21 research outputs found

    The impact of participation banks on macroeconomic indicators in Turkey

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    Abstract. Demand for participation banks and participation banking instruments in Turkey is increasing its importance day by day. Along with the increase in interest for theinterest-free financial instruments in international financial markets after the second half of the 20th century, demand for interest-free financial instruments in Turkey over the past two decades has increased as well. However, the share of the Participation Banks in the financial system of Turkey’s economy is already only 5 %, which indicates that sufficient financial depth has not been achieved in this respect. From this point of view,in this study development of participation banking in Turkey and in the world and impacts of the funds extended by participation banks on real macroeconomic indicators (exports, gross domestic product, employment, household consumption expenditures and investments) are analyzed with the panel data analysis methodusing unbalanced panelquarterly data covering periods between 2010- 2017. The results of the analyses have shown that although its share in the financial system is below the expected level, funds extended by participation banks affect the indicators related to foreign trade, employment, supply and demand side of Turkey’s economy positively.Keywords. Participation banks, Macroeconomics indicators, Panel analysis, Heteroscedasticity, Autocorrelation.JEL. B22, C50, E50

    Türkiye’de Bankacılık İstikrarı ve Reel Ekonominin CAMELS Yaklaşımına Dayalı İncelemesi

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    Türk Bankacılık Sisteminde CAMELS gösterge değerleri 2004-2017 çeyreklik dönemine yönelik tanımlanmıştır. Reel ekonomi ise yatırım harcamaları ve reel GSYH olmak üzere iki değişken ile temsil edilmektedir. Öncelikle değişkenlerin birim kök özellikleri ADF (Augmented Dickey Fuller) ve PP (Phillips Perron) testleri ile incelenmiştir. Hem CAMELS kalemlerinin hem de reel ekonomik değişkenleri birinci farklarında birim kökten kurtulmaktadır. Toda ve Yamamoto (1995) ikili nedensellik testi değişkenlerin birim kök özellikleri dikkate alınarak uygulanmıştır. Elde edilen bulgulara göre, sermaye kalemlerinin tamamı yatırım harcamalarından etkilenirken, reel GSYH’yi etkilemektedir. Likidite kalemlerinin tamamı ise hem yatırım harcamalarını hem de reel GSYH’yi açıklamada etkindir

    National and international measures and solutions implemented for ways of fighting against tax avoidance and tax evasion at international scale

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    Vergilendirmenin ülkeler tarafından ekonomik mücadelenin stratejik bir aracı olarak kullanılmaya başlanması ile birlikte uluslararası alanda gerçekleştirilen vergiden kaçınma ve vergi kaçakçılığı daha önemli hale gelmiştir. Bu durum vergilemede adaleti bozmakta, uluslararası sermaye hareketliliğinde sapmalara yol açmakta ve kamu gelirlerinin en önemli unsuru olan vergi hasılatının düşmesine neden olmaktadır. Günümüzde milli gelir idareleri, vergi kayıp kaçağının ulusal boyutu yanında uluslararası boyutu ile de mücadele etmek zorundadırlar. Çalışmada öncelikle küreselleşme ile birlikte daha bir önem kazanan uluslararası vergiden kaçınma ve vergi kaçakçılığı metotları üzerinde durulmakta, sonrada bu soruna karşı vergi idarelerinin hangi yollarla mücadele edebilecekleri vurgulanmaktadır.After using taxation as a strategic mean for economic struggles by countries, tax avoidance and tax evasion at international level has become very important. The existence of tax avoidance and tax evasion corrupts tax fairness, causes deviation of international capital movements, and leads to fall of the most important source of public revenue. National tax authorities nowadays have to fight against the tax losses and evasions at the international level as well as at the national level. In this paper, international tax avoidance and tax evasion methods, becoming more important with the globalization, will be first discussed, and then the ways that national tax authorities might have to fight against these issues will be addressed

    Entomopathogens in control of urban pests

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    Entomopathogens including viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, rickettsia and nematodes are non-infective to vertebrates. There are lots of researches on their efficacy on urban pests. Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis (Bti) is effective in controlling mosquitos and black flies, B. thuringiensis kurstaki and B. thuringiensis entomocidus controls Lepidoptera caterpillars. B. thuringiensis tenebrionis controls some beetle species. Most of viruses kill immature stages of Lepidoptera and Hymenoptera. Baculoviruses are specific to only a few pests of Lepidoptera and mosquitoes. Fungi have wide spectrum of hosts and the ability to enter via cuticle. They can infect many insects (Dictyoptera, Orthoptera, Dermoptera, Culicidae, Muscidae, Simulidae, Tabanidae, Cimicidae, Vespidae, Formicidae, Lepidoptera, Termitidae) and ticks (Ixodidae and Argasidae). The most common entomopathogenic fungus species are Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae. Protozoa are pathogenic for insect and some ticks. Nosema is the most common genus. However there is necessity to evaluate the potential of Nosema-Ixodidae and Nosema-Insect interactions for tick and insect bio-control. Rickettsias are obligatory intracellular organisms and some species affect ticks. Nematode species in the families of Steinernematidae (Steinernema spp., Neosteirnema spp.), Heterorhabditidae (Heterorhabditis spp.) and Mermithidae are effective on insects and ticks. Entomopathogenic nematodes (Steinernematidae and Heterorhabditidae) carry the pathogenic bacteria (Xenorhabdus spp. and Photorhabdus spp.) in their intestines. These bacteria are able to kill the host within 24-48 hours. Some entomopathogens or microbial pathogens can be mass-produced, and suitable for commercial use. Current applications include control programs for agricultural, forest and urban pests. This review emphases on the potential of different entomopathogens for bio-control of urban pests and brief information about microbial control agents

    Rüzgar Enerji Sistemlerinin Sosyal Kabul Dinamiklerini Anlamak

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    The pressure of exhaustion over fossil-based energy sources, growing public concerns in parallel with environmental issues created by these sources, the relations of energy dependence created by monopolies related to the geographical condensation of those sources have rendered renewable energy sources as a popular subject of the new energy culture among countries, industries, environmental groups and public as a whole. Meanwhile, wind energy is one step ahead of other accepted renewable energy sources with its attained size, its efficiency parameters and its acclaim as a commercial product. However, it has been realized that widespread positive impressions based on negativities produced by fossil resources have not been similarly continuous especially in localities where farms were established since the end of 1970s, when the first commercial wind power system was installed. The opposing attitudes towards wind power systems within the local scope slowed down the development of this particular energy type in many countries and complicated the issue further. This situation as well as increasing awareness resulted in the entry of studies targeting the comprehension of the dynamics behind the social acceptance of wind energy systems into academic literature, above all in developed countries. On the other hand, Turkey is lacking any study concerning the dynamics of social acceptance of rapidly spreading wind energy systems since the year of 2005. It is hereby aimed that this article will contribute to the studies to be done by touching upon the general tendencies in the literature.Fosil tabanlı enerji kaynakları üzerinde oluşan tükenme baskısı; yarattıkları çevresel sorunlar ve buna bağlı gelişen kamu kaygıları; bu kaynakların coğrafi olarak yoğunlaşmasıyla ilintili tekellerin yarattığı enerjide bağımlılık ilişkileri; ülkeler, sanayi, çevre grupları ve genel olarak kamuoyu için yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklarını yeni enerji kültürünün popüler öznesi haline getirmiştir. Rüzgâr enerjisi ise ulaştığı hacim, verimlilik parametreleri ve belli piyasalarda bir ticari ürün olarak karşılık bulması nedeniyle kabul edilen diğer yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklarına göre bir adım öndedir. Bununla birlikte fosil enerji kaynaklarının ürettiği olumsuzluklara bağlı kazanılan yaygın olumlu kanıların ilk ticari rüzgâr enerji sistemlerinin kurulduğu 1970’lerin sonu itibariyle özellikle çiftliklerin bulunduğu yerelliklerde benzer bir süreklilik göstermediği fark edilmiştir. Yerelde rüzgâr enerji sistemlerine dönük gelişen muhalif tutumlar birçok ülkede bu enerji türünün gelişimini yavaşlatmış ve karmaşık bir konu haline dönüştürmüştür. Bu durum ve gelişen farkındalık özellikle gelişmiş ülkelerde rüzgâr enerji sistemlerinin sosyal kabulünün arkasındaki dinamikleri anlamaya dönük çalışmaların akademik literatüre girmesiyle sonuçlanmıştır. Buna karşın Türkiye’de 2005 yılından sonra hızla yayılan rüzgâr enerji sistemlerinin sosyal kabul dinamiklerine ilişkin çalışma bulunmamaktadır. Bu makalenin literatürdeki genel yönelimlere değinerek yapılacak çalışmalara katkı sağlaması hedeflenmektedir

    The effects of parent education program on the state anxiety levels of parents of first graders

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    AbstractThe first year of school is an important beginning which involves critical processes, as it determines how a new school-child will perceive the concepts of school, learning, and teacher and the effects of this perception may affect future school success. This new beginning may increase the stress levels of both children and parents. Starting school does not mean that parents transfer their role of educator entirely to the teacher; instead, education should be handled jointly at home and school. To enable this, parents need to be educated too. As such an education would raise the awareness levels of parents, it may also decrease their anxiety levels. In this study, the state anxiety levels of 61 parents with a child who has just started the first grade were measured before and after the parent education program and it was found that the program was effective