74 research outputs found

    Penerapan Learning Management System Berbabis Web dan Aplikasi di Language Center Bina Darma Palembang

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    Pandemi COVID-19 yang sedang dirasakan oleh sebagian besar masyarakat dunia, membawa dampak yang luar biasa besar. Termasuk di ranah pendidikan, dimana sedang terjadi pergeseran pola belajar dan mengajar yang sebelumnya lebih kepada pertemuan tatap muka antara pengajar dan pelajar, kini beralih kepada pertemuan secara daring. Hal ini membuat para pengajar yang ada di lingkungan Language Center Bina Darma Palembang harus lebih kreatif dalam menyampaikan materi yang diajarkan, agar lebih menarik minat dari para pelajar serta mempermudahkan mereka dalam menyerap ilmu yang diajarkan oleh para pengajar dengan maksimal. Website dan aplikasi kini menjadi primadona baru untuk media penyampaian materi kepada para pelajar. Dan dengan menggunakan website serta aplikasi yang bersifat learning management system (LMS), salah satu masalah dalam proses belajar dan mengajar tersebut dapat di selesaikan dengan baik

    Analisis Sistem Pengendalian Internal Gaji dan Upah Pada Pengadilan Tata Usaha Negara Palembang

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    Abstract :  The Palembang State Administrative Court (PTUN) is one of the mainstays of regulatory conditions in Indonesia in its ability to complement the power of law, especially to decide issues that occur in state organizations and organizations or government businesses within the scope of South Sumatra, the Bangka Belitung Islands Region. The Palembang State Administrative Count in managing data is quite good but the way when it is going to follow transactions into an application, especially regarding the management of employee salary and wage data still looks quite complicated and difficult to operate except by the person who holds the application system. Therefore the author makes an application that is easier to operate, so that it can help when inputting salary transactions. This study uses the waterfall method and the modeling language UML (unified Modeling Language), xampp, PHP Rad classic and database

    Analysis of Management Information System for Financial Data Management (Case Study XYZ Polytechnic)

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    The Technology-Organization-Environment (TOE) framework is used to evaluate the adoption of Management Information System (MIS) for financial data management and provide recommendations for optimizing MIS implementation in XYZ Polytechnic with three contexts: technology, organization and environment. The research method uses a qualitative approach obtained from interviews with five respondents. The results showed that in the context of technology, the relative advantage attribute of MIS is useful in providing financial service information to all parties of XYZ Polytechnic, but in compatibility and complexity there are still technical obstacles in SIM, it needs improvement in the calculation of the Basic Teaching Fee accurately, employee pay slips with automatic format, actual data and information integration. For the organizational context, there needs top management support to make decisions in determining developers as MIS providers to fix these technical problems, sufficient training to improve the quality of human resources and additional MIS user staff for work efficiency according to organizational needs. Environmental factors are influenced by regulatory support in the form of Government Regulations and standard operating procedures to ensure the implementation and provision of MIS, industry characteristics with competition among colleges can improve Polytechnic performance through improving the quality of financial services on MIS

    The relationship of bullying and workplace stress moderated by job scope

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    Previous studies showed that bullying factors, workloads, office politics and favoritism affect the workplace stress in the organization. An organization must address this problem with a systematic employee valuation and strategic leadership. The system also involves job description whereby it requires a more specific, clear and precise specification in order to tackle with the amount of workloads that exceed the job description. Thus this study aims to examine the relationship between bullying and workplace stress moderate by job scope. This study was conducted on employees from the top 5 cooperative registered under Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur. The relationship between bullying (threat, contempt and sabotage) and workplace stress was examined using Pearson correlation analysis method to determine the existence of a relationship between the variables. The results showed that threat is significantly related to workplace stress (r = -.274, p < 0.01), contempt is significantly related to workplace stress (r = .317, p < 0.01) and sabotage is significantly related to workplace stress (r = -.350, p < 0.01). The hierarchical regression analysis was used to determine the mediator effect on the relationship between bullying and workplace stress. The finding showed that there was a moderation effect of job scope on the relationship between workplace bullying and workplace stress

    Asset Inventory System of Employee Cooperative’s Pusri Palembang Inc.

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    Employee cooperative has been widely existed in every institution in Indonesia, both at governement and non-government. This research aims at facilitating the office employees of the Pusri Employee Cooperative to manage the assets owned. To support this convenience, the author proposes an asset inventory system using VB.Net 2008 and MySQL database. The proposed system can be used to manage asset data in the form of asset data input, asset search, asset grouping, deletion, sales and asset reports owned. With the creation of an asset inventory system, the performance of office employees will be faster and more efficient and ensure the security of asset data. In this study the author uses the Waterfall research method including several stages i.e., requirements analysis, system design, program code generation, testing and maintenance. The method of data collection is done through interviews and direct observation to the object of research. The results of the research are expected to be useful for all office employees of the Pusri Palembang Employee Cooperative in managing data on assets owned by the office


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis strategi pelaksanaan komunikasi publik UTD PMI Kota Makassar dalam pelestarian donor dan pengaruh atau dampak komunikasi publik yang telah dilakukan meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat berpatisipasi dalam pelestarian donor darah. Penelitian dilaksanakan di UTD PMI Kota Makassar. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara, observasi dan kajian dokumen. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif dengan menggunakan analisis kualitatif. Informan utama dalam pengumpulan data adalah ketua PMI, Kepala UTD dan Staf UTD PMI Kota Makassar, dan wawancara pendonor. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa komunikasi publik yang efektif memiliki dampak positif dalam meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat tentang pentingnya donor darah. Kampanye komunikasi, terutama melalui media sosial dan mendorong prakarsa pendonor darah, telah berhasil dalam menginspirasi partisipasi pendonor pemula dan mempertahankan komitmen pendonor rutin. Kerjasama dengan pihak ketiga dan penghargaan kepada pendonor yang setia juga berkontribusi pada efektivitas strategi komunikasi publik

    Analisis Perspektif Auditor Kementerian Keuangan atas Pengawasan Intern Jarak Jauh

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    The study aims to analyze the perspective of government auditors on the use of remote internal supervision. A qualitative method with a case study approach is used in this study to get an overview of the use of remote internal control in organizations based on the UTAUT2 theory of technology use. Interviews were conducted with several auditors from various levels of Itjen Kemenkeu. The study finds that that the PIJJ method will be used by Itjen Kemenkeu auditors in the future. To maintain and increase the use of PIJJ in the future, the Itjen Kemenkeu needs to consider several factors that support the use of PIJJ, namely expectations of effort, expectations of performance, facilitative conditions, social influence, hedonic motivation, and habits. Organizations can provide training according to competency needs in PIJJ; use technology that is easy to use and user-friendly; promote the advantages and benefits of PIJJ for auditor performance; establishing a reward system for PIJJ's performance; managing organizational policies and culture; and arrangement of assignment teams. The results of this study have implications for the Inspector General of the Ministry of Finance and other government internal auditor organizations. Organizations can anticipate actions that need to be taken to increase the use of PIJJ


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    Based on the writer’s preliminary research, it was found that the students could not express their ideas in writing descriptive paragraph at school. The problem could be seen that some of the students could not write descriptive paragraph by using language features. So. The writer was interested in carrying out the research about this problem. The research was administered at SMPN 2 Tembilahan. The subject of the research was the second year students at State junior High School 2 Temblahan and the object of this research was the effect of using breaking habits of seeing strategy toward students’ writing ability. The desaign of this research was quasi- experimental design. The population of this research was the second year students. The total number of population was 200 students. The writer used two classes as sample that consisted of 40 students The writer used cluster sampling as a technique of taking sample and finally the writer got two classes as sample of this research. They are class VIII 8 as a experimental class that consist of 20 students and VIII 9 as a control class that consist of 20 students. To analyze the data, the writer adopted Independent sample T-test formula by using SPSS 17.0 version. After analyzing the data, the writer found that tobservedWas higher than ttable. The degree of freedom from the data was 38, that is 2.00 ≤ 6.053 ≥ 2.65. Thus, Null Hypothesis (Ho) was rejected and Altenative Hypothesis (Ha) was accepted. So, there is a significant effect of using Breaking Habits of seeing strategy toward students’ ability in writing a descriptive paragraph at junior high school 2 Tembilahan

    Gis Aset Pemerintah di Provinsi Sumatera Selatan (Studi Kasus Aset Pemerintah Kabupaten Prabumulih)

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    Geographic Information System Asset mapping will provide convenience and several advantages at once in terms of: all attributes of recorded assets data and inventory in detail, achieving orderly administration of asset recording (additions, deletions, up-dating and others), data processing Asset quickly, so that information can be obtained more effectively and efficiently, providing convenience (supporting tools) in the decision-making process because it is built on the spatial concept. The problems that arise with so many local governments located in the province of South Sumatra is planning the utilization of assets that have not been optimal because the assets owned by the government of South Sumatra Province are numerous and spread geographically in several regions of the Regency and City. The solution of the problems raised is by utilizing for mapping the assets of the region. The method in this research using descriptive method and Spiral Model as system development method. Keywords: Geographic Information System, Asset, Spiral Mode

    Analysis and Design of Data Governance at the Financial Services Authority

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    This research is a case study conducted at the Financial Services Authority on the implementation of a data governance framework based on the model from The Data Management Association in 2017. The purpose of this study is to produce a data governance framework in managing integrated Financial Services Sector data. This study uses a qualitative approach in describing data governance activities. The research instruments were interviews, questionnaires, and content analysis. The results show that data governance frameworks provide guidelines for various parties to act in accordance with the strategies that have been developed. Data governance program at the Financial Services Authority requires further improvements in the form of establishing a data governance charter, assessing the maturity level of data management capabilities, defining the operational framework, adjusting the roadmap, establishing a change management team, creating mechanisms and procedures for handling data problems, and developing tools and techniques which supports the entire data governance program
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