174 research outputs found

    Education Clusters: The Ukrainian Context

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    The study aims at theoretical and methodological grounding of the role of education clusters in economic development and analysis of their impact on competitiveness enhancement of national education systems, with emphasis on Ukraine. A review of theoretical approaches to interpretati on and definition of the notion “education cluster” is made. Information about entities that may be incorporated in education cluster, objectives and expected results of education clusters is given; their advantages compared with traditional education system and their significance in the regional context are shown. Examples of education clusters and research and education clusters currently operating in Ukraine are given.Метою дослідження є теоретико-методологічне обґрунтування ролі освітніх кластерів у розвитку економіки інноваційного типу, а також їх впливу на підвищення конкурентоспроможності національних систем освіти, зокрема в Україні. Виконано огляд теоретичних підходів до тлумачення та визначення поняття «освітній кластер», наведено інформацію про суб’єкти, які можуть бути учасниками освітнього кластеру, про цілі та очікувані результати діяльності освітніх кластерів, показано їх переваги порівняно з традиційною системою освіти, а також їх значення для розвитку регіонів. Наведено приклади освітніх та науково-освітніх кластерів, що нині діють в Україні.Целью исследования является теоретико-методологическое обоснование роли образовательных кластеров в развитии экономики инновационного типа, а также их влияния на повышение конкурентоспособности национальных систем образования, в частности в Украине. Выполнен обзор теоретических подходов к трактовке и определению понятия «образовательный кластер». Приведена информация о субъектах, которые могут быть участниками образовательного кластера, о целях и ожидаемых результатах деятельности образовательных кластеров, показаны их преимущества в сравнении с традиционной системой образования, а также их значение для развития регионов. Даны примеры образовательных и научно-образовательных кластеров, ныне действующих в Украине

    Фразеологізми з соматичним компонентом вухо східнослов’янських та західногерманських мовах: зіставний аспект

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    У статті пропонується зіставний аналіз соматичних фразеологічних одиниць з компонентом вухо на базі російської, української, німецької та англійської мов, з метою показати семантичні особливості, ізоморфні та аломорфні риси в чотирьох лінгвокультурах. (This article offers comparative analysis of Phraseological Units with somatic element ear based on Russian, Ukrainian, German and English. The purpose of this article is to show semantic features, isomorphic and allomorph traits in four linguistic cultures.

    Age-Related and Individual Anatomical Variation in Testicular Topography in Human Fetuses

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    At present, male infertility remains an urgent medical concern. From year to year, despite advances in methods of diagnosis and treatment, medicine encounters an increasing number of infertile couples with male infertility playing a leading role. Prerequisites for fertility disorders very frequently appear in childhood. Urologists consider cryptorchidism a leading cause of male infertility. The aim of our study was to establish the relationship between testicular descent to the scrotum and the age of the fetus. Material and methods. The study was conducted using 195 specimens of male fetuses aged 4–10 months with 81.0–375.0 mm parietalcoccygeal length (PCL) using the methods of macromicroscopic, conventional, and microslide preparation under control of binocular loupes and morphometry. Results. At the beginning of the fetal period of human ontogenesis (fetuses 81.0–135.0 mm PCL), the right and left testicles are mainly located above the corresponding deep inguinal ring and they are less often located in a region of the iliac fossae. An analysis of topographic and anatomical features of the male reproductive glands in 5-month-old fetuses (136.0–185.0 mm PCL) revealed that the testicles were located within the large pelvis, with the lower end of both the right and left testicles located above the entrance to the deep inguinal ring at a distance that equals the length of the pelvic part of the gubernaculum testis—3.2 ± 0.3 mm (right) and 2.8 ± 0.2 mm (left). In 11 fetuses aged 7 months (231.0–270.0 mm PCL), the lower ends of the testicles and their gubernaculum testis are immersed in the corresponding deep inguinal ring. In eight fetuses, the testicles were within the deep inguinal ring. A combination of many factors contributes to the final migration of a testicle through the inguinal canal into the scrotum (fetuses: 270.0 cm–290.0 mm PCL), including muscle contraction of the anterolateral abdominal wall, an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, contractile capacity of the gubernaculum testis of the testicle, the vaginal process of the peritoneum, and the neuro-muscular system. We believe that the gubernaculum testis is a particularly significant factor in testicular descent to the scrotum. The gubernaculum testis is maximally developed prior to migration of a testicle through the inguinal canal (eighth month of antenatal development), as evidenced by the prevalence of smooth muscle cells over connective tissue elements. An analysis of testicular topography in fetuses aged 9 months (311.0–345.0 mm PCL) revealed that testicles were located in the scrotum in nine fetuses, near the superficial inguinal ring in six fetuses, within the inguinal canal in four cases, and in the deep inguinal ring in one case. In fetuses aged 10 months (346.0–375.0 mm PCL), testicles were located in the scrotum in 13 cases and within the inguinal canal in seven cases. According to our research, the fusion of layers of the vaginal process of the peritoneum occurs in fetuses aged 9–10 months, resulting in the disappearance of the communication of its cavity with the peritoneum. A delay in the fusion of the peritoneal vaginal process layers at the end of the fetal period is an anatomic prerequisite for the occurrence of congenital inguinal-scrotal hernias. Conclusions. It has been found that the rate of testicular descent to the scrotum does not always coincide with the corresponding stage of fetal development. An accelerated development of the gubernaculum testis in fetuses aged 5–8 months is a major factor of heterochronic development of a testicle and subsequent testicular descent into the scrotum

    Sex-Related Differences in Urethra Development in Human Embryos

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    Virtually no information on the chronology of prenatal development of the human urinary tract and the sex-related differences in the emergence of urinary tract topography during embryonic development is presently available. The aim of our work was to study sex-related differences in urethra development in human embryos and early fetuses. Forty-nine preparations of human embryos and early fetuses without external signs of anatomical abnormalities were studied in order to achieve the aim and fulfill the objectives of the study. Embryos and early fetuses were divided into six groups according to gestational age and parietococcygeal length. The complex of adequate methods of morphological research used in the study included preparation and microscopy of serial histological and anatomical sections of human embryos, including female and male urinary tracts, preparation of 3D-reconstruction models, and morphometry. The formation of prostatic urethra, a derivative of the urogenital sinus, was shown to occur at the beginning of the ninth week of embryogenesis, and the primordium of the internal sphincter of the urinary tract was formed at the end of the tenth week. Formation of the terminal part of spongy urethra took place during weeks 10–11 and involved funnel-like protrusion of the ectoderm from the top of the balanus towards the urethra lumen. The secondary ventral displacement of the urethral opening does not occur in female fetuses, and, therefore, only the prostatic urethra is a homolog of the female urinary tract. The pelvic part of the urogenital sinus was transformed into the prostatic urethra and the membranous urethra of the male at the end of the first stage of fetal development. Elongation of the genital tubercle (a penis primordium) and formation of the urethral ridge walls that involved the urogenital folds occurred at the same time

    Hereditary tubulopathies including the associated bone disease

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    Tubulopathy is a heterogeneous group of diseases combined by the nephron functions disorders of one or more enzyme proteins in the tubular epithelium that cease to function as a reabsorption of one or several substances filtered from the blood through the glomeruli into tubules, which determines the development of the disease. This review addresses the tubulopathies accompanying bone disease, namely: de Tony-Debre-Fanconi syndrome (autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, X-linked), renal distal metabolic acidosis type I (classic, autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive inheritance), renal distal tubular metabolic acidosis I (autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive inheritance) and type II (autosomal recessive inheritance accompanying delayed mental development and eye disorders), combined distal and proximal renal tubular metabolic acidosis type III (autosomal recessive inheritance characterized by osteoporosis), hypophosphatemia rickets (X-linked dominant, autosomal dominant, primary hypercalciuria, autosomal recessive inheritance). However, the diagnosis of tubulopathy remains complex and requires expensive laboratory equipment and specialist expertise; it can be diagnosed in children showing the following symptoms: impaired growth, vitamin D resistant rickets (lower limb deformities between 2 and 3 years of age). In the evaluation of such patients urine analysis is commonly used (levels of calcium, phosphorus, pH, bicarbonate, sodium, potassium, glucose, creatinine, protein, amino acids), blood count (levels of creatinine, uric acid, alkaline phosphatase, glucose, pH and sodium, bicarbonate, potassium, chloride, calcium, phosphorus ions), ultrasound of the kidneys to detect nephrocalcinosis. Determination of serum parathyroid hormone concentration, vitamin D metabolites, aldosterone and plasma renin activity, cysteine lymphocyte concentration (suspicion to diagnose cystinosis) and ophthalmologist examination may also be used as additional diagnostic methods. Despite the fact that most tubulopathies can be diagnosed clinically, molecular genetic studies are needed to clarify the type of inheritance and prognosis. The use of calcitriol will help in the management of phosphorous levels in the blood. Correction of vitamin D deficiency state is not required. Calcitriol supplementation may prevent secondary hyperparathyroidism resulting from increased phosphate intake

    Peculiar features of the glandular formations of the prostate glands in human fetuses

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    Throughout the fetal period of ontogenesis stages of their intensive (the middle of the 5th, 8th and 10th month) and sloved down (from the end of the 5th up to the beginning of the 8th months) of their formation are observed in the development of glandular formations. The glandular formations opening into the prostatic part of the urethra below the ejaculatory ducts are better developed in fetuses of different age groups. The glandular formations, ramifying in the thickness of the lateral portions of the posterior wall of the prostatic part of the urethra make up the major mass and the largest number of the glands of the prostate gland

    Degrowth: an operationalization in an urban context - in search of alternative development paths

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    Limits to further economic growth became clear to the scientific community, and various alternative development strategies have appeared. One such strategy is degrowth, a socio-economic development concept based on ecological economics and social equity ideas. The main idea of degrowth is to decrease the size of the global economy by fair reductions in global production and consumption levels. Interest in degrowth is constantly increasing, though clear ways of operationalisation of degrowth transitions are still lacking. A degrowth transition requires clear criteria for its implementation, especially in an urban context, to which little attention has been paid so far in degrowth debates. The key research problem addressed in this PhD thesis is how to operationalise the concept of degrowth, especially in an urban context. The main goal of this PhD thesis is to create a set of comprehensive proposals for the operationalisation of degrowth in cities. This thesis consists of an introduction, three related scientific articles published in international journals, and a discussion and conclusions wrapping up the whole series of articles.Narodowe Centrum Nauki (numer grantu 2018/29/B/HS4/01042


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    Introduction. Recently, decrease in male reproductive function has become particularly relevant. Nowadays, 8 to 29% of married couples are infertile throughout the world. The purpose of our study was the ascertainment of the peculiarities of development of seminal vesicles, seminal and ejaculatory ducts. Material and methods. The study was carried out on 16 series of histological sections of pre-fetuses of 10-12 weeks and 4-month fetuses. Nine waxed reconstructions of pelvic organs of pre-fetuses of 65.0 mm parietococcygeal length (PCL) and fetuses of 82.0, 85.0, 95.0 and 130.0 mm PCL were made and studied. Results. In pre-fetuses of 46.0-52.0 mm PCL, the mesonephric duct (wolffian duct) is reduced in the cranial and middle sections. The diameter of the unreduced portion of the wolffian duct at the gonad level varies from 58 to 68 μm. At the beginning of the fetal period of ontogenesis, the length of the right seminal vesicle is 1.56 ± 0.12 mm, its width is 0.54 ± 0.05 mm, its thickness is 0.46 ± 0.06 mm. The dimensions of the left seminal vesicle are accordingly: 1.39 ± 0.11, 0.61 ± 0.05 and 0.57 ± 0.06 mm. In fetus of 130.0 mm PCL, the seminal vesicles are represented by the main tubule and its branches. The length of the right seminal vesicle is 2.3 mm, and the left is 2.2 mm. The length of the cavity of the main duct of the right seminal vesicle is 4.6 mm, and 6.4 mm including the branches. The length of the cavity of the main duct of the left seminal vesicle is 4.8 mm, and 5.6 mm including the branches. Conclusions. At the end of the 10 th – the beginning of the 11 th week of prenatal development, intensive upgrowth of the caudal parts of the mesonephric ducts was noted, resulting in the seminal ducts, seminal vesicles and prostate excretory ducts appearance. In the fetuses of 95.0-120.0 mm of PCL, formation of an ampulla of the seminal duct was observed. At the end of the 4 th month of prenatal development, the external and internal structure of the seminal vesicles and ampullae of the seminal duct becomes more complicated

    Heat Tube Induction Heating Systems Stabilized Design

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    Heat tube induction heating systems are increasingly used at oil and gas production and petrochemical facilities. The existing requirements for explosion-proof electric trace heaters are not subject to induction systems; in particular, the sheath maximum temperature calculation methods are not applicable. In this paper there has beensuggested a set of worse operating conditions and a calculation method to predict the heater maximum temperature that can be used when creating a stabilized design of heat tube induction heating systems

    High Speed Flow Control Using Microwave Energy Deposition

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    In recent years a variety of beamed energy deposition techniques have been investigated for flow control in high speed flows. Among these, microwave energy deposition has been demonstrated experimentally to achieve significant drag reduction for blunt body flows. A gas dynamic model for microwave energy deposition in air is developed using 23 species and 238 reactions. The model is applied to the simulation of microwave energy deposition in supersonic flow past a cylinder