experimental validation of genetic features predicted in silico and allows the easy identification of novel transcripts throughout the genome. We also show that there is a high correlation between the level of gene expression calculated from ss-cDNA and double-stranded-cDNA sequencing, indicting that ss-cDNA sequencing is both robust and appropriate for use in quantitative studies of transcription. Hence, this simple method should prove a useful tool in aiding genome annotation and gene expression studies in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes

    An assessment of bicycle frame behaviour under various load conditions using numerical simulations

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    This paper outlines the use of a finite element model to simulate the behaviour for a standard steel bicycle frames under a range of measured load cases. These load cases include those measured both in the laboratory setting and also in the field, and include loads transmitted at key areas such as the dropouts and hub, the bottom bracket and drive, the headset and handlebars, and the seat post and saddle. The load cases analysed include static representations of dynamic bump situations which occur sporadically and also those which occur constantly or regularly such as those generated at the drive and handlebars during climbing or cruising. The resulting stresses within the bicycle are analysed in the context of frame performance relating to static and fatigue strengths and are also compared to similar load cases presented in the literature. Further research is required to understand the influence of tube profiles on frame strength, and to analyse the modes of failure for various bicycle designs and materials used under typical and extreme usage in order to understand the implications of design on safety

    Typhoid Fever and Invasive Nontyphoid Salmonellosis, Malawi and South Africa

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    To determine the prevalence of invasive nontyphoid salmonellosis and typhoid fever in Malawi and South Africa, we compared case frequency and patient age distribution. Invasive nontyphoid salmonellosis showed a clear bimodal age distribution; the infection developed in women at a younger age than in men. Case frequency for typhoid fever was lower than for salmonellosis
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