77 research outputs found

    Neuronal survival in the brain: neuron type-specific mechanisms:neuron type-specific mechanisms

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    Neurogenic regions of mammalian brain produce many more neurons that will eventually survive and reach a mature stage. Developmental cell death affects both embryonically produced immature neurons and those immature neurons that are generated in regions of adult neurogenesis. Removal of substantial numbers of neurons that are not yet completely integrated into the local circuits helps to ensure that maturation and homeostatic function of neuronal networks in the brain proceed correctly. External signals from brain microenvironment together with intrinsic signaling pathways determine whether a particular neuron will die. To accommodate this signaling, immature neurons in the brain express a number of transmembrane factors as well as intracellular signaling molecules that will regulate the cell survival/death decision, and many of these factors cease being expressed upon neuronal maturation. Furthermore, pro-survival factors and intracellular responses depend on the type of neuron and region of the brain. Thus, in addition to some common neuronal pro-survival signaling, different types of neurons possess a variety of 'neuron type-specific' pro-survival constituents that might help them to adapt for survival in a certain brain region. This review focuses on how immature neurons survive during normal and impaired brain development, both in the embryonic/neonatal brain and in brain regions associated with adult neurogenesis, and emphasizes neuron type-specific mechanisms that help to survive for various types of immature neurons. Importantly, we mainly focus on in vivo data to describe neuronal survival specifically in the brain, without extrapolating data obtained in the PNS or spinal cord, and thus emphasize the influence of the complex brain environment on neuronal survival during development

    Major Signaling Pathways in Migrating Neuroblasts

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    Neuronal migration is a key process in the developing and adult brain. Numerous factors act on intracellular cascades of migrating neurons and regulate the final position of neurons. One robust migration route persists postnatally – the rostral migratory stream (RMS). To identify genes that govern neuronal migration in this unique structure, we isolated RMS neuroblasts by making use of transgenic mice that express EGFP in this cell population and performed microarray analysis on RNA. We compared gene expression patterns of neuroblasts obtained from two sites of the RMS, one closer to the site of origin, the subventricular zone, and one closer to the site of the final destination, the olfactory bulb (OB). We identified more than 400 upregulated genes, many of which were not known to be involved in migration. These genes were grouped into functional networks by bioinformatics analysis. Selecting a specific upregulated intracellular network, the cytoskeleton pathway, we confirmed by functional in vitro and in vivo analysis that the identified genes of this network affected RMS neuroblast migration. Based on the validity of this approach, we chose four new networks and tested by functional in vivo analysis their involvement in neuroblast migration. Thus, knockdown of Calm1, Gria1 (GluA1) and Camk4 (calmodulin-signaling network), Hdac2 and Hsbp1 (Akt1-DNA transcription network), Vav3 and Ppm1a (growth factor signaling network) affected neuroblast migration to the OB

    MANF Promotes Differentiation and Migration of Neural Progenitor Cells with Potential Neural Regenerative Effects in Stroke

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    Cerebral ischemia activates endogenous reparative processes, such as increased proliferation of neural stem cells (NSCs) in the subventricular zone (SVZ) and migration of neural progenitor cells (NPCs) toward the ischemic area. However, this reparative process is limited because most of the NPCs die shortly after injury or are unable to arrive at the infarct boundary. In this study, we demonstrate for the first time that endogenous mesencephalic astrocyte-derived neurotrophic factor (MANF) protects NSCs against oxygen-glucose-deprivation-induced injury and has a crucial role in regulating NPC migration. In NSC cultures, MANF protein administration did not affect growth of cells but triggered neuronal and glial differentiation, followed by activation of STAT3. In SVZ explants, MANF over expression facilitated cell migration and activated the STAT3 and ERK1/2 pathway. Using a rat model of cortical stroke, intracerebroventricular injections of MANF did not affect cell proliferation in the SVZ, but promoted migration of doublecortin (DCX)(+) cells toward the corpus callosum and infarct boundary on day 14 post-stroke. Long-term infusion of MANF into the per'-infarct zone increased the recruitment of DCX+ cells in the infarct area. In conclusion, our data demonstrate a neuroregenerative activity of MANF that facilitates differentiation and migration of NPCs, thereby increasing recruitment of neuroblasts in stroke cortex.Peer reviewe

    GluA4-Targeted AAV Vectors Deliver Genes Selectively to Interneurons while Relying on the AAV Receptor for Entry

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    Selective gene delivery into subtypes of interneurons remains an important challenge in vector development. Adeno-associated virus (AAV) vector particles are especially promising for intracerebral injections. For cell entry, AAV2 particles are supposed to attach to heparan-sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs) followed by endocytosis via the AAV receptor (AAVR). Here, we assessed engineered AAV particles deficient in HSPG attachment but competent in recognizing the glutamate receptor 4 (GluA4, also known as GluRD or GRIA4) through a displayed GluA4-specific DARPin (designed ankyrin repeat protein). When injected into the mouse brain, histological evaluation revealed that in various regions, more than 90% of the transduced cells were interneurons, mainly of the parvalbumin-positive subtype. Although part of the selectivity was mediated by the DARPin, the chosen spleen focus-forming virus (SFFV) promoter had contributed as well. Further analysis revealed that the DARPin mediated selective attachment to GluA4-positive cells, whereas gene delivery required expression of AAVR. Our data suggest that cell selectivity of AAV particles can be modified rationally and efficiently through DARPins, but expression of the AAV entry receptor remains essential

    Neuroserpin expression during human brain development and in adult brain revealed by immunohistochemistry and single cell RNA sequencing

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    Neuroserpin is a serine‐protease inhibitor mainly expressed in the CNS and involved in the inhibition of the proteolytic cascade. Animal models confirmed its neuroprotective role in perinatal hypoxia‐ischaemia and adult stroke. Although neuroserpin may be a potential therapeutic target in the treatment of the aforementioned conditions, there is still no information in the literature on its distribution during human brain development. The present study provides a detailed description of the changing spatiotemporal patterns of neuroserpin focusing on physiological human brain development. Five stages were distinguished within our examined age range which spanned from the 7th gestational week until adulthood. In particular, subplate and deep cortical plate neurons were identified as the main sources of neuroserpin production between the 25th gestational week and the first postnatal month. Our immunohistochemical findings were substantiated by single cell RNA sequencing data showing specific neuronal and glial cell types expressing neuroserpin. The characterization of neuroserpin expression during physiological human brain development is essential for forthcoming studies which will explore its involvement in pathological conditions, such as perinatal hypoxia‐ischaemia and adult stroke in human

    Endogenous Retroviruses and Human Evolution

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    Humans share about 99% of their genomic DNA with chimpanzees and bonobos; thus, the differences between these species are unlikely to be in gene content but could be caused by inherited changes in regulatory systems. Endogenous retroviruses (ERVs) comprise ∼ 5% of the human genome. The LTRs of ERVs contain many regulatory sequences, such as promoters, enhancers, polyadenylation signals and factor-binding sites. Thus, they can influence the expression of nearby human genes. All known human-specific LTRs belong to the HERV-K (human ERV) family, the most active family in the human genome. It is likely that some of these ERVs could have integrated into regulatory regions of the human genome, and therefore could have had an impact on the expression of adjacent genes, which have consequently contributed to human evolution. This review discusses possible functional consequences of ERV integration in active coding regions

    Maternal inhalation of carbon black nanoparticles induces neurodevelopmental changes in mouse offspring

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    Abstract Background Engineered nanoparticles are smaller than 100 nm and designed to improve or creating even new physico-chemical properties. Consequently, toxicological properties of materials may change as size reaches the nm size-range. We examined outcomes related to the central nervous system in the offspring following maternal inhalation exposure to nanosized carbon black particles (Printex 90). Methods Time-mated mice (NMRI) were exposed by inhalation, for 45 min/day to 0, 4.6 or 37 mg/m3 aerosolized carbon black on gestation days 4–18, i.e. for a total of 15 days. Outcomes included maternal lung inflammation (differential cell count in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and Saa3 mRNA expression in lung tissue), offspring neurohistopathology and behaviour in the open field test. Results Carbon black exposure did not cause lung inflammation in the exposed females, measured 11 or 28–29 days post-exposure. Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) expression levels were dose-dependently increased in astrocytes around blood vessels in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus in six weeks old offspring, indicative of reactive astrogliosis. Also enlarged lysosomal granules were observed in brain perivascular macrophages (PVMs) in the prenatally exposed offspring. The number of parvalbumin-positive interneurons and the expression levels of parvalbumin were decreased in the motor and prefrontal cortices at weaning and 120 days of age in the prenatally exposed offspring. In the open field test, behaviour was dose-dependently altered following maternal exposure to Printex 90, at 90 days of age. Prenatally exposed female offspring moved a longer total distance, and especially males spent significantly longer time in the central zone of the maze. In the offspring, the described effects were long-lasting as they were present at all time points investigated. Conclusion The present study reports for the first time that maternal inhalation exposure to Printex 90 carbon black induced dose-dependent denaturation of PVM and reactive astrocytes, similarly to the findings observed following maternal exposure to Printex 90 by airway instillation. Of note, some of the observed effects have striking similarities with those observed in mouse models of neurodevelopmental disorders

    Dynamic Changes in Ultrastructure of the Primary Cilium in Migrating Neuroblasts in the Postnatal Brain

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    New neurons, referred to as neuroblasts, are continuously generated in the ventricular-subventricular zone of the brain throughout an animal's life. These neuroblasts are characterized by their unique potential for proliferation, formation of chain-like cell aggregates, and long-distance and high-speed migration through the rostral migratory stream (RMS) toward the olfactory bulb (OB), where they decelerate and differentiate into mature interneurons. The dynamic changes of ultrastructural features in postnatal-born neuroblasts during migration are not yet fully understood. Here we report the presence of a primary cilium, and its ultrastructural morphology and spatiotemporal dynamics, in migrating neuroblasts in the postnatal RMS and OB. The primary cilium was observed in migrating neuroblasts in the postnatal RMS and OB in male and female mice and zebrafish, and a male rhesus monkey. Inhibition of intraflagellar transport molecules in migrating neuroblasts impaired their ciliogenesis and rostral migration toward the OB. Serial section transmission electron microscopy revealed that each migrating neuroblast possesses either a pair of centrioles or a basal body with an immature or mature primary cilium. Using immunohistochemistry, live imaging, and serial block-face scanning electron microscopy, we demonstrate that the localization and orientation of the primary cilium are altered depending on the mitotic state, saltatory migration, and deceleration of neuroblasts. Together, our results highlight a close mutual relationship between spatiotemporal regulation of the primary cilium and efficient chain migration of neuroblasts in the postnatal brain

    Impaired GABAergic regulation and developmental immaturity in interneurons derived from the medial ganglionic eminence in the tuberous sclerosis complex

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    GABAergic interneurons play a critical role in maintaining neural circuit balance, excitation-inhibition regulation, and cognitive function modulation. In tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC), GABAergic neuron dysfunction contributes to disrupted network activity and associated neurological symptoms, assumingly in a cell type-specific manner. This GABAergic centric study focuses on identifying specific interneuron subpopulations within TSC, emphasizing the unique characteristics of medial ganglionic eminence (MGE)- and caudal ganglionic eminence (CGE)-derived interneurons. Using single-nuclei RNA sequencing in TSC patient material, we identify somatostatin-expressing (SST+) interneurons as a unique and immature subpopulation in TSC. The disrupted maturation of SST+ interneurons may undergo an incomplete switch from excitatory to inhibitory GABAergic signaling during development, resulting in reduced inhibitory properties. Notably, this study reveals markers of immaturity specifically in SST+ interneurons, including an abnormal NKCC1/KCC2 ratio, indicating an imbalance in chloride homeostasis crucial for the postsynaptic consequences of GABAergic signaling as well as the downregulation of GABA A receptor subunits, GABRA1, and upregulation of GABRA2. Further exploration of SST+ interneurons revealed altered localization patterns of SST+ interneurons in TSC brain tissue, concentrated in deeper cortical layers, possibly linked to cortical dyslamination. In the epilepsy context, our research underscores the diverse cell type-specific roles of GABAergic interneurons in shaping seizures, advocating for precise therapeutic considerations. Moreover, this study illuminates the potential contribution of SST+ interneurons to TSC pathophysiology, offering insights for targeted therapeutic interventions