333 research outputs found

    Integrating tree lucerne into crop-livestock farming systems of the Ethiopian highlands for multiple products and services

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    Major animal health problems of market oriented livestock development in Alaba woreda, Southern Nations Nationalities and Peoples Region

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    A study was conducted to identify the major animal health problems and to look at the animal production system in Alaba Woreda, of the Southern Nations and Nationalities People Region from December 2006 to May 2007. A total of 80 respondents were selected from four peasant associations and interviewed using structured questionnaire. Focus group discussion was also made with key respondents from each PA and the participants described the major husbandry problems in their area. Retrospective study has been done on the past four year clinic record and a two year abattoir record. The results reveled that Mixed crop-livestock production system is the predominant system in the area in which animals are kept in very limited grazing land. Cattle were the most dominant from the animal species and kept primarily for draft power and milk purposes also as a source of income. Communal housing for both the families and animals were the characteristic of most households. Livestock feeding mainly relay on crop residues (maize stover and cereal straw). There is a wide use of traditional salt sources. In cattle anthrax was the most frequently mentioned disease problems. In all age groups of sheep and goats, fasciolosis was the major constraint. The second and third important diseases in sheep and goats were Anthrax and pasteurellosis. In equines the predominant health problems were epizootic Lymphangitis. NCD and respiratory diseases were the most frequently mentioned poultry diseases. An investigation made on the clinic records shows the highest proportion of cases recorded for LSD, anthrax, pneumonia and endoparasitic cases. Major organ condemnation at the abattoir reveals that liver was the organ condemned the most followed by lung and heart. Result of the present study suggests the need for an in depth study on the exact prevalence of diseases of major importance as well as on their control strategies to compete in the current attractive market

    Africa RISING: Innovation for development highlights

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    Poster prepared for a share fair, Addis Ababa, May 201

    Multi-stakeholder engagement, partnerships and capacity building

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    Common difficulties experienced by grade 12 students in learning chemistry in Ebinat Preparatory School

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    The objective of this study was to examine the nature and causes of common difficulties experienced by grade twelve students in learning chemistry in Ebinat preparatory school. A qualitative method was employed to investigate the questions, which used interviews and questionnaires with students and teachers. The key findings of the study indicated that students are being more challenged by topics like chemical bonding, thermodynamics, chemical equilibrium, kinetics, and colligative properties. The main factors that are contributed for the learning difficulties in chemistry faced by our students include: absence laboratory works, absence of teaching and learning resources, poor teaching and learning strategies, poor English and Mathematical skills and there is a need to improve these cause by using equip laboratory, improvement in assessment, use of proper English language by teachers etc

    Photo report of the field day in Sinana site of the Africa RISING project in the Ethiopian highlands, 1 December 2015

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    Africa RISING R4D approach towards agricultural intensification and climate change adaptation in the Ethiopian highlands

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