258 research outputs found

    Cross-amplification and characterization of polymorphic microsatellite markers from Acacia (Senegalia) mellifera and Acacia brevispica to Acacia senegal (L.) Willd.

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    Seven polymorphic microsatellite markers isolated from Acacia brevispica and Acacia mellifera were successfully cross-amplified in Acacia senegal. The loci were surveyed for polymorphism using 30 samples. Allelic diversity ranged from 4 (Ame02, Ab06 and Ab18) to 13 (Ab26) per locus. The expected heterozygosity (HE) ranged from 0.543 (Ame02) to 0.868 (Ab26) while observed heterozygosity (HO) ranged from 0.516 (Ame05) to 0.800 (Ame03). Cross amplification of these loci represents a potential source of co-dominant marker and will be useful in the study of genetic diversity, structure, gene flow and breeding systems of this important Acacia species


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    Tujuan penelitian yaitu untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang pengaruh pelayanan check in konvensional dan harga tiket terhadap maskapai Citilink di Bandar Udara Internasional Ahmad Yani Semarang. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pada variabel pelayanan (X1) berpengaruh terhadap variabel loyalitas penumpang dilihat dari nilai signifikan sebesar 0,000 < 0,05. Hasil dari  variabel harga (X2) berpengaruh terhadap variabel loyalitas penumpang (Y) dilihat dari nilai signifikan sebesar 0,000 < 0,05. Berdasarkan hasil Uji F variabel X1 dan X2 secara simultan terhadap variabel Y menunjukkan bahwa nilai signifikan sebesar 0,000 < 0,05. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa variabel pelayanan check in konvensional (X1) dan harga tiket (X2) berpengaruh postif dan simultan terhadap loyalitas penumpang (Y) maskapai citilink di bandar udara internasional ahmad yani semaran

    Estimates of economic values for important traits of two indigenous sheep breeds of Ethiopia

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    A bio-economic model based on a deterministic approach was adapted to estimate economic values for important traits of Menz and Horro which are indigenous sheep breeds of Ethiopia. A meat sheep with lamb fattening and rearing of young sheep for replacement was modeled. Traits considered were fattening (daily gain), live weight (ewe mature live weight) and functional traits (length of productive life, lambing interval, and litter size, stillbirth and lamb survival). Economic values were derived independently to avoid double counting and economic values were obtained (in €) per ewe place and year and genetic standard deviation. Negative economic values for length of productive life and ewe mature live weight were obtained for both breeds. For Menz, economic values per genetic standard deviation were 0.63 (daily gain), -0.77 (mature ewe live weight), -0.97 (length of productive life), 1.57 (lambing interval), 0.98 (litter size), 0.41 (stillbirth) and 2.20 (lamb survival). Furthermore, economic values of 1.35 (daily gain), -1.26 (mature ewe live weight), -1.15 (length of productive life), 1.98 (lambing interval), 3.67 (litter size), 0.56 (stillbirth) and 3.25 (lamb survival) were achieved for Horro. Setting economic values of length of productive life and mature ewe live weight to zero, relative economic values for the trait complexes (in %) fattening: functional were 11 : 89 and 12.5 : 87.5 for Menz and Horro sheep, respectively. Economic values for litter size, lambing interval and lamb survival were sensitive to Changes of prices of breeding rams in both breeds


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    ABSTRAK TK Islam Tunas Cendekia Jakarta merupakan salah satu lembaga yang mengimplementasikan sex education dalam proses pembelajarannya. Tujuan penelitian ini menjelaskan persiapan, pelaksanaan serta evaluasi dan tindak lanjut implementasi sex education sebagai upaya pencegahan sexual abuse di TK Islam Tunas Cendekia Jakarta. Penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Analisis data menggunakan model interaktif Miles dan Huberman yang mencakup reduksi, display, generalisasi data dan kesimpulan atau verifikasi. Adapun hasil penelitian menunjukkan temuan berupa: 1) proses persiapan implementasi sex education di TK Islam Tunas Cendekia Jakarta terdiri atas persiapan implementasi sex education untuk anak usia dini yang mencakup menetapkan aturan, merancang pembelajaran, mempersiapkan media, menentukan metode, strategi dan pendekatan, memfasilitasi sarana dan prasarana penunjang dan persiapan kegiatan sosialisasi untuk orang tua; 2) pelaksanaan sex education di TK Islam Tunas Cendekia, meliputi; kegiatan pengenalan identitas gender dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode demonstrasi dan bernyanyi; kegiatan bernyanyi tentang sentuhan boleh dan sentuhan tidak boleh; kegiatan menonton animasi tentang toilet training; kegiatan bermain peran tentang perlakuan menghadapi orang jahat; dan diberlakukannya aturan penjemputan anak; 3) evaluasi hasil dilakukan pada rapat internal akhir tahun ajaran. Evaluasi proses dilakukan pada rapat bulanan. Teknik evaluasi yang digunakan mencakup penilaian portofolio hasil kerja anak, observasi terhadap perilaku seksual anak, dan penggunaan catatan anekdot. Rekomendasi penelitian ditujukan bagi praktisi PAUD dan orang tua. Kata Kunci: Sex Education; Sexual Abuse; Lembaga PAUD ABSTRACT Tunas Cendekia Jakarta Islamic Kindergarten is one of the institutions that implements sex education in its learning process. The purpose of this study describes the preparation, implementation and evaluation and follow-up of the implementation of sex education as an effort to prevent sexual abuse in Tunas Cendekia Islamic Kindergarten Jakarta. Research using descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Data analysis uses Miles and Huberman's interactive model which includes reduction, display, data generalization and conclusion or verification. The results of the research show the findings in the form of: 1) the process of preparing for the implementation of sex education in the Tunas Cendekia Jakarta Islamic Kindergarten consists of preparing for the implementation of sex education for early childhood which includes setting rules, designing learning, preparing media, determining methods, strategies and approaches, facilitating means and supporting infrastructure and preparation of outreach activities for parents; 2) implementation of sex education in Tunas Cendekia Islamic Kindergarten, including; gender identity recognition activities are carried out using demonstration and singing methods; singing activities about touching is allowed and touching is not allowed; watching animation about toilet training; role-playing activities regarding the treatment of bad people; and enactment of child pick-up rules; 3) evaluation of results is carried out at the end of the school year internal meeting. Process evaluation is carried out at monthly meetings. Evaluation techniques used include assessing a portfolio of children's work, observing children's sexual behavior, and using anecdotal notes. Research recommendations are intended for PAUD practitioners and parents. Keywords: Sex Education; Sexual Abuse; Early Childhood Education Institution

    Tree Establishment on Post-Mining Waste Soils: Species, Density, and Mixture Effects

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    Tree establishment to restore degraded boreal post-mining lands is challenged by low soil productivity, a harsh microclimate, and potentially high contaminant levels. The use of mixed vegetation can facilitate the microclimate but increase competition for soil resources. A statistical accounting of plant–plant interactions and adaptation to multispecies conditions is hard to achieve in field experiments; trials under controlled conditions can distinguish effects of planting density and species interactions in the early stages of plant establishment. A greenhouse trial was established in containers (“mesocosms”) with waste rock or fine tailings from gold mines. Pregerminated (1-week-old) seedlings (Alnus viridis subsp. crispa, Picea glauca, Populus tremuloides, Salix arbusculoides) were planted using a Nelder density gradient design, modified for species combinations. A relative competition effect was estimated as a competitiveness index for each species combination, calculated as a ratio of α coefficients in the Holliday growth equation. The specific leaf area (SLA) was measured to indicate plant water stress adaptation. All species grew better in monoculture on fine tailings, while only P. tremuloides grew better in all mixtures on waste rock. Although net positive effects of density on SLA increment during early growth suggested microclimate improvement on fine tailings, no mixture provided advantages for both species in paired combinations

    Don't Let Me Down! Offloading Robot VFs Up to the Cloud

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    Recent trends in robotic services propose offloading robot functionalities to the Edge to meet the strict latency requirements of networked robotics. However, the Edge is typically an expensive resource and sometimes the Cloud is also an option, thus, decreasing the cost. Following this idea, we propose Don't Let Me Down! (DLMD), an algorithm that promotes offloading robot functions to the Cloud when possible to minimize the consumption of Edge resources. Additionally, DLMD takes the appropriate migration, traffic steering, and radio handover decisions to meet robotic service requirements as strict latency constraints. In the paper, we formulate the optimization problem that DLMD aims to solve, compare DLMD performance against state of art, and perform stress tests to assess DLMD performance in small & large networks. Results show that DLMD (i) always finds solutions in less than 30ms; (ii) is optimal in a local warehousing use case, and (iii) consumes only 5% of the Edge resources upon network stress.Comment: 5 Pages, 6 figures, submitted to 2023 IEEE 9th International Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft

    Opportunités et contraintes agroforestières de Ricinodendron heudelotii au Cameroun

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    Ricinodendron heudelotii est une essence endémique des forêts tropicales humides d’Afrique, très prisée pour ses graines comestibles. Sa régénération naturelle reste difficile à cause principalement de la dormance tégumentaire de ses graines. Elle possède de nombreuses vertus ethnobotaniques et d’opportunités agroforestières pour les peuples des forêts du bassin du Congo. Au nombre de ces vertus, on cite des propriétés médicinales, agroalimentaires, agronomiques, écologiques et industrielles. Des programmes de domestication de R. heudelotii sont en cours dans les stations du Centre Mondial de l’Agroforesterie (CMAF) au Cameroun. L’essentiel des travaux déjà réalisés sur cette essence a porté sur ses propriétés ethnobotaniques, l’analyse de la composition chimique de l’huile des graines et sa domestication. Les tentatives de domestication de R. heudelotii se heurtent par ailleurs à diverses contraintes phytosanitaires encore à identifier. Sur la base des observations réalisées en forêts, dans les pépinières et au laboratoire, les dégâts observés seraient d’origine fongique et entomologique. À ce jour, aucun programme de lutte ou d’amélioration génétique n’est envisagé. Pourtant, l’existence de deux sous-espèces (heudelotii et africanum) chez R. heudelotii et d’une espèce apparentée (R. rautanenii) constitue un atout exploitable pour d’éventuels travaux d’amélioration génétique. Cette étude suggère que R. heudelotii pourrait être considérée comme une essence modèle d’avenir pour l’agroforesterie au Cameroun, avec au premier plan un moyen de lutte prometteur contre la pauvreté, et propose quelques pistes de recherche en vue de contribuer au succès des programmes de  domestication de l’espèce. © 2013 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Mots clés : Ricinodendron heudelotii, intérêt agroécologique, contraintes agroforestières, amélioration génétique

    Variation phénotypique des traits quantitatifs de Cavia porcellus : une première étape vers l’amélioration de l’espèce en RD Congo

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    Objectif : Dans l’optique de la promotion de l’élevage du cobaye, Cavia porcellus, nous avons mené une étude d’analyse des paramètres de sa productivité (croissance et taille de nichée).Méthodologie et résultats : Le poids vif moyen à la naissance est de 70,4 ± 20,5g pour les deux sexes. A 4 semaines ce poids a été multiplié par 2,6 ; il a continué à augmenter jusqu’à 20 semaines, âge de maturité sexuelle des cobayes ; le poids vif moyen des adultes est de 375 ± 78,2g pour les femelles et de 512 ± 115g pour les mâles. La longueur du corps de l’animal présente une allure ascendante continue ; elle est de 9,49 ± 2,71 cm ; 12,0 ± 1,39 cm et 22,8 ± 1,25cm respectivement à la naissance, au sevrage (à 3 semaines) et à 20 semaines (âge de maturité sexuelle) ; la longueur moyenne d’adulte est respectivement de 23,5 ± 1,77 cm pour les femelles et 24,1 ± 0,98 cm pour les mâles. La taille moyenne de la nichée pour les femelles de Kisantu, Belgique, Bukavu et Kinshasa est respectivement de 1,73 ± 0,45 ; 3,14 ± 0,77 ; 2,90 ± 0,67 et 2,48 ± 1,27 petits ; très avantageuse pour les femelles originaires de Belgique. L’héritabilité enregistrée chez les hybrides est modérée, variant entre 0,43 et 0,64 ; l’hétérosis est importante à la première génération et ensuite elle diminue d’environ 25% au fur et à mesure que les générations se succèdent. Les valeurs de coefficient de répétabilité observées pour le poids vif à la naissance, au sevrage et à 20 semaines ont montré une forte répétabilité de caractères de croissance (R=0,94 ; R=0,86 et R=0,98).Conclusion et application des résultats : L’amélioration des paramètres de productivité (croissance et taille de nichée) est possible chez les cobayes locaux, mais elle exige l’apport des géniteurs performants venant soit d’autres régions du pays, soit d’ailleurs (Belgique). Ainsi, nous pouvons promouvoir et améliorer l’élevage du cobaye en procédant au croisement entre géniteurs locaux, mais aussi avec des géniteurs exotiques.Mots clés : variation phénotypique, poids vif, longueur du corps, taille de la nichée, Cavia porcellus, R D Cong

    Experiences from southern Quebec provide ecological insights for the implementation of tree-based intercropping systems

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    Paper presented at the 11th North American Agroforesty Conference, which was held May 31-June 3, 2009 in Columbia, Missouri.In Gold, M.A. and M.M. Hall, eds. Agroforestry Comes of Age: Putting Science into Practice. Proceedings, 11th North American Agroforestry Conference, Columbia, Mo., May 31-June 3, 2009.Recent experiments in Quebec aimed to provide scientific arguments favouring the adoption of tree-based intercropping (TBI) systems in eastern Canada's rural landscape. The specific objectives of this research were to: (1) test whether a soybean intercrop between tree rows increases soil microbial biomass C, soil N fertility and tree growth compared to a harrowing treatment between tree rows; (2) determine the effects of the soybean intercrop on the diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (assessed using SSU rRNA genes) compared to harrowing; and (3) determine whether TBI increases soil microbial beta-diversity (assessed using extractable phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) profiles) compared to an adjacent conventional monocropping system. The TBI field was set in 2000 in southwestern Quebec using alternating rows of hybrid poplars (Populus spp.) and hardwood species spaced 8 m apart. Soybean (Glycine max L. (Merr.)) was grown between tree rows since 2004. During the 2005-2006 study period, soil microbial biomass C and N availability were higher in the soybean intercrop treatment or on par with those in the harrowing treatment. Hybrid poplar biomass increment in the soybean intercrop treatment was greater by 51 [percent] to that in the harrowing treatment and diagnostic of leaf nutrient status indicated that hybrid poplars were positively affected by the increase in N supply provided through intercrop management. The arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal diversity, as expressed by the Shannon-Wiener indices, were 0.82 for the soybean and 0.70 for hybrid poplar under the soybean intercrop treatment, and 0.53 for hybrid poplar under the harrowing treatment. The neighboring trees and soybean plants hosted different arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities, suggesting that TBI systems may enhance arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal richness compared to monocultures. The soil microbial beta-diversity, based on a measure of dispersion among the PLFA profiles within each sampled grid, was higher in the TBI than in the conventional soybean monocropping system, suggesting that TBI systems could play an important ecological role in the conservation of microbial functions (e.g., nutrient cycling), even in the face of wide variations of environmental conditions and inputs.David Rivest (1), Vincent Chifflot (2), Simon Lacombe (3), Alain Cogliastro (4), Robert Bradley (3), Anne Vanasse (1), Damase Khasa (2) and Alain Olivier (1) ; 1. De_partement de phytologie, Universit� Laval, Qu�bec (QC), Canada. 2. D�partement des sciences du bois et de la for�t, Universit� Laval, Qu�bec (QC), Canada. 3. D�partement de biologie, Universit� de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke (QC), Canada. 4. Institut de recherche en biologie v�g�tale, Universit� de Montr�al & Jardin botanique de Montr�al, Montr�al (QC), Canada.n and 0.70 forIncludes bibliographical references
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