49 research outputs found


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    Abstract, The problem of poverty is now a very serious discussion. Not just for some countries, but in some areas has become the subject of discussion. The problem of poverty is also found in Trenggalek regency, the poverty that is encountered is not only about economy but poverty is also in the speed between rich and poor. Judging from some of the issues at Trenggalek, one of them is uneven and also the serious attention of the district government to combine this poverty. Similarly, it also affects the human-human in Trenggalek District. The local government should create a service facility for the change and its regional development. It is also implemented by the government of Trenggalek regency, where the problem of poverty is still high enough for Trenggalek regency government to find innovative solutions with the implementing program of GERTAK (Gerakan Tengok Bawah Kemiskinan). Through the program, Trenggalek District Government can be the solution of the poverty problem in Trenggalek. Trenggalek Regency is one of the areas implemented by GERTAK. The research method used to overcome GERTAK innovation is a qualitative method. From the research result, that is GERTAK give service of soccer aid to society in service implementation to be able to overcome or solve poverty problem and also social / human gap between rich and poor. Keywords: Poverty, Innovation, Service Abstrak, Masalah kemisikinan saat ini telah menjadi pembahasan yang sangat serius. Bukan hanya untuk beberapa Negara, namun dibeberapa daerah pun telah menjadi permasalahan pokok pembahasan. Permasalahan kemiskinan ini juga ditemui pada Kabupaten Trenggalek, kemiskinan yang ditemui pun tidak hanya perihal ekonomi namun kemiskinan tersebut juga berada pada kesenjangan antara kaya dan miskin. Melihat dari beberapa hal yang menjadi pokok masalah kemiskinan di Trenggalek, salah satu nya adalah tidak merata nya perekonomian dan juga perhatian serius dari pemerintah kabupaten untuk dapat menangani kemiskinan ini. Sehingga hal tersebut juga berdampak kepada kesenjangan sosial-manusia yang ada di Kabupaten Trenggalek. Pemerintah daerah harus mampu membuat inovasi program pelayanan untuk perubahan serta pembangunan daerah nya. Hal tersebut juga di implementasikan oleh pemerintah Kabupaten Trenggalek, dimana melihat masalah kemiskinan masih cukup tinggi sehingga pemerintah Kabupaten Trenggalek mencari solusi yang inovatif yakni dengan menerapkan program GERTAK (Gerakan Tengok Bawah Masalah Kesmiskinan). Melalui program tersebut, pemerintah Kabupaten Trenggalek berharap dapat menjadi solusi dari permasalahan kemiskinan di Trenggalek. Kabupaten Trenggalek adalah salah satu daerah yang melaksanakan GERTAK. Metode penelitian yang digunakan untuk meneliti inovasi GERTAK adalah metode kualitatif. Dari hasil penelitian, bahwa GERTAK memberikan layanan jemput bola pada masyarakat dalam pelaksanaan pelayanan untuk dapat menaggulangi atau menuntaskan masalah kemiskinan dan juga kesenjangan sosial/manusia antara kaya dan miskin. Kata Kunci : Kemiskinan, Inovasi, Pelayana


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran Inside Outside Circle (IOC) berbantuan LKPD terhadap hasil belajar siswa pada muatan pelajaran IPS kelas V SDN 52 Cakranegara. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan Quasi Experimental Design. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah Non Equivalent Control Group Design. Jumlah subyek dalam penelitian ini yaitu 58 siswa kelas V yang terbagi dalam dua kelas dari SD yang berbeda, yaitu kelas V SDN 52 Cakranegara, dan kelas V SDN 48 Cakranegara. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan tes dan observasi. Tes digunakan untuk mengukur kemampuan kognitif siswa dan observasi dilakukan untuk melihat keterlaksanaan model pembelajaran Inside Outside Circle (IOC). Uji prasyarat terdiri dari uji normalitas, uji homogenitas, dan uji hipotesis. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh dari uji hipotesis yaitu thitung 3,314 > ttabel 2,003 dengan nilai signifikansi (2-tailed) 0,002 yang berarti 0,002 < 0,05, maka H0 ditolak dan Ha diterima. Artinya terdapat pengaruh model pembelajaran Inside Outside Circle (IOC) berbantuan LKPD terhadap hasil belajar IPS siswa kelas V. Hasil tersebut ditunjukkan oleh hasil uji effect size diperoleh sebesar 0,69 yang nilainya berada pada kategori sedang. Artinya, model pembelajaran Inside Outside Circle (IOC) berbantuan LKPD cukup signifikan dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar IPS siswa kelas V SDN 52 Cakranegara Tahun Ajaran 2023/2024


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Latihan tari kreasi terhadap kepercayaan diri anak usia 5-6 tahun. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah Bkb Paud Kelurahan Kelurahan Malaka Jaya, Jakarta Timur sebanyak 20 anak, yaitu 10 anak kelompok expost facto dan 10 anak kelompok pembanding. Metode yang digunakan adalah expost facto. Populasi dalam ini adalah seluruh Bkb Paud yang berada di kelurahan Malaka Jaya, Jakarta Timur. Adapun sampel pada penelitian ini adalah 2 BKB PAUD yaitu Bkb Paud Ceria Indah Rw 03 dan Bkb Paud Tunas Indah Rw 04. Sampel diambil secara random sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan angket. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah uji-t. Hasil pengujian thitung = 31,448 > ttabel = 1,73 ,artinya H0 ditolak dan Ha diterima. Dengan demikian kesimpulan yang diperoleh adalah latihan tari kreasi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepercayaan diri anak usia 5-6 tahun di Bkb Paud Ceria Indah Rw 03, Malaka Jaya, Jakarta Timu

    Ethanolic extract of Dutch eggplants (Solanum betaceum) protects spermatozoa motility exposed to lead acetate

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    Lead is a toxic material that can have negative effects on reproductive organs. Lead exposure reduces the activity of endogenous antioxidant enzymes and increases the number of oxidants in the body. High free radicals will affect spermatogenesis and result in decreased motile spermatozoa. Antioxidants are known to protect the motility of spermatozoa, and adequate antioxidants can be found in Dutch eggplants (Solanumbetaceum). This study aimed to evaluate the effect of S. betaceum on spermatozoa motility after exposure to lead acetate. This study is a true experimental design with a randomized post-test-only control group design. Forty male Balb/C mice 12 weeks old were randomly divided into 5 groups: two control groups (C0, C1) and three treatment groups (T1, T2, T3).The C0 received distilled water, and the C1 received 75 mg/kg BW lead acetate. The T1, T2 and T3 received 100, 200 and 400 mg/kg BW of S. betaceum, respectively, an hour before exposed lead acetate. The data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA with a significant level of p <0.05. A significantly increasein the mean total motility of spermatozoa in T1, T2, and T3 was reported.This study indicates that S. betaceum have a protective effect on spermatozoa motility when exposed to lead acetate


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    Bidang  pendidikan dan keagamaan menjadi tantangan besar yang sedang dihadapi oleh masyarakat saat ini. Pendidikan dan keagamaan yang dimaksud yang bisa membangun dan mencerdaskan bangsa. Nilai pendidikan agama bersumber dari Al-Qur’an dan Hadist yang biasa diterima melalui TPA. Nilai ini sangat berpengaruh terhadap santri untuk kehidupan bermasyarakat. Islam sendiri memandang setiap anak memiliki fitrah (potensi) didalam diri mereka yang dikembangkan melalui pendidikan. sosiologi agama lebih diperhatikan melalui TPA dibandingkan dengan melalui pendidikan umum. Walaupun  keterbatasan waktu dalam  penyampaian materi atau bahan ajar di TPA tidak mengurangi ilmu untuk santri seperti pendidikan umum disekolah. Di lembaga ini juga berperan sebagai wahana kontrol sosial, menciptakan keseimbangan dan kedamaian, menjaga stabilitas sosial, mendorong persatuan dan membawa masyarakat menuju keselamatan di dunia dan akhirat. Sosiologi agama menempuh cara yang sama seperti sosiologi lainnya yang menggunakan proses data kuantitatif dan kualitatif mengikuti teknik proses pengumpulan yang dipakai sosiologi umum


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    Objective: The aim of this study was conducted to evaluate the neuroprotective role of Solanum betaceum against memory impairment due to chronic cigarette smoke exposure in rat brain. Methods: Adult male albino rats were exposed to cigarette smoke for 28 days, 3 pc cigarette/day, and simultaneously administered with S. betaceum in Groups K2, K3, and K4 (100 mg/kg b.w/day, 200 mg/kg b.w/day, and 400 mg/kg b.w/day), respectively. The level of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA), c-AMP response element binding (CREB) protein, brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), number of neuron and glial cells, and memory was also measured. Results: S. betaceum administration could prevent from memory impairment significantly (p&lt;0.05) by decreased time to reach the target at Y-Maze and maintained the levels of CREB, BDNF, neuron, and glial cells (microglia, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes) significantly (p&lt;0.05) but did not significantly decreased NMDA levels (p&gt;0.05). Conclusion: Exposure to cigarette smoke compromised the memory functions. The result of this study shown that administration of S.betaceum could inhibit memory impairment and inhibit the decrease of neuron cells , increase the level of BDNF and number of glia cells including microglia, astrocytes and oligodendrocytes. The mechanism of S. betaceum to prevent memory impairment through activation of CREB (the transcription factor) which further enhances the formation of BDNF (the neurotrophic factors), thus increase activation of the glia cells to protect brain cell damage, thus preventing memory impairment due to cigarette smoke exposure

    The Route and Bus Stop Plan for Urban Agglomeration Transportation on the Educational Facility in Yogyakarta Urbanized Area

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    Public transportation is important in an urban area to provide better mobility and access to several destinations within the city. Therefore, this research was conducted to improve the Trans Jogja service as an Urban Agglomeration Transportation which is considered appropriate for residents, especially students, to ensure they shift to public transportation. The focus of this study was to develop the plan for the route and bus stop distribution in the educational facility covering high schools and universities in Yogyakarta Urbanized Area (YUA). The bus route network plan was formulated based on the number of student trips, land use, characteristics of the road network, route length, and travel time using multi-criteria analysis while the spatial analytical method was applied to cover the bus stop accessibility to schools and universities through two scenarios. The first was approximately a 200-meters radius while the second scenario was a 500-meters radius of accessibility and the route analysis showed the possibility of having 31 new routes of Yogyakarta Urban Agglomeration Transportation to cover the whole sub-districts in YUA including the Godean and Ngemplak which was not previously served by the Trans Jogja. The new routes consist of three outer city routes (OCR), 23 inner-city routes (ICR), and 5 connecting routes for the suburban and urban areas. Meanwhile, the bus stop was planned to focus on the new route as well as residential land use in a sub-urban area, high schools, and universities and the first scenario with a 200-meter radius has 99 units of the additional bus stop while the second with 500 meters has 66 units. This means the second scenario is better due to its coverage of a larger catchment area and other advantages and both the route network and bus stop addition plan were observed to have the equity concept to increase connectivity and accessibility for students

    Authentic Assessment of Speaking Skill In EFL Class

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    The objectives of this study are to find out and determine the dominant type of authentic assessment used by teachers, the activity of authentic assessment implemented by teachers, the advantages and disadvantages of using authentic assessment in speaking class.This study used qualitative methods which employed &nbsp;interview, observation, and documents to collect the data. Using the purposive sampling technique, three English teachers at MA NW Perian under Yayasan Pondok Pesantren Pendidikan Darul Muttaqien (YP3DM) NWDI Perian were chosen as the participants of the study. The results of this research showed that (1) the dominant type of authentic assessment used in assessing speaking was performance based assessment; (2) the dominant authentic assessment activities used in assessing speaking were discussion, role-play and debate activity; (3) all of the English teachers agreed that using authentic assessment helped their students demonstrate and perform their true abilities without cheating; and (4) the most disadvantages felt by teachers in implementing authentic assessment in speaking class is that it consumes a lot of time because the teacher must complete the assessment everyday in every activity


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    Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of Solanum betaceum towards cognitive function, i.e. memory, and the level of N-Methyl-D-Aspartate receptor (NMDAR) and brain derived neurothropic factor (BDNF) as a drug candidate therapy for Alzheimer rats model.Methods: Fifty adult male albino rats were divided into five groups (K0, K1, P1, P2 and P3). Four groups (K1, P1, P2 and P3) of Alzheimer’s disease(AD) rats were induced by aluminum chloride with dose 2 g/L for 21 days period and three groups (P1, P2 and P3) in 22th day administered parallellywith 100 mg/kg b.w/day; 200 mg/kg b.w/day; and 400 mg/kg b.w/day of S. betaceum respectively for14 days. The level of NMDAR and BDNF wasmeasured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay methods, whereas memory was measured by the Morris water maze test.Results: S. betaceum administration increased cognitive function significantly (p=0.037) of AD induced-rats by decreasing the time to reach the targetof Morris water maze and maintaining the low levels of NMDAR significantly (p=0.006), but the level of BDNF did not increase significantly (p=0.346).These results indicated that ethanol extracts of S. betaceum could decrease brain NMDAR and increase cognitive function by promote better memoryfunction but did not significant increased the level of BDNF in AD-induced rats.Conclusion: This study revealed that the treatment of AD-induced rats with S. betaceum extracts significantly improve memory function and decreasethe level of NMDAR