421 research outputs found

    A multi-case study of participation in Finnish industrial production companies

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    Abstract New organizational structures where employees have equal decision-making power have been introduced and the overall atmosphere in business has been shifting towards more inclusive organizations. It has been claimed that flat and democratic organizations represent the new generation of organizations in general. Also, in Finland the role and power to influence employees rise a lot of debate in the field of business and mass media at the moment. Giving power to the employees is seen as a tool to create commitment and agile ways to serve the customer. Finnish working life and companies are very inclusive compared to other parts of the world. We have a long history in involving employees via employee representatives, but there are also many young companies that see the role of employees in a completely new way. However, the majority of companies in Finland have a long history and can be perceived as traditional. What role employees currently have in these companies when it comes to decision-making? This thesis work is to study the role employees have in strategy work and strategic decision-making in organizations that are perceived traditional. In this qualitative multi-case research, the research data was collected through semi-structured interviews with altogether 32 employees from three different-sized industrial production companies. The interviewees represent different levels of the organization from the production employees to top management. Data analysis was conducted as an iterative and explorative process, where data was transcripted, categorized and synthesized. Finally, the research findings were discussed with existing literature in order to improve the finding’s validity. According to the study findings, participation in strategy is seen very differently compared to participation in decision-making. There were also big differences between the different employee groups represented. The production employees (blue-collars) were largely satisfied with the possibilities to influence achieved by the use of Lean-methods and employee representatives. On the contrary, the middle management and white-collars often felt that they were lacking similar possibilities to participate in decision-making. In all three organizations, the strategy process was mostly perceived as a traditional top-down one. The white-collar employees and middle managers would like to participate more in strategy-making. However, the blue-collar employees often did not see the point in participating more. Also, the study shows how individual team leaders can create very inclusive and agile teams despite the overall bureaucracy and hierarchy that were evident in all of the three organizations.Tutkielman tiivistelmĂ€tiedoissa nĂ€kyvĂ€ hyvĂ€ksymisvuosi on 2019.The year of approval showing in the abstract of the thesis is 2019

    Kuntoutus ja Kustannukset : Case: Ammatillisen kuntoutustoiminnan kustannusvaikutukset JyvÀskylÀn kaupungille

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    OpinnĂ€ytetyön tavoitteena oli selvittÀÀ, miten JyvĂ€skylĂ€n kaupungin henkilöstöyksikön tukipalveluiden kĂ€ytössĂ€ oleva varhaisen puuttumisen malli ja ammatillinen kuntoutustoiminta vaikuttavat JyvĂ€skylĂ€n kaupungin sairauspoissaolokustannuksiin. Tutkimus perustui tapaustutkimukseen ja kĂ€sitti JyvĂ€skylĂ€n kaupungin 20 työntekijĂ€n ammatillisen kuntoutuksen asiakkuushistorian tarkastelujaksolla 2009−2011. Aineisto kerĂ€ttiin JyvĂ€skylĂ€n kaupungin omasta sisĂ€isestĂ€ työntekijĂ€rekisteristĂ€. Tutkimus rajattiin niin, ettĂ€ ammatillisen kuntoutustoiminnan asiakkuuksien alkamisajankohta oli vuonna 2009. Tutkimuksessa kĂ€siteltĂ€vien 20 tapauksen sairauspĂ€ivien mÀÀrÀÀ verrattiin kahden vuoden ajanjaksoina ennen ja jĂ€lkeen asiakkuuden alkua. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin tapausten henkilöstökustannusrakenteen syy-seuraussuhteita ja liitettiin ne ammatillisen kuntoutustoiminnan mukaisiin toimenpiteisiin. Sairauspoissaolokustannusten osalta vertailtiin sairauspĂ€ivĂ€n hinnan mittareita. Tutkimuksen tuloksissa vertailtiin 20 tapauksen sairauspoissaolokustannusten kehitystĂ€. Tarkempaan tarkasteluun valittiin sattumanvaraisesti 20 asiakkuudesta esimerkkitapauksiksi 4 ammatillisen kuntoutuksen asiakasta. NeljĂ€n tapauksen osalta avattiin ammatillisen kuntoutusprosessin historia, työhistoria, laskettiin sairauspoissaolopĂ€ivĂ€t sekĂ€ sairauspoissaolopĂ€ivien kustannukset ja niiden muutokset. Tutkimuksessa sairaupoissaolokustannuksia laskettessa mittarina kĂ€ytettiin EilinkeinoelĂ€mĂ€n keskusliiton 350 euron pĂ€ivĂ€kohtaista kustannusmittaria. KĂ€siteltyjen tapausten osalta sairauspoissaolokustannusten kehitys kÀÀntyi laskuun. Kuntoutustoiminnalla saaduilla tuloksilla voidaan katsoa olevan positiivinen vaikutus JyvĂ€skylĂ€n kaupungin henkilöstökustannuksiin. Tutkimuksen esimerkkitapausten osalta sairauspoissaolojen trendi oli laskeva tarkastelujakson kÀÀnnekohdan jĂ€lkeen, Ÿ osalla tapauksista tapahtui kuitenkin kasvua sairauspoissaoloissa tarkastelujakson lopulla. Tulevaisuudessa voitaisiin tutkia kuntoutusprosessin onnistumista sekĂ€ kartoittaa todellisten sairauspoissaolojen kustannuksia koko henkilöstön osalta

    UtvÀrdering av Di35M-PrLO-projektion av armbÄgsleden för utlinjering av mediala processus coronoideus hos hund

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    The aim of this study is to evaluate an alternative projection of the Medial Coronoid Process (MCP) of the canine elbow joint. The projection (Di35M-PrLO) was, to my knowledge, first mentioned in an article by Haudiquet et al in 2002. In that article the projection was tested in vitro, and a good sensitivity was showed for the Medial Coronoid Process. The projection might be helpful in cases of suspected Fragmented Coronoid Process (FCP) . This study is divided into three parts. The first part is an in-vivo test of the projection, including technique and subjective evaluation of the outlining of the MCP. Part two is an in-vitro study of different positioning of the humerus in the Di35M-PrLO, in order to see which part of the MCP is best outlined in which position. Part three is an evaluation of the positioning technique, in order to see if the projection is usable in standard clinical situations. The study shows that the use of Di35M-PrLO flexed projection outlines the MCP sharper in 16 out of 24 cases, when compared to standard M-L flexed projection. In 5 cases the outlining was better in standard M-L, and in 3 cases no difference could be seen. The in-vitro study shows that a 20 degree angle of the humerus (the shoulder is at higher level than the elbow joint) gives an even better outlining of the MCP. This would give the projection the name RadioDi35M-PrLO-HumeroPr20M-DiL. The positioning technique is simple, and the technicians performing the radiographic examination had no problems during the study. In total the study shows that use of the Di35M-PrLO projection might give more information, and the author suggests that it should be used in dogs presented with elbow lameness if the patient is in risk for FCP. The study is only a pilot project, and more or larger studies are needed.Studien syftar till att prova och utvĂ€rdera en alternativ projektion för utlinjering av mediala processus coronoideus i armbĂ„gsleden hos hund. Projektionen (Di35MPrLO) omnĂ€mndes första gĂ„ngen i en artikel av Haudiquet et al 2002, vilka beskrev och utvĂ€rderade projektionen pĂ„ kadaverben. Haudiquet et al kunde visa en god sensitivitet för mediala processus coronoideus (MCP), vilket skulle kunna vara till hjĂ€lp vid diagnosticering av misstĂ€nkt fragmenterad processus coronoideus (FCP). Föreliggande studie Ă€r tredelad. Studiens första del bestĂ„r av en in vivoutvĂ€rdering av projektionen, inkluderande projektionsteknik och en subjektiv bedömning av mediala processus coronoideus. Studiens andra del bestĂ„r av en in vitro-utvĂ€rdering av vilken del av mediala processus coronoideus som utlinjeras skarpast vid olika positioneringsteknik. Tredje delen Ă€r en utvĂ€rdering av positioneringstekniken för att se om projektionen Ă€r möjlig att anvĂ€nda i kliniskt arbete. Studien visar att man vid anvĂ€ndande av Di35M-PrLO flexed projektion i 16 av 24 fall tydligare kan utlinjera mediala processus coronoideus kraniala och proximala kant jĂ€mfört med M-L flexed projektion. I 5 fall ansĂ„gs utlinjeringen sĂ€mre i Di35M-PrLO, och i 3 fall kunde ingen skillnad ses. Preparatstudien visar att bĂ€ttre utlinjering kan fĂ„s vid en 20ïżœ vinkling av humerus mot underlaget (ger att humerus befinner sig över armbĂ„gsleden i horisontalplan). Detta skulle ge projektionen namnet RadioDi35M-PrLO-HumeroPr20M-DiLO. Positioneringen Ă€r enkel, och projektionen bör utan svĂ„righet kunna tas Ă€ven av mindre erfaren personal. Studien visar vidare att Di35M-PrLO-projektion kan tillföra mer information och författaren föreslĂ„r att man bör ta projektionen vid hĂ€ltor hĂ€rledda frĂ„n armbĂ„gsleden pĂ„ riskraser och pĂ„ samtliga armbĂ„gsledshĂ€ltor hos hundar yngre Ă€n ca 1 Ă„r. PĂ„ sikt bör projektionen utvĂ€rderas pĂ„ ett större patientmaterial, varför det vore önskvĂ€rt med ett större försök

    Living on the countryside : visions for periurban countryside living in Southwest Möckeln, Älmhult

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    Detta examensarbete handlar om en tĂ€tortsnĂ€ra landsbygd och hur den kan utvecklas till en boendeplats för fler mĂ€nniskor Ă€n idag. Platsen heter SydvĂ€stra Möckeln och ligger strax utanför Älmhult i södra SmĂ„land. I Älmhult ser man en befolkningsökning samtidigt som det Ă€r brist pĂ„ bostĂ€der. Det som erbjuds Ă€r tomter och villor i traditionella villaomrĂ„den. Kommunen har i sin översiktsplan pekat ut omrĂ„den för boende i SydvĂ€stra Möckeln, som ligger som lĂ€ngst sex kilometer ifrĂ„n centrum och min uppgift har varit att ta fram ett förslag pĂ„ hur utbyggnaden av detta omrĂ„de kan se ut. Titeln pĂ„ arbetet – Blandbygd – syftar till förslaget, dĂ€r bebyggelsen bestĂ„r av olika boendeformer för att möjliggöra tĂ€tortsnĂ€ra landsbygdsboende för olika mĂ€nniskor. Begreppet blandbygd Ă€r alltsĂ„ sammansatt av blandad bebyggelse och landsbygd. Arbetet har sin utgĂ„ngspunkt i landskapets och landsbygdens vĂ€rden. Platsens förutsĂ€ttningar har studerats och platsbesök har gjorts för att studera landskapet. Genom litteraturstudier och intervjuer med boende pĂ„ landsbygden har kvaliteterna i landsbygdsboende generellt och i SydvĂ€stra Möckeln specifikt kunnat tas fram. En del av arbetet har ocksĂ„ varit att studera referensobjekt och dĂ€rmed hitta inspiration till förslaget. Sammanfattning Visionen för omrĂ„det Ă€r att skapa hĂ„llbara bostadsomrĂ„den utifrĂ„n det som uppfattas som landsbygdsens och landskapets kvaliteter som kan fungera som ett alternativ till de traditionella villaomrĂ„dena. Det Ă€r viktigt att naturenkaraktĂ€ren behĂ„lls, dĂ„ detta ses som en av de viktigaste kvaliteterna i landsbygdsboende. Att skapa olika boendeformer Ă€r ocksĂ„ viktigt, dĂ„ olika mĂ€nniskor uppfattar landsbygden pĂ„ olika sĂ€tt och dĂ€rmed har olika förvĂ€ntningar pĂ„ den. NĂ„gra vill bo i lĂ€genhet pĂ„ landet, medan andra vill ha en egen villa. Arbetet resulterar i ett gestaltningsförslag pĂ„ hur SydvĂ€stra Möckeln kan utvecklas med mer bebyggelse. Dels presenteras en översiktlig plan över omrĂ„det, dĂ€r bebyggelseutvecklingen presenteras. Bebyggelsen Ă€r blandad och bestĂ„r av bĂ„de enfamiljshus pĂ„ större eller mindre tomter, men ocksĂ„ av radhus och flerfamiljshus. Bebyggelsen ligger i kluster, i olika storlekar och med olika innehĂ„ll, som skiljs frĂ„n varandra genom naturmark. Husen bildar gĂ„rdar och byar och förslaget har dĂ€rmed utgĂ„tt ifrĂ„n de traditionella byggnadsprinciperna. Ett av utbyggnadsomrĂ„dena har studerats nĂ€rmre. OmrĂ„det har blivit en liten by dĂ€r det finns kluster av bĂ„de radhus och villor. Mitt examensarbete Ă€r en början till fortsatt arbete om SydvĂ€stra Möckelns utveckling. Jag tror att det Ă€r viktigt att kommunen tillsammans med boende i omrĂ„det och möjliga inflyttare arbetar vidare tillsammans med projektet och att Älmhults kommun dĂ„ kan komma fram till en bra lösning pĂ„ det nya omrĂ„det. Jag hoppas att kommunen kan anvĂ€nda mitt arbete som en förstudie av SydvĂ€stra Möckeln.This thesis is about a periurban countryside and how it can develop into a living place for more people than today. The place is called Southwest Möckeln and it is located next to the town of Älmhult in southern SmĂ„land. In Älmhult there is a population growth while there is a shortage of housing. Today there are villas and plots in traditional residential areas that is offered for housing. In the master plan the municipality has designated certain areas for future housing development in the Southwest Möckeln, located up to six kilometers from the center. My task was to develop a proposal on how the expansion of this area might look like. The work has its origins in the landscape and the qualities in the countryside. Site conditions have been studied and site visits have been made to study the landscape. Through literature studies and interviews with people living in the countryside the qualities of country living in general and in Southwestern Möckeln specifically could be found. Some of the work has been to study reference objects and thus find inspiration for the proposal. The vision for this area is to create sustainable neighborhoods by using what is perceived as the countryside and the landscape qualities that can serve as an alternative to the traditional residential areas. It is important that the nature character is preserved as this is seen as one of the most important qualities of country living. Creating different types of housing is also important, as different people perceive the countryside in different ways and thus have different expectations on it. Some people want to live in an apartment in the countryside, while others want their own house. This work results in a design proposal for how Southwest Möckeln can be developed with more housing. First, a comprehensive plan of the area is presented, where settlements development is presented. The houses are mixed and consist of both single family homes on larger or smaller plots, but also of terraced houses and apartment buildings. The houses are located in clusters, in various sizes and contents, which are separated by natural areas. The houses form courtyards and villages and so the proposal has its starting point in the traditional building principles. One of the expansion areas has been studied more closely. The area has become a small village where there are clusters of both terraced houses and villas. My thesis is a start for further work on the Southwest Möckelns development. I think it is important that the municipality together with people living in the area today and potential immigrants are working on the project together and the Municipality of Älmhult then can come up with a good solution to the new area. I hope the community can use my work as a preliminary study of the Southwest Möckel

    Possibilities for intermodal grain transports in the MĂ€lardalen region

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    Logistics is neither a new term nor phenomenon. It concerns more or less everybody in every context of daily life. It is appreciated as being an integral part for success in modern industry. Logistics is considered to be the process of planning, implementing, and controlling the efficient, effective flow and storage of raw materials, in-process inventory, finished goods, services and related information from point of origin to point of consumption for the purpose of conforming to customer requirements. Intermodal transportation is a term within logistics that has gained increased international significance during the last couple of decades. Intermodal transportation is the integration of shipments across modes and it may be defined as being those integrated movements involving at least two different modes of transport under a single through rate. Its goal is to provide a seamless transport system from point of origin to the final destination under one billing and with common liability. The steady increment of environmental hazardous emissions caused by goods transport may lead to search for alternative modes of transportation other than lorry. Intermodal transportation can be a solution in order to reduce these emissions. In Sweden, goods transport in the agricultural sector is a significant component of goods transport as a whole. In this report, the grain sector in the northern part of the MĂ€lardalen region has been studied to determine if there are possibilities to utilise intermodal transportation for grain transports between farms, silos, and industry. The objective of this study was to examine the possibilities for intermodal transportation in the grain industry by studying the grain related transports and material flow. Additionally economical aspects related to intermodal grain transports were studied. A case study was conducted on intermodal alternatives for the movement of 1 000 tonnes of grain from Uppsala to Stockholm. The case study results showed that there are environmental advantages in intermodal transportation. The report indicated that there seems to be a general reluctance, lack of confidence and interest to change to an intermodal system. The following conclusions were drawn after the study: ·After having studied, and mapped the flow of grain in the Uppsala / MĂ€lardalen region, it is evident that the current locations of the silos in the area offer possibilities for intermodal transportation using already existing infrastructure. ·In terms of the CO2 emission rate, if using barge, it is reduced by 23 % compared to lorry when transporting 1 000 tonnes of grain between Uppsala and Stockholm. If using rail, the same figure is 98 %. In terms of SO2, it is significantly increased for barge, and in the case of rail significantly reduced compared to lorry. In terms of NOX, it is also drastically increased for barge, while in the case for rail it is reduced by 17 % compared to lorry. ·When using rail instead of lorry to transport 1 000 tonnes of grain between Uppsala and Stockholm the transport time, loading, and unloading included, is reduced by nearly 76 %. When using barge the same figure is 63 % compared to lorry. ·The loading and unloading process and time for barge and rail are not impediments for the introduction of intermodal transportation. ·Economical measures, like the Polluter Pays Principle, and governmental subsidies, can be taken to promote intermodal transportation. ·Disseminations of these results could increase the awareness of intermodal transportation. In order to further establish the benefits of intermodal transportation it is recommended that a practical study is done and that other parts of Sweden are studied in the same way as in this study.Logistik kan anses vara planeringen, implementeringen och kontrollen av flödet eller lagringen av rĂ„material, produkter under tillverkning, fĂ€rdiga produkter, tjĂ€nster och dĂ€rtill relaterad information frĂ„n ursprung till konsumtion i enlighet med kundens behov. Intermodala transporter Ă€r en term inom logistiken som fĂ„tt ökad internationell betydelse under de senaste decennierna. Intermodala transporter innebĂ€r att tvĂ„ eller flera transportslag, pĂ„ ett medvetet, integrerat och koordinerat sĂ€tt, utnyttjas för att utföra en transport mellan tvĂ„ punkter. De stĂ€ndigt ökande miljöutslĂ€ppen har gjort att alternativa transportmedel till lastbil mĂ„ste beaktas. Intermodala transporter kan dĂ„ vara en lösning för att reducera den negativa miljöpĂ„verkan. Transporterna inom jordbrukssektorn stĂ„r för en betydande del av Sveriges samlade transporter. I denna rapport har spannmĂ„lssektorn i norra MĂ€lardalen undersökts för att se om det finns möjligheter att anvĂ€nda intermodala transporter för att frakta spannmĂ„l mellan gĂ„rdar, silo och industri. Syftet med studien var att studera spannmĂ„lsflödet och dess relaterade transporter för att undersöka möjliga miljövinster med intermodala transporter. Ett ytterligare syfte var att belysa de ekonomiska aspekter relaterade till intermodala transporter. En miljömĂ€ssig och ekonomisk fallstudie gjordes av hur dagens transporter mellan Stockholm och Uppsala genomförs jĂ€mfört med ett intermodalt alternativ. Resultatet av fallstudien visar att det finns miljömĂ€ssiga fördelar med intermodala transporter. Rapporten pekar pĂ„ att det tycks finnas en generell tveksamhet, bristande förtroende och intresse att övergĂ„ till intermodala transporter trots att miljömĂ€ssiga och ekonomiska fördelar finns att vinna. Följande slutsatser kan dras av fallstudien: ‱ Efter att ha studerat och kartlagt spannmĂ„lsflödet i Uppsala / MĂ€lardalsregionen, att lokaliseringen av dagens silos och existerande infrastruktur bevisligen erbjuder möjligheter för intermodala transporter. ‱ CO2-utslĂ€ppen minskar med 23 % om prĂ„m anvĂ€nds istĂ€llet för lastbil att transportera motsvarande mĂ€ngd 1 000 ton spannmĂ„l mellan Stockholm och Uppsala. För jĂ€rnvĂ€g Ă€r samma siffra 98 %. NĂ€r det gĂ€ller SO2 för prĂ„m jĂ€mfört med lastbil sker en markant ökning och i fallet för jĂ€rnvĂ€g, en markant minskning. Avseende NOX, sker ocksĂ„ i det fallet en markant ökning nĂ€r det gĂ€ller prĂ„m medan nyttjande av jĂ€rnvĂ€g skulle minska utslĂ€ppen med 17 %. ‱ Vid nyttjande av jĂ€rnvĂ€g för samma transport skulle tidsĂ„tgĂ„ngen för transporten, inklusive lastning och lossning, minska med 76 % jĂ€mfört med lastbil. För prĂ„m skulle motsvarande siffra vara 63 % ‱ Lastningsprocess och tidsĂ„tgĂ„ng för lastning av prĂ„mar och jĂ€rnvĂ€gsvagnar utgör inga begrĂ€nsar för införandet av intermodala transporter. ‱ Ekonomiska styrmedel, sĂ„som Polluter Pays Principle eller statsbidrag, kan utnyttjas för att uppmuntra intermodala transporter. ‱ En allmĂ€n spridning av fallstudiens resultat bland personal inom aktuellt omrĂ„de kan öka medvetenheten om fördelarna med intermodala spannmĂ„lstransporter. För att ytterligare faststĂ€lla fördelarna med intermodala transporter rekommenderas att praktikfall genomförs och att andra delar av Sverige studeras pĂ„ samma sĂ€tt för att klargöra huruvida samma slutsatser skulle kunna pĂ„visas

    Kolme kysymystÀ asioiden luonteesta

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    Future prospects of sustainable development : towards the year 2030 in Finland

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    Vuotta 2030 kohti kulkiessa Suomessa kestĂ€vĂ€n kehityksen ydinkysymyksiĂ€ tulevat olemaan ilmastonmuutos, ItĂ€meren tilan huononeminen, teknologinen ja tekninen kehitys, globalisaatio, ekosysteemipalveluiden huonontuminen sekĂ€ kasvava energiankulutus. PÀÀtöksenteon tasolla kestĂ€vĂ€n kehityksen strategisten tavoitteiden tulisi keskittyĂ€ energiatehokkuuden kasvattamiseen, monimuotoisuuden vĂ€henemisen pysĂ€yttĂ€miseen sekĂ€ kulutustottumisten muuttamiseen. LisĂ€ksi pitkĂ€n ajan strategisessa suunnittelussa tulisi tavoitella julkisten liikenneneuvojen kĂ€ytön edistĂ€mistĂ€, kasvihuonepÀÀstöjen vĂ€hentĂ€mistĂ€, uusiutuvien energiamuotojen osuuden lisÀÀmistĂ€ energiantuotannossa sekĂ€ ilmastopolitiikan kytkemistĂ€ kaikkiin kestĂ€vĂ€n kehityksen politiikkoihin. Tutkimus toteutettiin tulevaisuudentutkimuksessa suosittua Delfoi-metodia kĂ€yttĂ€en. Delfoitutkimus perustuu tulevaisuuteen liittyvĂ€n informaation kerÀÀmiseen asiantuntijajoukolta ja soveltuu erityisesti yhteiskunnalliseen pÀÀtöksentekoon liittyvÀÀn tutkimukseen. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli koota eri alan asiantuntijoiden nĂ€kemyksiĂ€ 1) tĂ€rkeimmistĂ€ kestĂ€vÀÀn kehitykseen lĂ€hivuosina vaikuttavista muutosvoimista 2) kestĂ€vĂ€n kehityksen strategisten tavoitteiden toivottavuudesta ja todennĂ€köisyydestĂ€ ja sitĂ€ kautta 3) tunnistaa nĂ€iden strategioiden mahdollisesti tuomat poliittiset konfliktit. Delfoi-tutkimus toteutettiin helmikuu 2010 – huhtikuu 2010 vĂ€lisenĂ€ aikana. Tutkimus koostui kahdesta erillisestĂ€ kierroksesta. EnsimmĂ€isen kierroksen aikana 43 asiantuntijalle lĂ€hetettiin kysely (vastausprosentti 56 %), jonka jĂ€lkeen toisella kierroksella syvennettiin saatuja tuloksia kvalitatiivisin argumentein (vastausprosentti 50 %). Tutkimuksen kannalta mielenkiintoisimpia aiheita olivat tĂ€rkeimmĂ€t muutosvoimat sekĂ€ ne strategiset tavoitteet, joiden toteutuminen tulevaisuuden kannalta on hyvin toivottavaa, mutta poliittisen konfliktin mahdollisuus on myös suuri. Tulokset viittaavat poliittisen konfliktin todennĂ€köisyyteen monimuotoisuuden vĂ€hentĂ€misen ja kulutustottumusten muuttamisen kohdalla. NĂ€mĂ€ kaksi tavoitetta koetaan usein vaikeasti ymmĂ€rrettĂ€viksi ja ne myös usein jÀÀvĂ€t taloudellisten intressien varjoon. Niiden saavuttaminen vaatisi syvĂ€llisiĂ€ muutoksia olemassa olevaan yhteiskunta – ja talousjĂ€rjestelmÀÀn sekĂ€ ihmisten arvoihin. Tulokset osoittavat myös, ettĂ€ energia tulee seuraavien vuosikymmenien aikana olemaan kestĂ€vĂ€n kehityksen ydinkysymys: strategisessa suunnittelussa tulisi kiinnittÀÀ huomio fossiilisten polttoaineiden korvaamiseen vaihtoehtoisilla energiamuodoilla. Hajonnat asiantuntijoiden antamissa tĂ€rkeysarvioinneissa saattaa myös ennakoida sosiaalisten ja taloudellisen trendien, kuten maailmanlaajuisen köyhyyden ja epĂ€tasa-arvon, muuttuvien ikĂ€rakenteiden ettĂ€ julkisen talouden kestĂ€vyyden, aiempaa arvioitua suurempaa vaikutusta yhteiskuntaan.Towards the year 2030 in Finland, sustainability issues will be dominated by climate change, the worsening state of the Baltic Sea, technological and technical development, globalization, the degradation of ecosystem services and increasing energy consumption. At the decision-making level, setting strategic objectives towards the year 2030 should consist of increasing energy efficiency, halting the reduction of biodiversity and changing consumption habits. Furthermore, promoting public transportation, limiting greenhouse gas emissions, increasing the proportion of renewable energy sources and linking climate policy to all sustainable development policies should be targeted in strategic long-term planning. This master’s thesis research was implemented as a Delphi study, a method commonly used in futures research. In a Delphi study the expertise of a chosen panel is utilized to gather information on a given topic. The research aimed at investigating the experts’ views on 1) the most important driving forces – changes and trends – affecting sustainable development towards the year 2030 2) the desirability and probability of different sustainability objectives and 3) recognizing the potential political conflicts brought by these strategies. The Delphi study was carried out during February 2010 – April 2010. It consisted of two rounds. The first round questionnaire was sent 43 experts (response rate 56 %). During the second round the most interesting first round results were completed with qualitative arguments (response rate 50 %). The results were analyzed in the manner that the research issues of most interest were 1) the trends having the most importance towards the year 2030 2) the most desirable strategic objectives with a high probability for political conflicts. The results indicate a high risk for political conflict especially with the targets on halting the reduction of biodiversity and changing consumption habits. These two objectives were considered difficult to grasp and often overruled by economic interests. Changing the current societal system based on continuous growth and consumption would require profound alterations in economy, society and individual values. The results also indicate that energy is a key issue for the coming decades: setting strategic objectives for replacing fossil fuels should be among the top priorities of the Finnish national government. Also, in addition for climate change being an important trend, the deviation of rankings in importance among the panel indicated a possibility for social and economic trends to have unexpected, sudden effects as we move towards the year 2030. These include global poverty and inequality, changing age structures and the sustainability of the Finnish economy
