50 research outputs found

    Performance evaluation for high speed vehicle in VANET

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    Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANETs) is a high dynamic emerging technology for supporting wireless communication among vehicles. Communication via routing packets over the high-speed vehicles is a challenging task. Vehicles mobility speed can varies depending on the road specification. However in highways speed can be increased up to 120 – 200 Km/hr. moving in high speed can affect the efficiency of data delivery. In particular V2I traffic where moving car trying to deliver data to fixed space units which are designed to collected and process data from vehicles. In this paper, we investigated the consequences on increasing vehicle mobility speed in term of data delivery evaluation metrics including network throughput, delay and packet delivery ration. Results shows that in high speed mobility VANET, network throughput it decreased, and packet delivery ration is decreased as well

    Kallmann Syndrome: A Case Report

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    A 32 yr old woman came to the hospital with a history of treatment for primary amenorrhea once in 2007. Diagnosis of Kallmann syndrome was made based on her complaint of amenorrhea and anosmia. Physical examination revealed abnormal growth of secondary sexual characteristic including undeveloped breasts, lack of armpit and pubic hair. The external genitalia examination showed very slightly pubic hair, a small labia minora, and vagina (± 0.5 cm diameter, 5 cm depth). The abdominal ultrasound examination showed a small uterus. Bone marrow densitometry examination denoted osteoporosis in L1, L2, L3, L4 vertebrae and pelvic bone. Chromosomal examination showed the karyotype of 46 XX. The olfactory test resulted in anosmia. Kallmann syndrome is a developmental disorder which consists of a combination of hypogonadotropic-hypogonadism and anosmia. The characteristics of patients diagnosed with Kallmann syndrome were delayed puberty and anosmia. A chromosomal and hormonal examination might be performed to rule out Klinefelterand Turner syndrome. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) examination was useful to determine whether there was any olfactory bulb or pituitary gland and hypothalamus disorder. Patient’s management included hormone replacement therapy and fertility therapy to maintain healthy hormone circulation equal to a normal physiological value according to patients’ ages. In this case, the effect of the drugs was to build a temporary endometrial wall. Once the pills are stopped, the patient will not undergo her menstruation phase anymore because of her pituitary hormone production is inadequate. This medication also gave more strength to bones due to her osteoporosis. Keywords: Amenorrhea, Anosmia, Genetic disorder, Hypogonadismhypogonadotropic, Kallmann syndrome

    Implementasi Fitur Autocomplete Dan Algoritma Levenshtein Distance Untuk Meningkatkan Efektivitas Pencarian Kata Di Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI)

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengimplementasikan fitur autocomplete dan algoritma levenshtein distance pada apllikasi KBBI dan untuk mengetahui efektivitas penggunaannya dalam fitur pencarian aran kata. Metode pengembangan software yang digunakan adalah dengan menggunakan metode waterfall, yang terdiri dari lima bagian yaitu requirement definitions, system and software design, implementation and unit testing, integration and system testing, dan operation and maintenance.Hasil penelitian yang didapat dari pengujian black box terhadap kemunculan autocomplete adalah muncul untuk setiap kata yang diinputkan. Lalu untuk pengujian dengan algoritma levenshtein distance, saran sudah bisa muncul meskipun tidak semua saran sesuai dengan yang diharapkan dan untuk pengujian terhadap keseluruhan sistem aplikasi dihasilkan keluaran yang valid untuk setiap menu yang diuji. Pengujian keefektifan terhadap efektifitas implementasi autocomplete pada aplikasi adalah sebesar 84.615 % yang berarti fitur ini sangat efektif. Dan untuk levenshtein distance adalah sebesar 76.04 % yang berarti efektif untuk digunakan di aplikasi KBBI. Saran yang dapat diberikan dalam penelitian ini adalah sebaiknya dilakukan penambahan menu pencarian kata dan ungkapan daerah, kata dan ungkapan asing, dan sinonim dan akronim agar kamus digital ini lebih lengkap seperti versi cetaknya

    Pengaruh Lembar Kerja Siswa Berbasis Inkuiri Terbimbing Dalam Meningkatkan Keterampilan Mengelompokkan Dan Mengajukan Pertanyaan

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    This study aimed to describe the effects of guided inquiry based student worksheetin increasing classifying and questioning skills.This research used quasi experiment with non equivalence pretest-postest control group design. Population in this study was all students of X MIPA SMA YP UNILA Bandarlampung. The samples were X MIPA 8 as an experiment class and class X MIPA 2 as a control class which was obtained by purposive sampling. The result showed that n-gain average for increasing classifying skill in experiment class was higher (0.70) than control class (0.23),that n-gain average for increasing questioning skill in experiment class was higher (0.70) than control class (0.26). It confirmed that the guided inquiry based student worksheet is effective to improve students classifying and questioning skills. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pengaruh Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS) berbasis inkuiri terbimbing terhadap peningkatkan keterampilan mengelompokkan dan mengajukan pertanyaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan kuasi eksperimen dengan rancangan non equivalence pretest-postes control group design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa X MIPA SMA YP UNILA Bandarlampung. Sampelnya adalah X MIPA 8 sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kelas X MIPA 2 sebagai kelas kontrol yang diperoleh secara purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata n-gain untuk peningkatan keterampilan mengelompokkan dari kelas eksperimen lebih tinggi (0,70) dibandingkan kelas kontrol (0,23), rata-rata n-gain untuk peningkatan keterampilan mengajukan pertanyaan dari kelas eksperimen lebih tinggi (0,70) dibandingkan kontrol Kelas (0,26). Itu mengkonfirmasikan bahwa Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS) berbasis inkuiri terbimbing berpengaruh terhadap peningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam keterampilan mengelompokkan dan mengajukan pertanyaan

    Interaction Between Electromagnetic Field and Human Body for Dual Band Balanced Antenna Using Hybrid Computational Method

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    yesThis paper describes a hybrid computational method which efficiently models the interaction between a small antenna placed in proximity with the human body. Results for several test cases of placed in different locations on the body are presented and discussed. The near and far fields were incorporated into the study to provide a full understanding of the impact on human tissue. The cumulative distribution function of the radiation efficiency and absorbed power is also provided. The antennas are assumed to be operating over the 2.4 GHz and 5.2 GHz WLAN frequencies

    The Distribution and Zonation of Barnacles Around Intertidal Shores of Penang Island

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    The intertidal shores around Penang Island were surveyed for the distribution of barnacles from 14th November 2011 to 31st January 2012. The sampling was done by using 20 cm x 20 cm transect to count the barnacles. Three replicates were taken for each zonation available of the intertidal areas; i.e. upper, middle, and lower zonations, at every sampling site. From the result, three species were identified, including Euraphia withersi and Chthamalus malayensis from Family Chthamalidae, and Balanus amphitrite amphitrite from Family Balanidae. Chthamalus malayensis was found to be most abundant among the three species with 44.24% of total population; and Tg. Tokong recorded the highest abundance of this species (28.22%). This was followed by Euraphia withersi with 38.77%; which was found to be densely populated at Gelugor (21.92%). Balanus amphitrite amphitritewas least abundant with only 16.99% and mostly found at Gurney Drive (26.24%).The distribution of the three species of barnacles also varied among the sampling locations. Gertak Sanggul recorded the highest relative abundance of all three species of barnacles at 18.01%; while the location with the least relative abundance of barnacles is Queensbay with 0.33%.Based on ‘Non-Supervised Artificial Neural Network' (ANN), distinct zonation was observed where Chthamalus malayensis was more dominant on the upper zonation; Euraphia withersi on the middle zonation; and Balanus amphitrite amphitrite on the lower zonation. The interaction betweenbarnacles with other barnacles leads to competitive exclusion and niche partitioning which created zonations among the species. Interspecies interaction that brought by predation also played a part in the distribution of barnacles. Apart from that, the distribution was affected by the sampling sites and humanactivities; such as embankment, land reclamation, and residential development

    Performance comparison between 802.11 and 802.11p for high speed vehicle in VANET

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    Vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs) technology has been emerged as a critical research area. Being ad-hoc in nature, VANET is a type of networks that is created from the concept of establishing a network of cars for a specific need or situation. Communication via routing packets over the high-speed vehicles is a challenging task. Vehicles mobility, speed can vary depending on the road specification. However, on highway, the speed can be increase up to 120 – 200 Km/H. Moving at high speed can affect the efficiency of data delivery. In particular V2I traffic where moving car trying to deliver data to fixed space units which are designed to collect and process data from vehicles. Different protocols have been proposed to be implemented for VANET infrastructure, including 802.11 and 802.11p. In this paper, the performance of the most widely deployed MAC protocols for handling wireless communication which is 802.11 and the 802.11p have been compared, which is a customized version for high speed modes. Performance is investigated in term of data delivery evaluation metrics including network throughput, delay and packet delivery ration. Results show that 802.11p has efficiently enhanced the network performance where network throughput is increased, delay is decreased, and packet delivery ratio is increased as well