488 research outputs found

    State and Politics in Ethiopia\u27s Somali Region since 1991

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    Reflections on Islamic edicts and authority in the COVID-19 response in Somalia

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    Election prospects in Somali region, Ethiopia

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    Lorentz Group Action on Ellips Space

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    The ellips space E has been constructed as cartesian product R+ × R+ × [ π 2 , π 2 ]. Its elements, (a, b, θ), is called as an ellipse with eccentricity is = p1 − b2/a2 if b a and is = p1 − a2/b2 if a b. The points (a, b, π/2) is equal to (b, a, 0). The action of subgrup SOoz(3, 1) of Lorentz group SOo(3, 1), containing Lorentz transformations on x−y plane and rotations about z axes, on E is defined as Lorentz transformation or rotation transformation of points in an ellipse. The action is effective since there are no rigid points in E. The action is also not free and transitive. These properties means that Lorentz transformations change any ellips into another ellips. Although mathematically we can move from an ellipse to another one with the bigger eccentrity but it is imposible physically. This is occured because we donot include the speed parameter into the definition of an ellipse in E

    Dualwavelength fiber laser

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    A Dual-wavelength erbium doped fiber laser (EDFL) is presented. The gain interest in recent decades due to their inherent characteristics such as narrow linewidth, high optical power. Generation of dual-wavelengths is realizable through Erbium Ytterbium Doped Fiber Amplifier (EYDFA) gain in the laser cavity. The lasing wavelength spacing is widely controlled in a range from 3 to 16.1 nm, which means the tunable can be achieved. The signal to noise ratio (OSNR) obtain as high as 60 dB. The fiber Bragg gratting FBG 1539.4 nm achieved and the output power of the EYDFA is fixed at 1 w. The Tunable BandPass Filter TBPF is put in the laser cavity. The laser FBG goes to port 1 then, TBPF will tune and passes to port 2. The FBG reflects only at the wavelength of 1539.4 nm and the rest passes through. The TBPF tuned from 1542.3 to 1555.5 nm. The TBPF is almost the same with FBG after thulium. The thulium function here is to stabilize and distribute energy from higher power to the low power. The minimum variation is 1.9 dB while the maximum is 2.87 dB. Hence, dual-wavelength fiber laser records the best performances with respect to the output power, the laser is found to be the most stable when applied enough power

    Challenges Facing International Students at Dominican

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    In fall 2014, I produced a 20-minute film to address the challenges that international students face at Dominican University. Speaking from experience (I am from Kenya), it took me a while to fit in my new school after I came from Africa. I was homesick, lonely and many things did not make much sense. I sensed that other foreign students must have been experiencing the same challenges. Hence, I interviewed students from Brazil, Colombia, Ivory Coast, Saudi Arabia and Spain to find out their feelings and thoughts. The interviews were recorded on campus. These international students said they struggled to adapt, to understand lectures at times, embracing strange foods, mannerisms, culture, and many other alien behaviors. Therefore, I thought it was paramount to make a video addressing these challenges in the hope of enhancing great relationships between international students and local students – including their faculty and professors. I hope this video will contribute to better understand across the university


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan penggunaan model evaluasi program CIPP (Context, Input, Process, dan Product) pada pelatihan pertanian budidaya cabai di Balai Latihan Kerja Lembang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan analisis data kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Penelitian ini melibatkan 16 orang peserta program pelatihan, instruktur, dan pengelola program sebagai responden penelitian. Penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner sebagai instrumen utama serta pedoman wawancara, pedoman observasi, dan pedoman dokumentasi sebagai instrumen pendukung. Analisis data dilakukan dengan cara membandingkan skor rata-rata yang diperoleh dengan skor ideal, selanjutnya hasil penghitungan tersebut dikelompokkan ke dalam beberapa kriteria yang telah dibuat. Pada dimensi context diperoleh skor rata-rata sebesar 3.16 atau kriteria baik. Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan program pelatihan telah relevan dengan tujuan program, kompetensi yang hendak dicapai, dan latar belakang program. Pada dimensi input diperoleh skor rata-rata sebesar 3.10 atau kriteria baik. Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa komponen-komponen pelatihan yang terdiri dari peserta, instruktur, media pembelajaran, bahan ajar, dan sarana prasarana telah tersedia dengan baik. Pada dimensi process diperoleh skor rata sebesar 3.21 atau kriteria baik. Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan program pelatihan yang meliputi penggunaan metode ceramah, tanya jawab, diskusi, demonstrasi, praktik, dan kunjungan lapangan serta pelaksanaan evaluasi telah berjalan dengan baik. Dimensi product pada aspek pengetahuan diperoleh nilai rata-rata 92.29, pada aspek keterampilan diperoleh nilai rata-rata 93.10, dan pada aspek sikap kerja diperoleh nilai rata-rata 93.83. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa hasil belajar peserta pelatihan yang meliputi pengetahuan, keterampilan dan sikap diperoleh hasil yang baik.;---The purpose of this research is to describe the use of CIPP (Context, Input, Process, and Product) evaluation model in the agricultural training program of chili cultivation of Balai Kerja Lembang. This research is a descriptive research with qualitative and quantitative data analysis. This research involved 16 participants, instructors, and manager of the training program as research subjects. This research used questionnaires as the main instrument as well as interview guides, and guidelines for observation as supporting instrument. Data analysis is conducted by comparing the average score obtained with the ideal score, then the results of the calculation be grouped into several criteria that have been made. In the context dimension average score of 3.16 is obtained or included in “good” criterion. It shows that the execution of the training program has been relevant to the objectives of the program, the competence to be achieved, and the program background. In the input dimension average score of 3.10 is obtained or included in “good” criterion. It shows that the training components consisting of participants, instructors, instructional media, teaching materials, and infrastructure facilities are properly available. In the process dimension average score of 3.21 is obtained or included in “good” criterion. It shows that the execution of the training programs encompassing the use of lecture methods, question and answer, discussions, demonstrations, practices, and field visits as well as evaluations have worked properly. In the product dimension, average score of 92.29 is obtained for knowledge aspect, 93.10 average score is obtained for skill aspect and 93.83 average score is obtained for work attitude aspect. This showed that participants' learning outcomes including knowledge, skills and attitudes obtained good results

    Pastoral transformation : Shifta-war, livelihood, and gender perspectives among the Waso Borana in Northern Kenya

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    This thesis is concerned with the analysis of external and internal drivers of pastoral transformation (i.e. conflicts), their long-term impact on the pastoral livelihood, and community response mechanisms. The thesis examines the roles of a secessionist war and subsequent banditry and violent conflicts in the socio-economic transformation of the Waso Borana pastoralists of Northern Kenya. The thesis shows that a drastic decline in pastoral production following socio-political upheavals in the early years of Kenya’s independence has had major ramifications for pastoral economy and societal coping strategies. The Waso Borana’s responses to pastoral decline reflect changes as well as continuity of the pastoral way of life. The main change is the shift from the total dependence on pastoral production to a diversified economy that includes non-pastoral activities. Changes and continuity can be seen in the gendered responses to pastoral transformation, particularly in the roles played by women as part of their household’s coping strategy. This thesis focuses specifically on how women engage in market economies and how they mobilise resources for their households using indigenous social networks. Moreover, the thesis examines external initiatives such as the introduction of formal women’s organisations as part of the development agenda pursued by the state and other development agencies. The thesis shows that processes of pastoral transformation are not linear but differ from one community to another and also between households within the same community. A fruitful insight into change and continuity in pastoral society cannot be adequately achieved without considering the peculiarity of the societal structure, historical background, and politics of a particular geographical location. In this regard, the thesis uses studies of three localities: Kinna, Kulamawe, and Merti, representing different livelihood strategies. Paper I examines the longterm impact of the Shifta war on Waso Borana pastoral production and societal responses. The main finding is that the protracted conflicts in the Waso rangeland resulted in human casualties, loss of livestock, and the displacement of populations. An assessment of livestock herd size in the three communities shows that households are not achieving the same levels of livestock growth compared to the pre-Shifta war period. The perception of the community is that the conflicts exacerbated the impact of environmental and economic turbulence. Recurrent drought, persistent banditry, and the changing ecology of the rangelands are blamed for the lack of recovery. The Shifta war has had numerous ramifications for the Waso Borana. Firstly, the massive loss of herds has had a long-term impact on pastoral economy, forcing many households out of pastoral production and into sedentary lifestyles. The responses of the community are discussed in papers II-IV. Paper II shows that the conflicts reordered the economic system of the community, as many households have been forced to diversify their livelihoods. The type of livelihood adopted varies according to specific conditions and opportunities in each site, in addition to household characteristics. At the household level, factors such as the wealth status of the household as well as the age and gender of the household head have an impact on the diversification strategy. However, the opportunities for remittances from informal and formal employment by members of the family do not have a significant impact. The study also found that, despite diversifying their livelihood by adding non-pastoral activities, pastoral production continues to be a major economic base for the majority of households in the area. People sell their livestock to generate capital to start businesses and also use the profits to purchase more livestock. Diversification and pastoral production are found to be complementary, rather than contradictory. In Paper III, I examine the impact of pastoral transformation on traditional roles, particularly of women. There are structural changes as women have become important players in the household food security. The finding is that women’s indigenous social networks, known as marro, manifest changes as well as continuities in the aftermath of the socio-economic transformation that followed the Shifta war. The continuity of marro is evident because all Waso Borana women participate in the social network, regardless of their social and economic status. The frequency of participation still varies with the needs and opportunities of the women. Across the three sites, factors such as the wealth status of the households and educational level of women have less impact on the frequency of participation. However, elderly women participate more in daily exchanges than young women. Comparing households with different livelihoods, it is evident that farming households have fewer reciprocal exchanges compared to others. Although, traditionally, food items were the more dominant form of marro exchange, today the sharing of labour is more popular. The introduction of cash loans within social networks is a new development for the Waso Borana. Introduction of the cash loan, however, transforms marro to a rational exchange and undermines its altruistic value. Paper IV presents a case on the growth of formal women’s organisations, also known as women´s groups, among the Waso Borana. The study found that the growth of women’s groups is linked to the decline in pastoral economy, availability of alternative sources of funds to alleviate household food security, growth of community development initiatives, and urbanisation. The perception of the Waso Borana is that women´s groups provide opportunities for economic gains as well as a space for socialising, learning, developing awareness of women’s rights, and networking. A scrutiny of group membership shows that the majority of members are from poor households. Participation is also higher among younger women. However, women’s awareness of their rights does not automatically translate to political empowerment of women at community level. The political glass ceiling is blamed on the patriarchal power structures that are dominant within the Borana society. The thesis concludes that pastoral communities are undergoing changes due to diverse external and internal pressures. Despite the challenges, pastoralism has proved to be resilient. This is evident from the fact that people continue to reinvest in pastoral production despite their involvement in other means of livelihood. This finding is essential for development agencies as it provides evidence that diversification does not indicate non-viability of pastoral production. Any development intervention in pastoral areas should therefore aim to complement pastoralism rather than replace it

    Case Study: IQRA faculty for computer studies

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    المستودعات المؤسسية هي بنية تحتية بحثية أساسية لمخرجات العلمية للجامعات .تمتلك المستودعات المؤسسية ذو الأبعاد المناسبة القدرة على زيادة تأثير البحوث وتعزيز صورة وتاثير المؤسسة من خلال عرض وفتح مخرجاتها الاكادمية لجمهور أوسع. في البداية ، تم تطوير أنظمة المستودعات كحل مستضاف عبر الإنترنت لجمع وحفظ ونشر المخرجات العلمية للجامعات والكليات والمؤسسات البحثية الأخرى. في الآونة الأخيرة ، تم تطوير البرامج وتطورت المستودعات إلى منصات نشر للمؤسسات لعرض مخرجاتهم العلمية بما في ذلك المقالات والكتب والأطروحات والمجلات. كان الهدف من هذا الدراسة تصميم وتطوير مستودع رقمي على شبكة الإنترنت لتخزين ونشر المواد العلمية – أطروحات, أوراق علمية - لكلية دراسات الكمبيوتر في International University of Africa ، مما يوفر حل دائم للحاجة إلى نظام فعال وموثوق ويمكن الوصول إليه بسهولة لتخزين واسترجاع هذه المواد العلمية مما يجعل الدراسة والبحث أقل تعقيدًا وأقل إجهادًا للموظفين الأكاديميين والطلاب ، وبالتالي تمكينهم من تنفيذ أعمالهم والأنشطة اليومية بسهولة ، لا سيما فيما يتعلق بالحصول على المعلومات العلمية ذات الصلة بسرعة. ومن النتائج التي تم تحقيقها; الرقمنة الكاملة للأطروحات والرسائل الجامعية وفتحها أمام جمهور أوسع للاستفادة منها مع زيادة تأثير تلك الأعمال الأكاديمية في نفس الوقت; تزويد منتسبي الكلية- أعضاء هيئة التدريس والطلاب- القدرة على أرشفة أعمالهم عبر الإنترنت باستخدام حساباتهم التي أنشأها مسؤول النظام لهم. في النهاية ، حقق النظام المطور الأهداف الرئيسية للدراسة ولكن أيضًا التحسينات والتطويرات المستقبلية يمكن اضافتها بسهولة في النظام الحالي