270 research outputs found

    Immobilization technology for enhancing bio-products industry

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    Immobilization is the limitation of movement of biocatalysts according to chemical or physical  treatment. Immobilized molecules technique using biomaterials and nano-biotechnology is a very  interesting topic that is touching almost all aspects of our life. Immobilized enzymes, molecules, and  cells have been used in a variety of scientific and industrial applications. Cell immobilization  biotechnology is a multidisciplinary area shown to have an important impact on many scientific  sub-disciplines, including biomedicine, pharmacology, cosmetology, food and agricultural sciences. Many  molecules have been immobilized and the majority of them are bio-molecules due to their biological and biomedical applications. Immobilization of enzymes has made them highly applicable to range of evolving biotechnologies. Immobilized enzymes have proven valuable for many medical applications including drug delivery systems, diagnosis and treatment of diseases, as well as in sensors for the  management of weight and diabetes. Enzyme immobilization is applied in textile industry. The  immobilized microorganism technology offers a multitude of advantages in wastewater treatment. The  immobilized cell systems were applied for the production of many organic compounds such as organic  acid and ethanol. The immobilization of tissue sections, cells and tissue components for histological and  immunohistochemical staining or detection systems is applicable nowadays. Cell immobilization could  potentially benefit food industry.Key words: Immobilized, bio-product, immobilization

    Biodiversité et approche bioécologique de la faune des Monts des Traras Occidentaux (Nord-Ouest Algérien)

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    La rĂ©gion des Traras Occidentaux, important massif du littoral Oranais (Nord-Ouest AlgĂ©rien), offre des conditions assez particuliĂšrement favorables pour le dĂ©veloppement d’une faune diversifiĂ©e. Elle se caractĂ©rise par un bioclimat semi-aride. Notre objectif de cette Ă©tude est de faire un inventaire faunistique au niveau de trois stations diffĂ©rentes de point de vue cortĂšge floristique (Tamarchalet, Tarasmouth, El Mahsar). Les Ă©chantillonnages sont effectuĂ©s du mars 2009 Ă  dĂ©cembre 2009, soit 18 prĂ©lĂšvements. L’analyse de la faune a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© l’existence de 120 espĂšces. L’entomofaune est diversifiĂ©e (10 ordres systĂ©matiques), elle contient 77 espĂšces. Les GastĂ©ropodes et les Oiseaux sont reprĂ©sentĂ©s par 10 espĂšces pour chacun. Ensuite viennent les Arachnides (8 espĂšces), les MammifĂšres (6 espĂšces). Les CrustacĂ©s et les Amphibiens viennent en dernier rang avec 2 espĂšces pour les premiers et 1 espĂšce pour les seconds. Une étude analytique avec la rĂ©partition des groupes faunistiques selon la saison, le mois et la strate est dĂ©finie.Mots-clĂ©s : traras occidentaux, nord-ouest AlgĂ©rien, faune, biodiversitĂ©.Biodiversity and bioecological approach fauna of the Traras mounts west (North Western Algerian). The Western Region Traras, important coastal massif Oran (North West Algeria), offers particularly favorable conditions enough for the development of a variety of wildlife. It is characterized by a semi-arid bioclimate. Our objective of this study is to make an inventory of fauna at three different stations of floristic point of view (Tamarchalet, Tarasmouth El Mahsar). Sampling is conducted from March 2009 to December 2009, 18 specimens. The analysis of the fauna revealed 120 species. The insect fauna is diverse (10 systematic orders), it contains 77 species. Gastropods and birds are represented by 10 species each. Then come the Arachnida (8 species), mammals (6 species). Crustaceans and amphibians come in last place with 2 species and 1 for the first case to the second. An analytical study with the distribution of faunal groups according to the season, month and stratum is defined.Keywords : traras west, north western Algerian, fauna, biodiversity

    Morphological and physicochemical properties of dip-coated poly {(2,5-diyl pyrrole) [4-nitrobenzylidĂšne]} (PPNB) thin films: towards photovoltaic applications

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    A new material: conjugated poly {(2,5-diyl pyrrole) [4-nitrobenzylidùne]}, that we called (PPNB), has been synthesized and characterized. The cyclic voltammetry has been used in order to estimate first oxidation (Ep) and reduction (En) potentials of our polymer. These values have been assigned, respectively, to the position of the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) and the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) and determination of the energy band gap which have been estimated to be 6.16, 3.89 and 2.27 eV respectively. Energy levels values of the HOMO and LUMO of the PPNB polymeric donor material were evaluated and the results are compatible with an electron transfer to C60 within an eventual junction, such values show that PPNB could be probed for applications in organic solar cells as donor material. PPNB Thin films have been deposited by dip-coating technique from Dichloromethane solvent with different polymer concentrations, and a dipping speed of 3.0 cm/min. For morphological characterization of the films scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was carried out. The samples, when observed by SEM, reveals that the films deposited are less dense, uniform. Cross-sectional SEM micrographs PPNB films show that thickness of the layers is homogeneous and has value of 35–40 nm. Optical characteristics of the polymer thin films were studied using UV-vis spectroscopy; absorption of wide range of wavelengths from 350 to 700 nm was observed. The optical band gap energy ranges between 1.9 eV and 1.94 eV. Based on these analyzes we realized heterojunction organic solar cells with the structure: ITO/Au/PPNB/C60/BCP/Al, the cells had a photovoltaique effect after J-V measuring, however the efficiency of photo generation under AM1.5 illumination was weak (about 0.02%) and needs to be improved

    Statistical methods for localization and discrimination of acoustical signals backscattered by air bubbles

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    Five records of acoustic echoes backscattered by experimentally produced distinct size « monobubbles » are studied . These records were splitted into several blocks so as to detect bubble signals . We proceeded to the analysis of distances between blocks, which were expressed either by usual distances or by distances between equivalence classes of blocks (orbital distances) . The bubble detection is rendered easier by filtering records through principal component analysis . The selected blocks were then submitted to a series of discriminant analyses in five, four or three classes . The discriminant variables were either Fourier coefficients or scores stemming from various orbital distances analyses, The obtained results are discussed and validated by a resampling method.On étudie cinq enregistrements d'échos acoustiques de « monobulles », de tailles distinctes, produites expérimentalement. Ces enregistrements sont découpés en blocs afin de détecter les signaux de bulles. On procÚde ensuite à l'analyse des inter-distances entre blocs, exprimées soit au moyen de la distance usuelle, soit au moyen de distances entre classes d'équivalence de blocs (distances orbitales). La détection des bulles est facilitée par un filtrage des enregistrements par analyse en composantes principales. Les blocs sélectionnés sont soumis à une série d'analyses discriminantes en cinq, quatre et trois classes, les variables discriminantes étant soit les coefficients de Fourier du signal, soit les facteurs issus de l'analyse de diverses tables d'inter-distances orbitales. Les résultats obtenus sont discutés et validés par une technique de rééchantillonnage

    Cu-Ag bi-layer films in dielectric/metal/dielectric transparent electrodes as ITO free electrode in organic photovoltaic devices

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    Among ITO alternative, dielectric/metal/dielectric multilayer structures are one of the most often studied possible substituent. However, if their optical and electrical properties are systematically investigated it is not the same with regard to their mechanical properties. In the present manuscript we have studied the properties of ZnS/Cu/Ag/ZnS, ZnS/Cu/Ag/MO3 (with M ÂŒ Mo or W) structures. With a maximum transmission of 90% and a sheet resistance of 5 U/sq the optimum structure exhibits a figure of merit of 82 10-3 ℩-1 when l = 600 nm. Beyond these standard measures we proceeded to the study of the mechanical properties of the multilayer structures. The inner and outer bending tests show that the ZnS/ Cu/Ag/ZnS (or MO3) structures are more flexible than ITO, while their responses to scotch tests show that they exhibit a large adhesion to the substrate, glass or plastic. The scratching adhesion test puts in evidence that the adhesion to the substrate of the Ag layer is smaller than that of ZnS/Cu/Ag/ZnS, which is smaller than that of ITO. On the other hand, this test shows that the ZnS/Cu/Ag/ZnS (no cracks for L = 25 N) is less brittle than ITO (cracks L = 15N). Finally, when used as anode in organic solar cells, the structure ZnS/Cu/Ag/WO3 allows achieving the best efficiency, similar to that obtained with ITO

    Pulmonary tumor thrombotic microangiopathy: a systematic review.

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    Pulmonary tumor thrombotic microangiopathy (PTTM) is a fatal disease process in which pulmonary hypertension (PH) develops in the setting of malignancy. The purpose of this study is to present a detailed analysis of cases of PTTM reported in literature in the hopes of achieving more ante-mortem diagnoses. We conducted a systematic review of currently published and available cases of PTTM by searching the term "pulmonary tumor thrombotic microangiopathy" on the Pubmed.gov database. Seventy-nine publications were included consisting of 160 unique cases of PTTM. The most commonly reported malignancy was gastric adenocarcinoma (94 cases, 59%). Cough and dyspnea were reported in 61 (85%) and 102 (94%) cases, respectively. Hypoxemia was reported in 96 cases (95%). Elevation in D-dimer was noted in 36 cases (95%), presence of anemia in 32 cases (84%), and thrombocytopenia in 30 cases (77%). Common findings on chest computed tomography (CT) included ground-glass opacities (GGO) in 28 cases (82%) and nodules in 24 cases (86%). PH on echocardiography was noted in 59 cases (89%) with an average right ventricular systolic pressure of 71 mmHg. Common features of PTTM that are reported across the published literature include presence of dyspnea and cough, hypoxemia, with abnormal CT findings of GGO, nodules, and mediastinal/hilar lymphadenopathy, and PH. PTTM is a universally fatal disease process and this analysis provides a detailed examination of all the available published data that may help clinicians establish an earlier diagnosis of PTTM

    Experimental and Numerical Study of a Turbulent Multiple Jets Issued from Lobed Diffusers

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    A combined experimental and computational study of a turbulent multiple jet from lobed diffusers is performed. The main interest of these multiple lobed jets is to come up with the best configuration that improves the thermal and dynamic homogenization in air diffusion units that can be used for ventilation, heating and air conditioning of residential premises. Herein, the configuration of a central lobed jet surrounded by six equidistant peripheral lobed jets has been investigated. On the experimental level, flow velocities and temperatures were measured by a multifunctional thermo-anemometer. In terms of numerical simulation, the conservation equations of mass, momentum and energy are solved while involving four turbulence models, viz., the k-Ï” model, the k-ω, the shear stress transport (SST) k-ω model and the Reynolds Stress Model (RSM). The findings are compared with thermo-anemometer measurements. It turns out that the SST k- ω model is most appropriate for predicting the average flow characteristics

    Dielectric/metal/dielectric alternative transparent electrode: observations on stability/degradation

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    The use of indium-free transparent conductive electrodes is of great interest for organic optoelectronic devices. Among the possible replacements for ITO, dielectric/metal/dielectric (D/M/D) multilayer structures have already proven to be quite efficient. One issue with organic devices is their lifetime, which depends not only on the organic molecules used but also on the electrodes. Therefore we study the variation, with elapsed time, of the electrical and optical properties of different D/M/D structures, with M  =  Ag or Cu/Ag. Six years after realization, it has been shown that if some structures retained an acceptable conductivity, some others became non-conductive. For a sample which remains conductive, in the case of a PET/MoO3/Ag/MoO3 multilayer structure, the sheet resistance changes from 5 Ω/sq–17 Ω/sq after six years. This evolution can be compared to that of a PET/ITO electrode that varies from 25 Ω/sq–900 Ω/sq after six years. It means that not only are the PET/MoO3/Ag/MoO3 multilayer structures more flexible than PET/ITO, but they can also be more stable. Nevertheless, if some PET/MoO3/Ag/MoO3 multilayer structures are quite stable, some others are not. This possible degradation appears to be caused primarily by the physical agglomeration of Ag, which can result in Ag film disruption. This Ag diffusion seems to be caused by humidity-induced degradation in these Ag-based D/M/D structures. Initially, defects begin to grow at a \u27nucleus\u27, usually a microscopic particle (or pinhole, etc), and then they spread radially outward to form a nearly circular pattern. For a critical density of such defects, the structure becomes non-conductive. Moreover the effect of humidity promotes Ag electrochemical reactions that produce Ag+ ions and enhances surface diffusivity with AgCl formation
