117 research outputs found

    Bio-conversion of rice straw waste in to high quality organic fertilizer

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    In India, 353 Mt crop stubble annually generated from rice and wheat crops respectively. About 84 Mt (23.86%) of the stubble is being burnt on-field by the farmers every year (Abdurrahman et al., 2020). Use of these unused crop residues (stubbles) for generating compost, incorporation into soil, biochar etc. will result in benefit to farmers by enhanced soil health and to environment by reduced pollution (Jain et al., 2014). Thus, the paddy straw was used to decompose it with the help of aerobic composting and the results are shared in this paper. It is evident from the above table that rice straw good source of nutrient. About 40% of the N, 30-35% of the P, 80-85% of the K and 40-45% of the S absorbed by rice remain in the vegetative parts at maturity. Therefore, one ton of rice straw contains 5-8 Kg N, 0.7-1.2 Kg P, 12-17 Kg K, 0.5-1 Kg S, 3-4 Kg Ca, 1-3 Kg Mg and 40-70 Kg Si (Dobermann and Wilt 2000).with Madhyam culture @ 200 kg cow dung for 1000 kg biomass. The compost heaps have been irrigated on alternative days and turning over has been conducted for every 10 days (Chander et al., 2018). The compost samples (KH1 to 18) were analyzed for organic carbon by Walkley black method and other parameters like N, P, K have been analyzed by ICPMS

    Study of the effect of natural antioxidants in polyethylene: Performance of β-carotene

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    The effect of β-carotene on the behaviour of polyethylene stabilized with α-tocopherol and a phosphonite antioxidant was studied under processing and storage conditions. The amount of β-carotene ranged between 0 and 2000 ppm. The polymer was characterised by different methods after processing then during and after storage at ambient temperature in light and dark. β-Carotene hinders the oxidation of polyethylene and does not increase the chain extension reactions during processing, though more vinyl groups and phosphonite molecules react. β-Carotene colours polyethylene strongly already at low concentrations. The reactions of the polymer and β-carotene are affected strongly by the storage conditions. The presence of β-carotene does not influence the stabilizing efficiency of the primary and secondary antioxidants. In dark the molecular structure of the polymer does not change appreciably, while the reactions of β-carotene lead to an increase in the yellowness index. In light the molecular characteristics of polyethylene undergo significant changes indicating long chain branching. The polymer fades rapidly after an induction period. The length of the induction period is not influenced by light. The rate of the degradation reactions of β-carotene during storage is controlled by its concentration and film thickness. Visible autoaccelerated decomposition in light renders β-carotene candidate as an indicator in active packaging materials

    Regulation of bacterial priming and daughter strand synthesis through helicase-primase interactions

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    The replisome is a multi-component molecular machine responsible for rapidly and accurately copying the genome of an organism. A central member of the bacterial replisome is DnaB, the replicative helicase, which separates the parental duplex to provide templates for newly synthesized daughter strands. A unique RNA polymerase, the DnaG primase, associates with DnaB to repeatedly initiate thousands of Okazaki fragments per replication cycle on the lagging strand. A number of studies have shown that the stability and frequency of the interaction between DnaG and DnaB determines Okazaki fragment length. More recent work indicates that each DnaB hexamer associates with multiple DnaG molecules and that these primases can coordinate with one another to regulate their activities at a replication fork. Together, disparate lines of evidence are beginning to suggest that Okazaki fragment initiation may be controlled in part by crosstalk between multiple primases bound to the helicase

    A distinct first replication cycle of DNA introduced in mammalian cells

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    Many mutation events in microsatellite DNA sequences were traced to the first embryonic divisions. It was not known what makes the first replication cycles of embryonic DNA different from subsequent replication cycles. Here we demonstrate that an unusual replication mode is involved in the first cycle of replication of DNA introduced in mammalian cells. This alternative replication starts at random positions, and occurs before the chromatin is fully assembled. It is detected in various cell lines and primary cells. The presence of single-stranded regions increases the efficiency of this alternative replication mode. The alternative replication cannot progress through the A/T-rich FRA16B fragile site, while the regular replication mode is not affected by it. A/T-rich microsatellites are associated with the majority of chromosomal breakpoints in cancer. We suggest that the alternative replication mode may be initiated at the regions with immature chromatin structure in embryonic and cancer cells resulting in increased genomic instability. This work demonstrates, for the first time, differences in the replication progression during the first and subsequent replication cycles in mammalian cells

    Comparative antioxidant and bioavailability studies of Vitamin C in Phyllanthus emblica Linn. and its combinations with Piper nigrum Linn. and Zingiber officinale Roscoe

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    ABSTRACT Phyllanthus emblica Linn. (amla) is used in Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine and its major constituent is vitamin C which has effective free radical scavenging property. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the in vitro antioxidant activity and the bioavailability profile of vitamin C in amla and its combinations with piperine and ginger in comparison to synthetic vitamin C using New Zealand rabbits. In vitro antioxidant activity studies of synthetic vitamin C, amla, amla with piperine and amla with ginger were carried out using different models such as 2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl, Nitric Oxide, Hydrogen peroxide scavenging methods, Total reductive capability and Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity estimation. The study results showed that synthetic vitamin C, amla, amla with piperine and amla with ginger possess significant in vitro antioxidant activity. For bioavailability studies, synthetic vitamin C, amla, amla with piperine and amla with ginger 100 mg/kg, were administered orally and the serum samples were analyzed by HPLC at 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 24 hours. Bioavailability studies revealed that amla with piperine combination has higher concentration of vitamin C when compared to synthetic vitamin C. This is probably due to presence of piperine, which is a bioavailability enhancer. The present study supports the fact that amla with piperine combination can be an alternative to synthetic vitamin C

    Development and validation of a fluorimetric method to determine curcumin in lipid and polymeric nanocapsule suspensions

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    A simple, rapid, and sensitive fluorimetric method was developed and validated to quantify curcumin in lipid and polymeric nanocapsule suspensions, using acetonitrile as a solvent. The excitation and emission wavelengths were set at 397 nm and 508 nm, respectively. The calibration graph was linear from 0.1 to 0.6 µg/mL with a correlation coefficient of 0.9982. The detection and quantitation limits were 0.03 and 0.10 µg/mL, respectively. The validation results confirmed that the developed method is specific, linear, accurate, and precise for its intended use. The current method was successfully applied to the evaluation of curcumin content in lipid and polymeric nanocapsule suspensions during the early stage of formulation development.Um método fluorimétrico simples, rápido e sensível foi desenvolvido e validado para quantificação da curcumina em suspensões de nanocápsulas lipídicas e poliméricas, usando acetonitrila como solvente. Os comprimentos de onda de excitação e emissão foram 397 nm e 508 nm, respectivamente. Nas condições testadas, a curva de calibração demonstrou-se linear na faixa de 0,1 a 0,6 µg/mL, exibindo coeficiente de correlação de 0,9982. Os limites de detecção e quantificação foram 0,03 e 0,10 µg/mL, respectivamente. Os resultados da validação confirmaram que o método desenvolvido é específico, linear, exato e preciso para o uso proposto. O presente método foi aplicado com sucesso para a avaliação do teor de curcumina nas suspensões de nanocápsulas lipídicas e poliméricas durante o estágio inicial do desenvolvimento da formulação