73 research outputs found

    On quantifying fault patterns of the mesh interconnect networks

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    One of the key issues in the design of Multiprocessors System-on-Chip (MP-SoCs), multicomputers, and peerto- peer networks is the development of an efficient communication network to provide high throughput and low latency and its ability to survive beyond the failure of individual components. Generally, the faulty components may be coalesced into fault regions, which are classified into convex and concave shapes. In this paper, we propose a mathematical solution for counting the number of common fault patterns in a 2-D mesh interconnect network including both convex (|-shape, | |-shape, ý-shape) and concave (L-shape, Ushape, T-shape, +-shape, H-shape) regions. The results presented in this paper which have been validated through simulation experiments can play a key role when studying, particularly, the performance analysis of fault-tolerant routing algorithms and measure of a network fault-tolerance expressed as the probability of a disconnection

    Pathology of vocational agricultural training centers from the perspective of students, administrators and trainers

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    Background and Objectives: The role and importance of agricultural vocational schools and training centers in forming the educated human resources needed in agriculture and the issues and problems that these centers face in the current situation are matters to be taken into consideration. It all shows that the pathology of these centers can not only help improve the prevailing situation, rather, it is possible to provide the necessary backgrounds for quality improvement in education by identifying the effective factors and elements that strengthen and improve it. Doing so these centers will be able to train students who have both the necessary skills and expertise to be able to enter the job market. A literature review on the pathology of vocational training schools and centers in agriculture revealed that despite many research studies conducted viewing the matter from diverse set of perspectives, none of them tended to study the non-functionality (flaws) of these centers from the viewpoint of two groups involved in the learning process, 1- students and 2- educators and managers. This study was conducted with the aim of pathology of agricultural vocational schools and training centers in Kermanshah province, as one of the agricultural hubs in Iran, from students’, educators’ and managers’ perspective. Methods: Generally stating, this study is applied in terms of its nature, and uses descriptive survey method in terms of data collection. The statistical population of the study consists of students (n=2800), and educators and managers (n=210). The sample based on Krejcie and Morgan table consists of 338 students who were selected by stratified random sampling. Teachers and administrators are selected according to their population number. To collect data, a two-part questionnaire was used, the first part including questions on individual characteristics of study subjects and the second part identifying the damages of agricultural vocational schools and training centers from the perspective of students, educators and managers (42 items, using Likert-type scale, ranging from 1 to 5). Interviews with managers and observations were also used as needed to obtain additional information. Findings: According to students, the most important flaws of agricultural vocational schools and training centers are the incompatibility of curriculum content with market needs, inflexible educational structures, low diversity of curriculum content, large number of general education courses and lack of up-to-date teachers. Educators and managers also stated that the most important flaws of these centers are inflexible educational structures, time-limit problems with courses duration, low diversity of curriculum content, accepting more students from urban areas and their lack of familiarity with agriculture and inappropriate equipment. Both groups agree on issues such as the inflexibility of the educational structures, top-down curriculum planning and lack of adequate diversity of content. To sum up, The most important flaws of these centers include 1- executive and educational shortcomings, 2- lack of a good planning, 3- lack of interorganizational communication system, 4- environmental barriers, 5- individual and motivational problems, 6- lack of proper evaluation and 7-governmental obstacles. Conclusion: In order to reduce damage, scholars and faculty members can develop a wide variety of materials well-suited for different branches in the field of agriculture. Additionally, more attention should be paid to practical training (in-field education) and development of a well-planed bottom-up curriculum for vocational schools. Also, establishing a memorandum of understanding and agreement between these centers and various industrial sectors in agriculture, and students’ participation in these sectors can be effective for them in gaining required skills and expertise of the field.   ===================================================================================== COPYRIGHTS  ©2020 The author(s). This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, as long as the original authors and source are cited. No permission is required from the authors or the publishers.  ====================================================================================

    Self-Rated Health among General Population in the West of Iran: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of Socioeconomic Determinants

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    Background: Self-rated health (SRH), as a powerful independent predictor of mortality, has been used worldwide.However, there is currently lack of information about the SRH in Iran as a developing country. This study was conductedto investigate the relationship between SRH and socioeconomic factors in the general population in western Iran.Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in 2017 enrolling 1,444 subjects aged 18 years and over in fiveareas of Kermanshah City, Iran. A single question of SRH with five scales of excellent (coded as 1), very good, good,fair, or poor (coded as 5) was used. Univariate and multiple logistic regression models were performed to determinefactors associated with poor self-rated health.Results: The proportion of poor SRH was 14.7%. Multiple logistic regression showed that the most importantdeterminants of poor SRH were older age (adjusted odds ratio (AOR)31-50year=1.96, AOR≥51year=4.93, married status(AOR=2.53), divorced or widowed status (AOR=2.62), self-reported income level as middle (AOR=2.51) andlow (AOR=4.59), rural residency (AOR=1.5), low physical activity (AOR=11.97), and having chronic diseases(AOR=6.85). In addition, the educational level had a negative relationship with poor SRH (AOR academic=0.47).Conclusion: Our results revealed that both individual and social factors are directly associated with poor SRH.Therefore, these determinant factors should be considered in health policies and planning for promoting health andSRH in the west of Iran

    A comparative study on the scientific outputs of agricultural faculty members at State Universities in Khuzestan

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    Background and aim: Today, the scientific outputs of universities are quantitatively and qualitatively measured using scientometrics on which the scientific progress of these institutions is evaluated. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the scientific outputs of agricultural colleges in State Khuzestan Universities during 1989-2008 and to assess the scientific status of these institutions. Material and methods: This descriptive-analytical survey was performed using scientometrics. A checklist, Web of Science (WoS) and research report were used to gather the data. The study population consisted of 128 faculty members working in the Faculties of Agriculture in Shahid-Chamran University, Ramin (Khuzestan) Agricultural and Natural Resources and Behbahan Natural Resources. Findings: The results of the research showed that the total scientific outputs of all three institutes were 5715 titles, and had the growing trend the studied period. The most scientific documents with 1445 titles (about 25% of the total scientific output) were produced in 2008. Pearson correlation coefficient indicated that there was a significant relationship between scientific degree, work experience and scientific outputs (p≥0.000). Conclusion: The trend of scientific outputs of the studied institutions was growing. Educational groups of agronomy and plant breeding, animal sciences and plant protection had more scientific outputs than other groups

    Detecting individual trees from LiDAR

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    Identify Factors Affecting on Attitude of Vegetable Growers at Bavi city in Khuzestan province Towards Organic Farming

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    The importance of organic agriculture and its vital role in sustainable development is irrefutable, Different factors affect on the decision to accept it. Farmers' Attitudes towards organic farming is One of the most important factors. Because, Activity and decisions of individuals About any phenomenon Is effective on their Attitude. This study aimed to identify factors Affecting on Attitude of vegetable growers towards Organic Farming in Bavi city in Khuzestan province. The research method was Descriptive - correlation. The statistical population of the study were vegetable growers in Bavi city(N=140). By using Morgan’s table the sample size was determined (n=103). The findings showed that, most respondents have a relatively negative attitude towards organic farming(40/4 percent). Between Farming experience and Literacy levels and attitude towards organic farming were positive and significant correlation (p=0/05). The results of the factor analysis indicate that four factor: Supportive- education,managerial, cultural and product features in total explained 54.27 percent variance factors affecting on positive attitude of Vegetable Growers towards organic farming. 50.44 percent variance factors affecting on negative attitude towards organic farming Were explained By the five factor: Lack of support facilities, economic, Inputs, Weakness of knowledgeand awareness and farming