2,035 research outputs found

    Twistable mold for helicopter blades

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    Design is described of mold for fabrication of blades composed of sets of aerodynamic shells having same airfoil section characteristics but different distributions. Mold consists of opposing stacks of thin templates held together by long bolts. When bolts are loosened, templates can be set at different positions with respect to each other and then locked in place

    Oral history research at University College Cork: Past, present, and future

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    This is a report on a research project which set out to explore the feasibility of creating a sound archive in University College Cork. It identified the number and types of oral history projects that existed in 2016 in the College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences (CACSSS) in UCC and it established the state of readiness of those available for digitisation and preservation in a discoverable form. It sought to use the strategic research fund awarded to preserve two existing online oral history collections to create a valuable and trusted long-term online searchable secondary research resource. It was successful in preparing one of these for deposit with the Digital Repository or Ireland (the DRI); the HEA funded Irish Women at Work Oral History Project. The digital content for this project is now available via the Digital Repository of Ireland. This report documents the process involved in identifying and selecting a suitable common platform / portal and the standardised metadata required to keep current holdings safe online and to make them accessible and searchable to scholars and civil society groups. It also presents the results of a survey conducted with CACSSS staff and postgraduate students, which indicates that there is significant interest in the university community in safely preserving and making accessible data collected in the course of research projects and in accessing data when it is made available by other researchers, particularly online. As evident in this report, until such time as a UCC or alternative institutional sound archive is established in Ireland, the DRI provides a national trusted repository for oral history and related data collected by UCC researchers and students

    A Call to Arms: Revisiting Database Design

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    Good database design is crucial to obtain a sound, consistent database, and - in turn - good database design methodologies are the best way to achieve the right design. These methodologies are taught to most Computer Science undergraduates, as part of any Introduction to Database class. They can be considered part of the "canon", and indeed, the overall approach to database design has been unchanged for years. Moreover, none of the major database research assessments identify database design as a strategic research direction. Should we conclude that database design is a solved problem? Our thesis is that database design remains a critical unsolved problem. Hence, it should be the subject of more research. Our starting point is the observation that traditional database design is not used in practice - and if it were used it would result in designs that are not well adapted to current environments. In short, database design has failed to keep up with the times. In this paper, we put forth arguments to support our viewpoint, analyze the root causes of this situation and suggest some avenues of research.Comment: Removed spurious column break. Nothing else was change

    Physical activity patterns in a nationally representative sample of adults in Ireland

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    Original article can be found at: http://journals.cambridge.org/ Copyright - the authors. DOI: 10.1079/PHN2001192Objective To evaluate habitual levels of physical activity in a nationally representative sample of adults in Ireland. Design Cross-sectional survey using a self-administered questionnaire. Usual levels of work, recreational and household activities were evaluated in relation to anthropometric, demographic and socio-economic characteristics. The amount and intensity of all activities were quantified by assigning metabolic equivalents (METS) to each activity. Setting Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland, 1997–1999. Subjects Random sample of 1379 adults aged 18–64 years. Results Men were approximately twice as active in work and recreational activity (139.7 ± 83.9 METS) as women (68.5 ± 49.8 METS; P 28kg m−2) or obese (BMI > 30kg m−2). Fewer obese subjects reported higher levels of work and leisure activities. However, a higher percentage of obese women reported participation in the higher levels of household activities. Participation rates in recreational activities were low. Walking was the most important leisure activity of both men (41%) and women (60%). In terms of hours per week spent in vigorous physical activity, men were more active than women, professional and skilled non-manual women were more active than women in other social classes, and younger subjects (aged 18–35 years) were more active than older subjects. Conclusions The holistic approach used in the assessment of physical activity in this study has revealed important and subtle differences in the activity patterns of men and women. Failure to fully characterise the respective activity patterns of men and women could lead to ill-informed public health policy aimed at promoting and sustaining lifetime habits of physical activity. The results suggest that simple population-focused programmes to promote physical activity are unlikely to offer the same chance of long-term success as more sensitive and individualised strategies.Peer reviewe

    Program Planning Theory in Service-Learning: A Relational Model

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    This paper introduces the relationship between program planning theory and service-learning in graduate education and the development of a relational program planning model for service-learning. A case will be made regarding the value of the relational program planning model for guiding and enabling more democratic forms of service-learning practice

    Who Do you Say You Are: Relationships and Faith in Catholic Schools

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    This study aimed to evaluate and articulate what makes Catholic schools special and effective by measuring culture and climate in five Catholic high schools and two Catholic elementary schools in a large metropolitan area in the Midwest United States. The seven schools represented a variety of student demographics, location, and size of school. Findings of this study included: the Catholic identity of schools must become an intentional aspect of the planning, orientation, training, and evaluation of the faculty and administration; faculty-student relationships are rarely measured regarding their effectiveness in bolstering academic achievement or Catholic mission effectiveness; cultural awareness and cultural responsive pedagogy must become a component of school orientation if not teacher education; and teacher expectations impact the student-teacher relationship. Quién dices ser: relaciones y fe en las escuelas católicas Este estudio tiene como objetivo evaluar y articular lo que convierte en especiales y efectivas a las escuelas católicas, al medir la cultura y el ambiente en cinco escuelas secundarias católicas y dos escuelas elementales católicas en una zona metropolitana amplia del medio oeste estadounidense. Las siete escuelas representaron a una variedad en la composición demográfica de los estudiantes así como de ubicación y tamaño de las escuelas. Los hallazgos de este estudio indicaron que: la identidad católica de las escuelas debe convertirse en un aspecto intencional de la planificación, orientación, formación y evaluación del profesorado y de la administración; las relaciones profesor-alumno rara vez se miden en cuanto a su efectividad para impulsar logros académicos o la efectividad de la misión católica; la pedagogía de sensibilización cultural y de respuesta cultural deben convertirse en un componente de la orientación de la escuela, si no de la educación del profesorado; y por último, las expectativas del profesorado impactan la relación profesor-estudiante. Palabras clave: cultura, relaciones, fe, escuelas católicas Qui prétendez-vous être : les relations interpersonnelles et la foi dans les écoles catholiques Cette étude visait à évaluer et exprimer clairement ce qui fait la particularité et l\u27efficacité des écoles catholiques en mesurant la culture et l\u27ambiance de cinq lycées catholiques et deux écoles catholiques primaires dans une vaste zone métropolitaine, dans le Midwest des États-Unis. Les sept écoles étaient très diverses en raison des données démographiques des élèves, de leur situation et leur taille. Les constatations effectuées dans cette étude notaient les points suivants : l\u27identité catholique des écoles doit être délibérément incluse dans la planification, l\u27orientation, la formation et l\u27évaluation du corps enseignant et du personnel administratif ; les relations entre élèves et enseignants sont rarement mesurées en termes d\u27efficacité pour l\u27amélioration des résultats scolaires ou l\u27efficacité de la mission catholique ; la sensibilisation culturelle et une pédagogie culturelle réactive doivent être intégrées dans l\u27orientation de l\u27école, sinon dans la formation des enseignants, et les attentes des professeurs doivent influencer les relations élève-enseignant. Mots-clés : Culture, relations, foi, catholique, école

    Association between the Health Belief Model, Exercise, and Nutrition Behaviors during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has affected our nation’s health further than the infection it causes. Physical activity levels and dietary intake have suffered while individuals grapple with the changes in behavior to reduce viral transmission. With unique nuances regarding the access to physical activity and nutrition during the pandemic, the constructs of Health Belief Model (HBM) may present themselves differently in nutrition and exercise behaviors compared to precautions implemented to reduce viral transmission studied in previous research. The purpose of this study was to investigate the extent of exercise and nutritional behavior change during the COVID-19 pandemic and explain the reason for and extent of this change using HBM constructs (perceived susceptibility, severity, benefit of action, and barriers to action). Methods: This study used a cross-sectional design to collect 206 surveys. This survey collected information on self-reported exercise and nutrition changes during the pandemic and self-reported levels of the HBM constructs. Results: Findings showed individuals with medium or high exercise behavior change had greater odds of increased HBM score than individuals with little to no exercise behavior change (OR = 1.117, 95% CI: 1.020–1.223, SE: 0.0464, p = 0.0175). There was no association between nutritional behavior change and HBM score (OR = 1.011, 95% CI: 0.895–1.142, p = 08646). Conclusion: Individuals who reported a more drastic change in either exercise had greater odds of increased feelings of perceived susceptibility and severity related to COVID-19 and decreased perceived benefits and increased barriers to exercise. This relationship was not found regarding nutrition behavior change. These results encourage public health practitioners to understand how an individual’s perceived feelings about a threat may affect exercise and nutritional behaviors

    Acceptance, Communication Mode and Use of Audio Computer- Assisted Self Interview Using Touchscreen to Identify Risk Factors among Pregnant Minority Women

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    This paper evaluates the acceptability, communication mode and use of audio computer-assisted self-interview (A-CASI) among minority pregnant women receiving prenatal care in six Washington, DC sites. A total of 2,913 women were screened for demographic eligibility (18+ years old,gestation, Black/African-American or Hispanic) and risk (smoking, environmental tobacco smoke exposure, depression, intimate partner violence). Questions were displayed on touch screen laptop monitors and heard through earphones. The mean length of time to complete the screener was almost 6 minutes. A-CASI experience, which included difficulty in using the computer, acceptability (enjoyment), and preferred communication mode, was compared across sites, the eligibility and risk groups and a subset of 878 enrolled women for whom educational attainment and receipt of WIC (a proxy for income) were available. Respondents thought A-CASI was not difficult to use and liked using the computer. Black/African-American or Hispanic respondents enjoyed it significantly more than did respondents of other race/ethnicities. Respondents who were demographically eligible, Black/ African-American or Hispanic, or with lower education levels listened to questions significantly more than did their counterparts. Mainly listening or listening and reading does not impact burden in terms of the length of time it took to complete the screener. The acceptance of A-CASI as a screening tool opens the door for more uses of this technology in health-related fields. The laptop computer and headphones provide privacy and mobility so the technology can be used to ask sensitive questions in almost any locale, including busy clinic settings
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