18 research outputs found

    Epistemologi tasawuf Al-Jili dalam pembelajaran active learning pendidikan agama Islam

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    Epistemology was a branch of philosophy that discussed how sources of knowledge could be trusted to be true. In the world of Sufism knowledge was used as a source of truth. One of the figures who was familiar with Sufism is al-Jili who had the concept of "human being". This research method used library research, researchers would collect various information through various literature found, such as books, journals, and other literature. The result of the research was that human's spiritual journey would lead him to the pinnacle of truth. 'ilm al-yaqin, Second, 'ayn al-Yaqin, Third, haqq al-yaqin, in this phase humans would be illuminated by God's names, God's attributes and God's substances. While active learning was a learning in the classroom that focused on students to be active in seeking and receiving information through the various experiences they encountered

    Seni pegelaran wayang dalam perspektif fikih dan spiritualitas seni islam Seyyed Hossein Nasr

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    The function of wayang in the context of ancient times was a means of worship and an intermediary in worshiping God. Whereas in Islam, it is not permissible to worship God by means of means or media, so this becomes a shirk to Allah, over time wayang changes its function, which is contrary to the past, and becomes more adaptive to the times. The purpose of writing this article is to discuss the art of wayang from the perspective of Islamic law or fiqh and in the study of the spirituality of Islamic art Seyyed Hossein Nasr. The writing of this article uses the library research method and literature sources that are in line with the discussion. This research resulted in findings that 1) wayang is an indigenous culture of the archipelago, which at first glance contradicts the views of Islamic jurisprudence and art by Seyyed Hossein Nasr 2) Wayang is an archipelago culture that has a great influence, in the perspective of fiqh, wayang performances are a form of Islamic art based on culture because of their use value today as art without associating partners with Allah., 3) From the perspective of Islamic art Seyyed Hossein Nasr Wayang is classified as a traditional Islamic art as its function is used in educational media through stories that are interesting and seem unique, the existence of wayang that can bring people to their goals Islamic art makes wayang used by walisongo as an effective preaching medium

    Konsep Insan Kamil Al-Jili dan relevansinya terhadap masyarakat sosial Perspektif Ilmu Tasawuf

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    Perubahan sosial dalam kehidupan masyarakat memang sesuatu yang tak dapat dihindari. Sebagai manusia yang selalu adaptif terhadap perkembangan zaman, maka hal itu menjadi sebuah tantangan untuk terus menguatkan Iman dikala godaan tekhnologi semakin menjadi. Masyarakat merupakan bagian makro dari berbagai macam mikro didalamnya, yaitu manusia dengan bermacam-macam kepribadiannya. Untuk mewujudkan masyarakat yang harmonis akan sangat bergantung pada pribadi individu dalam masyarakat secara keseluruhan, maka konsep insan kamil Al-Jili menjadi cara yang bagus untuk mewujudkan hal tersebut. Metode dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode penelitian pustaka (library research), dimana peneliti akan mengumpulkan berbagai data melalui sumber kepustakaan seperti buku dan jurnal. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menjelaskan konsep insan kamil Al-Jili dan relevansinya terhadap masyarakat sosial. Hasil penelitian ini adalah konsep insan kamil Al-Jili bisa disimpulkan beberapa poin tentang penguatan individu yang akan memberikan dampak terhadap budaya bermasyarakat, diantaranya: 1) Islam menjadi sebuah sistem yang memberikan panduan dan manfaat yang luas bagi individu dan masyarakat 2) peran penting iman dalam mengarahkan keyakinan dan perilaku seorang Muslim, serta bagaimana hal ini dapat berdampak pada kualitas hidup mereka dalam masyarakat modern 3) ibadah bukan hanya aspek spiritual, tetapi juga memiliki dampak yang signifikan dalam pengembangan individu secara holistik dan kontribusinya terhadap pembentukan nilai-nilai positif dalam masyarakat 4) pentingnya sikap Ihsan dalam berinteraksi dengan Allah dan sesama manusia 5) pentingnya cinta kepada Allah sebagai landasan bagi perilaku moral dan etika yang baik dalam berinteraksi dengan Tuhan dan sesama manusia, selain itu cinta kepada Allah dapat membawa dampak positif dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan, seperti akhlak dan konsistensi dalam nilai-nilai yang dianut 6) pentingnya pencarian spiritual dan pemahaman yang mendalam tentang Tuhan dalam perkembangan individu, sekaligus sebagai pendidikan dalam nilai-nilai keagamaan dan akhlak yang positif 7) peran insan kamil dalam menjaga keseimbangan alam semesta dan masyarakat

    Islamization of Science Ismail Raji al-Faruqi and Integration-Interconnection of Science Amin Abdullah: A Comparative Study

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    The discourse on the dichotomy of modern science and Islamic science is an interesting topic of discussion and is always debated by Muslim scientists. Some of them, namely Ismail Raji al-Faruqi and Amin Abdullah, are trying to respond to and solve problems that occur in the scientific realm. Al-Faruqi initiated the Islamization of science which seeks to unify the two sciences (science and Islam). Likewise, Amin Abdullah with his integration interconnection paradigm also offers an open dialogue between the two sciences. Then this research aims to look at the structure of thought between the two figures mentioned, as well as looking for common threads related to the similarities and differences in the ideas of science integration being promoted. This research uses library research methods through several textual sources related to the topic discussed, primarily in the form of books by the two figures studied, and secondary in the form of scientific articles that have related themes. The results of this article are: 1) The Islamization of al-Faruqi’s knowledge leads to the relevance between science and Islam, science is Islamized through twelve concrete steps based on the concept of monotheism. 2) Amin Abdullah’s ideas regarding integration-interconnection can be seen from the spider web framework, which emphasizes mastery of various sciences, both modern science and Islamic science. 3) The similarities in thinking between the two can be seen through the spirit answering scientific dichotomies. The difference is, that al-Faruqi emphasized mastery of modern knowledge (science) to be then converted to Islam to conform to the pattern of monotheistic teachings. Meanwhile, Amin Abdullah’s ideas emphasized mastery of general science and Islam. So that each scientific group is aware of its limitations and shortcomings so that they can complement and complement each othe

    The role of patience in coping mental problems: a Quranic perspective

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    Mental health issues have become a growing concern in today's fast-paced and challenging world. In the quest for effective coping strategies, researchers and professionals are increasingly turning to ancient wisdom and religious scriptures for insights. This article explores the role of patience, as emphasized in the Quran, in addressing mental problems and promoting emotional well-being. The study delves into the Quranic verses and teachings that emphasize patience as a virtue and its potential impact on mental health. Drawing from the rich Islamic tradition, the article examines the concept of "Sabr" (patience) and its multifaceted dimensions, including perseverance, endurance, and emotional resilience. Furthermore, it explores how these qualities can be cultivated and practiced in dealing with various mental health challenges. The method used in this research is a content analysis with data in the form of verses from the Qur’an, and some researches related to patience. The findings of this study contribute to the growing body of literature on the intersection of spirituality and mental health, showcasing how religious teachings can offer a unique and valuable perspective on coping with mental problems. Moreover, it underscores the significance of embracing patience as a holistic approach to foster emotional well-being and promote resilience in the face of life's challenges, as emphasized in the Quranic teachings. The results of this study are 1) the word patient in the Qur’an is described more than a hundred times which generally explains that patience means self-restraint, emotion, and surviving in difficult conditions; 2) mental problems that are often experienced by people are anxiety, stress, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and behavioral disorders; 3) patience can be one of the treatments for mental disorders through self-control, self-acceptance, and resilience. The article concludes with implications for future research and clinical practice in the realm of mental health, emphasizing the need for a more comprehensive and culturally sensitive approach to address mental health issues in diverse populations

    BAB 4 - HAM dalam Islam

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    Islam adalah agama yang sejak diturunkan di Makkah 15 abad silam telah membawa serta semangat meninggikan martabat manusia. Kelompok sosial masyarakat Kota Makkah yang paling dahulu terpesona dengan dakwah Islam adalah para hamba sahaya. Mereka antusias dengan misi Islam karena komitmennya membebaskan para budak dan menunjukkan kesetaraan mereka dengan manusia lainnya. Mereka tertawan oleh Islam karena Islam adalah agama pembebasan! Sebagai kelanjutan dari modul sebelumnya yang membahas konsep HAM universal, modul ini akan fokus pada pemaparan tentang HAM dalam konsep Islam. Tujuan dari pembahasan ini bukan sekadar menggali wacana HAM dalam al-Qur ’an dan Sunnah, tapi juga menelusurinya dalam dokumen-dokumen dalam tonggak sejarah peradaban Islam. Karena itu pembaca akan berkenalan dengan Piagam Madinah, Pidato Nabi di Haji Wada’ dan rumusan ulama klasik tentang HAM dalam wacana Maqâshid Sharî’ah atau Dhorûriyât Khamsah (Lima Kebutuhan Pokok Manusia). Dari situ pembaca akan diajak merenungkan bagaimana memahami relasi HAM dan Islam dalam konteks modern

    Color detection using non-target reflectivity plastic optical fiber displacement sensor

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    A simple plastic optical fiber displacement sensor has been demonstrated as a non-contact color detection device. The sensitivity of the sensor is 0.0228, 0.1718, 0.1122, 0.106, and 0.1267 mW/mm for black, blue, green, red, and white, respectively. The experimental results prove that as the color changes from dark to bright, the peak output power increases proportionally. The proposed sensor is highly stable and persistent, with additional advantages of practicality of design, high efficiency, comprehensive depth of field, and low cost of production, which could be beneficial for applications in the sensing field


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    Social change in people's lives is something that cannot be avoided. As a human being who is always adaptive to developments over time, it is a challenge to continue to strengthen our faith when the temptations of technology become more intense. Society is a macro part of various micro elements within it, namely humans with various personalities. To create a harmonious society will really depend on individuals in society as a whole, so the concept of insan kamil Al-Jili is a good way to make this happen. The method in this research uses a qualitative approach with library research methods, where researchers will collect various data through library sources such as books and journals. The aim of this research is to explain the concept of insan kamil Al-Jili and its relevance to social society. The results of this research are that the concept of insan kamil Al-Jili can be concluded with several points about strengthening individuals which will have an impact on social culture, including: 1) Islam is a system that provides guidance and broad benefits for individuals and society 2) the important role of faith in directs a Muslim's beliefs and behavior, and how this can impact their quality of life in modern society 3) worship is not only a spiritual aspect, but also has a significant impact on the holistic development of individuals and their contribution to the formation of positive values in society 4 ) the importance of Ihsan's attitude in interacting with Allah and fellow humans 5) the importance of love for Allah as a foundation for good moral and ethical behavior in interacting with God and fellow humans, apart from that love for Allah can have a positive impact in various aspects of life, such as morals and consistency in the values adhered to 6) the importance of spiritual search and a deep understanding of God in individual development, as well as education in religious values and positive morals 7) the role of human beings in maintaining balance in the universe and society.   Keywords: Tasawuf; Al-Jili; Insan Kamil; Social


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    Motor DC merupakan unit yang paling banyak digunakan dalam industri berskala kecil maupun besar karena memiliki keunggulan yang memenuhi persyaratan yang dibutuhkan. Motor DC dengan kecepatan yang tidak terkontrol akan banyak menyebabkan kerugian khususnya bagi keselamatan kerja. Kontrol ini tidak hanya bekerja pada motor DC tanpa beban namun harus tetap terkontrol pada saat motor terbebani Logika Fuzzy model Takagi Sugeno diharapkan mumpuni dalam mengatasi pengontrolan kecepatan motor DC yang terbebani agar tetap pada kecepatan yang diinginkan. Pengujian kontrol kecepatan motor DC dengan model Takagi Sugeno dilakukan pada setpoint 2000 RPM sebanding dengan keluaran tachometer 14V dan pada setpoint 2500 RPM sebanding dengan keluaran tachometer 17V. Pengujian penambahan beban mekanik dilakukan ketika kestabilan dicapai atau lebih dari 10 detik di atas waktu setling time menggunakan beban pengereman seberat 5 ons. Kata Kunci: Motor DC, Kontrol Kecepatan, Fuzzy Takagi Sugeno. Abstract DC motor is the unit most widely used in small and large scale industries because it has the advantage that it meets the required requirements. DC motor with uncontrolled speed will cause a lot of harm, especially for work safety. This control does not only work on a DC motor without load, but must be controlled when the motor is loaded. Takagi Sugeno's Fuzzy Logic model is expected to be capable of overcoming speed control of an overloaded DC motor to keep it at the desired speed. Testing of DC motor speed control with the Takagi Sugeno model is carried out at a 2000 RPM setpoint comparable to a 14V tachometer output and a 2500 RPM setpoint comparable to a 17V tachometer output. The additional mechanical load test is carried out when stability is reached or more than 10 seconds above the setting time using a braking load of 5 ounces. Keywords: DC Motor, Speed Control, Fuzzy Takagi Sugeno